2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #31

Another weekly round-up, published in its regular Saturday 8am morning slot. What is happening???? Well, in this case it is a Friday evening spent baby-sitting my two young nephews. While the kids are playing Fifa on the PlayStation, I am ignoring supervising them from behind my MacBook. Time well spent 😁.

The week in review, though… well, we really had some stuff to discuss this week, didn’t we? I won’t get into it here because I have already expressed my opinion on me+richard and on the M Files but suffice to say that it always rattles me when the OOA (object of affection) does something that I strongly disagree with. And especially so when it happens in a phase when my inner fangirl had been invigorated *despite* the lack of projects… But here, I’ll say this: It never gets boring in this fandom 😂. And that also includes the speculation about Daniel Miller’s fate in season 3 of BS trailer in the wake of the latest. Two weeks to go ’til Daniel-Day! Also really interesting – Herba’s post on her current state of fangirling and various reactions to that in comments and on blogs. Really demands a proper exploration in a dedicated post, but I am too busy with the latest community project, Flat Richie.

So yeah, lots of stuff – and a good bit of new stuff on tumblr, too. Here we go, including a new header, too!

  1. I have kind of lost track of the massive fan fic action that is taking place on tumblr these days. But this one by thorins-magnificent-ass was just so funny – and somewhat surprising, so I had to include it
  2. Guy. Threatening. And drenched. Must include. Thanks to riepu10
  3. Thanks to deepestfirefun we get Daniel’s ID photo in large format. *This* is *exactly* why I am still watching BS
  4. I think dangerousyako definitely has a point there. That kind of voice work must be *great* fun for a rather serious actor…
  5. SPOILER WARNING!!! Deepestfirefun has an interesting screen cap from BS here. I fear the worst
  6. Illustrated with that gif, I think fuzzycharlie has a point
  7. drldeboer has a set of screen caps from the latest BS trailer
  8. This, on continuous loop, would keep me drooling interested for hours. Thanks to mezzmerizedbyrichard
  9. Never too much of a good thing. Deepestfirefun’s set of Daniel in the BS trailer
  10. (Sorry, deepestfirefun is dominating the round-up today, but she has great posts…) Here’s a nice Armitage quote…
  11. The challenge has been thrown out there… any takers of gatissed’s suggestion?
  12. TBT baby!Richard with first airing of the devastating smoulder… posted by psicopathya
  13. Those eyes are mesmerising! Posted by armitageadoration
  14. Those were some really nice pictures from the Wolverine recording recently. Deepestfirefun has cropped them to show RA only. Niceeee
  15. A little comparison of leading man Richard as Daniel Miller in the BS promo posters, put together by mzperx0506universe. Which look do you like best?
  16. Fab Lucas North poster by redsirionsoldrastuff

There, hope you’ve enjoyed that!

Happy weekend,

Guylty ❤️

81 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #31

  1. No. 6 is my reaction to the question “Would you like to meet RA?“ Eager anticipation combined with no small amount of utter terror at the thought.
    I have to say, S1 Daniel is my favorite Daniel, even if I am not beard averse.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. the smiling Wolverine picture-i had it on my phone but then had to take it off because my poor heart couldn’t cope with seeing it that often! the smile gets to me much more than any smoulder 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. First thank you Guylty for the shout out! Second it seems to be a consensus out there the writing is on the wall re Daniels fate. I’ve stopped watching the BS3 trailers. I find some of what I see in them too graphic and disturbing to view. Third, #1 is very cute and sweet
    Fourth, the Wolverine compilation he does look more relaxed and fifth yeah #bearditage or #teamshrubbery (for you Kate) 👍😘


    • You’re welcome.
      I have to admit I am now really curious to find out what happens to DM. While I dislike the idea of yet another screen death, I will be pleased enough that that ends RA’s tenure on the show. So, as usual, I’ll find a positive way of looking at it #EverTheOptimist 😂.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Yeah just some of the images in the trailers look very disturbing to me (ie lighting a match like one is going to burn another person lying on the ground) I will see the whole 10 episodes thru but just from the tone of lurking #richardsrmitage Twitter feeds I think most have realized it doesn’t end well for Daniel 😱😩👎


          • Well I thought I was having a delusion or something but judging from the on line uproar and his lack of film time I think Horwitch is going for shock value which is never a good sign for a series in my opinion. Orser filmed the entire time so it has to be either Daniel or Hectors name on the CIA wall


    • No concensus here! I’m going to hang on to my optimism – I can’t stomach another RA character screen death. I’m going to go with a theory that it’s Daniels father who is added to the CIA wall after Daniel’s mission (which is going to reveal more of this father/mother backstory). I’m actually looking forward to Season 3 to see what ultimately happens to Daniel but not looking forward to him probably not getting much screen time. Hope reigns eternal.


