OOOMPH. First Glimpse of Berlin Station S3

The ooomph of my title refers to this:

That hits right where it is supposed to hit. Great choice, Epix – you are making good use of your greatest asset.

Otherwise I found the trailer rather *yaaaawn*. We’ve had the whole “light/shadow” scenario on the various characters in a trailer before, so repeating that is boring. I am a bit surprised really – because the trailers were actually something the show used to do very well. This one doesn’t really give any hints at what the new season has in store for us, apart from showing a few new faces. Not sure whether the various black backgrounds with some streaks of light would entice me to watch this show if I was not yet familiar with it… But well, the intense look of Danny Boy in the last frame is definitely the highlight of the clip.

But hey, maybe that is *exactly* the strategy? Keep it mysterious, create some suspense, make the viewers ask for more. Or ask questions such as – with Daniel Miller being the last character to be shown, does that mean he is the last man standing/the key to everything/in the season from beginning to end? Let the speculation begin.

102 thoughts on “OOOMPH. First Glimpse of Berlin Station S3

  1. First thought? The pain in his eyes brings Porter and Lucas North to mind and not in a good way. 😥 Or am I seeing something that’s not there? I desperately want Daniel to survive. I hope he has an interesting story arc emotionally in this series, it’s what Richard excels at.


          • Oooooooh I thought the way it was done was clever and sexier bec nothing is really seen but his bum and didn’t he say it was like a choreographed dance between him and Mina? S2 Ep2 was the buddy episode for Hector and Daniel while S2 E6 was the buddy episode for Steve and Robert which I enjoyed too bec Norway is gorgeous


            • Michele – *eeeeek* – you liked episode 6????? That buddy road movie with two grey-suited grandpas??? I’m trying to remember what I thought about the episode, but the fact that it is just greyed out in my memory already says it all.
              As for the nail action between DM and EK – IDK, maybe I am a prude. While I overall eventually came to appreciate the whole DM-EK love scenario, I just think that those kind of sensationalised, overly-enthusiastic sex scenes are really gratuitous. Less is more. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy a look at Richard’s peaches. But the depiction of one-second-they-were-talking-the-next-they-are-shagging sex always annoys me. That sort of stuff is nothing but bait, doesn’t drive the story, and is unrealistic to boot. Sexy, yeah, ok. But kind of made me feel bad.


              • Hahaha thank you thank you for giving me something to smile about this morning. Ok I liked the comic relief episode of the 2 grey suited grandpas-first these two were bumbling idiots in Norway-they didn’t plot out the geography of the area before they left? They acted like they had never been in the field before with combined 50 years of experience in The Agency? I think the two actors get on so well together (look at Leland’s IG pic from a few weeks ago) that it shows on screen and it was nice to see picturesque Norway too. The nail action between Daniel and Esther- hell I think that is the best part of the show to be honest I like the love connection and they had been sexually chatting in the car taking Paul Michael Chan to the airport so I think there was a build-up to the nailing on the wall. I think in Season 2 where she clearly has control over his emotions is where the meat of the relationship begins to occur. I like that she bosses him and yet he can be so vulnerable around her and she is maternal and loving when he comes to her after cutting his hand at Otto’s bar. You are not a prude-I read your ficlet stories yesterday.. I saw myself in some of them wishing I were a photographer.
                And I like a build up of a love story also but this is cable tv and viewers I’m afraid want to see him getting it on. I’m surprised they waited until Ep 5 before the two were banging each other. And S2 it is much more coitaling and eye sex than wall sex.


                • You know, that sexy talk between DM and EK was so much more interesting than seeing them go at each other against the wall. That’s what I mean by less is more. The implication was so much sexier. The dynamic between the two in the first season was really interesting. I didn’t like so much that EK mellowed towards the end of season 2 – didn’t quite match the character for me and seemed stereotypical. But then again, DM seemed to mellow, too, so maybe that was part of the deal.
                  You are right when it comes to sex scenes as audience requirement. After all this is a cable show and not family TV.
                  “Coitaling” LOL

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                  • Yes I agree with you and I think “mellowing” out is kind of you-more like wimped out. He went from a strong mindfucking character in S1 to a blubbering boob in S2. I think he fell for Esther and I think she was fighting falling for him and that is why I liked those two characters bec they were so similar but went about it differently. Once the two had the wall sex a lot of the expectation was gone which we talked about a while back that maybe the writers should have eeked out the wall banging more until S2 but the average viewer wants SEX and has the attention span of a pea. Gosh I’m beginning to sound cynical now oh no!! I want to keep a good impression here…


