Pilgrimage Pops Up

We interrupt our regular scheduling for some urgent screencapping!

Pilgrimage is here, just a couple of days prior to its premiere at Tribeca Film Fest in New York. Just as I am complaining about the calm and starting up my own entertainment. I am currently undecided whether I am more excited about seeing gorgeous Connemara on screen, or about seeing gorgeous RA without Connema.

Beautiful – and very evocative for a medieval thriller. If you want to see the area, you should play around with the newly re-launched Google Earth. It gives you a virtual drone-view of the area. The image under the Pilgrimage title looks as if it is a view of the “Twelve Bens” mountain range from the West (i.e. the coast):

Anyway, more importantly, we get a glimpse of Raymond de Merville. Hip haircut, Raybo!

Some intense, Guy-worthy scowling… (could Raybo be an ancestor of Guy’s? Striking family resemblance!)

Is that on Raybo’s forehead actually a neck- Igelfutz back-to-front?

I have to say that I – perversely – find scars really sexy.

Gorillas in the mist??? Wait, no, a gaggle of Normans in the morning dew *coughs*

The trailer for further reference:
First impressions upon watching: A movie for the boys – suspense, fighting, gore, lots of lads. Ok, but seriously. This is the sort of film I would watch even if it *weren’t* for Armitage. Set in a beautiful part of the world in one of my favouritest places in the world. Historical action mixed with suspense and road-movie-ness. Mind you, I must admit that I am not necessarily a fan of gory fight scenes. But I guess these are to be expected in a film targeted at grown-ups and set in the 13th century. The trailer certainly succeeds in making me feel curious – who are the monks faced with? Are the Norman soldiers their protectors or something else? Who do they have to fear more – the wild men of the woods, or the Norman companions? What is the role of that Cistercian monk played by Stanley Weber? And will Raybo survive until la fin???

I wish Pilgrimage and its makers all the best for the film festival, and I hope the mist will lift soon… *swoon*

52 thoughts on “Pilgrimage Pops Up

  1. I am as excited as you to see this film. Yes, it does channel Guy vibes – if the show had been a serious drama. I don’t know if Richard’s character is a righteous knight or a scoundrel. The trailer made me question the mind of whoever was in charge of approving the final edit because who in their right mind doesn’t take advantage of having a man with a chocolate voice like Richard’s and doesn’t let us hear it in said trailer?! Crazy, I tell you. Let’s hope he doesn’t die; I’m so tired of him not winning in the end! Did you notice his name has second billing? That’s wonderful! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I noticed his name at #2, too – good sign. Have they finally copped on to what they have got? As for the regrettable omission of his voice – I was wondering whether it was him shouting “How far do you think you can get” towards the end? I wonder whether he will have opportunity to use his velvet smoothness, though – oh, and I can’t wait to hear the French accent 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Looks very violent to me – hiding eyes and tensing up sort of violent. But I like this kind of film also. I think it possible that the line ” how far do you think you can get” might be Armitage – but it could be the editing. French accent French accent – Yay! Norman Haircut – historical but not a fave.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t really mind violence as such – unless there is lots of blood and entrails… But well, we’ll see. The trailer does make me wonder who the projected target audience of this film is. I suspect it isn’t middle-aged women *grins*.
      The Norman haircut is going to become a favourite tease. I should’ve included that in my RA challenge. “Favourite/least favourite haircut”. I think Armitage’s two 13th century knights would’ve ranked high in that category…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yay! I was counting on the NYC contingent to go and report back. Hope you’ll have fun – looking forward to hearing your feedback, and to seeing pictures.


  3. Dieser Film würde mich tatsächlich auch ganz ohne Herrn A interessieren. Ich mag gut gemachte Mittelalterfilme. Da er aber nun mal mitspielt hoffe ich schon sehr, dass er auch die erste halbe Stunde überlebt. Mittlerweile habe ich ihn nun schon variantenreich sterben sehen und mir wäre es lieber, er hätte Zeit, einen gewissen Tiefgang zu entwickeln. Er kann so schön tragisch gucken…
    Leider sagt er in dem Trailer gar nix. Auf das angekündigte “Alt-Französisch” bin ich schon sehr gespannt.
    Der Haarschnitt ist aus meiner Sicht eine Katastrophe! “grumpf”


