Six Years To The Day + RA Pocket Shrine 156/? – Silver

If Servetus hadn’t mentioned her 8 year blogiversary on Tuesday, I totally would’ve forgotten my own fan-i-versary. It is six years to the day, today, that I could not hold back any longer and burst on the scene with a tumblr blog of my own. Well, “burst on the scene” is an overstatement. When I set up my blog on the 26th of April 2012, the earth did not move, and it was not as if the existing fandom on tumblr flocked to the latest sheep pen that had been haphazardly knocked together at Zero likes. Null. Zilch. My first post was a picture of the doorway of a house dubbed “Armitage House” that I passed several times a week on my way to college, and had no added words whatsoever. Yeah, hard to believe, I know. (The picture is still my avatar on Twitter.) I followed up with a reblog of an Armitage gif set. Note the source of my reblog – “fuck yeah”… pretty much describes my general state of mind at the time…

Post number 3 was – what else could it be? – a Guy gif set. I spare you the visuals. Click HERE if you want to see it. It was only after I had gotten *that* out of my system that I finally found a few words to say.

So where has the journey taken me? Six years on. I can say with conviction that I had *no idea* that rather than “release that pent-up energy” (which sounds like a sort of short-term goal), my fangirling journey would actually replenish my energy in the long-term. Or that I would develop friendships on the basis of shared interest in RA, travel to far-away places to see RA on stage and on the red carpet, become inspired to create unique fan art, go on holiday with fellow-fans-turned-friends, push my boundaries to watch horror shows and listen to audio books, collect RAvotionalia, engage with issues and causes championed by RA, organise charity fundraisers, and blog on WordPress on a weekly basis far beyond my initial reblog-cum-pithy-comment modus operandi… When I look at that list, there is nothing in there that isn’t positive. In short, my fan journey has enriched (literally: enRiched) my life. A few bad moments aside, it has been a blast, it has been rewarding, educational, and entertaining. What’s not to love? Even with changes and permutations – of RA, of the fandom experience, of myself – I *still* am fascinated by RA. His craft and talent as a performer continues to excite me, his personality engages me, and his looks entrance me. And you, as his fans, electrify me. I’m running out of verbs beginning on the letter E here…I am very happy that you (and Richard, unwittingly) are part of my journey! Let’s do this until we are old and grey!

Speaking of which… neat transition to the shrine presentation I have planned for today… grey silver was on my mind lately… I created a shrine the other day, and the fan-i-versary is a good occasion to raffle it among you, my esteemed readers and fellow-fans!

Yeah, silver is an obvious theme when it comes to the mint tins, the basis on which I always work.

Hard to see, but in this case, the “silver” actually refers to the temples of this fox… Daniel/Trevor was allowed to let his silver temples show, and that did not diminish his attractiveness. Maybe quite the contrary – the signs of ageing as an indication of experience, control and confidence. I’d like to think so – but then again, I’m old enough to find silver foxes attractive.

Balancing it out with season 1 Daniel in his dark-dye glory *coughs*. Couldn’t resist correcting that with a few strategically placed bits of silver glitter, though.

So, a BS shrine. Where did that come from, given that I am not the biggest fan of the show? No word yet on RA’s involvement or absence from the next season of the show. Was Daniel’s final scene in season 2 an indicator that his story arc is now concluded? Walking into the sun set with Esther Krug? In that case, can the producers please create a spin-off that places Daniel and Esther in a domestic setting in a German small town? After Esther having been transferred for disciplinary reasons (breaking the BfV code of ethics by mixing duty with pleasure and starting a relationship with a work colleague) and Daniel quitting the CIA on the grounds of burn-out, Esther joins the local police force while Daniel becomes a stay-at-home dad, looking after the couples’ triplet babies Thomas, Otto and Claudia. (They were born prematurely after a rocky six-month pregnancy and are the reason for Esther’s emotionality in BS 2.) While Esther writes parking tickets and investigates local livestock thefts, Daniel discovers the internet and becomes a Social Media influencer with his YouTube channel Three Babies and a Man, documenting the tribulations of juggling three babies with his household duties, and gaining a massive following for his thrift store hauls and decorating tips. Their previous lives in the service are all but forgotten but the past catches up with them when Daniel’s search for an au pair for the triplets washes a young woman called Lena on his doorstep…

Ooops, I got a bit carried away there. But well, if you like silver, just leave me a comment and I’ll put you in the raffle for this shrine. Submissions open until midnight (BST), Friday 27 April. Winner to be announced in Saturday’s tumblr round-up at the customary time. Yep, planning to post one this week.

