Review: Kathy Braves Into The Storm at ComicCon

[Our very own Kathy Jones has braved not only the smelly hallowed halls of San Diego ComicCon but has also taken it upon herself to attend the preview screening of Into The Storm. This is her review, or in her own words her “impressions of the movie, as a fan girl”.]

Behind the behind

Gary Protects

Primus inter Pares? Armitage as part of the ITS cast. Image: Warner Bros.

Richard Armitage does not blow you away in his performance as the stalwart teacher/dad/hero of Into the Storm, but not because of lack of talent or  effort. The tornadoes are the stars of this film, and the humans only exist to provide a scale by which we can measure the power of these massively destructive storms.

The film unfolds on a day when various people are literally thrown together and have to cooperate to survive. The actors work as an ensemble, more than individuals, which may have been intentional, since one person alone cannot possibly withstand the killing strength of the storms. I  did not have stop watch, but screen time and dialog seemed spread equally among the principal players. As a Richard fan, I was of course disappointed that he was not on screen longer and with more closeups.


Athletic Armitage

Athletic Armitage Gif: Warner Bros.

His American accent was ok, I don’t think people unfamiliar with his work would notice it. It seems to slightly slip in a couple of places, but not horribly. As a demented loyal fan, his voice is not the powerful instrument he uses in the play [The Crucible] or as Thorin, but it is appropriate for this role as “everyman” trying to cope with a disaster out of his control.  It is just not what we are accustomed to  hearing lately. Perhaps because the film was shot approximately two years ago. He looks great, very buff , not the Lucas physique at all. This movie is great popcorn, summer entertainment. The audience was extremely engaged, some on the edge of their seats, and laughed at the comic relief which is sprinkled throughout the film.  Richard’s strained relationship with his “sons” is very well-defined, in the short time it is given on screen.

Thunder Thighs

Thunder and Thighs. Physical acting for the benefit of the fangirls. Thank you Warner Bros.

I would recommend this film to anyone who just wants to chill out and have good time at the movies. As a fan, I had (probably unrealistic) hopes that this role would put Richard on the map in people’s minds and if not make him a “star” at least help him on his way because he is using his own face and body in the role. This is not Die Hard and he is not Bruce Willis. I hope I am wrong, but I don’t think this role will propel his career to new heights, but it will not harm it in any way either. He is not given enough to do. But to be fair, I would complain about that if it was a one-man-show. He is a more than competent as an action hero and he has managed to put a few flourishes on his character that fans will recognize. Small smiles, glances, touches to humanize his character subtly.

This review is strictly my opinion only. I realize the “star” thing is something he probably doesn’t want or need. That is coming from me,  because I love his work and he will get more of it the more he is known. Some of the reviews of the play have referred to him as a “movie star”, already, and technically, he is one. But increased name recognition would be nice, because even after all this time and his wonderful work, most people (at least here in America) say”Richard who?”  I am sure all of us fans will go and see this film in support of RA even if I had said it was terrible.  But I am happy to report it is better than OK, go and have fun with it.

Gary Wet

Not a wet shirt but a buff hero. Armitage as Gary Fuller in Into The Storm. Image: Warner Bros.

Thank you to Kathy for a great first response – written at 3 am in the morning!!! Your dedication is very much appreciated! And reading a review from someone whose judgment I am familiar with from many comments on my and many other blogs certainly adds authority to the verdict. I can only say that I look forward to watching the wet shirt tornadoes myself, soon.

40 thoughts on “Review: Kathy Braves Into The Storm at ComicCon

  1. Written in the author’s inimitable style! Thanks so much. Too bad there isn’t more Armitage. Then again, maybe i won’t have to see it a dozen times in the theater 🙂

    I guess I didn’t think it was going to be Die Hard — I figured the point of this was quid pro quo for Hobbit 3, creating a posthole for a US work visa, some money, and putting his face in front of a lot of people who are bored in the summer — if a lot of people see the film I don’t see how it can’t help him at least somewhat. Never hurts to be associated with a moneymaker.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You had me at “inimitable style,” Pumps fist in triumph, glee and humble arrogance.Thanks, Serv, that means a lot, coming from you. I have “style”! Who knew?


