Quick Mid-Week Mix [with SPOILER warning for 2nd half of post]

Following up from Tuesday’s post on selfies, this is so much better:

Ok, this doesn’t qualify as a selfie because it is quite clearly taken by a third party. All of Armitage’s claws hands are in frame. But taken on the master’s phone, presumably? And of course this is posed, too. (No photo in which the subject is *aware* of being photographed, is ever “unposed”.) But this looks so much more real than any of the selfies created by the man himself… His smile looks genuine. Interestingly, although possibly taken on RA’s own phone, there are no filters at work, hooray. Either Rich has read our comments on the selfie post (unlikely), or maybe he didn’t want to disrespect the image of the two other people in this picture by throwing a soft focus over the photo. And it kind of gives us a look behind the scenes that provides more insight than a picture of his (admittedly beautiful) face in close-up. Oh, and leather jacket porn. More of this, please!

And secondly – MAJOR SPOILER WARNING. Don’t read on, if you do not want to be spoiled re. BS

Epix published the BS season overview a couple of days ago. It is now up on their website here. I could not resist and had a look. BS appears to go old school spy thriller for their third season. Tbh, I snorted a little bit when I read about the theme of an impending Russian invasion in the Baltic. Are we back in 1982? Alright, Russia has been pretty aggressive when it comes to its South-East border with Ukraine, and annexed the Crimea. Not really sure whether a military excursion into Central Europe is realistic, though. But well, I guess BS had already fired their best shots in terms of cyberspying in season 1. Because *that* would be an interesting focus – the cold cyber war forced by Russia on the internet…

Anyhow, the overview already drops a few hints regarding Daniel’s story in season 3 which kind of confirms the fandom’s speculations about Richard’s involvement in the show – now and going forward. This looks even clearer when drilling down into the December highlights, also published by Epix on their website. I was momentarily baffled when I looked at these because there were only four episodes of BS listed there. But of course – the highlights only refer to the month of December, and the show will presumably continue after that. However, I am not sure whether I will continue watching then, because there is a major hint in the December highlights, pertaining to Daniel’s fate. Or how do you interpret the summary for episode 4? Kind of explains his quick in-and-out time on the set in Hungary, if you ask me.

So let’s enjoy Daniel’s snug bum while we can!


347 thoughts on “Quick Mid-Week Mix [with SPOILER warning for 2nd half of post]

  1. I’m on the fence about the ep. 4 spoiler. It’s not impossible, of course, but it could be a red herring. Would they really spoil something so major? We’ll see.

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  2. 1. Thank you for the picture commentary as you are always right on spot
    2. Leather porn indeed thank you I love him in leather jackets real or faux!!
    3.Thank you for the EPIX site summary. I’ve had Epix for a few years now and I never knew that existed
    4.Snug bum indeed, nice visuals to start my day off (you’re already mid day there)
    5.I think the story line this S3 is trite and so late 90’s tv.
    6. I will watch the whole season but mentally know what happened to him but maybe 4 episodes he got vs 2.5
    7. Putin went into Ukraine/Crimea 3 years ago, this is old news to be a major plot line
    8. That MF has a huge juicy role this season is ……
    9. I’m happy Kirsch gets a juicy role
    10. Too many cooks in the kitchen in my opinion

    P.S. doesn’t he look dreamboaty in the black tee and leather jacket?!! This casual look I really love on him..


    • Re. 7 – well, the Ukraine/Crimea reference is only from me, not from Epix. The premise of the show is that there is an impending invasion in the Baltic area. But yeah, I don’t find it that convincing, either.
      Agree with you on numbers 8 and 9.
      Big resounding yes on the casual look. So definitely my preferred version!

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  3. My thoughts were exactly like yours when I read the BS3 press release last week or the week before. It’s Putin in Crimea all over told from an “American” writers POV. Enough already guys, This new showrunner is supposed to be brilliant and I loved House of Cards for its writing and cleverness before the whole Kevin Spacy debacle last year. But it seems to me regurgitated stuff. At least BS2 for all its controversy had real time plot line about the emergence of the far right in Germany, Denmark, Hungary etc.. so it was original in that sense. My thought is no wall sex this time, no exploration of Daniel and Esther further emotionally, no Patricia, no Maximus, no Hector and Daniel explored more, maybe Chechyna is tied in here some way, that would at least looped it back to S1. But thank you for the Blog Post!!!


