Fangirl Down – Armitage Boxes

Forget that reading crap. I am officially dead.

Just seen on Twitter reposted by

And just in case the IG post doesn’t show – this is what we see:

Taken by photographer Simon Annand and tagged not only with Armitage but also with Old Vic. Back from Crucible times???

@Zee – I think our pleas for mature pin-up boys have just been heard.

Anyway, fangirl officially down for the moment.

113 thoughts on “Fangirl Down – Armitage Boxes

    • Think it is, i seem to have some very very vague memory, not sure from where either that he prepared physically for Proctor by boxing, among other things, made sense since as a farmer Proctor would have a lot of arm and upper body strength and he certainly needed to be nimble on his feet on stage.
      It certainly is from Proctor time as it brought back a much more defined and present memory (LOL) of himself topless 1 m in front of me, thank you very much 😉 Yup 🙂
      Sadly i think he looks nowhere near that kind of upper body now, but regardless, he was back then and i am very much enjoying all the flash backs 🙂

      How utterly frustrating though to have those huge looking old fashioned boxing gloves in the way of the image!! Photographer definitely missed a trick here ;-)))

      By nevertheless my eyes slide pleasantly along the slight sheen of sweat and much up and down :-))))

      Liked by 2 people

      • Aber ernsthaft: diese Handschuhe sehen schwer nach Photoshop aus…. So beulig auf der linken Hand und so mies im Übergang zum Gelenk auf der anderen Seite 🤷🏻‍♀️ Naja, gut schaut er trotzdem aus ☺️


      • Exactly my line of thinking, too, Hari. That is definitely Proctor there, right down to the trousers. He’s also got the “dirt” already on him – on his neck. I think it makes total sense that he played around with boxing gloves to get into the mood for Proctor. (Although he told us something about “switch off the light and listen to music” 😂)

        Liked by 2 people

    • The photo was posted by Simon Annand who is a professional photographer who takes headshots of actors. On his website he has plenty of well-known actors. So, no, imo this is real. I doubt that Annand would put his name on a manip. He also has a very interesting project going where he takes photos of actors during the half hour before the performance starts. I could imagine that the boxer pose was a ritual where Armitage got himself in the mood for “strong man” Proctor – all beast and strength. Or maybe he just found the boxing gloves backstage and started playing with them.

      Liked by 2 people

    • I wish you “bon courage” and every strength you need to come through this night duty! Perhaps you could wear old boxing gloves too to be strong enough. Next time for us will be during the night from Sunday to Monday.


  1. Ode to Boxing

    One night while sneaking backstage,
    I encountered a man in a rage.
    “These gloves are too strange,
    They limit my range.
    Plus a lot of my fans,
    Love my long-fingered hands,
    Whatever shall I do?”
    “Relax, I said with a sexy smile,
    Those boxing gloves were only on trial.”
    He confessed, “Acting can be very hard,
    When your director is so avant-garde.
    I really can’t box,
    Or even use botox,
    I’m quite non-violent you see.
    But after the show,
    Would you give it a go?
    And spar a few rounds with me?”

    Kathy Jones

    Liked by 3 people

            • Unconscious = KO! Were you knocked out!
              It’s time to come to your senses and again to write healthy, worthwhile articles.


              • I am conscious again. But not sure about “healthy, worthwhile articles”. Staying with my mum and managing her move, it seems I have lost all my brainpower 😉


                • I was KO too, because of no limit on weekly working hours…
                  So on this sunny saturday afternoon, I acted following last Michele’s advices to spend time off.
                  Back alone in town, as I did in 2013 (!!!) My husband didn’t want to watch this german VO movie: “Werk ohne Autor”. A must to see long two-acts which gave me an old well-known physical shock. One shock which happens every 6 years… Bonne fin de semaine!


                  • I just looked at the trailer of “Werk ohne Autor” and I am now sitting here with goosepimples all over. Looks really interesting. Not sure if I have the courage to watch this, at the moment. How did you like it?


