RA Pocket Shrine 127/? – Spy-candy

Confession time: I haven’t found the last few months very easy, in fandom terms. Well, you could almost say I haven’t found the last 24 months easy. Yes, ever since Richard himself emerged on Social Media, I have found myself veering ever closer to chucking in the towel and giving up on this whole “fan thing”. It’s hard to pin down what it really is. Is it just the “normal” demystification process that happens over time, the proverbial dying down of a flame because things are not exciting and new anymore, overfamiliarity with the OOA? Has everything already been said before and therefore there is simply no point in getting involved anymore? Is it a disenchantment with the mannerisms and politics that Richard is now more confident to disclose? Or a reaction/resistance to a changing fandom that I occasionally find hard to navigate? There are probably elements of all these aspects contributing to my burn-out. But the fact of the matter is that my heart is reluctant to give up my fandom activities, however much my brain occasionally tells me to not bother anymore. So in a conscious effort to regain my former enthusiasm, I have decided to push myself to a birthday countdown with seven days of posts in the run-up to Richard’s birthday on August 22nd.

I know there are other fans who are celebrating with a #RCArmitageWeek and there is a Twitter handle that pulls together activities under the same name (@rcarmitageweek). I’m afraid my birthday countdown is a rather selfish affair – it’s all about *my* fun, possibly *your* fun, too, but not really directed at the birthday boy himself. I want my crush back, that’s all. And maybe that means returning to a more enthusiastic, more innocent, more optimistic approach – the kind of attitude I had when I first started on the fan journey, where no detail was too small to discuss, where every smile of the man was pant-droppingly effective, and every single one of my own reactions was accompanied by butterflies in my stomach. Can you ever go back to innocence? I don’t know. If my plan fails, this last effort could be my swan song, but well, it’s a risk I owe myself. And if so, hopefully I will sink with a splash.

So here’s my plan: 7 days of posting. Some RAPSes, some discussion, a round-up, an *ooof*, a birthday post – and a charity auction. The latter will be running for several days, via eBay (I hope), and have some interesting items on offer. Just to tease you: There will be some crafted items, but also some collectors’ items such as programmes and magazines. More details to be disclosed over the next few days, but I can already say that I am planning to let the auction run next weekend to come to a close on Richard’s birthday next Monday. The proceeds of the auction will once again go to Save the Children. It would be lovely if you kept an eye on the blog and favoured me with your attention, and to sweeten the deal, there will be shrine raffles for participants and/or supporters!

To start me off, here is a wee RAPS post.




cigarro tinThe post may be wee, this RAPS certainly is not. It’s difficult to see the scale of it, but it is larger than my usual rectangular tins such as this Dance RAPS from a few weeks ago. The dimensions are about 10 x 9 cm, and I actually prefer the almost square format of these tins, but they are harder to come by than the mint tins. It’s actually a cigarette tin (gifted to me by Suzy, if I remember correctly) – and hence the complete disguise. In our rightfully anti-smoking times, I doubt that the (non-smoking) recipient wants to be caught carrying a cigarette tin in her bag… So I had to be creative with the cover.

A word on the recipient of the RAPS. The shrine was made for a lovely fellow fan of ours, MatildRAs, as a thank you for the great tour of Berlin she gave me earlier in February this year: After connecting with her on Twitter, MatildRAs had offered to meet me in Berlin and take me to the locations of Berlin Station which she, a local, had identified. (You can see some of them in my post HERE.) I guess you can already imagine which *disguise* the mutual object of our affection is taking in this shrine…


Damn Daniel right! The spylicious Daniel Miller, under cover of his oversized collar in Berlin. There is a bit of glare on the background, so forgive me for overloading you with another image of the tin top where you can discern the scenario a bit better.

IMG_0488 sm

I couldn’t resist misusing Sarah Dunn’s “hide the weird beard shot” for this scenario. (FYI – I *ooof*ed a similar shot from this series HERE). The similarities with the Berlin Station poster are striking… And for those in the know: Spot the Hermitage?!

But well, beard lover or not, it’s a shame to hide 50% of Armitage’s face in a RAPS. To be remedied in the bottom half of the tin:


There, that’s better. Daniel Miller in his element. Proper spy-candy, trapped between the Brandenburg Gate and “Victoria” on the triumphal column, irreverently also named “Goldelse” by the Berliners (translates to something along the lines of “Gold Lizzie”). I would like to think that Victoria is tenderly patting Daniel’s head there – an omen of what is to come in the show? Fingers crossed, people!


