The Hobbit BOTFA Premiere – Part 1

Back yesterday afternoon and straight into family life. So much so that I had no time to edit and post-produce images or write a blog post. You may also have read Hariclea’s two-part run-down here and here. (If not, go and see it from her perspective 😉 ) The total statistics of the weekend are: 1 old friend met, 2 new friends made, 2 queuing sessions, 8.5 hours queued in total, 2 hours of shooting and cheering, 18 celebs spotted, 338 photos shot, 73 useable images found. I’ll pepper the following post with some of them. Yes, I am drawing this out over several posts. I am an avid student of the Dunn School of Marketing…



So, this is how it all came down for me: I arrived in London Saturday lunchtime and immediately launched into my exhibition programme. Straight from the airport to the V&A for my absolute must-do, an exhibition of photographer Horst P. Horst (fabulous stuff – really brilliant). Then back into town for my pilgrimage to the annual Taylor Wessing portrait photography prize, on show in the National Portrait Gallery. Hariclea had insisted on meeting me there, so we got a headstart in terms of getting to know each other. Afterwards we wandered around for a place to sit down and eat. I was slightly hampered by the fact that my debit card didn’t work and was basically down and out. Embarrassing, to say the least. Luckily I had had enough cash on me to cover my travel expenses. We finally parted at about 8pm – Hariclea having missed the first half of her opera that evening.

Queue-Time Sunday

We had known in advance that access to the fan areas was with wristbands only. Those were supposed to be handed out from 12 noon on Sunday. I made my way into town and arrived on Leicester Square at a quarter to 10 – with two massive queues already in place. I joined one queue and immediately got chatting to two German girls in front of me. (If you are reading this, Meike and Lisa – it was a pleasure meeting you. You were a wealth of information and great fun to hang out with. Glad to have met you!!!) Hariclea was still on her way, having met cRAmerry off the tube from the airport, and Linda60 was travelling in from her own accommodation. By the time they arrived, I had been given a number on my hand – a guy had come round to number those people who were queuing. Felt a bit like being branded – and the feeling that we were part of a herd of cattle was one that persisted all weekend… Anyhow, the others arrived later and got numbers too. Word was that 1000 wristbands were going to be handed out, and those 1000 were guaranteed access to the premiere on Monday. Eventually, at about quarter to 12, we received our cattle tags wristbands and were told not to be back before 11 am on Monday. I was number 683. *fistpump*

With access now guaranteed, I felt the pressure fall off my shoulders. I had been incredibly tense since Friday – getting everything done for my absence, work with last-minute requests, the money issue, the insecurity over access to the premiere. All that resolved and covered, it was time to enjoy the weekend. We walked over to the Tate Modern where I insisted on looking at a photo expo on “Conflict – Time – Photography”, which was stunning. I unsuccessfully tried to put the others off – the exhibition was 14.50 GBP in, but Hariclea and cRAmerry insisted… Linda60 opted out and went for a walk instead. We all hooked up again afterwards and went for a bite to eat. Called it a night relatively early in order to keep fresh for the big day, knowing that we’d be required to stand for a long time…

The Hobbit – The Battle Of The Best Spot

Monday morning I was again the first on site. You can take the girl out of Germany, but you can’t take the German out of the girl… Ignoring the advice of the organisers, I was on Leicester Square at 9.45 am. And again the queues had already formed. I basically joined a queue arbitrarily – but it turned out to be the right one, as soon after my arrival the security guys started arranging us in sequence of our numbered wristbands – so I hooked up with the German girls from the Sunday queue again. Half an hour later Hariclea, Linda60 and cRAmerry turned up, too. And then the long waiting began. We stood outside the fan areas in chilly (but not freezing) temperatures until 3.30pm, passing the time with chatting and laughing and occasionally wandering off to take a look at the green carpet that was still being set up.