                    • That’s it – DM was rather stony in S1, only to completely crumble to pieces over the death of a nasty right-wing extremist. How did that happen? Hidden Nazi sympathies in DM? It totally didn’t figure.
                      I think you are hitting the nail on the head with the role of sex in a TV show – the promise of it creates suspense and expectation. The longer it is drawn out (over a reasonable period of time), the more gratifying the eventual climax, if you pardon the pun. In that sense, it had to happen at some stage in the show. And I also get that there was a different quality to the sex in S1 (more like a play of mental domination and posturing) and in S2 (more developed in terms of romance and emotion).
                      Don’t worry about your impression, Michele. As we say in German “Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt’s sich völlig ungeniert” (Once you have ruined your reputation, you can do as you please). We’ve all long crossed that particular threshold 😁


                    • Well I’m like him I want people to like me maybe for a different reason than him and in Hollywood land ones reputation is the crux for any future work so umm that’s an interesting last sentence you put in., I’m gonna chew on that for awhile..,

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              • Peaches?! RA’s peaches?! Um…er…I had been saving BS for the upcoming set of knee surgeries (the third in as many years) but…maaayyyybeeee I need to start watching NOW!

                (But per your recent tweet, Guylty, how organic you tink dem peaches be? Hehehe.)


                • Those peaches feature massively in that particular shag scene. Despite my misgivings about the scene in total, I have to concede that the peach action certainly has enough flesh to be enjoyed more than once. So go ahead and do it now. (Ok, and I’ll retire the fruit puns now.)

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                  • I just watched what his hands were doing. I liked how subtle but seductive the scene was and I may have to rewatch I thought not all of his bum was revealed at the end. No boobies are shown and he undresses her right at the start of the scene with his eyes and then his hands. See I like the foreplay in the car when he gives her the nuts or munchies and that sort of starts the slow drag into the wall scene. I will concede that the plowing into her up against the wall backwards(Ep 8) which I do not like at all was smutty and distasteful and then Esther commenting “I already came once today” was bad bad dialogue.


                    • Subtle???? o_O Ok, in terms of female nudity yes, but otherwise? I call that the subtlety of a sledgehammer… And well, I don’t really find the wall nailing smutty or distasteful, no matter whether backwards, forwards, sideways or upside down – it’s just that I found the scene unnecessary and clichéd the way it was constructed. I don’t mind the dirty talk, either – and the wordplay in the car was actually quite funny. IDK, maybe I am just jealous of Esther after all 😉


                    • Omg I’m totally jealous of Esther. I would trade places w her in a heartbeat even if I had to wear those 5 inch stilettos she wore in the club scene in BS1 😆😛


                    • Subtle I meant the way he used his hands and his eyes over her. Those hands are a sex tool I mean I wouldn’t need a vibrator there I could just imagine those fingers going down there yeah know? 💗💗💗😍😍😛🤣


  2. I really hope that Daniel is the main focus in S3 but is Richard filming there? How can he be the main story arc if he only filmed a couple of episodes? Is he kidnapped for most of it then suffers Porters fate? Have there been any sightings of him since early August? I think they are back in Budapest at least from Leland’s IG. The Q and A is supposed to be soon like on Friday I think so will Richard be there for that? He’s still got the beard from the trailer which I think looks sexy😍😍. So many questions so little answers.

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    • It’s all a big mystery, I agree. From the look of things he only seemed to be filming there for a short time while Leland Orser has been in Europe for months and months. And I seem to remember that there were hints that DM would only feature in few episodes. But that then clashes with Brad Winters saying that DM’s background was going to be the focus of the show. Is it possible that they filmed the storylines of their main character all in one go (possibly to facilitate RA’s schedule), and then did all other stuff that doesn’t include him?
      That Q&A – I had the impression that is just LO on his own?
      Ugh, that beard… But well, my resistance has been eroded. I am not mad about the beard, but I have accepted that it is there…

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      • Yeah I have a bad feeling that Daniel is gonna suffer something ominous otherwise why wouldn’t there be sightings in Berlin and then in Croatia where Mina and MF were. The Q and A I thought was a sit around and the cast would answer questions from video and Twitter submitted ones but no? I think if Richard is killed off the show will die no one will watch it. I think he’s the driving force behind it and no matter how much the plot is loopy it revolved around him. Take him out of the equation and these other characters are minuscule.