There we go, the RAPS in Berlin. I am really looking forward to Berlin Station, not least because thanks to MatildRAs I feel a certain familiarity with Berlin, and I hope and expect to see our German capital to be a character of her own in the show. MatildRAs took me on another tour when I visited Berlin last week, and we toured past film locations as well as other sights made familiar through tweets by Richard and his cast mates. A picture post of those places is coming soon.

In the meantime, once again a massive thank you to MatildRAs for showering me with gifts and entertaining me in Berlin. It was an absolute pleasure to spend the afternoon with you, chatting about Berlin, Berlin Station, Richard, and so much more!

To everyone else – thanks for reading, and please stay tuned for further announcements re. the charity auction!

90 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 127/? – Spy-candy

  1. Ah, I know what you mean… Too much social media angst without the leavening of a new series to enthrall us all. Though I have no problem at all when it comes to his political comments, because we’re on the same page, and I feel he has a much right as anybody to vent his frustration with recent events. But anyway. I do hope you get your crush back… This RAPS is a good indication that there’s nothing wrong with your imagination at least 😃 Super stuff!


    • I suppose, a film, a play, a show would keep me busy (and away from upsetting myself with fandom matters). Like you, I do not really have a problem with his politics as such – if anything, he has risen in my estimation because he now uses his reach for more than just promo announcements. I like political minds, and in that regard the crush has been reinforced. The RAPS stuff still works for me – but it often feels like fangirling in isolation because I am working in my ivory tower. Well, could be worse. Berlin Station means that there will be lots of nice stuff to look at in my ivory tower…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. For me, I think it’s the contrast between the actor and his roles with the person and his views. I’m happy to continue to be fannish about the actor, but, although I often share RA’s views that’s not why I’m following him.


    • Hello Small Hobbit and welcome! You are absolutely right, there is a distinction between being a fan of the actor and a fan of the man, and his political views were not what drew me to him in the first place (although his political views have actually enhanced my appreciation of him). I suppose it is all the noise that surrounds him (to which I am of course contributing by blogging and tweeting about him), that I find difficult to deal with. It’s all my own problem, no one else’s. Readjusting my approach, is what is needed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • For me, just to be able to see some of his work that has already been completed would be a really big boost to my “crush” morale. I’m certainly not giving up – not after all these years. 😉 Sometimes a new picture is enough to rekindle the whole thing. *sigh* Seeing “Urban” released would be a good start IMHO. People really need to see it, in light of what is happening in that area of England and no doubt in lots of other places.

        Liked by 1 person

        • No doubt, it is really frustrating that some of the projects have yet to see the light of day. Even Berlin Station is a case in point – I am not sure whether and when the show will be available to me here in Europe. But what really resonates with me is your comment “I am not giving up – not after all these years”. I feel the same, even if it doesn’t really make much sense. The reward in fangirling used to be the shared enjoyment of Richard’s work. In the absence of a) Richard’s work and b) a community experience, the purpose seems to be missing. And yet I cling to the past, as if it made any difference whether I continue to be a fan or not. I am too bloody-minded for my own good…

          Liked by 3 people

      • Thank you for your welcome!

        I’ve certainly found it easy to be submerged by the noise around RA and need to remind myself to just look at the pretty and not get involved. Or at any rate, join in with those who seem of similar outlook to me, and ignore the rest.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. *clapping* A shrine countdown?!?!?!? Outstanding – what a great way to kickstart.

    I totally relate to what you’re saying. I’ve been pondering variations on this theme myself for a similar duration. I am of a mind to do a little tweaking myself…who knows what might result? 😀


    • Um, oh, a shrine coutdown would be a brilliant idea! Why didn’t I think of that??? Hm, I still could do it, I guess, a shrine a day… I might try. But if not, it’ll be a post a day.
      Tweaking? That sounds intriguing. What are you going to tweak?

      Liked by 1 person

        • Hehe, even if you misread – the idea has now been planted in my head. I’ll see today where I will get with a shrine series. I do have an idea already…
          Looking forward to your tweaking 😉


  4. Pingback: Check out Guylty’s plan to celebrate Richard Armitage! | Me + Richard Armitage

  5. A lovely RAPS yet again. I’m looking forward to this new series. It gets me down that he has all these films that aren’t released and he’s doing a play yet again – more stuff I won’t be able to see. And I think I saw Digital is releasing The Crucible again in the theater over the pond – if I’m wrong, correct me. Just when I’m ready to turn it loose, stuff like this happens and it ticks me off all over again.