In fact, they worked on the premiere site until immediately before the arrival of the first celebs. The last van literally drove out as the first limo drew up. Those Brits are cool hands or had a logistics break-down – no comparison to compulsively ready Berlin 2013 *ggg*. Anyhow, the fans were admitted in chunks of several hundred at  a time. Our lot went in at about 3.30 pm. Like cattle we were essentially herded into a pre-assigned pen. There was no choice which of the pens you could go into and that’s how we ended up in a shite spot. Let me repeat that in capital letters for extra emphasis: S H I T E! I’ll put it on the map for you:

map of premiere site

(Should’ve coloured that arrow brown)

Essentially we were put in the corner. It was a shorter stretch of fan area at the corner of Leicester Square where the limos drove in to set down the celebs. There was a bit of confusion over where to place ourselves as spots at the railings were already taken, and we eventually settled in second row at a point where the limos exited out of the set-down area. (We had briefly experimented with another spot where we were at the front of the railings but which was were the limos would drive past and the celebs were still sitting inside the cars – but then moved back to a spot where we were we at least had a view of the green carpet…)

More waiting ensued. cRAmerry and Hariclea had brought three folding stools along (more or less in preparation for me – I had not been given access to the photography pen but had been told I could be in a raffle for access, and advised to bring a small step-ladder because the photography pen was likely to be three rows deep… The raffle was taking place on Monday at 4.50pm, and you had to be present to be in it. But as there was no guarantee that I would get lucky, and attending the raffle also meant giving up my spot in the fan area (with no re-admittance once leaving it), I had opted to stay with the fans rather than chance it…). The stools meant we could sit down once in a while – and later stand on it to look over the heads of those in front of us.

The Sequence of Events Celebs

As is usual at these events, it then happened really quickly. The first to arrive was Jed Brophy. Himself, Joshua Bell, Adam Brown and Sylvester Mc Coy completely passed us by. The first to come down into our cul-de-sac was Billy Boyd.



Come away from that dark corner, Richard, dear…

After him arrived Mr A himself. I didn’t see him get out of his limo and I never saw who accompanied him – his parents, I have heard? He arrived at about 6.24 but he was whisked away by his publicist before he could advance further into our corner. (I had never thought of making a poster again – it might have helped, I am now thinking, as his publicist had certainly steered RA towards us in Berlin… I think they are *very* fan conscious and I am not even pissed off that she more or less pulled him away from our corner – she was doing her job, that’s all, and she needed to get him over to the other side where NZ TV was doing initial interviews.)


Luke Evans posing away


Sho-gun Turner

Then came Luke Evans. Aidan Turner did not make it to our side.

Evangeline Lily did – and stayed extra long because she lost her dangly earring right in front of us and then had trouble getting it back in. She stood and fumbled for minutes – still a pretty sight, though!

Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, James Nesbitt, Andy Serkis all stayed on the other side of the green carpet.



Check the image on the mobile’s screen!!

But Orlando Bloom came down, and even took selfies with fans.


Sir Peter’s publicist pointing out Fan-Mordor. Thank you!!!

Then came Peter Jackson, and he proved to be the fan-friend he is reported to be. He really took his time, looked up to talk to fans, signed patiently, took pictures, asked question. Kudos to him – and his publicist – she actually had pointed him to our corner. She had been standing opposite us and knew how frustrated people were getting. Nice woman!!!

The ‘Batch Gets His Own Heading

Then Cumberbatch arrived – with fiancée! She slunk in the background, but BC threw himself straight into the madness and started signing away, luckily going down our way. He was in our vicinity for three minutes – signing, posing for selfies. I was impressed with him again – and he provided me with my favourite image of the whole night.


I’m not kidding, this *is* my favourite image of the night. I love the colours in this, the blur, the overexposed bits of light and flash, the barely discernible faces. But I admit I am putting into practice what I have learnt in the Dunn School of Marketing – I am teasing you. Cumberbatch and I have a photo-thing going on because again, like in Berlin, he provided me with the best shot of the evening. Thank you, Mr C. You deserve not only a heading but a whole OT post for that! Coming soon.


Ken Stott

Last celeb to arrive was Ken Stott, but didn’t come down near us.

By that time it was 7.30pm and the film supposedly was starting. I couldn’t wait to get out of the cattle pens, really, even though it was unclear whether anything else was going to happen. But we eventually left and went to a restaurant which we had perfectly timed with our reservation for 7.30pm. We sat and chatted until 11pm – well, it all had to be put into perspective… Especially for the two RA-premiere virgins Hariclea and cRAmerry.