  2. Pingback: Kathy Jones reports on Into the Storm | Me + Richard Armitage

  3. Thanks Kathy. What you wrote and saw is exactly what I expected, although I also hoped for a little more. But as it turns out, what with the success of The Crucible, this isn’t going to hurt him at all, he will be seen by many and compared to the “operatic” and “Shakespearean” quality of his performance in The Crucible, it helps show a down to earth character. The more range, the better, in either direction, is my view.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My thoughts exactly on the movie put into words!! Seeing it as a fan girl who is not really used to an American accent from Richard was a little strange but the accent was decent. I felt bad that Richard didn’t have more of a chance to show the acting ability we all know he has. The destruction in the movie is crazy and makes the destruction seen in Twister seem like a warm summer breeze. I do recommend it. Richard fan or not.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Das habe ich mir in etwa so vorgestellt. Ist wahrscheinlich sehr schnell wieder vergessen. Der Qualitätsunterschied fällt sicher besonders ins Gewicht vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Crucible-Performance. Aber ganz ehrlich, es ist halt dann auch schon 2Jahre her. In Richard-Life erscheint das wie 10 Jahre. Nehmen wir’s halt mit, tut sicher nicht weh Ich bin überzeugt, wet T-Shirts helfen über die ein oder andere Enttäuschung hinweg 😀 . Bleibt zu hoffen, dass es ihm irgendwie weiterhilft. Bei der doch sehr unterschiedlichen Rollenwahl (ums mal vorsichtig auszudrücken), die man so beobachten kann, fehlt jetzt tatsächlich mal eine Komödie. Das wäre sicher eine Herausforderung und seehr interessant, ob das funktioniert. Er hast ja offensichtlich vor (fast) nix Angst. Also, go on filming Richard 🙂


    • LOL – ja, klar, wir nehmen das alles mit. Nur eine kleine Fußnote im großen Armitage-Oeuvre, aber wer will schon zu einem nassen Oberhemd nein sagen? Und ob es da wirklich einen Qualitätsunterschied gibt, bleibt abzuwarten. Es ist ja dann eben doch ein ganz anderes Paar Schuhe, in einem Katastrophenfilm den Helden zu geben, oder auf der Bühne den moralisch überlegenen Protagonisten zu mimen. Eine Komödie wäre interessant. Mir schwebt da gerade nach der kürzlichen Lektüre eine mögliche Verfilmung von “Bridget Jones – Mad about the Boy” vor. Mr Wallaker erschien vor meinem geistigen Auge von Armitage verkörpert. Aber ich stimme dir zu – wir nehmen sowieso ja alles mit, was er uns anbietet 😀


      • Ah, Bridget Jones, die gibt’s auch noch? Habe sie seit Jahren etwas aus dem Blick verloren. Und sie überhaupt nur wg. meiner vorvergangenen Leidenschaft für Colin F. bzw . der vorvorvergangenen ebenfalls Leidenschaft für Hugh G. auf dem Schirm gehabt. Hatte bisher schon ein bewegtes Schwarmleben über die Jahre, stelle ich fest 🙂 Aber ist der Neue da im Buch nicht deutlich jünger? Matched das denn mit unserer langsam in den 40-ern angekommenen person of interest?


        • *ffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhh* Autsch. Armer RA, mal gleich wieder ab aufs Altenteil :-D. Aber no worries. Du hast das Buch nicht gelesen, also kannst du auch nicht wissen, dass Mr Wallaker *nicht* der “Boy” ist :-D.


