Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/16

Hm. This is a first. I have got nothing to say. There’s nothing to comment. I wish I had something to show you, a new RAPS, an *ooof*, but there is nothing. I’ve made a new header for the round-up. Here it is.

roundup header v3


  1. Let’s start the list of links with something I wouldn’t mind to start my day with. A richardarmitageconfession
  2. And I wouldn’t mind finishing my day with this. Great painting of Thorin by cro-gall
  3. Nfcomics reckons that God must be a woman. Or maybe that is What a Guy wants…
  4. Apparently this gorgeous fan art portrait of Thorin is over a year old. Well, I hope littlestarfighter finds a few more such gems in her stash
  5. I wouldn’t mind Dolarhyde intensely looking at me like that. Ok, maybe minus the gun, though… Gif set by riepu10
  6. And for those of you (like me) who do not like to be distracted by busy backgrounds, richardcfarmitage has cleaned up a Fuerteventura screen cap
  7. Ian Macalwain in shorts, plushiefied by sinnaminie
  8. Oakenshieldsmaiden’s Weekly Thorin Oakenshield Challenge is at #21 now. “Describe Thorin Oakenshield in one word”. I defy you NOT to use “majestic”!!!
  9. I love how Richard manages to describe the difference between empathy and sympathy in this richardarmitagequote
  10. I wish Richard were one of a quinquaginta tria milia quadringentiplet … An aside by katieannax that may lead your mind in the gutter…
  11. I wish I drank coffee… Meme by starlightcrow
  12. Christ! The first gif of this Proctor set by kendaspntwd was heart-breaking. And strangely aesthetic in its colouring
  13. I love seeing the picture evidence when a fan receives autographs back from RA. Here’s finduncan’s before and after

Sorry, it’s so short. There was nothing else to report.

Have a nice weekend, everyone!

Guylty ❤

67 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/16

  1. You with nothing to say? 😂 You’re busy! Yes, I wouldn’t mind starting my day with #1 but it always puzzles me that I don’t find Mulligan nearly as attractive as other characters and I don’t know why. #10, 11 – 😃


    • 🙂 I guess you have got me, Helen. There is *always* something to say. Just the other day I nearly posted something on how big a difference there is to RL RA and RA in character… And then I didn’t :-D.
      As for Mulligan not quite as attractive as other characters – I have to confess I like him, although he is a rogue. But I have to admit that his styling choices are not really up my street – despite the lush bum in the tight jeans…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ohhh…… I’d like to read and discuss your ideas about RL RA and RA in character. Always an interesting and hot topic!!


  2. You ‘made’ me go to tumblr for the first time in I can’t remember how long. That’s a compliment. ;p

    To everyone who reads this, I hope your weekend is relaxing and fun!

    Liked by 2 people

        • Oh, the one in China? I did see it, but since I didn’t find the clothes sharing argument particularly convincing, I didn’t include it. Lee’s outfit looked grey rather than beige to me…


          • it was such an obvious photo manip – It was the outfit Richard was wearing as Daniel at the shooting, what, the day before??? C’mon!!!! If she’d had an OUNCE of integrity, she’d label it as such or at least go back and edit in that it was, but I’m guessing she didn’t. I’ve not checked back since a day or two after it crossed my radar. I”ve had other things on my plate.

            Speaking of…silverware found, pots and pans found. I’m getting ready to put them all in the tub and start washing!!! This house MUST be cleaned this weekend! I’m going to be insane during the week!


            • Oh, I think she labelled and acknowledged it as an obvious manip, anyway. I just did not see that the clothes were the same… Besides, I would’ve assumed that the clothes choices for Daniel Miller are not RA’s but the costume department’s. So there is nothing but fun/speculation in the post, and the manip was just done for fun… in any case, I am simple not interested in clothes enough to care :-).
              Oh, washing up and cleaning are not really the nicest things to spend a weekend with. Commiserations. Mind you – I have used the day so far to clean the bathroom. And I hoovered, dusted and tidied my study because I have a guest arriving today who will be put up in there…


              • When It came across my dash, it was – oh look who is in China with Lee! And at least 2 people stated in the notes that it was a manip. There wasn’t a comment from her anywhere stating such or acknowledging. And then there were the comments in her tags.

                Doesn’t matter. I’m being completely hormonal and stressed and bitchy right now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and the tunnel ends next Friday at 4PM. Maybe sooner,,,


  3. Well, number one is a door able. Sorry, could not resist. Someone who is a talented gif maker could make a lovely collection of RA door openings. I bet there are quite a few. Not just the famous Harry and Hobbit ones.