    Sometimes I think we know too much about people we don’t know. His politics are his politics. His opinion is his and my opinion is mine and I try not to get to much deeper than that. Truth be told, I’m ready to unsub from all of the stuff of his I follow and just breathe and become a fan again. Maybe I”ll be able to write again. The bottle neck is strangling me.


    • I think Digital Theatre are only showing The Crucible twice on the occasion of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. But I can see how that ticks you off – I am already feeling ticked off about Berlin Station and the uncertainty of seeing that…
      As for knowing too much about Richard – I think he is pretty good at not giving away too much. But his presence in media that used to be the sole platform of fans, has changed dynamics. I find that much harder to deal with. I resent the constant fight for his attention because it distracts me and makes me feel bad. There’s no solution other than what you suggest: stay away and concentrate on what makes us feel good. Easier said than done.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Guylty, you’re so much fun! Who else would choose to involve herself in giving and pleasing others in order to get her “crush” back? I will certainly be following you as we head into celebrating RAs birthday. Thanks for posting and the Berlin Station RAPS is beautiful.
    While not much new viewable material makes the RA angst hard, I really do think that once the torrent of releases come (probably all at the same ovetwhelming time), we will all find our crush renewed. I like hearing his thoughts, even though I may/may not agree. He still confounds me. I never expected to like/understand everything he does, but he has opened up an interesting window into some parts of his world and it peaks my interest. My flame is not the same as my early days, but it is certainly not extinguished yet. I hope you’ll find yours renewed!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, thank you Chazak – those are really nice words, and they certainly do the trick for me 🙂
      The flame changes, no doubt, and it is unrealistic to believe that the initial excitement stays forever. Like you said, the early enthusiasm gets replaced with deeper insights etc. Maybe it’s all about accepting the change and adapting to it? I do like the confident, openly political RA, so there’s a positive to it all. I just don’t like the new social media promo machine, I guess, and mainly so because I am cynical about the use of Social Media for marketing purposes. In a way, I preferred the days when Richard’s communications with fans were limited to a few interviews and a Christmas message every year – because there was less noise and more opportunity for our own thoughts. But ok, no. Change is change, and it’s not my choice whether he wants to participate in Social Media or not.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree with Chazak! And I think you’ll find that crush renewed when you have luscious new material to look at. Every time I think my fan feelings are ebbing, they come roaring back unexpectedly. Nice RAPS by the way–I love the “Classified” file and the other little docs you created as background.

        Liked by 1 person

      • This is almost the whole issue for me. I don’t want him in the fandom in the way he is in it right now. At the same time, I have no right to ask him to leave it. I do think it’s really different for people who don’t remember the pre-Twitter fandom. I don’t think they are torn at all. And there are more and more of them all the time.


  7. Maybe if we all put our flickering flames together, we will rekindle our enthusiasm for all RA related stuff (or at least most of it.) I don’t want to give up my crush and the fun it brings into my life, but the social media barrage has turned me off quite a bit. Maybe I am old fashioned and just want my fantasy man to be seen and not heard. It is frustrating to me that we know how he feels about politics on both sides of the Atlantic, but we know nothing more about him than we did two years ago. Nothing new at all. I don’t require intimate details of his personal life, but could he reveal something new about himself? How does he like living in NYC? What has he done for fun lately? As in the last year or so? I guess I resent his political missives when that is the primary topic he chooses to visit. Probably because I am avoiding politics as a matter of mental health. Too disturbing and depressing. But I am so glad you included the Hermitage in your latest masterpiece. He is encouraged to learn some of the members of the Armitage fandom are losing some of their enthusiasm, giving him an opportunity to increase his well-wisher numbers. Daniel Miller already has an ode, but I am ready to rhyme the hell out of the next piece of inspiration that comes my way. Keep on shrining, you are a treasure for so many of us. Hanging out with Mimi in Dan Diego was a big boost for RA worship. We listened to his books when we were in the hotel room. We even slept to his dulcet tones. It was wonderful. I think you need a large dose of Mimi. We completed David Copperfield and two other books, I think.I was kind of in a RA daze, to tell you the truth. And it was a great place to be. Hopefully we can get back there.

