RA Challenge ♡ #30: RAplacement

The end of the RA Challenge ♡ is getting nearer. This is the penultimate post in the series, and I have almost anticipated today’s question in the last challenge post.

#30 – Will Anything Ever Replace RA In Your Admiration?

Who can really say what will happen in the future? I often feel as if the fangirling experience is a lot like falling in love. It’s hard to pin down why your heart is captured by a particular person. Sure, there are things that you tick off from the imaginary “list of prerequisites”. Must read, must be either a musician or a painter, must be intelligent, must be loyal, must have humour, must be interested in politics, must be a gentleman, must be blonde. But those characteristics apply to many men – not all of whom captured my heart. It goes without saying that the outward appearance has to appeal, too. And yet there is something else, something intangible that others, who share the same characteristics *and* have an attractive appearance, have not got. The thing that seals the deal and makes us *feel*, is irrational. It’s probably the exact combination of these traits in their different intensity that makes this particular person ‘the one and only’.

I find that there is something similar happening when we choose an object of our fangirling. He has to be a terrific actor, with a pleasant voice (preferably able to sing with), an attractive outward appearance, a humble demeanor, a spark of wit, and a natural presence. Those are the givens, at least for me. But there are plenty of other actors who would fit this description as well – 20 years younger, and maybe I would’ve fallen for Tom Hiddleston? Yet it is RA who has captured my attention. Maybe it is the roles he has played, and I have mixed up Thornton and Porter and Standring and Thorin and Lucas North and Harry Kennedy with the actor? Or maybe it is that X factor, the whole package of the real person with his skills and traits, that is unique in his exact composition.

So, no, I don’t see someone else replacing RA in my admiration. I admire the way he is able to use his talents and skills, I enjoy looking at him, I like how he comes across as a person, and I appreciate how he continues to push himself in the choice of his roles. And I totally love that he continues to surprise me, yesterday’s confirmation that he has voiced a role in Netflix’ new animated series a case in point.

So as long as the elusive surprise element is still there, as long as he sparks my interest, my creativity, I will admire him. And should that ever be gone, I’ll certainly always look back on my time as a RA fan with much fondness. It is/will have been time well-spent. Otherwise… 👇


31 thoughts on “RA Challenge ♡ #30: RAplacement

  1. Very plausible, Guylty! Thanks again!
    Funny that I’ve just had the following quote in mind:
    Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.
    (Simone Weil)
    I have come to the conclusion that some greater distance, a look on “others” is a very useful practise for me.
    But I agree with you in considering that the newly confirmed Castlevania voiceover is a very nice thing for a change! Though I have never been a fan of video games (don’t blame me… ) it’s great to see how he always adds new components to his cv! And I don’t feel neglected because it’s not ‘my kind of genre’. Maybe curiosity will make me watch – and listen to – it. It’s my choice and I’m glad for him he’s got such a variety of roles atm!
    So will there ever be others? 😉 Well, there are. But he has been the only one I have been ‘studying’ and drooling over so intensely and for such a long time. That will always make the difference I guess. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • What an interesting quote. Yes, I think ‘attachment’ creates illusions. As in: *because* I like RA, he (almost) has carte blanche…
      The broadening of my horizon due to the variety of projects RA chooses, is one of the best side-effects of fangirling imo. I am not really a gore and horror fan, but he’s stretched my boundaries with his involvement in Hannibal, for instance, and if it weren’t for his jobs as a narrator, I would never have tried audiobooks. (Still not a fan, but nonetheless I have enjoyed trying the medium.)
      The Castlevania thing seems to already be in doubt again, btw. I read on Twitter today that the voice-over isn’t his. Nonetheless – the discussions over his involvement have made me look into it, another instance of broadening my horizon, so to speak.
      Same here, btw – I have had other movie star crushes, but never one that was as enduring as this one. Which I totally ascribe to his ability to fascinate me…

      Liked by 1 person

      • The question re Castmevania had been if the last words of the trailer had been spoken by him. I thought so first but it doesn’t matter. Things will be revealed on 7th July. 😎
        And you are right: the fangirling broadens the horizon in many ways let alone the encounters we’d all have missed without him!


        • My initial feeling was that it wasn’t him. But then his tweet seemed to indicate otherwise. In the meantime, someone has unearthed evidence that the particular part that we thought was him, was actually spoken by someone else… IDK – I don’t really care, either. For me, nothing hinges on whether he is part of particular projects or not.

          Liked by 2 people

      • From listening to the trailer I think RA is going to be the main character, not the narrator. I am hoping so anyways. I love Samurai Jack and the trailer for Castlevania looks very interesting to me.


  2. There are two other actors I like very much, whose work I know well: Hugh Jackman and Rufus Sewell. However, Richard has a je ne sais quoi that tugs at my heart. It’s not that I’m in love him or have erotic dreams about him. I wouldn’t stalk him either, nor go to see one of his plays 17 times – no judgment, simply stating facts about myself.