And thus endeth the Battle of The Best Fan Spot

81 thoughts on “The Hobbit BOTFA Premiere – Part 1

    • LOL re “nobody puts Guylty in a corner”. I can tell you, I worked very hard at keeping my only-child, self-centered, easily-offended personality in check. And well, I got some really nice pics – just not of the OOA…

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Tja, was soll ich sagen, genau so war es! Ich glaube, meinen Bericht lasse ich stecken. Du hast alles soweit drinnen. Mal sehen….. 🙂 Evangeline ist ja wirklich schnuckelig! Freue mich auf Camberbätsch 😉


  2. Beim Livesteam hat man schon gemerkt wie Evangeline den Trubel genossen hat, wie ein Kind – die Fotos von ihr sind bezaubernd geworden und passen zu der Stimmung in der sie offensichtlich war, es würde bestimmt Spaß machen sie kennen zu lernen…. 😉 schönes Erlebnis für Euch.
    Aber auch Peter Jackson scheint ja keinerlei Star-Allüren zu haben, ein sehr sympathischer Mann, klein aber oho!
    Der schöne Orlando ist sichtlich älter geworden, aber auch er hatte offensichtlich viel Spaß!
    Tja und mit Benedict Cumberbatch dürftest Du wohl den zur Zeit offiziell “most wanted” Man vor der Linse gehabt haben 😉 ich hoffe, ein kleiner Trost dafür, dass Mr. A in die falsche Ecke gewandert ist ❤
    Ich finde übrigens auch das erste Foto mit dem Feuer vor Bilbo sehr! beeindruckend, wow das strahlt Hitze aus!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Schön, wenn das auf den Fotos so rüberkommt, wie auch ich das erlebt habe. Genauso – Evangeline war hinreißend. Sir Peter ein echter Schatz. Orlando war grauenhaft zugekleistert mit Puder (was man auf Fotos nie sieht – weswegen das ja auch gemacht wird) und Cumberbatch ein wahrer Star.
      Das Bilbo-Foto gefällt mir auch sehr gut – man sieht sogar die Hitzeschlieren des Feuers.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ja genau, die Hitze strahlt über das ganze Bild, toll!
        Das Puder hat man nicht gesehen, macht offensichtlich alt, ein wirklich gut aussehender Mann braucht sich nicht zu pudern 😉 Bin auf weitere Cumberbatch Bilder gespannt….

        Liked by 1 person

        • Die kommen auf jeden Fall, denn Bätschi war lange in meiner Sichtweite und ließ sich prima fotografieren. Echt – bei RA setzt es bei mir aus, aber Bätschi ist ein Klacks. Das nennt man dann mal wieder “zu nah dran am Subjekt”, jedenfalls was RA angeht…

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  3. Girl, your photos are mighty fiiiineeee! No, honestly they are, i absolutely adore the first! That is one good photo of the cauldron and Bilbo pointing towards the fire and all 🙂 Love it, i shall snaffle that with your permission 🙂
    Shite about sums it up, yes. I still feel like having a crying fit reading it back, thought i’d popped enough photos of the OOA yesterday to avoid that 😉 It’s looking at the fine back walking away… I’m just glad you got a few pics, even if back facing 🙂 Upsy, i retrospectively realised i had sadly omitted to mention Billy Boyd, was still zombified.
    Evangeline looks soo beautiful in the picture! And she really was 🙂 Lovely pic of McKellen with Orlando! niceee framed by al those people 🙂

    And look at Orlando! All open expression and animated, fab! Doesn’t he look just as if he were asking ‘do you like my hair?’ 😉 No we don’t , but you’re cute nevertheless ;-p I have to say when they started showing trailers on the screens while we were still waiting in the street Legolas got the most enthusiastic cheers from the fans cue 😉

    PJ and his lady publicist very very sweet indeed. It was really nice of her to point him there and nice of him for spending all that time there showing interesting and listening patiently and so on. One of the few highlights of the evening 🙂

    Can’t wait for the Batchy shots!!! (jumping up and down ;-)) pleased with the reaction Ms Photoqueen? ;-)) No, but really he’s such a gent and deserves his own post in my book too. I was satisfied to see my impressions confirmed. He gets a like from me 🙂
    I’d change a lot of things about that evening, but i wouldn’t change any of the rest, i’d still do it with you guys and still had a a lot of fun 🙂 Positives stayed with me, frustRAtion slowing fading away.
    Thanks for your determination and stubbornness and professionalism for keeping at it with photos in spite of our early disappointment. They are lovely memories of the fun bits 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think I had one advantage over you and cRAmerry – I already had one premiere under my belt, I sort of knew how unpredictable these things can be and my own personal disappointment was something else (not getting to shoot from the photography pen). And then, once the event started, and even after RA was steered away from us, I was distracted from any thoughts by being in work mode. Shoot shoot shoot. It was when I looked through the images afterwards that I realized how miserably little we had seen of RA.
      And yet, yes there were highlights, PJ one of them. I really can’t praise his publicist enough. You can see in the photo that she is literally pointing at us (me? she seems to look at my camera?) I had noticed that she was in the first limo that arrived, and she stood there at the beginning of the green carpet for a while before the celebs arrived, so she got the picture…
      What I omitted – indispensible accessory for attending a premiere: good company! I had fun. Thanks!

