2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #18

At the end of April, Richard was in England for a promo shoot for his upcoming audio book Their Lost Daughters. There was a BTS clip posted on photographer Dan Kennedy’s Instagram Stories feed. (Unfortunately, IG Stories have an expiry date, so the clip is not visible/searchable anymore. But fellow fan Lexi archived it here.) Now Audible has posted a still from the shoot that seems to have added poignancy in light of Thursday’s news.

We can all guess now why the release of Their Lost Daughters may have been delayed. And not least because the material sounds pretty harrowing to me. Having said that, I have already pre-ordered the audio book because I am very curious to read (hear) another book that is set in the Fens. The area sounds fascinating to me (not least because it reminds me of Northern Germany – all flat, a bare, plain/plane landscape, stolen from the sea, with wide, bright skies, even on a dark day. There is an inherent melancholy in that that I find bitter-sweet.) The best book, incidentally, that I have read so far about (or rather: set in) the Fens, is Waterland by Graham Swift. An altogether different kind of book than the thriller by Joy Ellis, as it is not only a classically post-modern novel, but in that it is also about history (as a discipline) itself. Warmly recommended.

In any case, let’s dip into this week’s round-up. It’s not really that long – a reflection of the sad news?

  1. Some Claude close-ups captured by deepestfirefun
  2. And for good measure, here’s more, but in gif format, courtesy of riepu10
  3. Eh, and some ‘close combat’ screenshots, including the latest wall candy, from deepestfirefun, too
  4. On chips off the old block, read this little post by halsnaes
  5. We’ve seen plenty of this particular screenshot scene, but I am including this here for the caption. Regal, indeed. Posted by ausschweifendemotte
  6. This must be an older candid, but I am including it here because of smiles. Posted by jassy2101
  7. Intense Lucas North. Goosepimples. In a good way. Giffed by riepu10
  8. Nice manip of Richard on horseback by jassy2101
  9. Here’s a sweet little piece of fan fiction about Lucas North and OFC by deepestfirefun

Short – but sweet.

Have a lovely weekend, all!

Guylty ❤


17 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #18

  1. Number 4 is the one that made me laugh. 😂

    Number 9 is a manip? 😕

    When will you do another OOOF?

    Happy weekend to you too!


  2. Enjoyed all the Claude Becker entries. I think it might be because his hair is a bit longer than it has been for some time. And it seems like we have not seen very much of him on any screen in a long time.Excluding Chop, which I haven’t seen yet.


    • Yes, it’s been really long. There was all that audio stuff instead, though – which included a few BTS videos, so that has kind of tided us over, I guess. Only a few days now until Ocean’s 8…


  3. Can’t wait to see Richard on the big screen again. I really liked those first three Ocean’s films. The only bad thing is that we’ve to avoid spoilers for weeks. The premiere in Finland is three weeks later than in the US.

    Btw. I sent you a package last week. Has it arrived yet?


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