    If I have to choose a main reason my affection for him has burrowed into my heart, I’d say his old interviews did the trick. I was already charmed by John Standring’s innate goodness and John Thornton’s swoony, romantic hero gorgeousness. However, it was Richard’s charm, shyness and humility in those videos that truly won me over.

    [I especially LOVE this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFeJ470dNKI%5D

    Like you said, there are many talented, handsome actors, so that can’t be the only criteria for any of us to grow fond of a particular man. To me, Richard always seemed genuine in his interviews and the more I watched, the more I was attracted. Of course, he is a deeply gifted actor who can truly transform himself for a role, but that’s not why I’ve remained in this fandom for so long. I miss *that* Richard, those moments we shared, being charmed by his demeanor, feeling like teenage girls again.

    It’s too bad his rise in fame and all that’s come with it has made him feel it was necessary to withdraw his usual interaction with the fans. I understand it and don’t blame him for it, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss the ‘old’ days many of us shared pre-Hobbit, when we were an online family. At least I can cherish those memories.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Funny that you should mention Hugh Jackman. I know that fans often remark that he and RA look similar – I never thought so, but something made me look up his interviews the other day, and I have to say I really liked what I saw. I think it is pretty remarkable that he is still happily married with his wife – he seems like a nice, normal bloke. (I’ve done the unthinkable and followed him on Twitter *lol*)
      RA’s early interviews and fan communications were definitely the thing that swayed me over when I first became interested in him. Mind you – they are now far in the past, and much has changed. So much so that I only consider them ‘historic evidence’ at this point. (I can’t say that I find his current approach to his fandom particularly praise-worthy – but I can imagine why he is doing what he is doing, so I won’t let that sway me against him.) I guess I have convinced myself that he is a nice, decent guy in his private life. I like that.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Yes, I agree on both counts. Hugh Jackman usually posts more on his Facebook account, so follow him there; his wife Deborrah has one too. I have tremendous respect for the depths of his love for his family, including his parents, etc. By all accounts, he is what they call here a “stand-up guy”. I’ve never heard or read anything bad about him. I respect a man who loves his wife and children. The fact that he’s very handsome is a bonus.

        As for Richard, if I didn’t think he has a good heart, if I thought he’s an asshat who only cares about himself, I could not in good conscience be in his fandom.


        • Had a look at Jackman’s FB – but looks identical to his Twitter posts. (He probably uses a 3rd-party-client for cross-posting.) I’m not much on FB anymore (and if truth be told, I usually get frustrated with all the lengthy yet redundant replies to people’s posts – I think I’ll stick to Twitter).
          You are right – that was a bit of a truism. If we didn’t like the person behind the role, we wouldn’t waste so much time on focussing on RA…

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for linking that old interview, what a pleasure to watch, I almost felt guilty for not being part of the fandom back there. I was attracted by his interviews too and, for a while, I used to do small edits with his quotes.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I needed to read this today (and the one from yesterday as well). as someone whose heart has recently been captured by another, I needed the reassurance that it’s not unimaginable! I liked your use of ‘combinations’: why him when there are so many others who fit the bill, why someone else now when he fit the bill before? it’s been an interesting issue for me to delve into, introspectively. in the end, as long as Richard continues to intrigue and excite me, he will have a place with me. whether he’s in the top spot or a notch below is immaterial; he’s there, and that’s enough 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • There’s no doubt in my mind that all this fangirling is filling a void in our lives. Different voids for different people. An escape, a dreamboat, a distraction. For some, this void never changes; others find that their needs change over time – and are either fulfilled by another with another combination or need no fulfilling anymore. Considering that RA has filled my void for quite a while at this stage, I think he has become a permanent ‘presence’. He’ll always be there in some shape or form – even if it is only a memory.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Ein actor kann alle Anforderungen die Du oben aufzählst erfüllen, es muss klick machen, im Herz im Kopf, wo auch immer,sonst funktioniert das fangirlen nicht, dieser special moment in einer besonderen Rolle, der einen plötzlich umhaut, kann es nicht wirklich erklären, der muss einfach da sein…. ❤
    RA ist immer wieder für eine Überraschung gut. Anime schaue ich ganz gerne, habe viele mit den Kindern gesehen, sieht so aus als muss ich jetzt doch Netflix abbonieren….. seine Stimme ist einfach umwerfend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, irgendetwas muss einen richtig berühren. Da reicht nicht nur das gute Aussehen und die romantische Rolle; da muss noch mehr sein. Und irgendwie ist das nicht immer erklärbar.
      Bin gespannt, ob das mit dem Anime-Film nun was wird oder nicht. Gottseidank habe ich Netflix sowieso schon abonniert…


