In lieu of Round-up…

Hi guys, here’s a mini update from NZ. I can hardly believe I am here. This place is so hard to reach, but boy is it worth it!!!! Stunning! Breath-taking! Lush! Easy-going! Cool. Oh, and Pinot Noir… After 3 days in Auckland we are now on our way. We started off with a little detour towards the North but are now about 100km South of our starting point.
But more to the point – it’s not just the Pinot Noir that reminds me of Mr A. Look what I came across yesterday in Devonport:


Have you spotted it? Here’s another one:


I so hope I will catch it somewhere along the way… If not, I’ll drown my sorrows. In some of the aforementioned Pinot Noir. Ok, beddie times! Have a lovely Saturday!
S. ❤

29 thoughts on “In lieu of Round-up…

  1. PS – I meant to say sorry that I haven’t been replying to your comments on the *ooof*. I have read them all and – thank you *mwah mwah*. Hope to get a slow and lazy rest day soon where I can catch up! Xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

      • I’ve decided I’m just not going to bother with it. At all. I think the only way I can explain it is – when you dangle chocolate covered strawberries or some other sweet treat in front of a diabetic, we eventually reach a point where we don’t care and we don’t want it. That’s the point I’ve reached. I’ve unsubbed from Digital’s emails now twice and the second time I had to do it, they got a profanity filled rant in their ‘why’ box. Others might be happy to accept the dregs of the barrel. I’m not.

        Damn, I’m hormonal.


  2. Glad that you’re having such a wonderful time. Think of us and smile when you see the Armitage and Hobbit places, cause we are smiling for you!


  3. Pingback: I’m really enjoying Guylty’s trip to New Zealand! | Me + Richard Armitage

  4. Hör gefälligst auf, dich dafür zu entschuldigen, dass dein Blog ausnahmsweise mal nicht soooo wahnsinnige Prorität hat – genieß lieber die Reise … und die Sehenswürdigkeiten (wie Kino-Poster) … und den Wein … 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Huh…… jetzt bist du ganz schön weit weg….. und doch schon wieder “präsent” in meiner trauten Stube, mit Blick auf den verschneiten Balkon..hier…(kaum zu fassen!!) Mädels, genießt die Zeit und laßt es euch gutgehen (und ich bin natürlich auch ein bißchen neidisch!! 😉 )
    Ahhhuhhaaa, scheinbar folgt dir Richie auf Schritt und Tritt………(da ist die Welt doch auch wieder klein…)


  6. Have a wonderful time! I keep thinking of how close you are to me, just across the ditch. I wonder if you got off the plane in Sydney and had a quick peek at Aus’. xx


  7. Glad you are enjoying yourself and the NZ pinot noir. Hopefully you will manage to catch The Crucible during your travels.
    Thought you might like to know that thanks to the RA badge, I met Mezz and four other lovely ladies when seeing The Crucible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Finally able to do some catching up – wifi is not always available 😀 And yes, this is very much Thorin’s country. Saw the “sex dwarf” today in the post-office. Man, that picture of Thorin with his hair flowing and the suggestive look in his eyes… Kiwi post certainly knew what they were dpong 😉 Greetings to Monaco!


  8. Can’t even begin to imagine how exciting it is to be there 🙂 and yes it is fun to think of all the places he may he been to too 🙂 And the cinema is called ‘The Vic’ ‘ggg’ 🙂


    • Thank you, snowyjo 🙂 Today I am trying to catch up with comments, but if I have time and wifi left, I’ll try and write another update, over on the NZ blog, though 😉 This one is reserved for shameless Armitaging 😉 Thanks for reading x


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