                    • 😍:)😍:)😍:)😍:)😍:)😍:)😍:)😍:)
                      Est-ce que ce film de 2018 est toujours à l’affiche dans les “Kinos” allemands?
                      Même si pour certains spectateurs 188 minutes c’est trop long, hier je n’ai pas vu le temps passer. Je suis restée scotchée, sur mon fauteuil, jusqu’au dernier son du violon de la musique de Max Richter. J’ai également cru reconnaître la “Cold Song” d’Henry Purcell interprété par Klaus Nomi, le requiem de Mozart et peut-être Schubert “La Jeune Fille et la Mort”…
                      Même en VO, j’y retournerai bien une nouvelle fois et pas seulement pour le toujours charismatique Sebastian Koch, excellent dans sa dernière scène… No spoiler.
                      C’est un Biopic mais du type RomCom. L’histoire de l’Allemagne est survolée en “back ground”, (clichés insuffisants pour des historiens) Mais je trouve que l’ambiance de chaque époque a bien été retranscrite, à la manière des dramas de la BBC.
                      Le monde de la peinture est selon moi très bien retranscrit, comme dans une fresque historique. Il y a une ambiance un peu fantastique, où l’aspect du côté magique de la création artistique est très bien révélé.


                    • Really, a romcom? I didn’t have the impression from the trailer. Looked like a drama/tragedy to me. Was it really a funny film with lots of laughter??? 😳


                    • Quand bien même l’histoire de XX° siècle est omniprésente et constitue la trame et le ressort du film (le génocide … sous les nazis, le bombardement de Dresde, l’occupation russe, le régime communiste de la RDA), ce film reste fondamentalement romantique.


  2. See! Another piece of the puzzle! RA had to get some “manual work” done, to be and feel like hard labouring Proctor….. Wonder how many more snapshots of this #TheHalf wardrobe session with RA exist. Those moments of preparation with music, in darkness are probably a bit hard to capture ;-).

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s exactly the point. Yes, he said his ritual was to switch off the light and listen to music – but that doesn’t translate to photography.
      I mean, who knows what is going on in Armitage’s head at any one time. (I often get the impression he is spontaneous with what he says – maybe that also applies to the request by a photographer to have a bts photo shoot with him?) I bet there are a hundred more pictures languishing somewhere in Annand’s archive…


  3. Mein Look ist das ja nicht unbedingt….
    Aber schön, wenn sowas nach Jahren dann doch mal auftaucht und etwas Schwung in den Fan-Alltag bringt! 🙂


  4. I suppose old boxing gloves were portable whereas the axe sharpening equipment he spoke about wasn’t. LOL
    I don’t mind the release of old photographs , but I do wonder why it has taken so long.


    • I think you are hitting the nail on the head, Yve. And as Linda mentioned earlier on – if Annand wanted this as part of his project, taking a picture of Armitage sitting in a pitch black room listening to Arvo Pärt would not have translated well on film 🤪
      My guess is it has taken this long because Annand is only now working on part 2 of his “The Half” book. (Part 1 was published 2010.) And so he is now looking at the archive – and has found this image. Squirrel suggested it is because RA is only now back in the UK, getting a bit of publicity for The Stranger – and may only now reappeared on the photographer’s radar?


  5. Saw this on my Twitter and Instagram timelines yesterday, was wondering if it’s real but it seems like it is! I’m not one to like a boxing look very much but this is Richard and I forgive him. 😉 He sure does look good with those strong arms and that intense look.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Doctor: So what is the last thing you remember before you blacked out?
    Me: It was all a blur really- a muscular chest, a luscious bicep and then…now I remember- I think it’s called a glory something or other 😂
    Seriously though what an unexpected surprise- talk about being “down for the count” 😍

    Liked by 2 people

    • LOL – the glory trail has certainly left its mark. It’s a slightly new thing, though… Lucas didn’t sport one such, I think… Not that I *ever* checked.


      • Just for fun! Car je trouve la photographie visuellement intéressante, sans vouloir me prononcer sur le sujet de la boxe…)
        Si vous aviez à archiver cette photographie dans votre ordinateur, dans quelle rubrique la placeriez-vous?
        – avec les images de streampunk
        – avec les créations artistiques de Sátrapa
        – avec les vieilles images les plus emblématiques sur le sport
        – avec les images des cas de dopage dans les domaines de l’art, de la musique ou du théâtre: que j’appellerais le cas: “RArm-strong” (en référence au coureur cycliste Lance Armstrong, aux biceps, aux fioles déposées sur la table)
        – avec les imges Incitant au rêve, à la proscratination, à la violence ou pire à la débauche…


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