  4. Lovely round up as usual! Thank you! (The Proctor ones killed me. I sooo resent not having the funds to go see it and then being denied to see it in the theater.)


    • The Proctor gifs had me busy for a few minutes too. That first one really hit me. There’s something about that character… or maybe it is just because I had the privilege of seeing it live.
      And yes, I think the whole distribution/licensing issue really is a pity.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The reason the entire continent (Canada and US. If you lived in Mexico, you got to see it) was because they did it on Broadway, where 99% of us couldn’t go see it either! I am STILL very bitter about it.

        Meh. Let it go, let it go….

        Liked by 1 person

        • Zee, I don’t believe The Crucible was available on screen anywhere in Mexico, where I live. I downloaded it from Digital Theater and then watched it on my TV screen. I don’t think there was any copyright issue, but there was no venue with an agreement with Cine -whatever they’re called, that distributes the films.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I do know that reports stated very clearly NORTH AMERICA – Canada and the US – was not going to get a theater release due to a ‘copyright conflict – in short, the Broadway showing in NYC 99% of us couldn’t attend anyway. This decision came from the copyright holder and it was stated that it was due to the fact there was going to be a performance of it. It had nothing to do with the distributors of the film.

            It’s not Digital’s fault. My ire with them is they didn’t tell us we weren’t getting it. Richard did and Richard was the only one who showed any empathy about the fact. Digital’s response was – well sucks to be you. Going to be in Berlin? We’re showing it there.


            • Yes, all that is right as far as North America is concerned. I was just explaining that, contrary to your comment, it was not shown on screen in Mexico, and why.


  5. You don’t drink coffee? Typing this as I take a nice long sip from my coffee cup 😉
    Some “person” after seeing the Macalwain plushie, messages me to say ” the shorts are too short & his hair is not that shade of brown” SIGH

    Thanks for the inclusion! ❤


  6. Huhu.

    Besten Dank fürs Zusammenstellen, auch wenn die Ausbeute diesmal eher mager war (soll keine Kritik sein!). Wird Zeit, dass der Herr mal wieder so richtig irgendwie irgendwo zu sehen ist. Arbeitspix und so sind schön und gut, aber … nicht genug für gierige Fans. 😛 😀

    Der neue Header gefällt mir. 🙂

    Poor Guy! Immer wieder Witze auf seine Kosten … Hehehe. *gaaaar nicht herzlos kicher*

    Viel Spaß mit deinem Besuch. (Hoffentlich ein angenehmer Gast.) 🙂


    • Ich glaub gar nicht mal, dass der springende Punkt ist, dass es nur Arbeitspix von RA gibt. Das ist ja schließlich immer so, und es gab mal Zeiten, wo es noch keine Selfies gab… Ich glaub ja eher, dass die Funkstille damit zusammenhängt, dass es derzeit noch keine Zukunftspläne gibt. Nun ist Berlin Station vorbei, und nichts Neues, über das mal spekulieren und informieren kann, fängt an…
      Und ja, Guy ist für jeden Witz gut, der Arme.
      Habe hier gerade zwei Gäste – die sich nicht kennen. Hab ne Doppelbuchung verursacht. Unter anderem ist meine Freundin da, mit der ich in NZ gereist bin. Gestern habe ich Helen getroffen (die hier auch kommentiert). Das Wetter ist trocken = es ist schön in Irland 🙂


  7. I enjoyed the Proctor gifs, especially the captions. And the signed photos arriving in the mail–is there anything more exciting, short of a personal encounter? It brings back memories of seeing that envelope and feeling my heart stop…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. nfcomics always puts the right thoughts in Guy’s mind 😉

    Oh, if he were to show up in the morning could he swap the chocolates and wine for tea and a bacon sandwich, thanks very much 🙂 He’s welcome to join me, of course.
    And there will never be too much Thorin art, it’s beautiful 🙂
    Love the cleaned up photos and your new roundup header 🙂 focus on the essentials! 😉
    Can also always see gifs of Proctor again, like Thorin i’ll never grow tired to remember him and all the details i like about his two portrayals.
    And those confessions… sigh… the one thing i miss most i think in his absences, hearing him talk about anything almost, but mostly about characters, books, acting, etc.
    Thanks for the sweet round up ..i guess we could say more, about all the things we’d love him to do.
    Having definitely and very happily overdosed on theater and Shakespeare this weekend i can’t even begin to say how many things and how much i’d love him to do theater again, to find his way again to the RSC maybe? To see him in the flesh on a stage again… where it’s so evident, even more than on screen how much he can transmit and how much he has to give..
    At the end of the day maybe filling the gaps with wishful thinking is not so bad after all 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve been out of the loop over the weekend due to my visitors, but I saw your posts re. Shakespeare. Sounded fantastic. I’m looking forward to reading more about what you did and saw!
      Yes, I never tire of seeing new fan art of Thorin, either. It’s just great that people continue to be inspired by “old” work, long after RA has moved on from it.
      And as for the lack of news – it has its upside, too, as you point out 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • i thought it a bit indecent to rave about the Macbeth on R related blogs but OMG. Will have to rave about it somewhere or i’ll explode 😉 And some of the little videos the Globe prepared too. James Norton as RII took me by surprise, in a good way. I figured out that the right way to know if you really like something is to overdose, if you end up loving it more then all’s clear 🙂


