Half-Way Post for #cRAftingForCharity

If it hadn’t been for a good cause, I would have felt really bad the last two days for clogging up my esteemed audience’s WordPress reader with my auction posts. They popped up again and again in the reader – and I would like to take the opportunity now to thank all of you who reblogged the auctions, who wrote own posts, who tweeted, reblogged on tumblr, posted on Facebook (and any other platforms?) and commented for spreading the word and being part of this fundraiser. Thank you very much!

Lest you should think I am spamming you again – this post has a purpose. We have now passed the half-way post mark of the auctions. There are another 30 hours to go before they close at 3pm GMT on Tuesday, but I just wanted to give you a little bit of feedback. And yes, I am combining this with promo for the auctions, too 🙂 You all are an amazing lot, I hope you know that. The response to the auctions has been great, and I am already very, very happy when I look at the bids and donations so far. Here is a little insight behind the scenes of the fundraiser – Guylty uses Excel to keep abreast of the incoming bids and donations.

Bid Update Excel

For privacy’s sake, all bidder names have been blanked out, but you can see how the auctions are progressing. The yellow numbers mark the top bids. And it is clear that there are still some very affordable items in there that might deserve your kind consideration. For instance…

  • Veni vidi Armitagi (2)the fabulous VENI, VIDI, ARMITAGI tote bag. At 14″ x 14″ x 3″ it could change your shopping forever. So much space to carry your precious purchases. Not to mention the fact that RA would be carrying your shopping home for you. Who can say that about their shopping trips??

For more info, click here for the auction post.



  • Thornton Doll (6)the amazing, hand-made Thornton doll is currently a snap! But wait, it comes with more! The whole package contains a unique Thorin tote bag AND a one-of-a-kind bangle with Mr Thornton and his iconic “look back, look back at me” on it. That’s THREE items for the price of one!

Check out more pictures on the auction post here.



  • BelstaffFrancis2the Belstaff Francis Dolarhyde plushie is an absolute cutie. But did you notice that it comes accompanied with another piece of needle art? A hand-stitched reproduction of the doodle which Armitage produced for a fundraiser earlier this year. A two-in-one package that would suit not only Armitage fans, but also Fannibals.

Have a look at the auction post here.



All other auctions are also still open. You can bid on…

We are all constrained by our own budgets, but if you have a coin to spare, you might want to consider a donation that suits your own budget. You can donate it to the charity of your choice, of course, or to Save the Children directly. Or you can chip in to the donation I will be making with the auction proceeds. As you can see a number of supporters have already pledged their donations and we have collected $ 465 so far. For those of you who took part in the Nepal Earthquake fundraiser in May, it is the same Paypal account as last time. If you need a reminder, just e-mail me at guylty(at)photographer(dot)net and I will let you know the procedure.

To get you bidding again, I am throwing a little incentive into the ring: I will raffle a mini RAPS (size like this) among all bidders whose (raised) bids I am receiving from now on (Monday, at time of publication of post) until the close of the auctions (Tuesday, 22/09/2015,  3pm GMT).

Likewise, another mini RAPS will be raffled among ALL contributors (including those who have already pledged) to the donation pot.

You can follow updates in the comments, but I am refraining from further posts on-blog in order to stop spamming you ;-). However, there is more activity on Twitter with update summaries and interaction. You can follow it over on my Twitter via this link, or you can see my Twitter timeline (minus replies, however) in the Twitter widget at the bottom right of my blog.

Lastly: A huge, massive, big pat on the back for all of you who are making this possible! You are amazing, people, and I am finding it very hard to concentrate on work today because I am so excited about the auctions so far and my ❤ is already overflowing with gratefulness. All the credit to you who are actively supporting the fundraiser with your contributions, monetary and otherwise! We will make a massive donation, that is already clear. Thank you!!!



[Edit note: Damn, I can’t believe I got my own e-mail address wrong…]

5 thoughts on “Half-Way Post for #cRAftingForCharity

  1. Keine Änderungen seit gestern Nacht?
    Hmmm, wenn’s wie bei Ebay abläuft, kommt kurz vor Schluss nochmal Schwung rein … Wobei ich das für dich nicht hoffe, denn dann wird’s hektisch. 😉


    • Nein, im Westen nichts Neues. Jetzt sind wohl erstmal alle erschöpft. Noch nicht mal mein kleiner Verlosungsköder hat gewirkt. Aber wer weiß, die Ostküste hat ja noch nicht zu Mittag gegessen, das kann also noch kommen…
      Und ja, bei eBay ist erst bei 3 so richtig was los… Mal sehen…


  2. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 99/? – Ferocious Angel | Guylty Pleasure

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