(Slightly) OT: A Look at Casa Guylty

Look who has parachuted in:

Keys (12 of 38)

Yes, that’s right. Thorin’s in da house! He has officially landed in Casa Guylty. He arrived on Friday morning, courtesy of fellow fan Esther. The lovely woman not only sent me a generous contribution to the postage fund for further badge bombs, but she enclosed this wonderful gift for me.

Keys (22 of 38)

Officially he’s supposed to be a Hallmark Christmas ornament. But hey, Christmas is still two months away, and Guylty couldn’t wait to add some majesticity to her domestic set-up. So I got creative.

Keys (30 of 38)

The branches on the chimney breast had displayed Helen’s beautiful glass raindrops until now. But with rain drops a regular feature outside the house at this time of year, it was time to take them down. Esther’s gift gave me the kick up the arse impetus to finally install the odd assortment of old keys from the house that nobody knows what treasure chests they may unlock.

Keys (2 of 38)

I think they go very well together with Thorin, holder of the key to Erebor… The ancestors approve…

Keys (35 of 38)

Thank you, Esther, for your lovely gift. I am finding all sorts of reasons to be in my drawing room at the moment… Just can’t take my eyes off Thorin.

PS: There are lots of distRActed badges left, if anyone still needs one, pop me an e-mail…

178 thoughts on “(Slightly) OT: A Look at Casa Guylty

    • Glad you approve, Helen – after all your delicate glass drops had to make way for the new display. They were carefully packed away in tissue paper and an old Lindt chocolate tin and will be brought out again next spring 🙂


  1. What a great display of the king who holds the keys to our hearts. I wouldn’t wait for Christmas either. Too cute. Be careful, You may be a victim of Thorin Creep, first your desk, then the drawing room, then … who knows?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thorin Creep – LOL – I think it has already started. Initially it was actually only confined to my kitchen. Two years ago it started with a foil bag of cappucino powder that had Thorin’s yummy face displayed all over it. Then Thorin popped up in my study. And now he’s in the drawing room. I think I’ll get really worried when his face turns up on my loo paper…

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  2. 🙂 Thorin in Guyltys Geäst. Schön, wie er da hängt und schwingt und hängt und schwingt…… Ein wahrhaft schön verschlüsseltes Kunstwerk. Du merkst es: ein wohldosiertes Kompliment 🙂
    Das wäre doch mal was für die Fa. Schleich: ich finde, die setzen ihre Figuren noch am Besten um. Da gibt es ja auch eine Menge Drachen und solches Gedöns. Vielleicht käme mir dann auch so ein Püppi ins Haus 😉


  3. What a wonderful assemblage of treasures! I am fond of old keys too–a perfect setting for Thorin. In fact, the marketing people for all things Hobbit-related ought to consider a reproduction of the Erebor key.
    Who are the ancestors? They’re gorgeous!


    • I have always loved those old keys. They have been hanging inside a cupboard in my kitchen, and I had been wondering what to do with them. I love displaying such every-day-objects. And somehow they fit nicely with Thorin and the way he is connected to a key… You can, btw, buy the Erebor key online. As a key ring, a pendant, a pen. I got a cheap reproduction and stuck a needle on the back to wear it as a brooch. (I stole that idea from Agzy: https://iwanttobeapinup.wordpress.com/tag/thorins-key-to-erebor/)
      The ancestors are two great aunts, Bay and Babbin. I think their busts were made by theiir artist sister (the one whose painting we took our picture in front of).

      Liked by 3 people

  4. beautifully artsy!!!!! i love old branches and i love to think that the tree continues it’s life inside your home 🙂 And that is one lovely Thorin figure! i didn’t know they came as Xmas decorations too! Lovely prezzie and that is one perfect display. I love how from a small distance already they seem to float in air.. all those keys, so many secrets! and love the pose on him, mid flight/fight. Love Thorin in action 🙂 (that’s 3x<3 in one comments, oh well, at least i'm feeling loved up this morning 🙂 )


    • Trees are beautiful – and I like your way of thinking, Hariclea – a new life inside the house.
      Yup, made by Hallmark. Personally, I wouldn’t really decorate my Christmas tree with Hobbit figurines, but I am a purist when it comes to Chrimbo. But the pressie is perfect, as you said, because it can be used at any time of year 😀 Thorin in action is always a good sight. And the pose reminds me of the photo it is modelled on…

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  5. That whole area you have shown is very appealing. Love everything, especially the branch and the ‘ruins’. Thorin looks as though he is about to protect those keys from a fire breathing dragon!


    • He does, doesn’t he? He’s guarding my secrets 😀
      The plaster ruin was brought back from a visit to Rome by an ancestor. It is in fact the Temple of Castor and Pollux on the Forum Romanum *waves at Barsine and Obscura* There’s a number of antique plaster casts in the house, and a few bronze models, too, also from Rome.