          • Schon kapiert, werde das Buch lesen und dann mal Mr. W visualisieren 🙂 . Und nix Altenteil: ich, als 40+++++++++ -Betroffene bin sooooo froh, dass das Objekt meiner Bewunderung/Begeisterung sich wenigsten optisch langsam meinem Altersbereich annähert. Das fühlt dich einfach besser an, so rein persönlich *pfeif*. Jungs aus der Pampersliga überlasse ich meiner Tochter 😀


            • 😀 Ich kann da nur zustimmen, gehöre ja in dieselbe Altersklasse wie Mr A. Angeblich sieht man mir die Jahre ja nicht an. Naja. Die anderen sehen mich natürlich auch nicht morgens um 6.15 Uhr im unbarmherzigen Neonlicht meines Badezimmerspiegels. Wobei mich interessieren würde, wie RA in demselben aussehen würde *hüstel*…
              Die Pampersliga *rofl*. Gut, dass es für jedes Bedürfnis eine Lösung gibt.


              • Hatte ich erwähnt, dass man mir das Alter auch nicht ansieht? *hoffnungsfrohes lachen* Aber die vorhandenen Lachfalten sind oft eben auch nur Falten (besonders morgens und an stressigen Tagen). Und wenn dann schon alles rein körperlich nach unten strebt, hilft es nur Haltung zu bewahren: Brust raus, Rücken gerade 🙂
                Aber ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass er allein im Bad (nette Vorstellung) auch schon ein wenig angegriffen aussieht: erwachsen halt! Und Falten hat er auch schon einige, wie unschwer zu erkennen ist.


  6. Thanks a lot for your wonderfully expressed report, Kathy. However I have a great big question that is bugging me: why must we want more recognition of our Man? I love the fact that he’s not too well-known: it makes him “more precious” and we, his fans, get that aura of people “who know better” 😉 . I’m a longtime fan of Gerard Butler, since those times when he was a “pretty unknown” actor, and I do not like the width that his recognition has reached over the years (and not always for his acting skills, unfortunately). I would still love him to be the “pretty unknown actor” he was ten years ago. I also believe that if RA stays quite under the radar he will be always “reachable” for his fans in an easier way than, say, should he become another Hugh Jackman (I’m not disturbing bigger names like Johnny Depp or George Clooney). I guess this is jealousy, isn’t it? 😀 But in Italy there is an old saying: “Poca brigata vita beata” which means “The less we are the better we enjoy things”. 😉 🙂
    I’m looking forward to waching ITS here, in Italy; just need to wait 4 weeks to pass and then I will let my “personal tornado” blow me away, even if I guess there’s no “over the rainbow” 😉


    • You didn’t ask me, so I apologize for intervening, but think in this kind of career one has to “overshoot.” In an industry where all the spoils go to a very small group of people (90 percent or more of actors are out of work on any given day), the person who wants to have the success to be able to be choosy has to gain a greater reputation in order to be able to do the kind of smaller work he wants to do. We see it again and again — McKellen, Stewart, Rickman et al. are able to do theater work and smaller projects because they have incomes from larger ones — which necessitates finding a broader audience that wants to see one’s work.


    • Hi Silvia, welcome to the blog :-). I am not Kathy, but I am jumping in, too, because the question you have posed is one that I often ponder, too. Tbh, I would prefer if RA did not transform into a mass phenomenon – for exactly the same reasons as the ones cited by you. However, that conflicts with my desire to see more of him in more varied roles. As Servetus said – more exposure goes along with a wider appeal and the growth of his fanbase, which in turn will affect the way he interacts with his fans.
      I very much like the Italian proverb you have cited. I would totally subscribe to that – there is great comfort in NOT being famous. I don’t envy RA or any of the even bigger stars their public appeal. It must be disturbing in both senses of the word to be constantly in the public eye. However, RA seems to manage his privacy pretty well, considering his recent rise in fame. Good on him.


