Old News But “Sexy New Spy Hunk”

Am I the only one at the source today? After watching a thrilling performance by Brendan Coyle (“Nicholas Higgins” in NS, or probably better known as “Mr Bates” from Downton Abbey) in the Conor McPherson play St Nicholas (double whammy of meaning there… Not sure actually why the play was called St Nicholas…), I made it into the newsagent to buy the Irish Daily Star for the Armitage interview in their Style supplement. Well, let’s just say that is another €1.50 I won’t get back… Nihil Novi In Stella Hibernica Cotidie [or in other words: Old News]. Probably just a rewrite from old interviews. But for completeness’ sake, here it is [click image to enlarge]:

Best and probably only original line of the piece: “Move over James Bond – there is a sexy new spy hunk in town.” Right on!

Over and out.

Oh, and ETA: Richard posted a link to an interview by him with Frederator Studios – much, *much* more interesting than the regurgitated Irish Daily Star crap.

44 thoughts on “Old News But “Sexy New Spy Hunk”

  1. Well, it clears up our native language/immersion question. If he spent birth—5 in the US and then went back there at 12, I’d say his dominant language is definitely English. I’m okay with his accent in German.


        • Yeah I know Guylty but he’s in and out this season my guess OUT like bang bang. The Daniel Esther storyline could have really developed and Hector Daniel from Chechnya could have been revealed more and that just evaporated after S1.


                • To be completely honest I think he is barely in S3 just from a logistical point of view and the tidbits I’ve read about the plot so I think I am mentally preparing myself for his disappearance so it will lessen the blow if it actually happens. I know you all believe he probably wanted a lesser involvement but I cannot imagine with a starring role in a series w political and globally centered issues which I think he personally likes to discuss he would voluntarily take a back seat or bow out.


                  • You know I feel differently about this. Not to put too fine a point on it but he pretty much knew his mom would probably be gone by then and if you have the luxury of making your own schedule in the wake of such a tragedy, why wouldn’t you if you felt that’s what you needed. I think for him acting is something deeply emotional and it would be that much harder to put it out there when you’re feeling vulnerable and just maybe want to hide from the world for a while.
                    We may never know. We’ll just have to see what happens. Let the speculation continue. 😉


                  • Same here, Michele. It’s strange – I didn’t even like BS all that much, and I wasn’t really sure whether I was all that keen on a third season involving him. Yet at the same time I am disappointed that another lead role may potentially bite the dust.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Yes that is it exactly and I understand Kate’s point I do about mourning and hiding away but he did My Zoe and The Lodge in February and I think he would try to stay busy as a distraction from grieving all the time. I just don’t get it. SB I get b/s he got Thorin w Peter Jackson — clearly a role of a lifetime and BS if the storylines were cleaned up could give him a couple more years of steady work w time to do a play or a movie here and there.


                    • I think that is the point, though. He did The Lodge at a time when his mum was ill – but still around. My Zoe was already shooting when things got worse. And maybe when the crisis point was finally reached, he pulled the emergency brake as a result of that, realising that he needed time off to reflect.
                      As Kate says elsewhere – we have no idea how big/small his participation in BS3 is, or whether his character lives or dies. It could easily be just a temporary retreat in BS3, and more involvement if the series gets renewed. We’ll see.

                      Liked by 1 person

    • No wonder the scans haven’t surfaced anywhere else. First of all – just an uninformative article in a small tabloid from a small country. And secondly no news in that, anyway. But well, for completeness’ sake…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the Castlevania interview! Some good questions and of course, interesting answers. I’d love to see him in a well-directed, twisty sci-fi movie. Maybe with Christopher Nolan directing.

    And who can help but love this description of RA: “master of the dark fantasy deep-throat growl” He can growl at me anytime, hehehe. (I’ll work on a growling vignette for us.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • I want to declare my enthusiastic support for this idea. Growling, yelling, snarling, cursing… I love it all.
      I’ll just sit here in my freak corner now.


    • LL I second your love of the Castlevania interview. I thought the questions were creative and Richards answers were thoughtful and insightful
      I had to google the Nesferatu reference. I think he can relate to Trevor Belmont quite a bit!


    • I wouldn’t mind sci-fi – as long as he is playing a human in that *haha* – and survives!!!
      *coughs* that other description leads to too many NSFW thoughts. But I can’t wait for your vignette!


  3. Thanks for passing on the castlevania interview. Nice to read something new with nary a word about a circus. I wonder how many of us who are not BS fans (but watch it anyway) are expecting Daniel’s demise? What, if anything, does it say about the roles he chooses, or is offered? If the character has an expiration date, does the director say “Call Armitage, he kills it on death scenes”? Just wondering.


    • Kathy I saw last night there are a couple of BS3 trailers where he’s in them not looking that great in my opinion and gotta watch closely in the longer trailer. Didn’t see any Hector in the trailers just the new guy.


        • He looks really tired and worn out just from some of the flash pics and there’s one flash of him where to me it doesn’t even look like him I know it is but it’s like some of those selfie pics where it is him but doesn’t look like him. Did you see the 2 trailer pics ?


