RA Pocket Shrine 133/? – Irish Lesson [Happy Paddy’s Day + Raffle]

Before it is too late, I am finally ready to write a quick a St Patrick’s Day post. Happy Paddy’s Day! ☘️ Hooray, everybody’s Irish today! True to form, Dublin is rainy and blustery today. I am almost glad that I had to work on the Irish national holiday, anyway – the annual parade would have been rather cold and wet today. But despite work I have had a day of doing what I love doing. I got up early and made home-baked (green!) bread rolls for breakfast. I watched a bit of guilty TV, put the final touches on my surprise project below, was cooked the most amazingly fluffy American pancakes with bacon by my daughter (incidentally the only Irish-born member of my nuclear family…), and got to do what I love best – photograph a shrine. And now that the work day is over, I get to write a blog post. Thank you, Ireland, I still love you. Is breá liom tú, Éire 💚


It was only some time yesterday that I came to the decision to mark Paddy’s Day with a funky little pocket shrine. In fact, let’s make it a raffle, following a new tradition of my own.

Last year I threw a little Irish RAPS on the market, too. My idea was curtailed a bit by the fact that my printer ran out of cyan ink – and the local stationery shop did not have the replacement cartridge available. So if the following shrine design looks a little bit disjointed, it is so because I had to work with available imagery. After discarding a number of ideas, I eventually thought that a little Irish lesson might be the way to go.

Just imagine a little lesson with Mr A, teaching you Irish pronunciation. He’s given us a little bit of ribbing on the Irish accent here and there. From “bejaysus” to “shopping trolley”. Here he is, explaining the correct pronunciation of “Whale, Oil Beef Hooked.” Or rather: Well, I’ll be f… Apparently an expression Mr A is familiar with, himself. At least he tweeted it two years ago.


He better teach you while he’s sitting at a desk. Otherwise…

I mean, particularly if he were wearing a full-leather outfit. Ooolàlà… It might be hard to keep your hands off…


So… if you are Irish, have been to Ireland, or like Ireland, maybe this shrine is for you? Why not try if you have the luck of the Irish, and put your name in the hat for this raffle? All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. You could tell me what you think of the shrine, or what you think of Ireland, and whether you have ever been here? The raffle closes Saturday, 18 March 2017 at 11pm, GMT. The winner will be determined by randompicker, and the shrine will be sent anywhere in the world, free of charge. Good luck! 🍀



64 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 133/? – Irish Lesson [Happy Paddy’s Day + Raffle]

  1. Green is my favourite colour, RA is my favourite actor, I like Ireland and I like your shrine! Happy St Patrick’s Day! 🌈


  2. Oh, this one is great for a chuckle, top and er, bottom! I’ve never been to Ireland but it’s on the bucket list… some day, with Hubby! He wants to see the Giant’s Causeway… is that In Northern Ireland?


    • Yup, that’s your name in the hat. Good luck 😉 – just read that you have a major Paddy’s Day parade in your town, too. In Georgia??????????????? (You can imagine my eyes popping out of my head at this!!!) Wow. I bet you had nicer weather than here in the “homeland”…

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s been uber cold. This winter has been so weird – warm weather and then a day of 20 degrees colder and then it snaps back. Not this time. Last Friday, the high was 89, on Sat, it was 66 and Sunday was 54 and it’s stayed in the 50’s all week. Freeze killed my flowers. 😦 Very unhappy about that!

        But yeah, apparently, there is a large Irish population here – or was. Either way, the town is pretty much closed down to traffic for this weekend party.


  3. Ireland is one of the places I long to visit someday. My ancestors emigrated from Counties Sligo and Tyrone. I’d welcome an Irish pronunciation lesson from Mr A any day (though it might be hard to keep my eyes from wandering to his assets lol) This lovely shrine would definitely keep my Irish eyes smiling 😉 Happy St Paddy’s Day 🍀💚


    • Oh, Sligo is such a nice place in Ireland. The beautiful, rugged West Coast. Dramatic scenery. Was also very poor… So many emigrants during the Famine…
      I would really like to hear RA rib off the Irish accent a bit more. He does it in a charming way…


  4. Throw my Irish hat into the raffle. Is there one called a Tam o’shanter? I have been to Ireland once, long ago. Would love to return, especially since I now know a prominent Irish photographer who loves houseguests. 🙂


  5. Happy St. Paddy’s day,Guilty.My Grandmother was Irish.Some day I will go to Ireland.Don’t go by Zee’s weather.I just dug out almost 3 feet of snow.NY sucks in the winter.Love your shrine.


    • So many people with Irish roots… The Irish went everywhere, it seems 😉
      I’ve seen picture of the weather on the East coast – amazing. Or should I say shocking?


