#BlogIntroChallenge 7 – My Most Commented Post

Ha! I thought I had shot myself in the foot with this question. But then I came across a rather easy and hassle-free way of determining the most commented post on a WP blog: When you are on the “all posts” section of the WP backend, you get the list of all posts ever written. The last column is the date of posting, beside it is a star and a speech bubble. If you click on the speech bubble, the system will sort the list of posts according to number of comments. Make sure the little black arrow points downwards so you get the list counting down, starting with the most commented post.

Thorin Oakenshield character poster for The Hobbit - Battle of the Five Armies, 2014

Thorin Oakenshield character poster for The Hobbit – Battle of the Five Armies, 2014

The list tells me that my most commented post is *ooof*: An Ode to Thorin, published 16th October 2014. 203 comments in total, not counting “likes”. In all honesty, the *ooof* itself was no better or worse than any I have ever written. The accompanying ficlet possibly attractive because of the romance implied in it. But I ascribe the popularity of the post to two factors: 1) It included a piece of fan poetry by a commenter without her own blog and 2) the comments were dominated by the silly cheerful back-and-forth (in German) by some unnamed comment enthusiast *hehe*. Of course I also have to point out that the comment stats always get artificially pushed by me because I like to respond to each and every comment. Maybe unnecessary, but to me it looks like a return of favour.

In any case, whether that particular post merited so many comments or not – it stands out in one respect: It was the starting point for a good bit of poetic banter in the comments. Hedgehogess kicked it off with a spontaneous rhyme on the majestic head of Thorin which I could not resist continuing… To save you scrolling through it all – here is the pathetic effort (at least “pathetic” on my part, the purple bit):

Majestic ears hold high the crown
without the two, it would fall down.
The crown, lying ’round kingly neck?
All dwarves will think: “Oh, what the heck?!
Our King is looking really strange!
What’s wrong with him, is he deRAnged?”

So strong those ears, nothing compares
the crown sits fast, cushioned by hairs.
It is, however, such a shame
that ears are hidden – oh how lame,
for in the event of snogging scandals
they provide two perfect handles.

Oh yes, it is indeed a shame
to hide those ears under the mane!
Maybe there’s a reason to hide
them out of women sight?
To keep them out of their reaches?
They let the girls all think of peaches.

Women admire well-formed fruits
but realise they drives them nuts.
So their gaze wanders up his back
till they reach the Kingly neck.
His Majesty’s wild strong mane
they grab both gently and insane,
and tie it into a pony tail –
the lust for ears once more prevail’

The beauty, now for all to see,
makes weak a lot of women’s knees.
They want to pet, to lick, to bite,
whatever serves the King just right.
They’ll do it all enthusiastic,
because – let’s talk here realistic:
His Majesty’s majestic ears
let ovaries go up in flares.

I know I have posted these in the “Fans Wax Lyrical” section before, but to give credit where credit is due, here is the poem that Kathy wrote in response to Hedgehogess and me:

Ode to Thorin’s Ears

Those hidden ears of twin perfection,
His flowing locks prevent detection.
Would his ears respond to a gentle nibble?
I am drawn to them like dogs to kibble.
Just a glimpse, here and there,
Peeking out from tons of hair.
Passion makes them blush so red,
They glow in the dark, so it is said.
Alas, I fear we can never be sure,
From fond assaults his ears are pure.
Perhaps a peek of just one shell- like ear,
Would be enough to give us cheer.
For Thorin’s ears remain elusive,
Shy, hidden and quite reclusive.
Hiding beneath his long extensions,
They display hermit-like pretensions.
His ears are tempting, this is so.
I must seek comfort in Manilow.

I like to think that the comment numbers occasionally also reflect that readers enjoy interacting through the comments on my site. Please feel free to start discussions with each other. A blog post is a platform to launch interactions from – and not just with me but with anyone who has come here to express an opinion. I am genuinely delighted when I see a conversation starting that doesn’t involve *me*. Honestly, it is alright! I receive enough attention from you already! ❤

What about you, commenters – have you ever noticed a comment of yours receiving a particularly high number of responses? Not just here, but on any blog? I know, there are no stats for replies to comments, but if you can remember one such incident, you are welcome to post it in the comments. If anything it will show us that you obviously had something important to add to the discussion.

PS: Off to Germany today, so apologies if I am late in responding to you!

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