            • I was mulling around last night at on #richardarmitage Twitter I think Julia who is has wonderful intel on BS had posted 2 videos of trailers one is longer than the other. I watched both several times trying to figure out a couple of clues. She notes spoilers but not really
              In the BS3 trailer Guylty posted he looks pretty good more hunky than these trailers. His tweet about s hour ago was sweet. I had to google what chuffed meant. It was like his dad had read our conversations here for the last week!!😉


              • I have a serious case of APM with regard to reactions to that tweet. I thought it was sweet (even though he’s said that before, so it’s not new), especially the ‘chuffed’ which reminds me of my best friend—always a good thing. It’s fun and a bit self-deprecating in a charming way.

                [.@TogletTim Thanks for the write up Tim, my Dad thinks I’ve given up acting….he’ll be right chuffed! 👍] << in case someone doesn’t Twitter and doesn’t feel like hunting down what he said.

                And people interpret this as “So your dad doesn’t like your audio work?” Why? He just meant that he hasn’t been on UK TV in a while, surely. Sorry for being a grump but this rubbed me the wrong way. I guess I have a case of the Mondays.


                • Oh I don’t know about the reactions to his dad tweet.? I took the tweet to be sweet and funny and a shout out to his dad. I was just kidding about his dad reading our analysis here of his silent time now except the Audible work.
                  Again my view on APM is it means you care and that is never a bad thing!!😘


                • I couldn’t agree with you more, Kate! Some of those reactions seriously irritated me. RA was being light and cute, and continuing with his version of dad jokes, and people got all wiggy about it. I may not have been in APM but certainly was spouting off with some FFS!

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. I refrained from commenting on the thread (because no good can come of that) but one in particular had me cursing up a storm. It effectively attacked Mr. A’s dad, claiming that in his eyes, his son’s work “doesn’t count” unless it’s on the big screen or TV, and by god, the man certainly doesn’t deserve that! I’m sure he’s proud as punch of everything RA does.


                    • Come to think of it, the focus of my APM is actually Mr. John Armitage in this particular case. *shakes fist angrily*


                    • I’m with you on going APM all the way for Mr. John Armitage! I can’t imagine for a second that he isn’t proud of ALL of his son’s accomplishments (and all of his sons’ accomplishments). However his boys feel that they are best able to use their talents is surely all right with him.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Oh, that’s beautifully put, L! “All of his son’s accomplishments and all of his sons’ accomplishments”—you’re a poet! He speaks about his parents with such love, I’m sure that’s exactly true.


                    • Aw, thanks, Kate. That’s so sweet. Poet, not really, but definitely an enthusiastic proponent of appropriate apostrophe usage. 🤣

                      I also got a chuckle out of “chuffed.” My second ex-husband was English (and presumably still is) so I’ve been fluent in British English for quite some time. Chuffed is a fave that I use frequently.


                    • Oh, a fellow lover of appropriate apostrophizing and a chuffed chuckler in the face of charming colloquialisms. No wonder I like you so much. I’m definitely delighted! 😘 #TeamShrubbery


                    • Boy were the comments that bad or judgmental on Twitter that you both seem upset by… it I mean APM via his dad in a good way … I’m not on Twitter so I only saw Richard’s tweet yesterday and I was more amused at his wordage aka “chuffed” which I had to google b/c I had never heard of that expression before.


  4. I really enjoyed the Frederator Studios interview. Nice to see a fresh set of questions and answers. My heart kind of sank at the Nosferatu reference. Another dark character and he’s going to put himself in a typecast. I would really like to see him tackle something different for a change and he seems to be long overdue for a dramatic period piece or romantic comedy. (I mean why does he always have to be the scary guy/cad?) Yes we know he is more than capable of the menacing scowl but he can also be sweet and sensitive and has an incredibly dreamy smile…I guess I’m just longing to see him play a hero again and not another villain. Just my humble opinion.
    Also I’m just feeling kind of meh about BS3. S2 had potential but I still felt that for being the starring role his character arc kind of stalled out. I’ll be really surprised if the series gets renewed after season 3.
    On the other hand, I’m really pleased with his audio work lately and thoroughly enjoyed The Murderer’s Son. Hope he keeps them coming (but ONLY if they are to fill in between acting gigs)
    He’s lovely to listen to but truthfully I prefer it when visuals are included 😍
    Btw, switching back to acting…I wondered how much did you enjoy seeing Bendan Coyle’s play? I’ve enjoyed him in other things since NS and think he’s a fine actor.


  5. Pingback: Richard Armitage tangentially related | Me + Richard Armitage

  6. Hum. I haven’t seen enough BS to properly judge yet, but after eagerly anticipating its arrival on British TV I watched the first episode of Season 1 and was, how can I put it,….disappointed. The dialogue seemed cluncky, the style of filming was unnecessarily distracting, and why did they have that scene at the beginning where he gets shot at the end of the season? It would have been so much more dramatic and surprising if they had held off. I am going to keep watching to see if it improves, but if he is out in S3 then I am not going to be as upset as I was with the Lucas/John character in Spooks.


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