Best of luck – and thanks for fangirling with me.


119 thoughts on “Six Years To The Day + RA Pocket Shrine 156/? – Silver

  1. Lol, die Auszeit hat Dich offensichtlich beflügelt?! Das klingt mindestens nach einem ausgereiften Fanfictionplot, solte es für’s Spin-Off nicht reichen! Was schade wäre, denn so könnte er doch wahrhaftig seine DIY-Qualities mit Deinen SchRAinen messen – was täten sich da für ungeahnte Möglichkeiten auf! 😅
    Übrigens bin ich auch sehr angetan von der Vornamenauswahl! 😂😂😂 Thomas, Otto und Claudia… 😅
    Esther käme als Streifenpolizistin bzw. Politesse gut rüber im Bleistiftrock. Alles würde passen… So what, Epix? Worauf noch warten? Guylty is on a roll.
    Danke und schön, dass Du wieder da bist!

    Liked by 2 people

    • So eine Aus-Zeit ist *immer* gut für die Kreativität. Unabgelenkt von den Nachrichten aus Film, Fernsehen und Fandom lässt es sich wunderbar träumen 😉. Da kommen dann solche Machwerke wie dieser an den grau melierten Haaren herbeigezogene Plot. Daniel tobt seine Kreativität im hemmungslosen Scrapbooking out, das war ja schon in Staffel 1 zu sehen, als er akribisch aus dem Rätselheft die Clues zusammengeschnibbelt hat. Jetzt kann er seine Leidenschaft voll ausleben – dank Supersparpreisen für Sticker, Tags und Washi-Tapes bei Action und Tedi. Esther hat sich, ganz richtig von dir erkannt, schon immer in die Politessenuniform gewünscht. Sie ist nur unglücklich, dass beim Neudesign der Uniformen auch das kecke kleine Käppi abgeschafft wurde.ützePolitesse-Damen-Capy-Käppi-Polizei-282697177897.html Daniel beobachtet derzeit auf eBay entsprechende Auktionsangebote…

      Liked by 2 people

        • Oder ich als inoffizielle Screenwriterin schreibe da mal eine Traumsequenz ins Script, in der Esther in die Vergangenheit zurückgeträumt wird und als Sarah Miller Anfang der 80er Jahre in Berlin als Politesse arbeitet. Im Traum erscheint dann ein mysteriöser, aber unwiderstehlich attraktiver Mann (mit Schnauzbart und Koteletten) in Gestalt von Daniel, dem Sarah wegen Falschparkens auf dem öffentlichen Gehweg ein Knöllchen gibt. Das Übertreten der StVGO ist allerdings kein Zufall, sondern der BMW-Fahrer ist ein Stasi-Spion. Sarah tappt voll in die Honigfalle und das Verhängnis nimmt seinen Lauf. Sollte das Publikum Papa-Daniel für sich alleine haben wollen, geht Esther/Sarah dann im Traum mit dem BMW hoch. Daniel macht alleine weiter.

          Liked by 2 people

  2. My world is a much happier place with your blog in it!! And silver matches the ever-increasing color of my hair these days, schade! Happy anniversary Guylty.


  3. Congratulations with this special anniversary, thanks a lot for all your enjoyable blogs and last but not least #SirGuyofGisborneforever!


  4. I’ve been in the fandom more than three years now, and I also found a lot of positive things thanks to Richard. My English improved thanks to the fanfics and the audiobooks, I learned how to fight with a medieval sword, I found good friends, etc. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on your “Silver Fanaversary” . You make the fandom a lot of fun, Thank you for feeding our “craziness” I hope you continue for many more anniversaries. Your scenario of what happened with Daniel and Ester is priceless.


  6. I need this fanfic or spinoff badly 😘 though truly I see Daniel more nurturing than Esther, I’m afraid his heartbreak would be in the cards…. but of course then he could find a good woman to take care of him & his bereft family (how long the line, eh??Or maybe Lena the au pair herself for an interlude? Multitudes of options for Herr Miller & babes 😍😍)


  7. (Not a raffle entry.) Congrats on 6 years. I like your “Domesticating Daniel” plot idea! Or “Stay-at-Home Dan”, maybe. He says he’s always looking for a good comedy…


    • Haha, that didn’t even occur to me – Stay-at-home-dad/Dan. Maybe that is where the idea came from… Comedy, yes please. (Although I don’t believe a word he is saying. I doubt he really is looking for comedy. Let’s just hope that comedy will find *him*!)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy Blogaversary! love that shrine.Love the silver box, we don’t have nice tins here. I can’t get BS i have to wait for dvd. Just finished Martian invastion. I liked it.Wandarlust, I listened for 10 minutes.put it away for another day, maybe…


    • Thank you ☺️.
      I have bought mint tins in all kinds of places – and obviously I have received many of them as gifts. So many, actually, that I have lost count. Now there is a thought – I might count them, photograph them and show them on blog.
      Martian Invasion was great, I agree. Wanderlust OTOH was a bit of a chore.


