RA Provides DistRAction

With international travel plans becoming ever more uncertain all over the globe and many of us in our respective countries beginning to hunker down in this next phase of virus containment, at least we are offered some nice distraction courtesy of Mr A. Well, or courtesy of Penguin Books who have produced a short interview with Richard on the occasion of his recording of C.J. Tudor’s The Other People.

Finally an interview/Q&A that asks the questions I am interested in. It was exactly the first question that I have been curious about – his process of prepping for an audio recording. Well, we could’ve guessed that he would do a full read-through before he got to work on it. It strikes me that it is a somewhat long process – a whole book isn’t read just in one hour. Nice to hear he goes for the full, personal enjoyment of the paper-copy book first, and *then* jumps into creating voices. I think that process is actually audible in his work – it is a very considered balance of narration and “playing”, a bit like the ongoing “play” that is performed in the reader’s mind when they read a book. Kopfkino – without the element of the fantastical that the term actually implies in German.

I have listened to The Other People and I actually have to say that I quite enjoyed that book. I did also hear  The Taking of Annie Thorne, and that subject matter was not *quite* my cup of tea. (It has elements of horror/creepiness and the unexplained, sort-of-supernatural that I just can’t quite believe.) The Other People was not a horror story at all, it was much more of a human-interest thriller – without any supernatural stuff creeping in. I wasn’t quite enamored with the ending (slightly too smooth for my taste), but I did enjoy listening to the book. The storyline did keep me interested, and the main characters were believable and fascinating. Have you listened to the C.J. Tudor books yet?

In any case, a nice interview – in very classy b/w. Hello leather jacket, our old friend!!

Hm, is that a new black number? Purely for the sake of science, here are some comparison pieces.

Undecided. But leather looks good on him, in any case.

Right, lastly a quick thank you to all of you who commented yesterday on my miserable cancellation post. I have to say that it really, really made me feel so much better to read your support of my decision. Sure, if you had all said “stupid idea”, it wouldn’t have changed the fact. The flight would have been cancelled anyway. But it *did* make it so much easier for me to reconcile myself with my decision, with my disappointment and with the whole situation. Today, I am feeling somewhat vindicated in my decision because the Irish government has just issued the news that all schools and créches are to be closed from this evening until 29 March. A good decision, if you ask me. Moreover, as part of the coronavirus measures they have also announced that cultural institutions are to close, and indoor gatherings of more than 100 people should be cancelled, among further recommendations. That kind of confirms my gut feeling about attending a cultural event in London, so I am feeling fine with my decision to cancel. At the same time I am really pleased that I managed to pass on my ticket for tonight’s performance to a fan who is currently in London. I do not know her, and was put in touch with her through a fan on Twitter. But I am so glad that she gets to put her bum on that seat and enjoy the show from row D. A much better outcome than forfeiting that ticket…

So, once again – thank you to all and lots of love to you, wherever you are. Let’s hunker down for a bit and starve out that virus. I’ll be back with some more posts soon! There is stuff to decide and things to discuss.


32 thoughts on “RA Provides DistRAction

  1. It looks like we’re heading for school closures as well. WÜ has already got a bunch (and the first fatality) and so does SW. I expect all of Bavaria to shut down by Monday. Given the less than great reaction by the BJ government (Cheltenham!!), I am actually feeling saber on my sofa. Even though I wish I had seen UV at least once. 😢

    I really enjoyed the interview—both the aesthetics and the questions. Well done, Penguin!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good news if Germany will follow suit. I really think we need to reduce all opportunity for further spreading, and that includes schools. Full stop.
      Yes, Cheltenham is still happening. *shakes head* And I read a headline somewhere shouting that BJ does not want to close schools like Ireland or Italy (or many other countries in Europe). Not happy about that…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Richard is so beautiful in monochrome and leather, those glittering eyes. It’s so interesting to hear him describe how he prepares his audio work – and that Scottish is easy for him to do, althoughl he does it very well. I’ve heard both the C.J. Tudor books and I feel the same as you about suspending disbelief about the supernatural. I preferred ‘Annie Thorne’ to The Other People ,and she writes very well, but she creates such an utterly miserable world, where everything is rotten and dirty – even the children’s playground is rusting. I like my culture dark and gritty but not in this way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Richard is just *always* a pleasure to listen to – in his own words. Even if the content is not new as such, but I love how he expresses himself.
      I think you have hit the nail on the head, J – CJ Tudor’s world is dark – and I have somehow come to a point where I prefer less gritty material. Total head-in-the-sand-reaction on my part and no reflection on Tudor’s writing abilities.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It is a good distraction listening to RA, now I have time. I am release from work until further notice due to the virus. As of Monday all kind of schools and universities will be closed until further notice here in France.
    And yes, leather suits him, *sigh*