      • Yeah see Leland has been all over IG documenting the journey as best he can although he’s like a kid in a candy store and wants to tell everything. I went back and looked at Richard’s IG pics from last year around this time and he seems so.. so much more actively engage and involved. This year there’s just landscape pics of Budapest and his eerie selfie but that’s it. I think with his 224,000 followers that if he were in Croatia or Budapest or Berlin now when filming is over half way finished (according to Leland’s post) where the hell is he? Plus MF has no filter and if he were her videographer in Croatia she would credit him or give some inkling that he was with her there. Also didn’t he say in January he didn’t know if he would be in Season 3 maybe he really didn’t know.. I just cannot think that Olen Steinhauer would take back the reins and then leave Richard out when the show supposed revolves around this pivotal character.

        You made my day with the beard comment-after watching The Crucible last week he just looks soooo sexy and magnificent with that beard-hunky chunky!!!


        • LOL, sometimes I think that we are the same fangirl, Michele! I’m definitely the hunky chunky with the beard type, too. How did you get to watch The Crucible though?! Is it out on DVD or available online somehow? AUGH!

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          • LL you are so sweet! I watched it on Digital Theatre it was 7.99 pounds
            I had read the buzz on the four year anniversary of it and thought ok I’m mentally ready to view it (not so yet w Pilmgrimage but getting there) and just sat by my computer and stared in awe at him, the stage the cast the audience
            It felt like I was a viewing member which is great theatre to me!! I will probably rebuy the download again at Thanksgiving when I am at my parents house bec no tv in the guest bedroom and I don’t know that my dad would like this type of play.


            • PS I love the beard now it has grown on me and I think he just radiates manliness and hunkiness and maturity. His eyes just pop with that beard 😍😍😍👍👏😛


        • Well, Richard is flaky when it comes to his Social Media activity. There are times when he seems to be big into it, and then there are droughts. Not sure how much that really reflects his commitment to the show. He’s simply fickle (as he has acknowledged and admitted himself.)
          Hehe, no reason to rejoice yet re. my beard comment. I’ll definitely still take the stubble over the ‘face mask’. I mean, honestly, why would he want to obscure the architecture of his face? I just don’t get it. Besides, beards are definitely so last season.

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          • Hahha “face mask” maybe the beard is his security blanket of sorts. Maybe he is insecure about his lips or mouth or chin and likes the way the beard hides flaws. Why does he filter his beautiful lines around his face on those stupid selfies? I mean I don’t fault him for being vane-he’s in a profession that is all about vanity and good looks. This is what I mean when I say he lives in a bubble-his version of reality is far different from mine. I find it ironic that he seems to be ok with the grey wisps in the beard and hair which to me are definitive signs of aging…


          • Two quips that just now sunk in- “flaky” and “so last season” too funny. The Tweet this morning/afternoon for you and probably for him wherever he is about the land where his beloved Richard III was dug up-what are they planning? A racetrack or a highway/causeway? I didn’t get the reason given just why the petition was initiated?


            • His tweet this morning was long over-due. The plans are for a car-testing track on Bosworth Field – it really makes you wonder what the council is thinking, agreeing to such plans. Surely there must be other suitable fields in the area rather than a spot that hasn’t been fully explored archeologically and that is of cultural significance. I was surprised that he hadn’t tweeted about this sooner – the news have been out for a couple of weeks.

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  3. The trailer is certainly mysterious/frustratingly non informative. It could be promoting just about any type of dark drama, from crime to vampires. It is nice to see Daniel again, looking good. I hope he survives, but I am conditioned to expect a sad demise. Hope I am wrong and he lives to cause fans’ heavy breathing while nailing some lucky lady against a wall.

    Liked by 2 people

    • LOL your last sentence. Yeah, some heavy breathing would fan the dying flame with a little bit of oxygen…
      You are so right re. the lack of information in the trailer making the clip look generic. I can’t believe that that is good practice for a show trailer…


  4. I’m not looking forward so much to the show, as much as I’m looking forward to seeing Richard on the screen. It seems to me his time as Trevor Price has physically marked him, if that makes sense. Or course, I hope he survives the season, but I recall a while back he said 3 years was his limit on a television series, sooooo….


    • That’s it Zee – I don’t really care about the show, I care about seeing Richard on TV, though.
      Did he make that comment in relation to his usual MO when it comes to choosing roles, or was a comment in relation to the fact that his characters always seem to die three seasons in the latest?