          • True. I felt that the BS series 2 ending on the park bench was and was portrayed almost as a dream–what with the almost dream like and secretive smiles between Daniel and Esther.

            It made me wonder whose “dream” we were privy to? Esther Krug seems too shrewd to have fanciful dreams of love–especially considering she had told Daniel something to the effect of “Isn’t it better to know where we stand”?

            Her reply was to Daniel’s query that was something like, “Are we really going down this road again, knowing where we end up? So maybe the sometimes hopeful series 1 Daniel–that had been seemingly suppressed in series 2, via his butched up “Trevor” undercover profile–regained his wistfulness, somehow. ;->


            • Tbh, as much as that park-bench-hand-holding scene was a fangirl dream come true, in the context of the two characters I found it slightly unlikely. Much for the reason you have mentioned yourself – Esther didn’t strike me as the romantic type. And if she chose to have a long-term partner, I suspect the German woman in her would not go for that messed up guy… but well, who knows…

              Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations Guylty! Know this, the earth may not have moved that first day, but it did move. You are one of the major glues in this fandom. You bring the fun, the contests, the raffles, holiday events, and more. I suspect you’ve also had an influence on @_sinnamin . Don’t think you’re not important!
    As for post 3 being a Guy gif set, seriously, understatement much? 🤣 That is THE Gisborne gif set, of the sexiest moment in the history of Richard being put to film. If you had never posted another, that would have cemented your spot in the archives of the RA universe.


  10. Happy Anniversary! I definetely enjoy reading your blog even though only for a relatively short time so far. And it´s good to have you back from your online abstinence. Seems it spurred your admirable creativity even more. This BS spinoff would make a really great comedy. Would only like to add a cat and a dog to the happy family.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy Faniversary!! My own RA faniversary is nearing the 10 year mark. 😳 Doesn’t feel like that much time has passed since Guy of Gisborne first rode his horse onto my tellybox.

    I would totally watch that BS spinoff, btw. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • 10 years!!! That’s a great number – and you copped on earlier than myself. I mean, to this day I cannot quite understand why I didn’t immediately fall for RA when I saw NS. That was two years prior to my eventual epiphany…


      • Honestly, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight for me, either. He grew on me. ☺️ It started with Robin Hood & by the time I saw N&S and Spooks, there was no going back. I was well & truly smitten. 😍


            • Funny that. I mean, Mr Thornton really is quite something, and yet… slow burner, maybe. (And in my case it was the material that put me off…) And funnily enough, I quite like the chaRActer nowadays…

              Liked by 1 person

                  • Huh. I really liked the story. I liked the female protagonist too, just not the female actor who played her!

                    For me, I think he didn’t quite catch me at first because I was interested in the aspects of the story exploring the industry in the north, the differences between north and south and between workers and masters, and the strike. I didn’t really notice the building of the romance much the first time.


                    • I had read NS long before I saw the mini-series, and I never really liked the Gaskell story much. The romance was a cheap imitation of Pride & Prejudice. Making the life of the working class and working conditions in the industrial revolution the centre of the story, was admirable and certainly interesting. I just intensely disliked the patronising tone of the book, and the heroine. It ruined the whole thing for me.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Oh I see. I only read the book after I’d seen the series a couple of times. I thought that the book had problems in the writing that the show didn’t.


                    • The much-missed Skully (who came to the fandom via Spooks) found the whole thing politically objectionable. She was always like “I do NOT get why you people are so excited about this.” My TA had a similar reaction when we put the series in my class, but we used it as a teaching moment (how do you think the scene in the mill courtyard looked from the perspective of a factory worker).