      Liked by 3 people

      • yes you are right about PJ’s publicist, she had been there a while and noticed what went down and it’s also nice that she pointed it out to him, ie i guess she also knew he probably cares quite a lot about fans ( the Hobbit existing as such also has to do quite a lot with the big fans base and the year long support 🙂 ) But we were lucky she cared and paid attention to begin with and didn’t care just about the press attending getting what they needed which a lot of the others probably focused on.

        It was an eye-opener to see the press pen at the event, i haven’t had this experience before. The few occasions i’ve had to deal with anything like this it was us first , i didn’t realise how it actually is out there when doors don’t open at all or you have to push and shove.
        You’re also totally right about wrong expectations… i totally let myself be taken by the wave and never thought about what it would really be like, in my mind it was going to be probably like a bigger stage door ‘ggg’. But it’s good to see other perspectives too. I’ve only never know RA in very easy and comfortable circumstances, with easy access, no stress, no discomfort, but really that was the exception so far, the rule has been and is more like the other night, just the way it works. Expectations realigned 😉

        Aside for the momentary disappointment talking with other people about it it’s been a very interesting experience and i wouldn’t say i’d never do it again. I learned quite a bit about what happens once the film is finished with it and such and how it works in promotion,etc It sort of completes the pictures i keep completing like a puzzle (it’s sort of the interesting part of my job in some ways). There were a few negatives but also a lot of positives and in addition to that i found the press conference very interesting, especially some of the things PJ said and views he has about how technology evolves and what it may be in the future, what cinema struggles with etc. Most of it was very interesting and due to the shared fun and experience mainly positive 😉 The only negative really was not seeing RA, everything else was positive in some way or at least interesting/exciting. I have faith we’ll get another chance at RA 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        • Eye-opener is the word. I only learnt why some celebs are not really that keen on red carpets when I attended one myself. The noise, the demands, the cold, the utter strangeness of the whole thing… It’s weird alright. I’m glad it’s over 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • not keen on the size of these events either 😉 yep. may the life after the Hobbit begin 🙂
            Well, i guess for him it’s moved one since at least a year ago now, but probably the screening of the last one will shift things again a little. But it will be different for everyone once liberated from the megafranchise 😉


  4. You manage to make the whole experience sound like fun, rather than frustrating. Being with friends helps make it bearable, and you always take your sense of humor with you, as well as a camera. (Shout out to Linda60!) You provided us with some moooooo- ving photos, despite being in the cattle pens. My husband asked me yesterday if I was planning to go to the LA premiere and was surprised when I said no way. But if I had some RA friends to endure it with, I might be tempted. Have humor, will travel, (about 60 miles).


    • You know, whether a premiere has been a good experience or not really depends on oneself. It would have been stupid to wallow in disappointment and spoil the evening for ourselves. We just went with the flow and simply enjoyed being present. As you said, being there with friends made it fun. So go for it – your hubs has given you carte blanche *ggg*. Hope someone reads this!!!

      Liked by 1 person

        • I know, a day or two late and a dollar short, but I can vouch for Kathy Jones. She is awesome! She has also agreed to be my be-yatch at WonderCon 2015 in LA next year after doing the whole insanity that is ComicCon in San Diego this year. She helped keep me grounded during all my stress moments and I’m grateful she is still willing to attend anything with me. So while I might be the weird woman here, Kathy is the queen of calm, cool and collected.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kathy, I live in LA and plan to go to the premiere. This will be my first RA premiere and I’m not going to miss it. I’m going to wear my EntRAnced button too. Want to join me? Who else lives in the LA area and want to go if we get a group together? Let’s do it!