    • Silvia, thanks for your comment and question. Servetus and Guylty explained my position very well. I am really quite selfish, more roles = more chances for me to watch Richard at work. He has to become more well known in order for more roles to come his way. You are right, the more famous he becomes, the less “reachable” he is. But he chose “show business” and that is what happens, success in his profession brings fame. But look at the bright side, if he has more work, there is more for us to enjoy. And we won’t have to wear out our DVDs watching the same thing hundreds of times. He will be rich and move in next door to Mr. Clooney. Then you can meet him there while you are hanging out at the lake or at the local market buying cheese. 🙂


      • Thanks, ladies, for your thoughts. I surely agree with you all about the fact that the more recognition and the more fame, the more choices he will have in his work together with the ability to be more selective, and for us more material to enjoy. That is fine. However this feeling stays and it is hard to keep it at bay. I just need to trust him to find the best balance and get the “best of both worlds”. 🙂 As for him to become Mr. Clooney’s neighbour.. well… First of all I would advise him to choose the Garda Lake (trust me: greatly better environment and… well… moreover… my sister has a little house there… 😉 ) and secondly… Mr. A.loves skiing, and he himself admitted in an interview that he toured the whole Alps, Italy included.


  7. Thanks for the great report, Kathy. I was hoping for more screen time, for the reasons Servetus stated. But it looks like RA will still get the exposure he can benefit from. Re the comments above, it’s a very precarious balance, being big enough to get work you want but not so big to lose any semblance of privacy… He’s done well so far. 🙂


  8. Thank you Kathy for your review. You have confirmed what I think a lot of us have been suspecting and although in some ways I wish you could have told us that RA managed to create a strong personal storyline quite separate to the tornado ( which I felt he did withJohn porter, which is why so many of us enjoyed SB despite not liking the genre) I’m pleased to be fore warned. I am also pleased to hear the accent is acceptable as I have been worried about that.

    As to the matter of how famous RA becomes, I’m also of the opinion that the more box office success he has the better it will be for his career , and therefore, the more likely we are to see him on the screen and stage in future. I don’t think it is necessarily true that every A lister becomes inaccessible and plenty use their power to do the projects that really interest them. The Crucible is an example of something that would have been unlikely for RA only a few years ago. BC and MF also being on the London stage currently is evidence to me that theatre producers are very aware of the importance of casting a name familiar to a larger audience. Having read a lot of fan reviews, I would say that many fans are currently feeling RA is more accessible than he has been for a long time. Although this is in part because of his willingness to meet fans at the stage door night after night, I also gather that for many, the opportunity to see him on stage has been a dream come true.


  9. I think you have a good point.Meeting fans at the stage door every night has made him probably the most personally accessible to the largest number of fans in his career. I don’t think fans had the opportunity to line up for his autograph and /or photos after a hard days work on the Hobbit or Robin Hood, or any other production he was involved with. With the possible exception of his Hobbit play experience as an elf. Perhaps fans were lined up around the block, we just don’t know about it. 🙂


    • Absolutely. I can confirm this numerically. Photo / meet opportunities were extremely rare before December of 2012, when the Hobbit premieres made them somewhat more possible. We were talking like a handful of times a year — mostly if he did interviews and people stood outside the studio, very very occasionally on set — SB was in S Africa; RH was in Hungary; and the Spooks set and locations were really carefully guarded (I wrote a post about this a while back if anyone’s curious.) But this kind of thing — where he is clearly at least walking past / autographing / taking photos with dozens of fans every night — has never been possible before. Obviously that’s his decision — but he’s clearly decided to give fans a big gift that’s only facilitated by the fact that he’s on that stage in part because he’s famous enough to be an “anchor.”


      • I am commenting on this late, because of being in San Diego, but I’m glad you can document what I thought about his accessibility to fans.And you are right, it is a huge gift to the fans. I hope he feels the appreciation from us. He deserves it.


  10. Thankyou for your review. I have four tickets for Aug 8th at a theater with comfortable seats. I’m going with my son, his girlfriend and her sister. It sounds like they will probably like it and I will probably be wishing for more RA 😉


    • How wonderful. I hope you can let us know of your impressions of the play and Richard in particular. I will look forward to hearing about it, if you feel like sharing. You can “interview” your group for their opinions, as well. Have a great time.