    Liked by 3 people

    • This! I had not really reflected about the implications of the increased political discussion at all, but I think you are hitting the nail on the head: We know now what he thinks about Brexit and Trump, and those are important, interesting topics. But the fangirl heart also wants to know about the less serious parts of his life – the little side notes which make up the whole picture. Interestingly, it seems as if the professional interviews gave us more insights into the man than the personal thoughts that he tweets himself. Sounds like a contradiction. But then again, the Twitter character limit is much too blame. Will FB and Instagram make a difference, I wonder? More space to express himself? Or just two further platforms to post identical tweets to???
      Hermitage, OTOH, would be all too glad to disclose his personal thoughts… He’s already in the starting blocks, judging by his hunched pose…
      I would love to have a large dose of Mimi, with or without the canned, dulcet tones of Armitage reading me to sleep. At least I have an extended group therapy session to look forward to. I am actually counting on that to bring me (and my lack of fangirl enthusiasm) back in line!


      • Yes, group therapy is definitely indicated in this case. I think it can work.wonders. “The fangirl heart also wants to know about the less serious parts of his life”. So true. How disappointing if he he uses more social media space to no purpose but to promote projects. It would be such a treat to to learn something fun about his life. The only celebrity I follow tweeted a pic of hummingbirds in his backyard. That kind of thing is fun and not delving into his personal life at all. He has over 3 million followers, BTW. He promotes, but there is a sense of fun and quirkiness that is hard to resist. We know RA has a sense of humor, but it is certainly laying low lately. In these trying times a little humor can go a long way. And shrine love, too.


        • I totally agree. It’s actually quite easy to be personal – and yet not disclose one’s private life. Unless a close-up look at one’s breakfast cereal is considered a breach of privacy… I’ve always enjoyed RA’s quips and jokes, and while I like his politics, I agree that a mixture would be nicer. As it is, I am not too pushed to keep following on Twitter. The tweets make their way to me via other channels, anyway. I am still waiting for an Instagram from him, too… Am beginning to feel rather foolish for clicking “follow” there…

          Liked by 1 person

          • Now, if he would indulge those small glimpses into his life, such as posting how he likes NYC or more of the things like his music interests, places he enjoys visiting, food he likes to eat, etc., I might be tempted to join his social media pages. At this point, I am blissfully unaware unless I read it on the blogs. I guess thats why I am not as upset over the political rants. I really only want the stuff related to his art/craft or his personal interests. Maybe thats why I loved the Hobbit vlogs, all his interviews on RichardArmitageNet and the fan accounts of meeting him. I’m a sucker for thst stuff.

            Liked by 1 person

            • I really enjoy the written and filmed interviews most, too, or reading what fans say about meeting him. But they are all second-hand, edited and cut, whereas on Social Media he could express himself on his own terms. Well, I guess he is doing that… *sigh*


          • I’m going to agree with the general premise that it’s easy to be personal without giving too much away, but I think, after two years, that it’s unlikely that he agrees with that idea. I’m always saying there doesn’t seem to be a sort of middle level of personality for him that so many of us have, the things that are okay to know about us that are true but not especially personal. We get much more of that stuff from interviews than we ever have from his Twitter.


            • Exactly – that’s what I wanted to say, too. The interviews, both written and filmed, often contain personal details, and in those cases, he does not seem to mind giving them away. The fact that he doesn’t do so on his very own platform, to me looks as if Social Media is just an obligation for him, not something he enjoys. And I find it interesting in this context that he resorts to frequent selfie posts – something that mid-level personalities shy away from… Contradictory?


              • It seems like a strategy to deflect. If I give you this picture (that is heavily filtered anyway and is so full of my fact that you can’t even clearly see where I am), I don’t have to say anything.


                • Totally a strategy to deflect, yes. It appears extra personal – and yet there is very little in it, partly because he always is clever enough not to include much of the background. I am not a fan of the selfies at all, but he is giving the fandom what the majority of fans (or at least those who are vocal) wants.

                  Liked by 1 person

    • I think an additional problem with politics that I hadn’t thought about all too much is the way that his politics affect fandom interaction; that is — we can all say, I don’t care what his politics are or if they agree with mine (although it’s rarely that simple), but if one of us strongly agrees or disagrees it is likely to affect the intra-fandom equilibrium. It may not matter to you what Armitage thinks about politics, but to a lot of people it matters what their friends think.


        • although that’s a kind of political topic. I dunno, this might just be me, but there are things in relationship to him that I feel vehemently about that would still never cause me to get in a fight with a fellow fan but politics is a different story.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Day 2 of Armitage Week: Tracking #BerlinStation | Guylty Pleasure

  9. Great shrining, Guylty!

    Personally, I feel lucky because my Gizzy-related scribbling keeps my crush alive and kicking. With the added effect of cocooning me in a delightful bubble, far from the slings and arrows of outrageous RL and Twitter wars.