        • I am really curious now – Macbeth and RA related blogs? Why not? After all Mr A has played a Shakespeare chaRActer or two ;-).
          Was thinking of you all through the week. I didn’t manage to do any Shakespeare related stuff, but I saw a fantastic play on Thursday night, a novel adaptation set against the backdrop of WWI and the Easter Rising, staged in various rooms in the Irish Writers’ Centre. We had to follow the actors around the venue and were literally a few feet away from them. I love immersive, experimental theatre like that, and the play had so much more impact because we were so close to the action. (I happen to know the director and must write to her how cool it was.)
          Anyway, good to hear that the overdose was a reenforcement, not a turn off.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Oh that sounds amazing! almost being part of the play, would love to hear more if you find the time for a blog post and the theme is very interesting as they really were in the houses and shooting and such, saw a v interesting documentary close to the date voice by Liam Neeson. 🙂 And erm.. the Macbeth was a Jamie Lloyd production from 2013, you know the one with McAvoy which i missed seeing live… and now regret even more. It was incredibly good, really and truly the Macbeth i always wanted to see 🙂


            • Oh, now I understand the RA-related no-no :-D. Pity there are not clips from the production, only pictures. (Just looked at McAvoy on This Morning – and am struck by how hoarse he sounds… reminds me of RA during Crucible. And there we go, RA never far from the thoughts…)
              Yeah, I should write about the play – as well as “Les Blancs” which was so impressive, too. I just always feel that it is does not fit the focus of my blog…

              Liked by 1 person

              • me too, but then again it maybe does as i definitely would never have seen this stuff had it not been for the impulse from the Crucible 🙂 And the Les Blancs has a connection 🙂 If i stretch it a bit even the Macbeth could have one, thin but well, it exists due to the prior Macbeth collaboration.
                Yes seeing it the other day explains why he was so ragged LOL I’m surprised he made it in one piece through, mind and body.
                Yes, great pity the Jamie Lloyd productions at Trafalgar studios are not on the broadcasts yet, but maybe they will get there. Fingers crossed!
                But we found out yesterday that the video we saw is view able on request!

                It can actually be requested for viewing so maybe if you’re keen on seeing it too we can arrange it sometime when you are in London 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                  • We can but try since it is the only video in existence. I certainly will never miss anything Jamie +James do together again or anything James decided to do on stage in London, if i can that is 😉 Not sure if he really is but certainly feels fearless when u watch it. I was terrified LOL


                    • And if he can evoke that kind of reaction, then he is really good. I’d love to see him on stage, too… And I am glad I have a theatre expert at the ready now, to keep me up to date (that’s you, btw 😀 )

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                    • LOL, aw not at all, still very much a newbie! I am lucky my friends is very much a theater goer so i sound my reactions against her to check i am not totally off, growing my confidence step by step. And yes maybe i should write some impressions down before i fill the comments up LOL Suffice to say i’ve still not come down from the adrenaline rush of it.


                    • I definitely think you should write it up!!! I would be interested to read more about it. As for “newbie” – well, I think you are beyond that stage, just by virtue of the number of plays you have seen in the past two years!
                      Oh, and I just had a nice experience re. reviews. I sent an e-mail to the director of the play I saw last week, and she seemed really grateful to receive feedback. Just goes to show that fan/audience feedback is not disregarded by the artists themselves, however much we are being made to feel as “clueless, faceless nobodies” by the critics, reviewers and the media in general…

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • oh brill! i am sure they want to know what the audience thinks and feels, the critics are by their very profession biased – seen too much 😉 And ultimately it’s they audience they want to impact on. In my experience with some of the opera ones i’ve had a chance to talk to they like knowing what reached and worked and what didn’t.

                      Liked by 1 person

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