    • I am just flummoxed how Daniel’s story line that is hinted at in the summaries, actually draws back on his family history – as Steinhauer disclosed in that tweet a couple of months ago… Ah well, we’ll find out, sooner or later.

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      • Yeah I know and I actually thought if they got back to S1 and untied some of the hints about Daniel’s mom and dad and time as a child in Berlin that would be interesting. Steinhauer was one of the writing minds in S1 so I don’t know why he would abandoned that in S3 unless this “kidnapping” or MIA b.s. is based on something that happened in Daniel’s past. Or maybe Cromwell’s character is Daniel’s father or related to Daniel’s dad someway?


      • Im längeren Trailer ist eine MfS-Akte zu sehen, deswegen hatte ich auch angenommen, es würde endlich etwas mehr über Daniels Vergangenheit bzw. die seiner Mutter enthüllt. Dafür dürfte bei 1,5 Folgen, in denen er mitspielt nun aber kaum Zeit bleiben. Wie frustrierend! Ich weiß, BS ist hier nicht so beliebt, aber immerhin gibt es ihn so mal zu sehen. Daniel Miller sollte die Hauptfigur sein, verdammt nochmal (und die Geschichte deutlich einfallsreicher)! Ich hab echt keine Lust auf noch mehr nervigen Hector oder sich bedauernd im Spiegel betrachtenden Steven.


        • Oh, ich glaube, ich muss mir diese Trailer noch mal zu Gemüte führen. Allerdings kann ich den zweiten Trailer gerade nicht mehr finden… Jedenfalls scheint ziemlich deutlich zu sein, dass von Daniel außer in den ersten Folgen wohl nicht viel zu sehen sein wird. Schon komisch, wie Epix mit seiner Hauptfigur umgeht…


          • Mach das, vielleicht kannst du mit geschultem detektivischem Blick noch was Erhellendes entdecken. Das MfS und Daniel zusammenhängen, war auch nur meine Interpretation wegen S1. Zur Hauptfigur wurden ja schon in den letzten beiden Staffeln leider eher andere gemacht. RA wurde da wohl auch nur zu Werbezwecken vorgeschoben, ist mein Eindruck.
            Aber vielleicht sitzt bei Epix jetzt auch einer an seinem Schreibtisch und kommt aus dem Lachen nicht mehr raus, weil er für solche Aufregung sorgt. Und sobald die Highlights für Januar veröffentlich werden, sieht die Welt wieder ganz anders aus (die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt)…

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            • Hab den Trailer noch nicht wiedergefunden. Als Hauptfigur ist Daniel schon in Folge 2 der ersten Staffel irgendwie rausgefallen. Was für eine Enttäuschung. Aber auf dem Poster hat er sich wirklich besser gemacht als Rhys Ifans… Ich finde ja sowieso, dass er als Hector irgendwie besser gewesen wäre…


              • Ich hab ihn über diesen Post von Serv gefunden: https://meandrichard.wordpress.com/2018/10/22/richard-armitage-tangentially-related-83/
                Auf dem Poster hätte meinetwegen niemand anderes mit drauf gemusst. RA als Hector… hab ich bisher nicht drüber nachgedacht. Weiß auch nicht, ob mir die Idee gefällt. Ich find Hector so schrecklich unsymphatisch. Weiß aber nicht, ob es an der Figur an sich liegt oder an der Darstellung von Rhys Ifans. Hector ist sicher die interessantere Figur, weil er polarisiert und ihm genug Raum gegeben wird, um verschiedene Seiten von sich zu zeigen, seine Vergangenheit zu beleuchten u.ä. . Aber Daniel hätte auch dieses Potential gehabt, wenn die Autoren nur gewollt hätten *seufz*. Und nun ist es dafür wohl endgültig zu spät.


                • Hector hat definitiv Schattenseiten. Aber eigentlich auch viel Licht. Daniel dagegen – “unterbelichtet”. Und so eine Sleaze-Rolle wie die des Hectors hätte ich gerne mal von RA gesehen. Die Mischung aus fies und Kämpfer für die Wahrheit ist irgendwie interessant. Aber wie du schon sagst – bei BS ist der Zug (ohne Daniel) abgefahren.
                  Danke für den Link – ich war zu faul zum Selbersuchen :-).
                  UNd wo war da nun die MfS-Akte? Oder bringe ich da was durcheinander?