    Though I do feel guilty for neglecting to thank you for your weekly Tumblr roundups. They always make my weekend. I shall try to be more vocal in the future.


    • Thanks for all the nice words, Jenny x.
      Gizzy-related scribbling? Please tell me more. Where do I read your scribbles? Fan fiction is a wonderful cocoon, and it’s been a while since I have read anything new. I need some distRAction 😉


      • There’s still just the one saga on DF that’s out there, I’m afraid. I’m working on another, but I’m s-l-o-w, plus I’m inexperienced enough to need to get the whole thing finished and beta’ed before I post, or I’d never get all my boxes ticked. 🙂


  10. Another gorgeous RAPS Guylty – your struggle to get your “crush back’ doesn’t seem to have affected your creativity! 😉
    I pick and choose as I go what I want/need to make me feel good. I try to ignore the stuff that brings me down, whether it be a tweet or fan response or whatever. Richarding creates MY happy place, and I get to decide what belongs there. So far, I’ve had a few little hiccups along the way, but my crush is as strong as ever, even though the way I “see” RA has changed over the years. Guess that makes me a Pollyanna lol!
    The other thing of course that keeps me going are the friendships I’ve made. Mulubinba and I have just spent some time in Melbourne, seeing a Degas exhibition and talking for hours on end. It’s been lovely catching up. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Day 3 of Armitage Week: RAPS 128/? – Unexpected | Guylty Pleasure

  12. Sorry you’re feeling that way, hopefully the weekly activities will reignite that good feeling. I for one quite liked his opinions, felt more connected in a way to the man than ever before i guess, though not on an interaction basis, but it was for a short while almost like reading his interviews or some longer form of communication.
    Other than that it seems to be i probably had a different starting point, his work is still what drives my interest and since my opinion of social media in general is not something that has changed through his participation i find it easier to ignore. I’m not that bothered about the promo, i just ignore it and it feels fine to me to get whatever comes out of it second hand. If there is something direct from him or funny or just more interesting, slightly on a more personal note from him usually there is enough buzz for it to clock on the edges of my radar. The twitter buzz around it, i stopped being interested nearly 2 years ago now shortly after he started, it was clearly not my thing.
    What has sort of remained constant is that ultimately, long term he has always compared favourably to most others. And i always expected flaws, so probably the contradictions or occasional disagreements with his views, statements bother me less long term. I just can’t explain it, he’s a very pleasant constant and interest and that is fine. I am very happy when there are new things, photos, interviews and even happier if there is new work, the buzz has little to no influence beyond discussing the new stuff above.

    Maybe it is also the case that many people don’t feel quite that different or are ok with feeling the interest without needing to broadcast it? I think some buzz on social media may distract from the fact that there are way more fans out there than there are posters on social media and they just express themselves differently or less frequently. Some may be happy just reading news, sometimes commenting. For me personally it’s not less interesting just because it is over 1 week old because i don’t have the time to be more prompt. I don’t think intensity of the noise or timeliness of reaction is necessarily an indication of less interest or less depth of emotion in the reaction. And i don’t mean that as a comment about the way other people perceive different fans but about they way we feel ourselves about our ‘fanning’. It may be different but different does not mean less intense, intensity is tied to emotion rather than time availability or form of expression i think.

    Do i feel less warmly towards him just because i don’t feel the need to read every twitter post and even less the reactions to it? Or because i don’t care to read every single PR output of the production company? I don’t think so, that’s business and the way publicity works, it will always happen, it is unavoidable and goes with the thing. Also they need to do it if they want to sell to place where it can reach me over the screen so good on them. I’m just not the buyer so i don’t need to engage with it.We each choose the way we engage with him, his work, his outputs. There is no right or wrong way and emotionally different things will suit different people. For me the ‘fanning’ would only be broken when the interest for his work is no longer there, but even so i might choose to skip things he is barely in because i am happy just to look at 3 screencaps of his 3 second appearance and skip the rest.