  4. This is a splendid production. Good questions. Good replies, natural sounding voice and thoughtful, as always, and we love, love, love the director of lighting and camera angles, because, hello, bright eyes, eyelashes, pores, hair. Swoooooooon. Dropping this today was genius. It gives me a shot in the arm, after all of yesterday’s gloom and doom news.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m not sure if this is the most appropriate place to mention these items, but given the recent wise decisions made by you and Our Kate… A major theater group here in Los Angeles has just canceled all performances of 3 very major plays; my own work has canceled all of our public events through March and closed our library to the public; major sporting events are being canceled for their entire seasons; and I just found out that Disneyland is closing, beginning 14 March, through the month. I suspect that those closures, and many more, will continue through April. You two absolutely did the right thing, for yourselves, your beautiful families and for your communities. I do wish that we could have been together this week, to see our beautiful man in his play, and to hang out together. I will confess that I had a good, long cry yesterday when I realized that at that very moment, I was supposed to be in the Harold Pinter Theater. But we WILL get together at some point in the future! I’m also hoping that the UV team will be persuaded to film the play, as surely all performances will be canceled soon. 😢

    Thank you for posting this video. I look forward to watching it! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad to hear that precautions are now also taken in the US. You have such a huge country… I am just worried what will happen there if the virus is ignored.
      And yes. It totally goes without saying that I more than regret not meeting up in London. It was the *perfect* opportunity, and something we had been waiting for for a long time. But well, we’ll just have to do it another time. It is definitely doable. (I have experience of coralling 6 Armitage fans from 4 different countries for a holiday together. Where there is a will, there is a way.)


  6. I’m happy that the precious ticket has not been wasted! My town is in quarantine since monday, but schools have been closed since 24 february. My first idea (my government is a bunch of overreacting drama queens) is changed, when I discovered that in the whole Italy there are only 5000 beds for intensive care. Probably other countries are better equipped, but we really need to slow down the contagion. Take care of you, ladies!


    • Lurkerella – I hope you and your family are well-stocked and fine at home. The situation re. intensive care units is definitely similar in Ireland. Our health system is stretched even *without* a pandemic. And it has been for many years. That’s why I am very happy to do my bit and stay in for the time being.
      Stay safe!!!!


  7. As Boris Johnson is taking scientific advice that says it will not peak until May the schools and colleges would have to be closed a long time.
    Heard a good tale yesterday, my friend Stephanie does housework for the elderly in her small village, elderly lady 89 said she was ‘self insolating’ when Stephanie remarked on her lovely flowers the lady said thank you she had got them at her flower club.😩
    This is precisely what was said yesterday about doing things too early, no one will be to stick to the new rules if it goes on too long.


    • I have heard the word “fatigue” in that context. It does sound logical, but I don’t know, it just seems right to me that people are asked to avoid large gatherings in order to delay the spread of the virus – and that way give the health system a chance to deal with it over a longer period of time.


  8. Thanks for the laugh!
    The decision about whether or not to go ahead with my theatre date with my niece has been taken out of my hands – which is a relief actually, no more chewing over it. As from Monday, the government is banning non essential public groups of over 500. The Australian Ballet and theatres are going ahead for this weekend then it looks like they will pull the pin on any more performances. The Grand Prix, Melbourne Comedy Festival and other big annual events have been cancelled.
    This morning I went to pick up a few things at the supermarket early when it’s quieter. The whole loo paper/tissues aisle was completely cleaned out. The cashier told me it had been restocked overnight but there was a line out into the carpark at 5:30am, waiting for it to open at 6am. I refuse to feel forced into doing that!


    • Tbh, I had been hoping for the governments to take the decision about going to London out of my hands, too. It is much easier to deal with the disappointment when you have someone to blame. 😉😉😉Nevertheless, I am sorry that your theatre outing has been cancelled.
      The shopping situation is becoming mad here, too. I went to my local supermarket this morning, and it was cleaned out of all loo roll and kitchen towels, as well as desinfectant cleaners, rice, pasta. Which makes me wonder *when* people go shopping to empty all the shelves after the latest delivery. Your comment explains it. 😡


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