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      • I thought w Lucas North/Bateman idiot that he really didn’t know what his fate was-live or die until the last episode was shot. Didn’t he say that in an interview while he was still filming Season 9 of Spooks. Porter died bec of The Hobbit. If the Hobbit didn’t come along I think he would have done Porter for a bit longer although I’m in the minority on Porter-too much action not enough romance.


          • OOH wow, but that’s an awfully big risk, didn’t he audition for Hobbit while still on Spooks? I thought he was drugged up from back pain when he went into the audition but that was from Spooks injury? I know this is blasphemous but Strike Back is to me a bit one dimensional I mean hero gets caught in a bad place, hero extracts person of the week then hero ends up alone. It would have been nice to delve into his family history more or create that sexual tug and pull with Layla. Collinson wasn’t really developed much either. Andrew Lincoln left Strike Back for that Zombie show Walking Dead people or something like that?

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            • Yeah – I’ve only watched the first episode of Strike Back. I’ve only watched the first episode of Season 7 of Spooks as well. I know. Bad fan. LOL! I can’t remember the exact dates of his Hobbit Audition, but he was on pain killers from a back injury and yeah, it’s kinda… risky to drop one job for a maybe another job. I’m not sure how Strike back dealt after they killed Porter. Again, I’ve only watched the first episode. The genre are NOT what I normally watch. It seems to be what he gets cast to do tho.

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              • Yeah see I watched the Strike Back episode where he gets killed not having seen the actual first series but my dad told me (he’s a Strike Back aficionado) no Richard’s Porter is in the First Season from Sky TV (right?) and then Cinemax bought Season 2 but it was Season 1 in the States. So then I went on to Amazon and watched the actual first season but yeah I just think Porter was um… er.. GI Joe but skinnier and better looking (ahhh sorry!!) You need to see Spooks Season 7 all the way thru. His Lucas has some Guy mannerisms the snarkiness is a bit apparent and the rolling of the eyes but Lucas is more subtle and mysterious. It would have been kinda nice to have a Ros/Lucas hook-up but then she would have been shagging another comrade!

                I think Guy is by far my fav character: just the whole package in looks and package and stubble and all!! I think the spy genre is a great fit for Richard more than the hero rescuer although again I am in the minority on that. But I love his John Standring too just a sweetie pie…

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              • I’m really surprised that you still haven’t watched SB, Zee. I understand that the genre may not be to your liking, but I suspect that you might like Porter. In many respects he reminds me of the Lexi Blake heroes whom we both enjoy so much… just sayin’ 😉

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                    • The first five books in the series were in a bundle for $10 and are now snuggled away in my online library, happily waiting for me to finish “Hollywood Dead” by Richard Kadrey. You ladies are a constant source of enlightenment!

                      Liked by 2 people

                    • I’m a huge Richard Kadrey fan. I’ve read the entire Sandman Slim series and several of his other books. I love that kind of urban fantasy. I’d highly recommend his work. He’s also a hoot on Twitter and has been wonderful to interact with. When I was on jury duty last month, I asked him what Sandman Slim would do if he had jury duty and he wrote a really funny response. It was like he wrote a tiny short story just for me! I’ve had really good luck with writers on Twitter, I have to admit, including David Hewson, who is a witty gem.

                      I’d really recommend Patricia Briggs as well, esp her Alpha and Omega series, which is quite romantic considering the main characters are werewolves, lol. The series starts with a novella called “Alpha and Omega.” Her Mercy Thompson series is terrific as well. It’s in the same world but with slightly different characters and is a bit edgier than the Alpha and Omega books. I bet you’d like Briggs a lot if you like those sorts of books. Definitely not twinkly teenage vampires but determined, gritty women.

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                    • LL, I’m so happy for you that Kadry wrote you back on Twitter and a short story to boot is uber cool! Good for you! I would have been on cloud nine!! I was never into the tween/teen Twilighty books although my sister was but Kadry’s series sound intriguing and I definitely love gritty determined women-I’m somewhat determined but definitely not gritty. Thank you for the background info. I will check out his series!!


                    • That’s a new term for me “formula writer”. Absolutely true – the books always follow a particular pattern. But then again, they also fulfil a particular purpose, and as you said, LB writes really well. You’ve definitely turned me onto her writing, too.

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                    • Grisham is a formula writer as is Danielle Steele(sp?) who I bashfully admit was my go to writer in my 20s. Not that I’ve read any of her books but wouldn’t Lauren Blake qualify as formulaic?


