RA Pocket Shrine 177/? – Being Green

Hello and top o’ the mornin’ to ya. Today we are not talking “green with envy”. The “being green” in the headline refers to the day that is in it.

Hooray, it’s St Patrick’s Day!!!

Look who is celebrating with a little jig ‘n’ reel:

Why the frown, Richard? Don’t you know? Today’s the day when everybody pretends they’re Irish! 

Anyway, there is a bit of a tradition on this blog that I am creating a RAPS every Paddy’s Day. Well, I only started the tradition in 2016, but that means there are three previous Paddy’s Day shrines:

Previous Paddy’s Day RAPS’ have always been on the small side… So now for a little bit of variety, I bring you this year’s green wonder…

As you can see, the tin already comes with a lovely design on it. It’s one of Squirrel’s sanitary towel tins. The colour of the outside is actually veering towards turquoise rather than green, but it kind of fit. Now for the Irish content:

Too right, it’s not easy being green. Especially as those pesky fans always say that they love Richard in black… That biceps though… UNF

You didn’t think I’d ignore this gem when talking about green, did you? It’s original Richard during TH promo in Australia in this interview. Newbies: Keep watching that video! You will be rewarded at about 6:15 with a scene that will probably make you faint if you imagine yourself there. Anyway, back to Richard and Kermit. So cute… That’s how we like him – always up for a little joke.


I have the privilege of being green every day. Well, sort of. I still haven’t applied for that passport but one of these days… Is anyone else in need of a little Irish in their lives? If so, here’s the good news: I am raffling this green beauty off. If you want it, all you’ve got to do is leave me a comment here on the blog. I’ll send this RAPS anywhere in the world at no extra cost to the winner. The comments for the raffle are open until Wednesday, 20 March, 8am – which is actually the official first day of spring! A great day to announce the winner of the green RAPS. Wishing you best of luck!

And now –

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!


182 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 177/? – Being Green

  1. First to comment! I love the shrine RA doesn’t wear green that often but I think it is okay, perhaps the olive shades suit him best.
    I am gazing out the window wishing this blasted wind would ease up , the grass needs cutting lol
    Happy St Patrick’s Day

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, congrats on the first commen 😉 – and happy P’Day!
      Yep, green is not often to be seen on RA. I am fond of it mainly because of that tighty green number from the Hobbit. Yep, totally superficial…
      Happy grass cutting!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 🙂 🍀 Cette boîte est métamorphosée!

    If for RA fans living in northern hemisphere, on Saint Patrick’s Day, meteorology is typically synonymous with milder temperatures, it should symbolize the arrival of spring. Today I have a thought for all well-wishers who still suffer from negative temperatures. A lawn is green and thick only if it rains and the wind prevents any other plant from growing there. Popular imagery – picturesque Ireland country!

    I am very proud of what you have created around the theme of Saint Patrick. Using the symbolic codes that are the green color, an old botanical art print with fields clovers, the famous green frog : “rainette”, green lichen- moss… That represents everything I like. It’s my whole world.
    This morning, I am back to 2016 holidays, travelling through “Pilgrimage” shooting locations!
    Yours, Radagast alias Squirrel!

    Dolan’s pub (Limerick, Irlande) – Musique Traditionnelle Irlandaise

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Happy St. Patrick´s Day 🍀😊! The shrine is really lovely, thanks for doing this, green is just my colour 😊😊… and for the record I always liked the green T-shirt and the interview is a real favourite, he was so lovely in this… Enjoy your day 😊😊!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m usually not a big fan of green, but in this case it has to be. (For the day that’s in it. Even I myself am wearing green right now – and will probably bake some green muffins after I have done my blog duty for today ;-))
      Those pictures of RA all muscly and chunky in the green t-shirt – well, what can I say, eternal favourites. 😍And the Aussie interview – he was so relaxed in Australia, it made for extremely nice interviews. Many many favourite memories of mine.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.Getting my corned beef and cabbage ready, made my Irish soda bread yesterday. Wearing my green lounge outfit because it’s 30 Degrees F. And I am COLD !!! Should I start on the Irish coffee or the Bailey’s ???


  5. My last name is O’Hara (Sparky O’Hara) so I’m a displaced Irish – the sun is shining brightly today – in defiance of that snow that kept trying to coming down last night. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


  6. Just got home, so I’m late to the party. A very happy shamrock day to you and yours! Shamrock ☘️ 🍀 We have very Irish weather with high winds and cold, horizontal rain. I blame Mr. Kate entirely! Hey, I’m not the one who’s Irish.

    The shrine is awesome. I love, love, love the green shirt. It’s one of my favorite garments and the protruding 💪🏻 💪🏻 make me swoon!!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. What I liked about the Aussie interview was the relaxed conversation style rather than the usual ticking off of the same old scripted questions. Also, just imagine Richard planting his hands on your hips and instructing you how to walk like a dwarf…really difficult when you’re weak in the knees but oh my, what a lovely challenge it would be. The shrine is a gem. Wishing a Happy St Paddy’s Day to all 🍀❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    • I sometimes wonder whether RA would still spontaneously do things like that – place his hands on an interviewer’s hips and teach her how to walk like a dwarf. Well, probably not – in the wake of #MeToo… But what a delicious interview moment that was. And you could tell the interviewer herself was so surprised. She probably fainted a bit inside 😉