  11. Kathy, I’m reacting to both the content of your post — the movie review itself — and the underlying meaning of what it says to me about us as a group. Thanks for attending the movie and for taking the time to write this report. It’s both helpful and gratifying.

    It’s helpful in that you’ve answered exactly the questions I’ve had about the movie for months. I’m committed to seeing it, as I’m helping organize premiere and first-weekend activities in New York, but I’m skeptical and have worked hard to hold my snarky judgement in check so as not to affect others’ experiences.

    The nasty truth is, I’m not an action fan and the movie looks dumb to me. I’ve been waiting for someone to convince me it won’t be a total waste of time, and you’ve done so with this report. Thanks much.

    Your review is gratifying in that your voice and attitude sound exactly like what I might have written myself. Are we all psychically connected?

    The main event for me in our group outings is meeting other fans. This has brought indescribable pleasure to my life and has never been dumb or a waste of time. I hope someday I will have a chance to meet you!


    • You are so kind. I hope you read this since I am replying so late. Of course we are psychically connected. We both Love Richard and have great taste in men. That’s a start. When I wrote this, I had fans like you in mind. I was very careful not to gush, just because RA was in it. That’s why I said “better than OK”. It is not a masterpiece of film making by any means, and if you don’t like disaster films, you might be in for a long snore. There are a few dumb parts, of course, but not a lot, and they don’t involve Richard’s character. I am snarky like you, and could have tossed in a few zingers but really, as light (very light) entertainment, it is better than OK. I hope you don’t hate it, and if you do, don’t hate me for writing a positive review. I saw this film with the famous Mimi, my first fan meet up, and we had a great time. So I know how enriching the friendships we make can be. I do hope I will meet you too, someday. Come to California. I was just in NYC in May.


  12. Can I mention (noted by Guylty) again, Kathy did write this up at 3:00 a.m. after seeing ITS after the hall closed for Preview NIght at ComicCon, but what no one else knows but me, is that we had lucked into tickets by two of my regular customers. Why? Because the San Diego convention center is about a ½ mile from the theater on 701 5th Avenue. Kaitlyn and Denzel planned and professionally approached their first CCI experience. It turns out to have benefited us in this instance.

    Kathy and I had just walked out, (along with 10s of thousands of other attendees) of the convention center when I saw a text from Kaitlyn saying she had an extra pass to see ITS at 10:00 p.m. (it is about 9:30 p.m. at this point) When I enquire if Kaitlyn has or can get two passes, (even though I want to see this film I was not going to ditch Kathy) after a few seconds she confirms two passes. I look to Kathy, ask if she is up for the sprint/push to get to the theater in 20 minutes or less.

    We are standing in a sea of sweaty humanity (I have an unfortunate keen sense of smell) myself included; we cannot get a cab because they cannot move down the street, petty-cab; same thing. This is a hard endurance, balls-to-the-wall, footrace while dodging people, throwing an elbow if necessary and loudly requesting people to clear a path if we are going to have any hope making it to 701 5th in time to get in. I do not want to frighten Kathy, but I know what has to be done and I am ready. This is where the rubber meets the road ladies, where we separate the men from the boys so to speak and no man has a bigger hairy pair than I do when I’m focused on a task. (Sorry, I know that is gross, I hang with too many dudes in my life.) The vast majority of people cannot do this, how to I know? Every year, I see the bodies (euphemism) fall to the side when they cannot endure what is known as ComicCon. For the record, I have not missed a year since 1987 and I am still bitter about it. Without the crowds, it is a comfortable 10 minute walk. We are not going to enjoy the luxury of walking tonight. If anyone saw Frank Miller’s 300 film where Butler screams; “This is Sparta!” before raising a muscular leg to kick to Xerxes’ messenger into the well. Same thing, this is ComicCon!