                  • In dem Post sind zwei Trailer verlinkt. Im längeren sieht man eine MfS-Akte verbrennen.
                    Spannend wäre es schön gewesen, ihn in einer solchen Rolle zu sehen. Und es besteht eine gewisse Möglichkeit, dass ich Hector weniger negativ gesehen hätte, wenn RA ihn gespielt hätte, 😉. Irgendwie entwickele ich aber immer mehr eine Schwäche für Daniel, wahrscheinlich, weil ich so viel in die Figur hinein interpretiere. Bin ich wohl jetzt etwas zu spät dran damit 😏.


  4. Best case scenario for those who like Daniel in BS is that they recover him for the last episode, having filmed out of order, and there probably will be scenes of Daniel in captivity.I think the summary is crazy foolish, not just for Armitage fans, but all BS fans who know the characters. Two agents go on assignment, only one returns. What’s the mystery? But how do you think this calls back to Daniel’s past?

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    • Yes! Great point! I don’t get why EPIX would reveal a lot of the plot before even airing the episodes one month away? How can you get people to watch the show on a cable channel when you are already telling a major plot development before air time? People aren’t stupid. Most who watch these spy shows or any amount of tv drama know the characters and can guess what will happen. The two trailers show a lot if you watch very closely. Maybe they should have just stuck with the shadows and light trailer of all the characters with Daniel last..


    • Your last question is exactly the point, Perry – I have no idea how Daniel’s past comes into this. It doesn’t sound as if there is any connection.
      As for recovering him in the last episode – well, the wording of episode 4’s summary sounded as if there is no comeback from the “recovery”.

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      • IDK, it says the agent risks everything to bring a fallen comrade back, so maybe he succeeds. Thing is that “fallen” usually means dead. I think fans knew early on that Richard Armitage wasn’t going to go full season – based on his travel. I’m OK with that. I just wish, as do we all, that there was some new filmed work for him – just doesn’t seem to be the case – just continuous voice work. Very disappointing at the moment.


        • The word “fallen” was exactly what had the alarm bells ringing for me. Major spoiler.
          I am not really that disappointed that Armitage’s role in BS seems to be small (and(or coming to an end). It’s only like you say – with no other new projects on the horizon, it is really frustrating.

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              • Well, I finally watched the trailer a few times and honestly, the picture quality is pretty bad, so it could be anybody lying there, for all I can tell. Did you mean the birds-eye view after the sniper shot (very S1) or the lighter incident?


                • I’ll have to watch it again it’s in the longer trailer when he’s laying on the ground just the shoulders and hair look like him it’s a back shot so I’m just speculating 🤔 I think I’m just mentally checking out of this series now. You all have worn me down here. I like Daniel for my discovery of Richard but I really dislike the S3 plot line all of it… its very banal and obsolete IN MY OPINION 😉🙄🤷‍♀️


              • Although many of us fans expect him to be killed off in most of his projects, I was hoping BS was going to be an exception. Sounds like poor Daniel is a goner. “Recovery” usually implies death, if person is still alive, the mission is described as a “rescue” in my limited experience watching crime and spy stuff. I hope that somehow we are misreading the tea leaves Epix is revealing and Daniel survives to wear his leather jacket and tight jeans another day. Since there are very few RA film projects in the pipeline (as far as we know) BS was better than nothing, IMO. I will keep hoping that Daniel is going to live to spy another day. And maybe hook up with Esther against a few sturdy walls.

                Liked by 3 people

                • Kathy, I don’t think there will be any more Esther and Daniel walls although they did take an IG cute Nur Quatsch selfie in July so maybe they were celebrating a choreographed Daniel and Esther “scene”


                    • Kathy, I don’t know if they are gonna get it on but if it Ep1 starts with Daniel and Kirsch trekking to Estonia or wherever Russian is going to “invade” then it would have to be lickety split and Mina was around Budapest far more than Richard was based on her IG and MF’s this summer. (I was lurking for intel) I know the pic of I wear my sunglasses at night from Mina on her IG and baby blue in his white T was on July 21-maybe at a restaurant or something so I figured they had filmed something together and he said let’s grab a bite to eat (see I clearly have too much time on my hands conjuring up scenes for this ill fated series) Richard filmed blink and you missed him so I can only guess they kissy kissed or barely did anything but I don’t know… He then went to Moscow I guess for Julie’s film then London where he’s presumably been since August. Now with Wolverine I don’t know where that is filmed… I knew some wine now…