    If i had endless time or much more than i do and would do other things ignoring his i’d say dead and buried. But as long as i spend the tiny breath of time i do have going back to blogs related to him, look at photos related to him, smile every time i walk past the bathroom door where his calendar hangs, fumble for the purse with my RAPS in it every day i use my backpack where it resides, watch like a hawk when i use my cable box to not delete any of the Hannibal and Strike back episodes, pick up my key chain with the Erebor key each day, still get aggravated at some of his posts whereas i wouldn’t even blink if i saw them from others it’s clear my virus is still very much present in the system. Who has dictated the single most important fan-symptom is social media participation? Pft. I’d say the ‘illness’ is characterised by many more 🙂 It’s just that we’ve learned to live with them on a daily basis to such a degree we don’t even notice them anymore 🙂
    I’d say most of us are far from being cured and not looking to find the antidote anytime soon either.

    Just think of all the subtle ways RA is present in our daily lives 🙂
    Good luck with the daily challenge! I hope to participate, if it comes to the worst even if only with donation, we’ll see what time i can scrape together without falling flat asleep due to tiredness.

    Liked by 2 people

      • thank you, i started out very differently and just continued on a train of thought, i mean it was spontaneous, not something i had really though about before, but it’s true 🙂


    • Just to say that I *will* get back to your extensive comment, Hari. It demands more than a quick “thanks for your words”, and I haven’t yet found the time and peace of mind to reply.


      • no rush dear, that was the longest i wrote in a while and still behind on my crafting plans 😦 hopefully with this rainy weather i’ll get stuff done tonight and tomorrow. Work just sucking up all energy and time, urgh.


        • Oh, don’t remind me of the crafting think *eek* I SO have to get a move on with that… I have been travelling too much because there is a massive amount of work here at the mo. Why is it that I always decide on hare-brained ideas such as daily blog posts when I have no time for that at all? Madness…


  13. Je retrouve beaucoup de similitudes avec mes états d’âme.
    Aujourd’hui, j’éprouve moins de culpabilité à me détacher du fandom, pour découvrir, ailleurs, autre chose digne d’intérêt. Pourquoi se priver de rechercher des satisfactions dans un autre objet, que celui ( R Armitage), qui a attiré mon attention, de manière exclusive, pendant tant d’années? “Une prairie peut en cacher une autre”. Explorer d’autres prairies permet de raviver une flamme éteinte. Par exemple, j’ai découvert récemment un jeune acteur de la “Comédie Française” très talentueux. Quand je reviens au fandom , j’y trouve un nouvel élan, un regain d’intérêt. Restez en éveil, restez l’ oeil aux aguets! Continuez à créer des oeuvres avec vos mains talentueuses, quel qu’en soit l’objet, qui les inspire.


    • Thank you for your lovely words, Squirrel! That is actually an interesting approach – looking outside the fandom, to then return with renewed interest. I should try (except I have not found any other actor yet who keeps me enthralled quite the way Richard does). It is certainly not wrong to occasionally withdraw a little bit, to recalibrate and then to come back with new energy and interest. Merci beaucoup 😘


  14. Pingback: Sorta *ooof*: Intrigued by #BerlinStation Promo | Guylty Pleasure

  15. Pingback: Auction Announcement: And We Are Off!!! | Guylty Pleasure

  16. Pingback: Guylty Pleasure organizes a fabulous charity auction fundraiser to celebrate Richard Armitage’s 45th Birthday, August 20, 2016 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #955) | Something About Love (A)

  17. I sent you a great long PM about the challenge I’m facing in trying to keep my RA crush alive in the midst of a very long “drought” over here and a social media that is pretty much either irrelevant to me living where I am or a tad snarky in some responses. I just realised that I’d addressed the PM incorrectly, so I actually sent it to myself. (#eyeroll). Oh well …. I hope your campaign to find your crush works xo. Personally I feel as if I’m trying to walk through knee deep mud in an attempt to reach my crush and re-establish my enthusiasm for someone whose work is becoming well nigh unattainable.

    x ‘M’


    • oh damn, I hate it when long comments vanish. When it happens to me, I never have the energy to reconstruct everything.
      In the last week, since writing this post, my crush has been revived somewhat. Some of that was thanks to the new images we got (particularly liked the ensemble trailer of BS and the hot daddy in BoF). A lot of it, however, was because of the comments here on this post, and some messages behind the scenes. And the auction response is also having a huge effect on the state of my crush. At the moment, I am in a good place – but unfortunately I know from experience, that that will always wane again. Hm, maybe we just need to make our peace with exactly that? The fact that his work is unattainable, also works against us.


  18. Pingback: Final Armitage Week Post: Auction Proceeds | Guylty Pleasure

  19. Pingback: RAPS in Retrospect – Part 2 [Daniel Miller] | Guylty Pleasure

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