    As soon as the text from Kaitlyn arrives confirming they got an extra pass for us, so we have a chance of both getting in if we can get there in time. I make eye contact wit Kathy and she is up for it, (I’ve got my Gerard Butler fearless face on now) we go and we go hard diving into the crowd pushing our was across the streets and through people jumping in and out of the street to get around them, fighting every damn inch, every step is a struggle to move forward in this situation because the crowds are not thinning at all yet.

    Note: It is has been a long day already, fun yes, but we are not our “Up-and-at-’em” energetic fresh at the start of the day here. It is after 9:30 p.m. and we have tired feet, empty bellies, thirsty necks and forget presentable faces, my make-up has long ago melted in the heat. Need I point out, we are also women? The weaker sex, ha, I think not and tonight, Kathy and I are fierce warrior bitches, do not get in our way. That tiny shot of adrenalin we got at the prospect of seeing this movie is long gone by the time we are trying to cross the tracks next to the convention center. We are keeping our emotions in check because it is not a “sure thing” we will make it on time, get in or get a seat.

    I love action adventure horror and humor films, books, comics, etc, but would never cross the street to see or get a free anything (my “pay for what I want” motto usually serves me well, but this is an exception to the rule and somehow I don’t think I need to explain why) much less indulge in a stress sprint like this was.

    In addition to our determination, our ace in the hole is that we do not have to be at the end of the line. Thanks to Denzel, Kaitlyn and their two friends, we at least are near the front 100 people or so of the line. Of course I cut my rude ass in front of them, but that was honestly unintentional. I ‘might’ have been a little anxious and excited to get into the theater, my manners slipped. We are probably about 40 or so people back counting the “film-club” or whatever 20 or so people that paid some sort of premium to be in line for this first. Everyone here already knows the end of this little unexpected adventure (pun intended) Kathy and I enjoyed, or experienced anyway. heh

    I was self-conscious because I was sweaty and worried I would be smelly or gross to anyone else around me. It is humid in San Diego and it is July, throw in the intensity of clawing our way through thousands of slow, non moving people for half a mile and I’m sure I was losing moisture fast enough to look like I’d stepped out of a shower. Kathy assured me I wasn’t offensive, but I’m difficult to convince in these situations.

    We didn’t gush when getting to the line or after getting checked and into the theater. However, I did have the presence of mind to know a bottle of water might not be a bad idea. (Should have bought more water as I still woke up to intense calf cramps the next morning. In these instances, when dehydration occurs, it is easy, for me at least, to be unaware because of the humidity.) I purchased the two largest bottles they sold for Kathy and myself as well as throwing in a few extra bucks so Kaitlyn could get popcorn/food for Denzel and the other girls without taking out a loan to pay for it all. heh

    We had been instructed to turn our phones off, but once settled, I saw no harm in taking a quick (obviously low light and blurry) shot of Kathy and myself to text to Guylty. That is when I started to get girly and gush. Then Guylty was awake and responded to my text. Let’s see, 8 hours in front of California Pacific time would put her around 6am when they were getting ready to start the show. When they started introducing people, I thought it would be alright to record a few minutes before putting my phone away and the amateur 2 minute video I posted was that. Unbeknownst to my silly ass, you can hear me gushing about how Guylty texted us back in the video because I didn’t/couldn’t keep my (immature over excited now) mouth shut while the director/producer/cast were speaking. (sigh)

    Afterward, Kathy and I scored foam mounted Into the Storm posters of the film. I have photos of us with PoP Thorin and us being silly, but don’t know how to include them here. Later, Kathy gave Denzel a ride back to his hotel and went home to write the review we enjoy here. I agree with all that she said. I don’t care if it was only small bits of Mr. A we got to see in this film, it was fun and I will see it in the theater again. Not to mention, the intense marathon to get to the film is a great memory now. Not to mention Kathy, yes, Kathy Jones is a woman to respect. It is rare anyone can keep up with me (my hubs, nephew Brandon and very few others do) and while I tried to warn her (might even be seen as discourage) because it really is an overwhelming place to be and experience much less excel at in the midst of, Kathy can bring it, kick ass, look cool calm, maintain intelligent ability to communicate, observant (noticed the actor who plays Mr. A’s son in front of us while we waited to get in, I didn’t) and composed all at once. Honestly, everyone crumbles, most people do attending CCI, it is intense, like trying to describe the Grand Canyon. Unless you see it, you cannot know the magnitude. You have my serious respect for life Kathy!