    • Das soll er angeblich gewesen sein. Und dann doch wieder nicht. Zunächst klang die Stimme schon nach ihm – aber das Wort “dragon” wiederum fand ich dann wieder nicht überzeugend. Ich dachte ja eher, dass das wie Lee Pace klingt. Große Verwirrung – ich glaube, da ist bisher noch kein echter Konsens von den Fachleuten gefunden worden…

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  5. I’m really thrilled by Castlevania, especially that it has something to do with my land. I’m not fond of the Dracula story, but it’s a good publicity for my country. I even dream that he might be attracted to visit the Dracula castle, the region is beautiful. Answering the question: there will be no replacement, I’m sure of it.
    I always had crushes but it was only about characters, I knew almost nothing about the people behind. Sean Bean was the only exception, I loved his Boromir so much! I’ve read some interviews and followed his work for a while, but never been an active part of his fandom, never felt the need to do it. I like Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Daniel Day Lewis, Sean Connery, I would go to a movie only because of them, but this is all. And no Tom Hiddlestone or Benedict Cumberbatch for me, while they have some merits, I wouldn’t even go to a movie only because of them. So RA is “the one and only” and he will always be. I might stop being part of his fandom but he will keep his special place in my heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I can’t really see another actor ever taking up the same space that RA has assumed in my life. Plus, I don’t think it will ever be as fun to get into it, as it was the first time round.


  6. I can’t imagine that another would ever take RA’s place. That “Oof” moment has never hit me before or since. And if it did, I don’t think I would join a fandom to enjoy sharing my lust/admiration. Because I don’t think I could duplicate the wonderful friends I have made here, in Armitage world. I suppose lightening could strike twice, but odds are against it.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Women would be genetically made to love funny men
    According to an American study, the brain of women is more reactive to humor than that of men.
    “Woman laughing, half in your bed” And if it was proved? An American study published in Social Neuroscience has just confirmed this famous saying. According to researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine, women would be genetically predisposed to prefer funny partners because their brain would be much more sensitive to humor.
    To reach these conclusions, researchers compared the brain activity of 22 children, aged 6 to 13 years. Girls and boys watched more or less comical videos: some judged “amusing”, such as falls, others judged “positive”, like dancers, and finally “neutral” videos, like animal documentaries. Results: Female brains showed intense brain activity when it came to comic videos. The boys were more stimulated by the so-called positive videos. “Our data, for the first time, reveal that sexual differences in the appreciation of humor already exist in young children,” the authors explain.
    If they are genetically receptive to humor, women would preferably choose a partner that makes them laugh! 31 July 2013
    So do you find Richard Armitage a funny man?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Very interesting. I did not know that there was a difference in reception of humour between men and women. However, I would’ve agreed that I find humour sexy in a man.
      Do I find Armitage funny? Sometimes. Not always. I don’t think that his sense of humour is his predominant characteristic. But when given the chance, he does seem to be a man of “good humour”.


  8. Oh dear, I’ve had so much going on I forgot about this. But I think I answered this before. I’ve had romantic crushes on many other actors but they only lasted for months. The Armitage has lasted for years and has me doing things I’ve never done before. And so, unless he does something really disappointing and especially considering my age, I can’t see there ever being another man in my life. But I do need to get a dog or two to cuddle with.


    • Armitage definitely has more staying power. I find it, too, after having passed through other crushes before him. And tbh, one of his appeals is that he is actually not as big a star as my other two crushes. I like that he isn’t everywhere.


  9. And there’s me later than all reading back 🙂 well, i never quite feel rushed anymore but always like to know and read. If only we knew what the secret was of love, even fandom love! But actually no, i’d rather not know, it’s nice to think that sometimes things just click 🙂

    I find i can’t really become a fan or really be into something/someone long terms without a face to face or if you will face to stage experience. I could never become a fan of an actor based just on watching a film. I’d be interested (see TH) but not really a fan. And it certainly is the glimpse of the person behind or inhabiting the actor which plays a part. Seeing them speak, getting a tiny insight into their personality, their views on things. And then there is the certain something, that for me can only really click in face to face. I enjoy watching quite a few actors but am not really interested beyond that.
    3 years down the line and given that aside from 1 i’ve never really been a fan of anyone i assume it will be a long terms fixture 🙂 As long as his work continues that is, which i certainly hope for.
    I also like the fact that he is a bit of an ‘insider tip’ still 🙂 But not too much that it hurts his work.
    Yeah i’d watch almost anything he is in.. mind still not made up about Castelvania, a lot about it irritates the hell out of me and i am reluctant to pay more subscriptions but we’ll see. I am grateful for his many interests and many lines of work as it keeps stuff coming our way every now and then.

    So yeah i think this is now a long term relationship 🙂 and no, i don’t think interest is replaced really. I feel we only add interests if anything.


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