  6. My mom is a McArdle and a redhead. I’m half Irish and half German: not an ideal temperament combination but a helluva lot of fun when the Irish side takes over! My favorite movie is The Quiet Man…and I’m in awe of the RAPS! Thx for keeping us so very well entertained!


    • Hehe, I know what you mean about “not an ideal temperament combination”. My daughter has an Irish father… Ehm, so does my son, but somehow, the combo seems to be more volatile on women *giggles*…
      The Quiet Man is an absolute classic. Oh, and another favourite of mine is “Ryan’s Daughter” with Robert Mitchum. I rewatched it the other day – still powerful.
      Thanks for reading – and I am glad if I am entertaining you and making you smile! x


  7. [Not an entry] Happy St Patrick’s Day! I’m about a quarter Irish from way back. In fact my grandfather’s name was Paddy! I am so loving this “cheeky” RAPS! But given that I’ve recently won a nice little stash of Guylty Treasures, I won’t enter this time. Good luck to the other commenters!


  8. Happy St Patrick’s Day Guylty! Love the RAPS! I’m proud to say I have a little Irish blood in me. My father’s paternal parents were immigrants from Ireland – Co.Lietrim and Co.Cavan, which we visited when we were over there in 2008. I remember being teary coming in to land at Dublin, it felt like a “homecoming” (England makes me feel the same way) We covered a lot of ground, including northern Ireland and the Atlantic Way down to the south west corner, then across and back up to Dublin via Cashel and Kilkenny, spending all of September there (beautiful weather, only four days when it rained!) – I will treasure the memories always. (not an entry, I am already the proud owner of two gorgeous RAPS 🙂 )


    • You know, Ireland had this “homecoming” effect on me, too, when I first travelled here at age 14. And I know for sure that there is absolutely NO Irish ancestry in my family. I am tempted to think that maybe in a former life…
      You really chose the best time of year to come here, September.


  9. Happy St Patrick’s day! So my son’s name is also Patrick we have had a little private party in green and have watched the movie “long live Ned Divine”. The dream of our family is one day to visit Ireland and make a round trip with a mobile home.
    I burst out laughing as I saw this fabulous shrine.
    Wie cramerry sagt: Hand drauf!!


    • What a great idea to have an Irish party on Paddy’s Day with movies etc!
      You really need to do that family trip, B.! There are lots of sights for your little Patrick to see – all the places where his name-sake is said to have been. They make for a great itinerary to see Ireland at its best.


  10. Ein heißes kleines Teil, vor allem mit der Hinternansicht 🙂 Aber ich lasse den anderen Damen gerne den Vortritt, auch wenn ich Irland sehr liebe, ein wunderschönes Stückchen Erde das ihr da habt. Dass mein Sohnemann so heißt ist allerdings ein schöner Zufall<3

    Liked by 1 person

    • Patrick ist auch ein richtig schöner Name, muss ich sagen. Überhaupt gibt es viele schöne Jungsnamen in Irland. Da fallen mir ganz viele ein. Patrick wäre auch einer meiner Favoriten gewesen – aber der Geburtsort von Sohnemann schrieb zwingend dann doch eben “Kilian” vor 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Pingback: 2017 Armitage Weekly Round-up #10 | Guylty Pleasure

  12. Oh, shrine with 2 of my RA favorites, hand porn and his lovely derriere…lovely!!! I have never been to Ireland, it’s on my bucket list though. I do have Irish running through my veins, but not as much as the Scot.


  13. it’s 10 pm, I managed to get in, I hope. That’s what happens when you go to see emails in the evening. And you left me speechless with bottom part of the shrine (pun (not)intended 😛 )


  14. Happy day after St. Patrick’s Day, Guylty! I am definitely Irish (15/16ths). So far I have not been lucky enough to visit. Sure, an’ the shrine is a good bit o’ Craic! 🎻 🐑 🍻 🌹 🌈 💚 🍀 💚 🍀 💚 🍀 💚 🍀 💚 🍀 💚 🍀 💚


  15. Pingback: Irish Lessons for… | Guylty Pleasure

  16. Late to the party, but that’s OK, there are always new ones coming, right?
    Hope you had a great Paddy’s Day. Over here that day has no meaning at all, so sorta missed the whole thing. 🙂
    Nice shrine once again! I especially like that beef quote… 😉


    • Yes, there is a new one coming, soon. It is sitting on my desk, needs a few finishing touches, a photo shoot, and then it will be thrown on the market next week 🙂
      My Paddy’s Day was nice, even though I had to work. But it nevertheless felt like a holiday, and it was nice that the family was at home during the day 🙂


  17. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 134/? – Looks of Love | Guylty Pleasure

  18. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 152/? – You Make My Sham ☘️ Rock | Guylty Pleasure

  19. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 234/? – Let’s Go Green | Guylty Pleasure

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