    • *kicher* Das hast du schön argumentiert, Elanor! Ich denke auch, dass er sich mit dem vielen Sterben einmal etwas mehr Screentime erarbeitet hat 😉
      Der Haarschnitt ist i.d.T. gewöhnungsbedürftig. Und fast schon eher wegen dieser Mickey Mouse Silhouette vorne als wegen der umgedrehten Tonsur hinten. Aber einen schönen Mann kann ja nichts entstellen, nech…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Er ist hübsch genug, um auch einen solchen Haarschnitt verkraften zu können. Der Guy-Stil kam mir allerdings wesentlich mehr entgegen.
        Habe mir den Trailer nun schon mehrfach angesehen und gelange immer mehr zur Überzeugung, dass er das nicht überlebt. 😦


        • Ich glaube, da liegst du richtig. Vermutlich kommt er auf den letzten Metern dann doch noch um. Hoffentlich ist er entweder geläutert oder entpuppt sich als Guter. Ich will nach so einem Mittelalter-Blutfest dann wenigstens mit moralischer Überlegenheit belohnt werden…


          • Da kann ich dir nur zustimmen. Raue Schale, aber herzensguter Kern, eine tiefe Seele… er kann das hervorragend darstellen.
            Gegen moralische Überlegenheit hätte ich nichts einzuwenden. Die Zeiten sind schwer genug.


            • Stimmt. Ich finde, wir brauchen Herrn Armitage dringend als Gegenentwurf zu politisch-moralisch bedenklichen Zeiten. Es ist sozusagen von gesellschaftshygienischer Bedeutung, dass Herr Armitage jetzt mal ein paar Heldenrollen bekommt. Ich setze schon mal die Petition an die Damen Merkel und May auf.


              • Wenn die beiden nur etwas gesunden Menschenverstand (und einen guten Geschmack was Männer betrifft) haben, dann werden sie deinem Anliegen umgehend zustimmen.
                Ein “paar Heldenrollen” (per Regierungsverordnung) sind nun wirklich nicht zu viel verlangt angesichts der niederschmetternden Umstände!
                Da es zur Zeit nur so vor seelenlosen Machos wimmelt, muss Herr Armitage Männer mit Tiefgang und Mitgefühl spielen.
                Das geplagte Herz braucht dringend Trost.


  4. Well, looks even bloodier than i expected but having recently seen a very interesting documentary about 1066 and the Norman conquest i am more prepared for it. Bloody times indeed, a bit watching between fingers but i hope there will be some quieter moments too..maybe something to explain the deep religious belief of the monks on how that can overcome such a horrible journey and inspire battles…
    On thing;s for sure.. there is a lot of darkness in these men and in the times portrayed…. right up his alley 🙂

    And that’s proper Irish bog, isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yup, plenty of bog where they filmed… Really not a coincidence – one of the areas with few signs of civilisation.
      The whole trailer looks pretty dark and subdued in colours – again, fits the middle ages, I guess. I like historical drama, though. I am wondering though, how well I will do with a film that doesn’t seem to include any strong female characters…


  5. Oooh, exciting! I can’t wait to see this.

    By a strange coincidence, I’m reading a novel about my second favourite medieval knight, William Marshall.
    (Soon to be demoted to third place perhaps? 🙂 )

    So according to the trailer it looks as if Pilgrimage is set during the reign of Good King ‘Do you love me?’John, William was lord of Leinster in those times by right of his Irish born wife I think he was even in residence in 1209. .It seems there were many warring factions between the various Norman lords, So Sir Raymond could be either a goody or a baddy depending on the identity of his feudal lord.


    • Oh, I think I got my timeline wrong. (For some reason I put Sir Guy into the 13th century, when really he is 12th…) I haven’t looked at the Norman conquest of Ireland in detail, but you have reminded me that I should… As for Raymond – I suspect he will be one of the baddies… you know, the facial features 😂


      • Baddy is fine. I do like a nice ferocious scowl and a big broadsword. Though I don’t think any of them were exactly all sweetness and light.

        I reckoned Sir R is a relative of Guy’s from his mother’s side. A cousin perhaps. About the same age as Guy would have been if he hadn’t snuffed it under the keep at Nottingham. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        • I see many possibilities for a cross-over fan fic there. Always welcome if it includes Guy… And well, who knows, maybe Raybo also has scope for some romantic thrysts…


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