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  6. Love this idea — and thanks for the reminder to get my Thorin ornament while it’s still 2014. I haven’t bought this many Chanukkah presents for myself in my entire life.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hehe. Come to think of it – it would be soooo easy for loved ones to find suitable presents for us. Hobbit calendar, Thorin ornament, Hobbit t-shirts, oh there is so much out there that I would be glad to have. If only my family wasn’t so suspicious *ggg*

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              • Technically, that’s called the “Miranda warning,” which is a notice of 5th amendment rights. What you need to say is: “I refuse to answer the question on the grounds that the answer may tend to incriminate me.” And then shut the heck up 🙂 Good luck.

                Liked by 2 people

                  • a sort of random Arizona small time thug whose last name was Miranda and who confessed to rape after questioning without being aware of his right not to. It went through the courts — and the US Supreme Court agreed that people have to be advised of their rights. They tried him again while excluding the conviction and he was found guilty again.

                    I think it was much more important as direct evidence back then (the late 60s?). Now its main application is as “fruit of a poisoned tree,” i.e., any evidence the police obtain as a consequence of a statement by a non-Mirandized suspect is at risk of exclusion in a trial.


                    • Interesting. I have always found this statement really weird when I hear it in American films. I don’t think that is done in Germany (at least not until after the suspect has been taken into custody and is formally being questioned).
                      I think it is ironic that the whole law is now being used for opposite effect – well, almost…

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              • the German criminal system is *really* different. No jury trials, for instance, in cases of serious crimes. It always worried me, living in Germany — not that I was committing crimes or I thought the German police were draconian. I just would not have known what to do if I’d ever been accused of a crime or arrested.


                • Good point – I felt the same when I was living in the US. And strange, because strictly speaking I am more familiar with the workings of the US law (as represented on countless US crime shows or movie thrillers) than I am with German law…


                  • I found the German court system largely opaque, but I think it’s because you never see German courts operating on TV, except in those weird reality shows where they sometimes have a “Schöffen” (sp?) operating. I note that there’s no English article in wikipedia for “Schöffengericht.” I suppose if you have jurists deciding everything, there’s no huge need for courtroom drama on TV, either ….


                    • No, Schöffe (Sg) is just another word for lay judge, i.e. similar to a member of a jury except that in Germany we do not have any juries that consist of lay men *only*. There is always 1 judge on the jury. Another word for Schöffe, btw, is “Geschworener” – “the sworn in”. Schöffengerichte are only used for minor offenses. I remember being present at a Schöffengericht for a traffic offense.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • incidentally, based on what little I know about it, I do tend to think the German criminal justice system somewhat more rational than the US one. Juries as a mechanism for justice are just *crazy*. They are very erratic.


  7. This is stupendous — conceptually and aesthetically. I like to imagine Mr. A lurks at our blogs to see what nuttiness we are up to. I hope he sees this post and it reinforces that we’re just a bunch of fun-loving gals who entertain each other by using him as the instigator.


    • That’s what I like to think, too, Besotted – eh, no, not that Mr A lurks and reads all my crap *eeeek*, that might make him blush. I rather hope that he takes it as a compliment that he gets both left and right brain of his well-wishers going and that he is the “instigator” of creative engagement with our environment. Surely that is something to be pleased with, not embarrassed about…


  8. WARNING WARNING …Do NOT put Hallmark Thorin near Pop Thorin,They don’t like each other,and never near Plush Thorin,you will have war!!!!! On the sane side.I like your decorations

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL – I never thought about it, but I think you could be right. I have kept Pop Thorin up on my desk – where he is happily watching me blog. Hallmark Thorin will watch me lounge on my couch. I can see him already getting annoyed with that…


  9. Great display Guylty !
    Gosh, I think I’m letting the side down here. Apart from getting my new distRActed badge which was an unusual thing for me to do, I have no, that is absolutely NO trinkets of Thorin, Hobbit or LOTR. I hang my head in shame………….


        • Ahhhh, 68 cm. Stimmt, jetzt wo du es erwähnst fällt mir auf, dass meine Bilder alle exakt 65 cm voneinander entfernt aufgehängt werden. Interessant, wie unterschliedlich das gehandhabt wird. 🙂
          Was für Themen und dann noch unmittelbar vorm D-Day……….


          • Hast du etwa auch Ikea RIBBA in deinem Wohnzimmer hängen???
            Jou, getting ready. Gestern schon mal eingecheckt. Heute muss ich hier noch ein bisschen was reißen, u.a. muss ich mein Studio ausräumen, weil da eine Ausstellung drin stattfindet. Puh, das wird noch ein Spaß…


      • Zur Strafe, dass du mir unterstellst, indiskrete Fragen zu stellen, verrate ich dir jetzt nicht, dass die 68 links neben dem Trockengemüse an der Wand steht. Das hast du jetzt davon! Ätsch!