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  8. Happy St. Pat’s day to everyone. It is beautiful and sunny here today. Some of family is heading out to see the “super bloom” of wildflowers that is currently covering parts of Southern California after all our rain. You can also see several whales a day spouting as their swim by our town. However, none of that can compete with the brilliance of one of Guylty’s shrines.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Dann hoffe ich, ihr habt kräftig gefeiert bei dem unirischen Wetter in Dublin (Gibt´s ein Foto von den grünen Muffins?). Da wo ich heut war, hat´s dagegen geschneit 😖. Hoffentlich zum letzten Mal in diesem Winter.
    Grün ist sicher nicht die Farbe, die ihm am besten steht, aber insbesondere das grüne T-Shirt hätte er meinetwegen solange tragen können, bis es von selbst abgefallen wäre… Für diese Oberarme brauchte man ja einen Waffenschein 🔫. Ich hab´s übrigens auch für Wassermelonen gehalten und musste gleich an “Ich hab eine Wassermelone getragen.” denken 🕺😂.
    Assoziiert man Neid in Irland eigentlich mit grün? Ich kenn das mit gelb. Grün ist die Hoffnung.
    OT: Ich kann mich nun endlich wieder entspannen 😌. Alles ist endlich da, wo es hingehört. Damit war die ganze Aufregung vom Freitag zum Glück umsonst.

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  10. Happy belated St Pat’s Day! Nice that you have had sunshine to enjoy the parade. We have had windy, rainy cold weather, so we stayed at home. My son celebrated his saint’s day wearing his favourite green shirt of a croatian goalkeeper (Subašić). We have had a little party in green because of him.
    The shrine is fantastic, but as mentioned above I also was a little bit irritated first why you have add watermelons but then I have zoomed the picture and have laughed about my thoughts. RA and Kermit, nice memorization


  11. Happy St Paddy’s Day to you….well..I still have 3 1/2 hours left of the day. Oh to be able to catch your 6’2″ leprechaun on the lovely day…


  12. Late to the party, by my estimation St Paddy’s Day is over for you now, but I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating. I’m very proud of my Irish roots! Also very proud once again that such an endearing interview moment happened when Richard was here – he and Kermit make for a lovely memory.
    The green Hobbit tee shirt was pretty spectacular 😋 and I’ve always like Lucas’s long sleeved olive green tee, it showed off his build rather nicely as well!

    Liked by 3 people

  13. I have several apologies to relay. 😬 Sorry I missed the actual day, your time, but Happy St. Patrick’s Day! That shrine is marvelous! You obviously put a lot of thought and time into it. It’s a wonderful combination of *thud* sexy and *aw* we love our adorkable beautiful man.

    Secondly, even though I picked up Flat Richie from the post office yesterday, I haven’t opened him yet. I got home from looking after Mom very late on Friday and spent hours and hours in the urgent care clinic on Saturday. My flu has morphed into bronchitis, laryngitis and a severe recurrence of my childhood asthma. Fortunately, they ruled out pneumonia today. But the doctor is treating it all pretty aggressively so that I don’t develop pneumonia. Anyway, I’m so completely worn out and not feeling well that I wanted to wait a day or two so that I can treasure the amazement that is Flat Richie. I’m hoping to take Guy to see the Hollywood sign, although he will probably just sneer at it. I promise faithfully to get FR back en route soon!

    And last, apologies to the people to whom I owe messages and emails. Sitting upright and attempting to think straight are not exactly my friends right now. I hope you are all well. Sending you wheezy hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Yes I second you Nordlicht ! LoLo take care of YOU and rest and love on Emily and Charlotte and really enjoy FR w you and to see the Hollywood sign if you are up to it!! Lots of hugs and postive vibes to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

        Liked by 1 person

    • Oh LoLo – you have no apologies to relay at all. I am so sorry to hear you are so ill. That actually sounds very alarming – pneumonia – even if they ruled it out. But you have had a few very tough days behind you, so no wonder your immune system was not in best form. I really hope you get to rest a bit and get rid of this nasty flue once and for all.
      And hooray, so glad to know that Flat Richie has made it to you safe and sound. Don’t worry about not having touched him yet. Hope you’ll have some time today to properly enjoy the Flat Richie experience. A picture with Flat Richie and the Hollywood sign would be FANTASTIC, though!!!
      Get well soon, LoLo!

      Liked by 4 people

  14. Oh, I forgot to say, I sprang the little old ladies from kitty jail, I mean, the very expensive kitty hotel, yesterday morning. They were very glad to get home! They’ve both been plastered against me, like the sweet little kitty nurses they are. I wish that Emily would do a bit more eating but she’s probably worn out herself. This morning she woke me by intently washing my face, which she’s never done before in the entire 17 years we’ve lived together. Obviously she missed her mama!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I hope you can really relax for a while now. You’ve simply had too much on your plate lately.

      Sending you big hugs and positive healing vibes.

      I hope mail call will help lift your spirits.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Take care Lolo. I hope that with lots of rest now that you’re home you will get well soon. You have your sweet kitties for comfort and Flat Richie and Guy waiting in the wings to cheer you.

      Liked by 3 people

  15. I just reread the post and I had to laugh about the “anyone in need of a little Irish in their lives” as that causes some NSFW associations. My b-i-l has a very wicked tattoo in this vein…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Belated Happy St Paddy’s Day! I had no idea what UNF stood for.. thought it was just a sound like oomph. Nice collection of pics in the shrine. I like the square tin, too. Great to see that your creativity is in full swing.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 234/? – Let’s Go Green | Guylty Pleasure

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