                • As much as BS disappointed me – you are so right when you say that at least it was better than nothing. I could never fully bring myself to say that I wanted him out of that show. Despite better judgment. Now that it looks as if it’s ending soon, I am getting quite wistful at the prospect of no more DIY sex, sorry, wall-nailing…

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          • Well, Richard’s always said that three seasons are the limit for him when it comes to playing the same character.He’s been known to change his mind about certain things on occasion- remember he once said he’d never shoot horror, but still…

            My bet’s on Ismael Córdova becoming a Daniel replacement if Season 4 is a go. To be honest, I’ve been longing for Richard to move to greener pastures since Season 1. I haven’t been able to warm up to either the characters or the show.

            Fingers crossed he’ll return to British TV with a quality project soon.

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  5. Halloo, chums! I just woke up after trying unsuccessfully to sleep off a severe fibromyalgia flare-up and discovered not only a wonderful new post but that the discussion has been fun and lively. I won’t say that it is the absolute best way to wake up because we all know what *that* would be, but what a treat. Having absolutely nothing to add on the BS analysis, I will just say how much I’m enjoying the new photos of our beautiful man. (The predictive text on my phone now automatically supplies “man” after “beautiful.” I think we should do an RA predictive text challenge, just for giggles.)

    So is he currently recording the new Wolverine series? Like, right now, so that we have photographic proof that he is looking happier and a bit less thin? I can (temporarily?) set aside my APM and purely enjoy that sweet, sweet smile?

    The leather jacket porn + t-shirt porn + long legs in tight jeans porn = one ecstatic fangirl. Well, several hundred thousand ecstatic fangirls, I suspect.
    I wonder exactly how many plain but adorakable t-shirts he has? I’ll happily volunteer to rifle through his wardrobe to count for us. Am always glad to take the bullet in the name of Fangirl Science. I think we also need to know his inseam, so that we know exactly how long those luscious legs are. Fangirl Science requires such precision.

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  6. LL, hahaha! You are so witty after just waking up. I wish I was that quick on the draw .!! “Take a bullet in the name of Fangirl Science.” great line!! You can go into the front lines and measure his legs for us preferably while he is sleeping or reading in bed…


  7. You’re right, Ep 4 doesn’t look very hopeful for Daniel. Before, I presumed that RA couldn’t film many episodes so Epix were being canny by putting him at the beginning and end. That way all the RA lovers, who only watch BS for him, will stay to the end – now I’m not so sure. Love idea of RA predictive text challenge. With PT, my poor eyesight and broken phone screen I’m Iucky if I can string one sentence together without creating surrealist poetry


    • That would’ve been a great strategy. And who knows, it may still be possible. Plus, we know that Epix can be sneaky – after all they filmed two different endings for the first season. Maybe they are totally putting us on the wrong track here…

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  8. Another episode of “Real Life with RA”

    R: Hey, you’re home early! Did you have fun shopping?
    LL: *rolling eyes* Yes, it was a ton of fun, mon amour. First I went to the black t-shirt section and then to the white t-shirt section. Thank goodness there’s a new McQueen tee out so that I could get something different for you. Oh, wait…
    R: *laughing* I can’t help it; I know what I like.
    LL: Hmm…brown doesn’t suit you, and green can be dicey. How about a nice navy?
    R: Nope.
    LL: Dark red? A very deep purple?
    R: Nope.
    LL: Anything besides a t-shirt?
    R: Nope.
    LL: You know how my sister always says it’s good that her obnoxious pugs were so adorable when they were puppies, otherwise they wouldn’t have survived?
    R: *laughing again* Yes?

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  9. When it comes to Daniel’s fate in BS3 I can’t help thinking about John Porter (#myhero). Not that I actually saw that episode but the stills I accidentally came across can’t be unseen. 😥 So I guess in a way that means my feeling too is Daniel being recovered not rescued as Kathy explains above. 😥😥 But I reeealy, reeealy hope that’s not the case.