                    • Ahhh I’m learning finally!!! I’m salivating over Zee’s GUY Friday pics check out #14 OMG!!!!!!!!! (Changing the topic slightly although Richard did smutty talk as Griffin right? I did not listen to Wanderlust nyet..).


                    • I think I really *am* a prude. After the conversation we had about the wall nailing, I now feel like telling you that the smutty talk in Wanderlust is a real turn-off. Well, you better hear for yourself. I really did not like the audiobook. Poorly written, silly heroine and clichéd story. Good male reader, though.

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                    • Guylty,
                      1. YOU ARE NOT A PRUDE REPEAT AFTER ME!
                      2. I am in a long drought (hmm if you catch my drift) and so any type of wall banging, coitaling, eye sex, hand sex is exciting for me. P.S. I did not like the backward banging which I am not a fan of in Real Life unless a certain someone was performing it on me..
                      3. I think if I listened to Richard heavy breathing and smut talk his way through that dare I say it trashy novel (I’m happy for her if she is selling well, more power to her) I would get multiple O’s and perhaps even a heart attack from His Voice alone.
                      4. It’s fun to chat and dissect these books and love scenes. I learn new things and um ways if I ever engage in er that act again.
                      5. I’m way more naïve and ignorant than you will ever be a prude.. The pics today just stirred up a lot of umm emotions shall we say in areas south of the border… Gotta love The Guy right?


                    • I love that there is PLOT with the sex and the plot is just as important as the sex. The relationship building process is wonderful! She has a way of getting the reader to invest in her characters.

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                    • Cool! I’ m looking forward to reading her. That is the mark of a good writer in my opinion-invest in the character(s) and the mark of a good tv series (hmmmm??)

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                    • When I say ‘formula writer’ to me that’s a writer who has a set ‘formula’ and then writes to it. Yes, with Lexi, there is variety, but I always know the blow ’em up action is in the last 1/3rd of the book and the heroine will be saved by our faithful Dom in the next to last chapter. Always,


        • Not sure whether you are really the minority when it comes to Porter. That show was certainly viewed very critically by fans when it first aired, and many fans were not too enamoured with the genre. In my case, I actually really like the action genre, and although RA played a soldier in Strike Back, I felt immediate sympathy for the wronged hero. I am glad that the whole Hobbit gig worked out for him…

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          • Oh for sure the Hobbit came along at the right time for him. I just thought the character was all action and no real um passion I mean not passionate like Guy or like John Thornton or Standring but maybe Porter will grow on me..


            • Ah, I see what you mean. Well, I think there is a lot of passion for his cause. But the series never really delved much into more romantically inclined passions (although there was a tiny bit of that in eps 3/4). I can only recommend reading some fan fiction to fill that particular gap in the story *grins*. “Recovery” by Obscura is the top recommendation!


          • Army , soldiers, gun battles, those elements in Strike Back were really not my bag but Richard was stunningly beautiful and so hot as Porter. Perhaps it was the South African light that brought out another quality in his eyes and I realised from an emotional scene what a really great actor he is .

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            • That’s so sweet. I’m a diehard romantic so I just would have liked more Porter romantic hero thrown in there. He just wasn’t the end all for me that say Guy or Thornton or Standring or Harry were.

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  5. Der Trailer haut mich nicht vom Hocker, dieser Blick von Richard aber wohl…
    Allerdings geht der Blick in den schnellen Schnitten weitgehend unter. Diese Serie packt mich nicht und nach allem, was ich von euch höre, habe ich nicht viel verpasst.

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    • Sehe ich genauso wie du – der Trailer ist lahm und unoriginell. Richard’s Blick dagegen geht mal wieder voll ins Eingemachte. Einerseits gut, dass sie das Beste bis zuletzt aufgehoben haben. Andererseits macht man sich Sorgen, ob DM nur noch als Abgesang vorkommen wird.
      Und ja, bedauerlicherweise ist BS nicht wirklich ein Must-see. Ich glaube, die Macher sind einfach zu ambitiös, was die Serie irgendwie überfrachtet hat, während sie ihren Hauptdarsteller sträflichst vernachlässigt…

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  6. He said he had to ‘ wriggle ‘ out of his contract with Sky, one reason I think he has never done anything since. The head of Sky drama Elaine Pyke ? really loved him (I was at the Q&A) such a shame he couldn’t do both.


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