    • *kicher* Wusste gar nicht, dass Igel so gute Augen haben… Naja, das kommt davon, wenn man extragroße Bilder einstellt. Die 68 ist noch an der Wand, weil wir mal eine Ausstellung in unserem jetzigen Wohnzimmer gemacht haben und genau 68 Zentimeter zwischen jedem eingeschlagenen Nagel sein mussten…


          • Genau: schau_der_haft!** Viel wichtiger, dass du dich darum kümmerst, als um so ein bisschen Bleistift an der Wand. 😀

            ** Nicht dass ich wüsste, wovon du redest, aber zustimmen kann ich dir ja trotzdem. 😉


            • Man muss halt Prioritäten setzen, nech. Und unsere Wand ist ein Gesamtkunstwerk. Das ist der über die Jahrhunderte vergilbte Putz, mit allen möglichen Flecken und Farbspuren. Die roten Streifen sind die Farbe, die durch die Tapetenritzen durchkamen, nachdem wir die vorherige Strukturtapete *grusel* einstmals bei Einzug terrakottarot gestrichen hatten…


              • Ich finde, die Wand sieht richtig gut aus, das hat so ein bisschen antike Wirkung Ganz ernst gemeint! Ich hatte mich zuerst gefragt, was für ein Putz es ist, dann aber die Tapetenbahnen erkannt. 🙂

                “… über die Jahrhunderte vergilbte Putz …” Tststs, qualmst du etwa da drin?


                • Geraucht wird hier auch, ja, aber der Putz war schon vorher so. Das Haus ist eben wirklich alt (rund 200 Jahre). Als wir das Wohnzimmer renoviert haben, haben wir die Tapeten runtergerissen und wollten eigentlich alles weiß streichen. Aber der unregelmäßig vergilbte und fleckige Putz sah irgendwie gut aus. Nun isses so geblieben. (Meine Mutter fragt bei jedem Besuch “Wollt ihr eigentlich das Wohnzimmer so lassen?????????” – ja, Mama, das ist jetzt fünf Jahre so und bleibt erstmal so…)

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              • *g* Mütter sehen manche Dinge halt ein bisschen anders …

                Wie gesagt: Mir gefällt’s. Und wenn sich zufällig ein originell-guter Eindruck ergeben hat, sollte man das zu schätzen wissen. 🙂

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              • ich mag das Foto und die ganze Wand sehr, sieht eingelebt aus und interessant, und wie die Sonne von dem Fenster so diagonal auf die Busten scheint erinnert mich das Ganze an Italien oder ein Haus irendwo in der Provence in Frankreich, die Aste passen total zur Wand, wenn die Wand ganz einfarbig war ware es irgendwie nicht das selbe 🙂


              • Meine frühere Wohnung war in einem Haus, das 1890 oder so gebaut worden war. Da war anscheinend mit einem Lehm-Putz verputzt worden, aber leider an viel zu vielen Stellen mit modernem Putz ausgebessert. 😦

                Kuriosität am Rande: Ein Loch in der Wand (etwa 5 cm hoch und ebenso breit und tief) war sogar mit einem Holzklötzchen aufgefüllt worden.

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    • also haste endlich den rosa Ballonseideanzug gefunden??? na prima 🙂 die rascheln so schon beim Gehen und Stehen :-p Ich hab jetzt ein Bild von der Fangemeinde, huch!… aber wir passen zu ihm, wer weiss was der anhat wenn wir ihn nicht sehen, sicher auch keine enganliegenden Jeans ‘ggg’
      Wo war noch so dass Bild wo er auf dem Sofa fast lag mir offenem Jeanshemd und Arbeiterjacke? :-p


        • hm, war doch von den Hobbit Filmtagen 🙂 so jung nun auch wieder nicht, oder eher sooo alt ist er nun wieder nicht seitdem :-p oder welches Lummelbild meinst du? und das lazve entsteht ja nur weil die Mobelstucke nicht fur seinen Bau gebaut wurden :-p auf dem SW Sessel dass mir sehr gut gefall lummelt er ja auch wieder mit gespreizten Beinen, typisch mannliche Lummelpose :-p


          • *vordenkopfklatsch* Klar, war gerade vollkommen falsch unterwegs. Du meinst das Bild, wo er so abgerissen und fertig vorm Laptop sitzt. Klar, das ist neueren Datums. Mir schossen gerade so Sofabilder durch den Knopf bei denen der Begriff pseudolasziv passt. Hier passt nur *ab unter die Dusche und ins Bett* 😀

            Liked by 1 person

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