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    • Mezz me too but it’s not good that he would only be in a few episodes anyway if he were top billing star of that show. If he did want out why didn’t he wait and say something after BS3 was finished filming. Why say before filming or plot was written hey guys I’m done here. It doesn’t make any sense… and no announcement by now if any huge role like Thorin


      • Contract negotiations happen when the studio says so, not when the actors want it. Actors are the public faces we as fans see, but unless you are a supermegastar, the actor is actually the low man on the totem pole when it comes to power structure. It’s different only if a star can maker break the show—à la the cast of Friends back in the day. They made buckets of money and held all the cards, because if they left, there would’ve been no show. That’s clearly not the case here.
        I’m with the “BS is better than nothing but not must-see TV” group. If we get something better in exchange, I’m not gonna shed tears over his exit.


        • I guess my beef is how this all played out. He was asked at the beginning of the year about BS3 and he said he didn’t know: so was he being cryptic then and knew his fate or he really didn’t know b/c the new showrunner was just announced? I think it’s a cluster fuck here and if Daniel dies at the end of the S3 then at least he would have a Porter arc so to speak (Porter I like but I need some campaigning to get totally on board its seemed GI Joeish to me) but to announce he’s missing and has to be recovered is just poor marketing and letting the cat out of the bag. I thought Steinauer is smarter than that. I hope there is something better in exchange than more Audio (sorry sorry) and this Wolverine podcast stuff.


          • Awww, have a hug. *hugs M tightly*

            I think we’ve all been where you are right now, frustrated on his behalf and our own over what we perceive as people not doing his talent justice. It comes in waves (at least for me) and I have to remind myself that I actually know jack all about his possibilities and choices and just hope that *he* is happy with how things are.

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            • Kate, you’re so sweet! I know I know I’m grumpy this morning. I was at a social work function last night and let’s say I found a blog post for Monday from it. I agree if he’s happy then sure and I don’t know jack about the show biz industry either. I feel the more I know now from EPIX the angrier I get. Holding on tight to your hug girlfriend!!

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    • Yeah, there are parallels there. The usual scenario that fans of RA are so used to. *sigh* Both with Lucas and with Porter I was extremely disappointed with the endings. With Daniel not so much – maybe because I never responded to the character as much as I did to Lucas and POrter…

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      • I became totally invested emotionally in Lucas and Porter, whereas Daniel has been more eye candy than anything else, although I’m definitely on Team Daniel/Esther. I still can’t listen to his American accent without it grating on my ears; no opinion one way or the other about Richard’s lingual competency, I just way prefer his British accent. But – I don’t want to see Daniel killed off. I’ve had enough of the chaRActers being dispensed with. Why can’t the writers just send him off into the sunset?
        Michele – no, it doesn’t make any sense to me either, iirc Richard is usually more cryptic than blatantly spoiler-ing, but then again, with all that he’s been through with his mother, the whole year has probably been turned on its head. That there is no announcement of a big role ahead makes me sad, and we will never know if it’s because he is being picky or that the offers just aren’t being presented. If it’s the latter, what the heck is wrong with (a) his agent and (b) the producers, directors and show runners out there?!!

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        • I so agree. Can we please have him with his natural (or at least a British) accent? I miss it so!!
          And I don’t know why he isn’t being inundated with offers. Clearly people must be deaf and blind. (Not that I know anything about the business or can claim any degree of impartiality—but damn them all!! *shakesfistangrily*)

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        • Mezz, see your total investment in Lucas (heavy campaigning has made me see the light with him) and Porter (not there yet) is my total emotional and physical attraction in Daniel. I guess I see so many parallels between Daniel and me except I’m not a CIA agent and never had wall sex (yet) that it breaks my heart the way this season I think will play out. I’m sorry I just cannot believe a professional and team player like Richard would create problems or want to be written out voluntarily from a starring role unless the new showrunner had different plans for the direction of the show. He had not filmed My Zoe yet, that was up in the air for quite awhile b/c Julie had to get new financial backing to start filming it in May and The Lodge he did in February/March time frame. Nothing else movie wise or tv wise was announced.


          • Oh, I’m attracted to Daniel all right, especially in BS1. He’s gorgeous! He looks like an older version of Lucas. 😉 Porter is brave, loyal, smart and pure sex-on-legs. He’s also gentle and caring, those scenes with Katie in her cell are so emotive. I’m not a fan of the boys-with-toys genre but I loved Strike Back and it’s up there with my most rewatched roles of Richard’s.

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            • I’ve watched BS like 8 times now and mainly for his interactions w Esther but I like both the clean shaven dashing suit Daniel and the Mykita sunglasses hunky chunky bearded Daniel in the combat jacket, grey tee and jeans
              But the character that seems so complex and intriguing was Guy esp S2 with Marion I loved their interaction!


