TC+1 – Please Answer My Poll *EDITED*


Guylty Pleasure

ETA: Ok, as there is objection to the wording, how about the poll as it is down there is first of all only a way of determining the DESIGN of the badge? Vote again if that changes your opinion. Wording to be decided later.
And as for text – if we need a new adjective as an alternative to deRAnged, then you can find inspiration here. If possible not too many letters otherwise the word will not fit on the badge. (Looking at small badges 25mm size here – I am not really keen on wearing a saucer-size rosetta on my boob 😉 as much as I want to meet my fellow well-wishers…)

Day 1 of the new era. After checking last night’s SD outfit and replying to all blog comments I was at a serious loose end.

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27 thoughts on “TC+1 – Please Answer My Poll *EDITED*



    End of discussion. No more NEED for discussion. I have spoken!

    (My leather clad muse is sitting on the bed giggling over it. He’s got my music and won’t give it to me.)


  2. oh, how was the outfit of last night? Welp I lost something!
    Micra safely home but with huge lack of documentation about the last performance of 13 night.


  3. That Scrabble finder is a revelation! Here are some words that caught my eye and could be pressed into service…

    Crazy (for…)
    (On the) Razzle
    Vibrations (good)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like deRAanged. Rapture might be misconstrued in US (religious reference). I LOVE Hermitage.People would think we are fans of a Russian museum. We would be so very very undercover. Not that I would be ashamed to out myself, I did wear “Armitage Army Can Not Stay Calm to SDCC. I like all the designs.


    • LOL – I hadn’t thought about the associations with Hermitage. That is actually brilliant, Kathy. Oh, as a high-brow intellectual (…) and highly cultured lady I would very proudly advertise the Hermitage anywhere. (Incidentally I have actually been to it – in 1986 – fabulous place.) And laugh because I would know it was advertising something much less cerebral…
      Yeah, I salute your courage. I just feel far too timid to wear my Army membership on my boobs 😀 I can just deal with a badge.


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