    • Hi Kathy!!! (me waving enthusiastically!! 😀 ) It would have been most wonderful when you would’ve shown up!!!! Quite unsuspected though… but oh dear, it was freezing cold over the hours and all four of us were wistfully remembering those warmer nights at the SD! We really talked the hell out of us… to keep us warm.. Hopefully there will be an occasion to meet again some time soon…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Linda! I wish I could have been there too, freezing my butt off in solidarity with you girls. SD memories still make me smile. Almost instant gratification in a short (relatively speaking) line. You have to come over here. It’s your turn. And I guarantee you won’t freeze. California hugs (very warm) to you.

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  5. Gratulation an die eifrige Schülerin, die sowohl Prof. Dunn (Teasing) als auch Prof. Servetus (Wortzahl) Ehre macht. 😉

    Ernsthaft: So bedauerlich die schnelle Flucht des Streifenhörnchens vor den Kühen bzw. hens-in-pens war, der Bericht liest sich dennoch angenehm, und es scheint, als hättet ihr trotzdem Spaß gehabt. – Gut so!

    PS: Aber selbstverfreilich wollen wir *sämtliche* Bilder, auf denen RA drauf ist. (Ich hab da so die Bildunterschrift vor Augen: “Und hier seht ihr Richards linken Ärmel und könnt genau erkennen, dass die Ärmellänge von Hemd und Anzug perfekt war …” 😀 )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, ich war schon immer eine gute Studentin… 😀
      Und klar, Spaß hat es trotzdem gemacht. Mensch, wir lassen uns doch Armitage nicht den Abend versauen!!! Klar, wenn Robert Hermitage gekommen wäre, wäre es natürlich noch besser gewesen…
      Sämtliche Bilder kommen noch.

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  6. Girls, you’re in that day-after stage when one must actively fight the forces of Armitage hangover — the do-I-dare-admit-I’m-disappointed ennui of “Was it real?” “Did I actually see him?” “Did I actually spend _ hours freezing my ass off for THAT?”

    Part of the fun of these things is telling your story afterward around the worldwide campfire to: 1. Convince yourself it was more fun than it really was, and 2. Convince the rest of us that we were there with you.

    Forget about RA. He’s just the catalyst. The real experience of this fandom is how he has motivated all of us to engage with each other. Sometimes the best part of the day is the conversation you strike up with a random stranger during the train ride home.

    This time, I was one of the fans stuck in front of a computer, with one viewpoint on the proceedings, wondering, “What’s actually happening on the ground, and what do all those other people see?” So tell me!

    Guylty is off to a roaring start. The rest of you, chime in. Remember all the stage door stories this summer? There is no detail too small or too banal that some fangirl won’t be thrilled by your account. Get to it!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Absolutely spot-on, Besotted. The Armitage hangover is definitely on, and is actually being drawn out by the current onslaught of Hobbit promo stuff. I am deliberately staying away from it – it’s just too much.
      And RA is definitely a catalyst. That’s what I enjoy most about it all. He provides plenty of material to talk about, and to engage with others about. And in my case, he provides me with endless opportunity to talk and do photography. Would I have ever attempted to shoot at a premiere without him? No. So plenty to be happy with. I honestly do not feel disappointed. It was great as it was, and it has put some other things into perspective for me.
      So yeah, there will be more stuff coming. He deserves a post of his own with all the pictures – even if there’s just three of them *ggg*.

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  7. (a) Richard Armitage still has that left-tending hairline squidge, no matter how short his haircut!
    (b) you may be dissatisfied that you didn’t get good ones of him but a lot of these other ones are fantastic. Love Evangeline with her earring and that could really be a classic shot
    (c) after reading a lot of reports of this summer, I think you’re absolutely right about expectations and focusing your energy in a particular direction — it’s what you make of it.

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    • a) You know what? That was exactly the first thing I focussed on in that photo *ggg*
      b) I was initially disappointed – and then I realized that it didn’t matter. It put Berlin into perspective for me. Berlin was actually much better than I thought at the time. I have to completely revise my opinion about that premiere.
      c) Expectation management, yes. I am gonna comment on that in my forthcoming post with the rest of the Armitage pics.


  8. Thank you for the report and these wonderful pics, really amazing!!!
    Ich bin froh, daß ihr zusammen eine gute Zeit hattet, auch wenn das Streifenhörchen den geplanten Höhepunkt vermasselt hat!


