Flat Richie Sneak Peek

In case you have been wondering why I have been absent/quiet the last few days: After putting myself under pressure, I had to stay offline and get the Flat Richie parcel packed and ready. And oh, um, my ETD (estimated time of despatch) wasn’t quite met. I wanted to send the parcel off this afternoon. However, inspiration for the most important part of the parcel – the accompanying travelling shrine – was woefully lacking. All this week I kept looking at yummy pictures of Guy or of RA, I googled all kinds of travel-related pick-up lines (” Did you overstay your visa? Because you got ‘fine’ written all over you!” *lol* Don’t worry – I didn’t use that!) No inspiration whatsoever. And when the time was finally running out, I forced myself at the shrining desk – and suddenly it all flowed…

Now, I am not going to disclose the shrine here. That’s meant to be one of the perks of being part of the Flat Richie parcel chain – you get to see that very special shrine. But well, just to prove that I actually *have* got the parcel ready, here is a sneak peek.

Hehe, I know, that’s inconclusive… Ok, I’ll show you the RAPS a bit closer.

Hooray for living in the Irish capital – that means that the GPO (general post office) is open on the weekend, too, and despite having missed my self-imposed Friday afternoon deadline, I can still make the post this weekend. I am off to the GPO in the morning. And I will only disclose this: For the start of the parcel chain, Flat Richie is going to stay in Europe…

Are you excited? I definitely am… 


56 thoughts on “Flat Richie Sneak Peek

  1. Hurra, es geht los 😀! Gute Reise, FlatRichie ✈. Ich freu mich schon drauf, wenn du bei mir vorbei schaust. Und bin nun erstmal sehr gespannt, wo´s zuerst hingeht. Hoffe, die (erste) Glückliche lässt uns recht bald daran teilhaben. So aufregend das alles…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Really looking forward to taking part in this, by the time I get Flat Richie his log will make for interesting reading! Ditto Michele, the RAPS and the travel journal look fabulous. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’ll be a while until it gets to you, but hopefully that means there will be lots of messages in the book by then…
      Arrrrgh, talking of which – I just realised that I didn’t write in the book, yet have already closed the parcel. Ah well, more space for all you guys…


  3. Definitely excited! Been brainstorming with my nurse/friend Amy, who’s a Richard fangirl too, on ideas for what presents to make so feeling pretty happy with what I’ve come up with! 2 things are only really obvious if you’re a fan of Richards work-which I think makes it more fun 😊


  4. I am so looking forward to this! Thank you Guylty for organising this, it will make the whole post-Christmas slump much easier to cope with. A little touch of Ritchie in the night… 🙂


    • That’s exactly it, Tiny – January is ok, still kind of on a Christmas high. But February is usually my depression month, and nothing better than having something to look forward to. Or something to observe online…


  5. I’m very excited! Thank you a million times for organizing such fun for us. I’ve been plotting what to include and so far have one fan item and one location-specific item. And am plotting fun photos to take with the traveling Guy. Yippee!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m over the moon excited to see how this plays out. It’s going to be so much fun to track the gifts Sir Guy will be bestowing at every stop in his itinerary. I’m most anxious to see what he brings back to you at the end of his international tour. Thanks for organizing this and for sharing all your special creative talent. Wishing Sir Guy a most excellent adventure, safe travels and great fun for all ❤️xx

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good point, Donna – I am also really curious to see what he will bring back. Will all of *my* initial gifts have been taken or will there be stuff that no one wants 😉 It’s a really interesting experiment… Hope Sir Guy will keep the parcel safe…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I have one question: You didn’t reveal the travel shrine so as to avoid spoiling it beforehand. Should we stick with that concept or is it ”all bets are off” after the first stop? I know a few of us were planning on taking the shrine to some “location shoots” but should we share those immediately with our notifications of arrival/departure or maybe keep them back until he’s completed the journey? As an alternative, we could put physical photos into the log book, so the next recipients can get a visual of his travels to date and it could all be revealed at the end. Just thinking out loud…
    I don’t know what everyone else’s feelings are about this. The people at the end of the chain would have a long wait if it’s kept secret throughout. I just don’t want to stupidly share a picture and spoil the fun for the rest without asking.

    Liked by 1 person

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