      • I hope you are right but with barely any screen time I’m not invested in any other character. I like Orser as an dude and am happy for him to get a juicier role but Hector is MIA and Keke Palmers character isn’t all that developed as far as a back story but I love you optimism!👏👍😘


        • Yes, I really can’t say any of the BS characters interest me. Leland and Hector can be entertaining to watch but I don’t really ‘care’ about them. I want to care about Valerie, but she doesn’t have much to work with there. The show just misses the mark on so many levels. Expectations were high on my part since RA was…is? …. in it so, although its probably an ok show, disappointment unfortunately is felt. My hope he is still alive at end of S3 is entirely selfish on my part because other than audio work, there’s not much so far to look forward to other than BS. I want to SEE RA act, not just HEAR him.


      • I like that idea, spark. It’s no secret that I’m not super invested in BS, but I also don’t want him to die yet again. Maybe that’s subconscious optimism, but taken all together some of these spoilers must be a red herrings. Why would you give the whole season away before even *one* episode has aired?

        Liked by 2 people

  4. I honestly think the difference between the photos of Berlin Station number 15 are enormous it’s as though ‘age’ has finally caught up with him , perhaps the ‘portrait in the attic’ has been destroyed lol.


  5. Thank you for the links and another stellar roundup! The fan fic about putting glitter in Thorin’s hair delighted me no end. Absolutely adorable. And oh, wet Guy! And any Daniel is fine by me because he’s, well, fine. No matter how many photos I see of our beautiful man, it never ceases to amaze me how one human being can be so staggeringly gorgeous. I read somewhere (here? Twitter? Another blog?) about how one of RA’s charms is that he is so masculine but can easily be described as beautiful or even pretty depending on the circumstances, and how even on his scruffiest days, he is delectable. So true, so true.


  6. LoLoLand Productions Presents: “RL with RA”
    Today’s episode: “A Selfie By Any Other Name”

    R: *sighing and tossing aside his book.” I’m bored.
    LL: *not looking up from her laptop* That’s nice, dear.
    R: Bored, bored, bored.
    LL: Well, you’re never boring, so you’ve got that going for you.
    R: Let’s go for a walk. It’s lovely outside today.
    LL: *finally looking up* You do realize that I’m working on YOUR television show, yes? Gatiss and Moffat want a few changes before I submit the final draft of episode six.
    R: *grinning* We don’t have to leave the house for me to be entertained, if you can’t bear to be away from your laptop for long.
    LL: *trying not to give in* No means no, Armitage. You’re old enough to…uh…entertain yourself. Or if you don’t want to do that, go for your walk and take some selfies to post.
    R: Boring, boring, boring.
    LL: Yeah, your selfies can be a tad dull.
    R: *laughs* That’s not what I meant, you mean little creature!
    LL: *pats his [delectable] hand* Your selfies are lovely, mon amour. Just lay off the stupid filters, okay.
    R: *innocently* Filters? Whatever do you mean?
    LL: *snorts quite inelegantly* Ha, ha. Those silly wrinkle removers or smoothers or whatever the hell they are. We all love you just the way you are and much prefer to see you au naturel.
    R: *grins* Au naturel?
    LL: Oh, bollocks! You know what I meant.
    R: Bollocks au naturel?
    LL: *throws his book at him* Let me get back to work, Thorin Oakenstuff! Go outside and take your filtered bollocks with you!

    [For Michele]

    Liked by 2 people

        • Well to come up with that clever and sweet exchange which I could visually see while I was reading it and how he looked and reacted is brilliant and I would love another one on the hair without wearing out my welcome! 👍👏😘


          • Aw, thank you. I will confess, I cracked myself up while writing it. I’m an easy target though! I don’t want to wear out my own welcome on poor Guylty’s blog, but I’ll mull over something on the hair. Nape curls!! It may be a bit before I can get to it though. Another all-nighter at the office is about to be followed by a lengthy nap with the old lady cats, who I recently found out are 80 in human years! 🙀🙀 Speaking of which, I do have another episode sketched out about the husband complaining about being second in the grumpy American’s affections, after her furry daughters.


            • I just think you capture his real life so eloquently and sweetly and funny it makes me and I’m sure everyone else here smile and laugh right along ! He’s given you quite a bit to squabble over lately as hubby and wife incl he’s a doggie guy (yeah for me on that I have 3 pups) maybe over a kitty guy ?!


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