  9. guytly, thanks for this wonderful summary. When I think about it, it’s the unpertubable personality of Evangeline Lily that caught and almost mesmerised me the most. Her beaming face and sweet nature. She actually radiated warmness within this fairly cold ambience. Ok, to be honest, she stayed in our remote neck of the woods the longest, due to her earring loss. (Those braziers just looked mighty impressive but didn’t do any good for us freezing guys.) Peter Jackson is undoubtedly a nice person (prob as long as you don’t get in the way of his determination!! 😉 ) and my impression is, that BC has ultimately refined his Red Carpet appearance. Being there and not being there in perfection. Quite friendly fella, but utterly detached. (Ok, that’s my POV!)
    Besides, I’m still bugged about this 7-hours long brainwash of repeating the same 3 trailers over and over…. (guylty, you know, you disappeared behind your camera, whereas I had to look close all the time..!!).
    Mind you dear readers, guylty and I completed our Hattrick/treble!!! London-Berlin-London. Now ready for the pending awards… LOL !! 😀

    any time again ladies.. enjoyed your company very much…preferably at smaller venues….

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    • PS: You have some really, really gorgeous pictures here!!! Hadn’t even realised that you were “snapping” (I know this word is a sacrilege!!) away so many photos…… Toll!!


  10. Guylty, you took some stunning photographs. I am waiting expectantly for Cumberbatch gold! I think the Evangeline pix are my favorites. In the photo of RA, I was struck by the lovely visage of the man facing the camera! Good heavens. Though of course, had Mr. A. turned around, that other fellow would have been cast into the shade 🙂
    Your account of the happenings truly conveys the sense of excitement and frustration in an event like this. No greater love hath woman than to stand in the cold all day for a glimpse of the Beloved. I’m not sure I would have done it! But as you’ve noted, there was so much more to your visit than the glimpse. Including the genius Horst P. Horst. That’s one show I would have liked to see.


  11. Ich wollte noch was hinzufügen:

    Du hättest echt versuchen sollen, das eine oder andere Bild zu Geld zu machen.

    Das große Evangeline-Lilly-Foto ist großartig. So blöd euer Platz auch war: Für dieses Foto war es genau der richtige Ort, um einen super Blickwinkel zu haben! Top!

    Genial auch das Geschockter-Peter-Jackson s/w-Bild. Super! 😀

    Und dann gefällt mir noch das erste Foto oben. Das Feuer, die Hitzeschlieren – passt. Hat Atmosphäre, falls du weißt, was ich meine.


    • Too kind, Hedgehogess. Ich freu mich über dein Lob, wirklich. Und auch darüber, dass du glaubst, ich könnte damit Geld machen. Aber das funktioniert nicht. Meine Bilder sind leider das, was man unter Fotografen “soft” nennt. Nein, kein Softporno (obwohl ich das angesichts der Gefühle, die mich gelegentlich dabei überkommen, ganz treffend wäre…), sondern soft im Sinne von “leicht unscharf”. Das ist die besagte Grobkörnigkeit, aber auch die leichte Bewegungsunschärfe aufgrund zu langer Belichtungszeit und großer Blende. Dat würde mir kein Schwein abkaufen…
      Aber gut, ich sollte jetzt mal wirklich meine Zugangsdaten zu Getty Images updaten. Die hatten vor Jahren mal gefragt, ob ich Bilder bei ihnen verkaufen will. Und ich habs immer aus technischen Gründen vor mir hergeschoben…
      Den geschockten Jackson finde ich übrigens auch klasse – das passte mit dem fiesen Blitz von rechts und der wehenden Einstein-Mähne absolut super. Könnte man sich glatt in einem Horrorfilm vorstellen… 😀
      Das Feuer-Foto war so ungefähr das einzige, wirklich mit Überlegung und ruhiger Hand gemachte Foto des Abends *ggg*


      • Hmm, ja, vom Fan-Bereich aus hast du als Kunstschütze 😀 nicht die hilfreichen “Kleinigkeiten”, die den Presse-Fuzzis zu ihren Fotos verhelfen (zumindest zu denen, die wir überhaupt zu sehen kriegen), unwichtiger Kleinkram wie starke und saubere Ausleuchtung etwa.

        Das ändert aber nichts daran, dass du hier zufällige Chancen hattest, ungewöhnliche Bilder zu schießen. Anders gesagt: Orlando Bloom, der im x-ten nicht ganz scharfen Bild lächelt, interessiert ganz sicher keinen potentiellen Kunden – Evangeline Lilly, die mit ihrem Ohrring kämpft, vielleicht schon.

        Ich bleibe dabei: Du hättest den einen oder anderen Gelegenheitstreffer anbieten können.


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