                    • Yeah, it wasn’t quite up my street ideologically, either *coughs*, but well, I guess it was a visualisation of a Victorian novel. Having said all that – I *do* like Thornton. But as a romantic hero, and not as a ‘captain of industry’… The man would have received much more of earful from me *haha*


  12. Happy anniversary, dear!!! ❤ I have been enjoying your blog for 3 years now and I hope I will for next 100, at least XD
    And shrine is just ❤ ❤


  13. Wow, it seems like only a few months ago when you leaped from being the photography expert on one blog to doing your own thing. I miss your hilarious ficlets. You are probably too busy to bring them back, but they were great. Just like the triplet story above. And your rhyming – not too bad.

    Ode to a Silver Fox

    Oh to caress those silver strands,
    And comb them with our eager hands.
    The sparkling sidewalls gleam and shine,
    In the candlelight of a silver shrine.
    But perhaps some ladies would be fonder,
    If RA’s hair was a little longer.

    Kathy Jones

    Liked by 4 people

    • LOL – that is just a perfect example why your odes are unsurpassed, Kathy. You not only manage to make them sound “natural”, but you also always get in a twist at the end. *That* is what I call good writing.
      The fiction writing is really tempting. But I know from experience that I tend to get caught in ever-more tangents and completely lose the plot… I’m glad there are other, very talented fan fic writers out there who are better than me.


  14. A comment that’s not a comment as always.
    Happy blog anniversary, Guylty. You have made a whole lot of people very happy indeed over the past six years. Not only have I loved every post from you but you have the greatest commenters too. In fact, I might say it’s been sterling work in view of that gorgeous silvery shrine, but I won’t, because I’d hear everyone groan from here.

    And I’m another one who can’t wait for the first chapter of Dan the Dishy Dad.


    • Aw, thanks Jenny, so nice of you to say that. And I have to agree – a blogger is only as good as her commenters. I have been very lucky in that respect, with so many people taking part in the conversation with hilariously funny, thoughtful, provocative, interesting comments.
      No groan from me, btw – the “sterling” pun is great!
      Dan the Dishy Dad – LOL. You know what, that whole fan fic project might actually get off the ground. I’ve had bad news today that may mean that I will have a whole lot of extra time on my hands very soon… And then I will have to pass my time with *something*…


  15. Happy Anniversary………..your suggestion made me reminisce, I once wrote a piece of fanfiction where I gave Ricky Deeming triplets lol with the doctor who treated his burns that was possibly against the doctor/patient rules, but hey I did marry them off!


  16. Pingback: Guylty’s blogiversary! #richardarmitage | Me + Richard Armitage

  17. [not an entry]. Happy blogiversary! I’ve always admired your creativity and analytical skills and the ease with which you seem to compose. Here’s to many happy returns of the day and many more shrines to venerate!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for such nice words, Serv. I can only say: likewise. You have a big part in my original delurking, modus of fangirling and my transition to blogging. And you remain one of my fandom role models. I hope the mutual inspiration continues for many more moons 🌝

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Sonne-Schatz, tschuldige, war irgendwie nicht anwesend: auch von mir natürlich das übliche Glückwunschgedöns 😘
    Schön zu beobachten, dass du seit Jahren konstant Qualitätsfangirling betreibst. Ohne dich, Herba und Serv wäre ich nicht zu der geworden, die ich bin: (mittlerweile ex)-bekennende Armitage-Jüngerin. Seine Begeisterung kann man am Besten entfalten, wenn gute “Strukturen” vorhanden sind. Dafür allerverbindlichsten Dank 😀
    Keine Ahnung, wohin es mich vor 4 Jahren sonst verschlagen hätte, wenn ich nicht über P&P (niemand macht CF den Darcy streitig!) in einer Romantikkrise auf den Thornton-Kiss gekommen wäre. Der Rest ist bekannt…….


  19. Pingback: 2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #14 | Guylty Pleasure

  20. Happy Blogiversary, Guylty!!
    Yet again a lovely shrine and I adore your synopsis of the continued Daniel & Esther storyline! LOL!
    As for Colin Firth as Darcy – yeah, best Darcy evah!


  21. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 157/? – Succulent | Guylty Pleasure

  22. as they say better late than never 😉 Happy anniversary and what would we do without you??? :-)Glad the lovely shrine found a rightful owner and wish we could see more of the silver fox! Wish somebody would put that domesticated 😉 bliss story into action or fanfic :-))) And may there be many more years as you’ve certainly added more than a bit of spice and sweet stuff to the last lovely years 🙂


    • Aw, thank you for those lovely words, Hari… I’ve had a blast the last 6 years, and intend to have more in the future. The domestic bliss story may have to wait a bit – had some good news today. They may need me a little longer than initially thought, after all.


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