RAPS for Charity UPDATES – And Still Time to Participate

As we are heading into the last few hours of the RAPS for Charity auctions in aid of Nepal Earthquake relief, I have already gained a number of valuable insights:

First of all – the tally so far. The bidding is currently standing at a pleasurable 80 US$ for Pirate!Guy, a hot 100 US$ for the Red Dragon and a more than fitting 240 US$ for the Custom-Made RAPS. Thank you to *all* bidders so far!!!

Secondly, you continue to astonish me with the level of support, generosity and good-will you display. Your efforts in spreading the word have been fantastic and we are already at a point in the auction where my expectations have been exceeded many times. A lot of you have shown great sportsmanship and good-will and sent in donations despite conceding defeat in the bidding. A massive thank you to all of the supporters of the fundraiser already!

On top of that, I have had word behind the scenes from an anonymous donor. She claims she is acting on behalf of a shady character – in her own words: “Mr. HErmitage has been in touch with me and he does not like being overshadowed by Mr. Armitage, as you well know.  So because Mr. Armitage’s doodle raised so much money, Mr. HErmitage, not to be outdone, wants to match what you raise for your charity auction.  He is sure he can beat Mr. Armitage’s total. (I have my doubts about this, myself, and told him not to expect too much, but he would not be swayed.)  So Mr. HErmitage (through me) will be happy to match your funding.” Note: To make this clear: Mr Armitage is in no way affiliated to or endorsing this fundraiser! The “HErmitage” character is a fiction of mine, created for amusement only. However, the anonymous donor is real!

Thirdly, I should have planned more carefully. I have only just realized that the different time-zones are not exactly favourable when it comes to the exciting finish of the auction. The auctions will finish today at 3pm BST, roughly three-and-a half hours from time of posting this. A bit early for some…

Also, my haphazard planning might bite me in the ass on another level. In my usual half-baked way I decided to push the auction a little further by throwing in another incentive today. I spontaneously decided to reward *every* donor and auction participant with a RAPSoid. Since the idea presented itself to me sometime late at night on Sunday, I have been shrining away obsessively, casually obstructed by Mr Guylty who has decided not to go to work yesterday and today, but is occupying my workbench. *arrrrrrrgh* I have been discreetly cutting and pasting and decorating whenever he has left my workbench but progress is slower than I thought, so I will have to postpone the big reveal to later and will only tease you with this:


So, in a nutshell: The fundraiser is going great – *you* are great. I can’t wait to tally up the final sum. There is still time for bidding on the three auction items, and all new rising bids and donations will go into the raffle for this beauty:

IMG_4028If you would like to bid for an item, you can find instructions to do so on the posts for Red Dragon, Pirate!Guy and the Custom RAPS. You are also welcome to send in donations. E-Mail me at guylty@photographer.net.

Happy bidding – and lots of lalalalalalove,

Guylty ❤

80 thoughts on “RAPS for Charity UPDATES – And Still Time to Participate

  1. Standing ovations @ all bidder and donors.

    You’re just great, all of you. So! 🙂


    PS: Tstststs! Unmöglich, diese Guylty … Un. Mög. Lich!

    Bringt eure Unaussprechlichen in Sicherheit, Thorin ist nah!!! LOL! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ich sehe schon, Du läufst zur absoluten Hochform auf! ❤
    absolut irre wie viel Gebote du erhalten hast, Deine kleinen Kunstwerke sind wirklich was wert – und ich habe auch so ein unbezahlbares kleines Schmuckstück!!!
    Thorins Schwert mit Unterwäsche LoL – der Blick erzwugt immer noch Gänsehaut ❤
    pass bloß auf, dass das schreinern nicht zur Obsesion wird, Du bekommst ja Entzugserscheinungen wenn Du ab morgen nichts mehr zu tun hast! Dicken Kuss an Deinen Mann, dass er Dich unterstützt 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on Armitage Agonistes and commented:
    Fans – there is still a little time to up the bids, even for a small amount. ( Remember the doodle came to the winner in the last minutes of the NF auction. It sounds like with the bids and the donations and the matching amount from Mr. Hermitage, the total could well reach over $ 1,000 U.S. And remember, receipt is already postage paid, which is Guylty’s own gift. Go Go Go.


  4. I don’t know why I’m always surprised at the show of generosity…as if Armitage fans wouldn’t show up to give!

    My current automotive woes keep me from bidding, but I will be making a donation as soon as that’s all sorted.

    You, my friend are liberalissima!!

    Liked by 3 people

    • IKR – the generosity has long and well been established in this fandom. I’ve seen it first hand with gifts and donations to me, with shrine orders for other people, with the STL initiative spearheaded by you and Jazzbaby, with Agzy’s auction a couple of years ago, with Ali’s Amazon commissions, with the individual contributions the fans make to Richard’s JustGiving pages. And yet – it just can’t be taken for granted. So many variables in it with changes in personal circumstances or in the fandom. But somehow it always works.
      Any donation welcome – but no pressure on *anyone*. Spreading the word is good enough.

      Liked by 2 people

      • You know, being the kind of annalist that I am by nature, I keep thinking that it would be a worthy project to compile a kind of “at a glance” record of past fandom events for instance, fandom charitable initiatives..it’s in the hypothesis stage right now 🙂


  5. What about sweetening the pot? For $ 5.00 or $ 10.00, ( your choice) fans should be able to pay for a chance to guess which character is chosen by the custom made RAPS . Just a thought. They can put their choice in the message part of the PayPal screen when sending their $$.


      • Well, this “tail piece” can happen after the auction closes and the participants would receive that which you are offering to all contributors so far. I tried to figure a way to “bet” what the made to order RAPS would be, but it was impossible.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I think those panties are in danger of spontaneously combusting from the smouldering pirate . The whole RAPS might go up in flames from excessive hotness. Great work, as usual. And all those tantalizing tins scattered around. I hope you have a fire extinguisher handy.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Pingback: me + the richard armitage religion | Me + Richard Armitage

  8. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 61/? – Thorin for Charity | Guylty Pleasure

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