    I probably should have let Kathy read this over first to make sure I have not exaggerated any of this account, but to the best of my ability, I believe this depicts it fairly well.

    Needless to say, should the zombie-apocolype occur, I know my chances of survival are greatly improved if Kathy is there. Thank you for writing this review after the intense ordeal I put you through just to get to the theater.

    P.S. I arrived home around 3:00 after going to the store first and there are so many things that need immediate urgent attention (unless I want the world to end in explosions) that I sort of whipped this out without checking grammer, spell, etc. My apologies for any errors.


      • Living vicariously is how I would rather live most of my life, but I can never get it to work that way. On the other hand, I would not have had as much fun if I did because I would not have had Kathy Jones or giggled my way through some of the serious responsibility I had to deal with at CCI. Kathy was the calm in the storm for me too (I usually never have that sort of friend anchor to help steer my bull in china shop approach to getting everything done there) and seriously helped me through several crisis moments. Mostly behind the scenes incidents that had to be dealt with and unfortunately are not funny in any way the cannot be reported other than to express my gratitude for Kathy’s guiding steadfast friendship in seeing me through it. Bottom line, because of her, I didn’t make anyone cry this year! (Or at least cry out in public, which is a win in my heartless book.)


    • Damn, somehow I think your report of this incident is lost here in the comments. I might make a proper post later. You had me breathless just reading it… And I have to watch that video of yours again – it slipped past me that you received my reply while videoing…
      For now I hope you are finally taking a rest, Mimi. I know you are a non-stop woman, but hey, it takes its toll, especially after a long drive home. Can’t believe you went to work in the middle of the night FIRST!!!! *tuttuttut*


      • Kathy and I discussed reporting her/our unexpected adventure at CCI and I hope to work on that with her soon. (Boring sales reports have to be turned in today.) I should have let her look over this insane push the first half/day and night she experienced at CCI but wasn’t thinking of the whole package so much as just the intensity of getting to that first screening. Interestingly enough, if it was for you, Guylty, and in turn, Kathy Jones’ willingness, I wouldn’t have taken the time to remember or write up what we did to get to the screening. If you want to make a proper account, I can provide photos of our brief time on the CCI floor in the WETA booth and afterwards in the lobby of the theater.

        Working in the middle of the night is SOP (standard operating procedure) in this world. When I stopped in St. George to fill the gas tank with fuel and myself with coffee, I checked in with the store and hubs. Spent an extra 40 minutes going over what they needed and so when I got back into SLC got my butt into work. However, I wasn’t there too long, only a couple hours I think.

        Anyway, I’ve got to finish these damn reports (checking my math before turning in is crucial because he demands 100% accuracy) and meeting with producer friend for comic con event in September today. Then, I’m hoping to indulge in fun CCI account of how Kathy lost her innocence in San Diego last week.


  13. Oh Mimi, Thanks to you I have learned Comic Con is not for the faint of heart or faint of feet. My legs are almost twice as long as yours and I had a really hard time keeping up with you, You are one fast fan girl, babe. Zombies could never catch you. You could probably win the Olympics if Mr. A were the prize at the end. (So could most of us.) The best way I can describe the experience is like being in Times Square in NYC when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. Massive crowds, sprinkled with vampires and princesses. But so much fun and so much energy.


  14. Kathy my dear, you are indeed one tall drink of water. One of the reasons I can move fast when I need to is that when we travel, my hubs is tall and one of his steps is at least 4′ or more. I need to take two or three for every one of his. Not fair. 😀

    BTW—I think the Times Square analogy is what the crowds are like.


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