#cRAftingForCharity auction 3: Picnic-RAPS-Package

Welcome to the #cRAftingForCharity auctions in aid of the Syrian Children’s Relief Fund! Life could be a picnic. At least if you had this Great Big Armitage Picnic RAPS – an essential fangirling item that has been tried in tested by more than 90 proud shrine owners the world over. Well, not exactly this particular RAPS – because this is an unused, unique, brand-new pocket shrine, interactive and fun. You can keep it in your handbag and pull it out any time you need a bit of cheer. Or it might look good on your desk beside your work-station. Plus: it’s calorie-free. And guess what: My lovely Tumblr friend Pollysthings has thrown in a few other goodies to make this a great package:

The Picnic-RAPS-Package consists of a RAPS, a small frame with photo and two little notebooks. The RAPS is a mixed media piece of fan art, contained in a mint tin, dimensions 95mm (3.7″) length x 63mm (2.45″) width x 22mm (0.875″) depth. Includes two mini candles (gold) and holders, and interchangeable, magnetic pictures. You can see it in more detail in my past post here.

If you would like to bid on this item, this is the procedure:

  1. Send an e-mail with your bid to guylty@photographer.net, subject line “Bid for RAPS-Picnic-Package”.
  2. Please convert your bid to US-Dollars. A handy converter is here.
  3. You will receive confirmation from me that I have received your bid.
  4. I will update the bids in the comment section of this post and in-post.
  5. Please subscribe to the comments of this post in order to get notification of bid updates.
  6. You may raise your bid, but please only bid if you really are prepared to win the auction (and pay).
  7. Bidding is open from now until 3pm GMT, Tuesday, 22nd September.
  8. The auction winners will be notified by e-mail; the auction proceeds will be published on-blog after the end of the auction.

For further small print please read the auction rules here.

The item(s) will be sent by Guylty to the winner as seen, and post-haste, with no further postage and packing costs!

All proceeds of this auction will go to the Syrian Children’s Relief Fund of Save the Children. If you do not wish to bid on an item but would like to contribute with a donation, please send me an e-mail and I can facilitate that.

So off we go – bidding is now open. Please bid generously for a good cause, Syria’s children need it. I will be back with updates in the comments as quickly as I can. (Note to all US/APAC bidders – the time difference will require your patience if your bids come in while I am sleeping 😉 Thanks ❤ ) And if a RAPS is not to your liking, please also check out the other auctions – there are items including other chaRActers!

14 thoughts on “#cRAftingForCharity auction 3: Picnic-RAPS-Package

  1. Pingback: #cRAftingForCharity — It’s already underway! | Me + Richard Armitage

  2. Pingback: The Big Charity Auction is Underway with Bounty of cRAfty Booty to Bid Upon! | the armitage effect

  3. Pingback: #cRAftingForCharity Auction is underway … | Well, There You Go ...

  4. Pingback: Half-Way Post for #cRAftingForCharity | Guylty Pleasure

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