            • Well put, Mezz. I usually wouldn’t watch something like Strike Back and the 18 rating had me worried it would be super violent, but I love John Porter. I’m married to one (well, ex-Porter now, thank goodness) and although I know the harsh reality of military life and all that goes with it, I am somehow 100 % able to put that knowledge in a box while watching heroic, sexy-as-all-get-out John Porter do his thing. I can root for a character that would have no appeal for me IRL (obviously this doesn’t apply to Porter) quite well.


        • Touché, Mezz. Lucas had me the minute he stumbled across that parking lot. I had to get over the fact that Porter was a macho soldier, but when he rose from the ashes, he also had me. Daniel – neither lost me nor got me. I simply don’t have any reaction to him at all – because he is a vague shadow. I agree with you – he should’ve been sent into the sunset on a pretext – for potential wheeling out at a later date.

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          • Yep, Lucas grabbed me then too and he’s never lost his appeal for me (S9 doesn’t exist for me except for his Porter incarnation) Porter had me from the first frame, it was an instant physical attraction like Harry was for me at the beginning, then I loved him for the hero he was. IS!!


              • Michele, I watched Guy for two seasons and he frustrated me no end – he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag and his bumbling attempts to capture Robin….aaarrrggh!! Then when he killed Marian at the end of S2, I gave up on the show. Guy was definitely not my portal into the Armitage AdmiRAtion, but over time I’ve come to appreciate him 😉 Certainly what Richard did with that role, that character, was remarkable.


                • Mezz see I loved how Guynwas just melted ice cream around Marion like he tried so hard to win her and he was bumbling but cunning too w Vasey and yeah S3 I didn’t really like the longer hair, the weird costume changes and Guy off the deep. To me when Lucy Griffith left the shows plot became stale. I really liked the Guy Marian storyline she loves me she loves me not! I never liked Robin he was a whiny little bitch to me! Sorry getting carried away again! I’m hoping Porter will grow on me. I did like his emotional side w Katie in captivity I’ll give you all that

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                • Actually, “portal” was wrong choice of words. He was the first character who made me interested enough in the actor playing him to start looking for information, but physical attraction? Definitely not. That was Harry, who literally had me at hello when he opened the door of his cottage. Ah….the memories! I envy those who are in the early stages of their Armitage Discovery Experience.

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                  • Well I guess that’s me although I don’t like him on Twitter or IG and I’m not a real audiobook aficionado so am I a quasi fan? Or in the good old days I would be ousted probably for critiquing what he adorns himself in. I guess I want the world for him and it saddens me that this Golden Ticket next and greet is not even an option I can entertain at the moment financially or geographically 😠😩🤦‍♀️


                • No I have a lot of fan fiction to read. Zees I haven’t finished and she gave me some other reading material that you also like that I haven’t even touched yet. I get home and I just want to veg and watch mindless stuff. I couldn’t focus on the Audio at night either and forget the podcast stuff like that I need visuals of him 😍🤔😘


            • Mezz I love Harry and Standring those combos w Guys sexy hip swaying and napey curls would seal the deal for me and throw in Daniels wall sex abilities
              I’m a happy camper!!!! 💗💗💗💗😘😘😘


            • Porter took a little time for me to love him. But yeah, he is the dreamboat hero – slightly less complex and definitely not as cerebral as Lucas. Porter is definitely also more fantasy-compatible than Lucas…

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          • Porter is one of my weaknesses. I’m excellent at compartmentalizing when it comes to characters in books/movies. I like super rude macho alphas in literature as well. Try that shit with me IRL and you’ll have another thing coming.
            I’m with you on Daniel. He is #DishyDanny for sure but he didn’t touch me on a deeper level.


  10. Okay…I wasn’t going to mention this, like, EVER, but if our brilliant Guylty is brave enough to reveal that she is quitting smoking, and with the talk about RA on the small screen…*deep breath and a reminder to myself that these are very kind people*

    For some time now, I have been working on writing a TV series with Richard as the star. The chances it will ever see fruition are slim, to say the least, but it will never happen if I don’t finish. This is a real project that I’m hoping to see produced one day.

    This is one of the reasons why I try to keep my fangirling separate from my real life, as I want my contacts in the industry to “take me seriously.” We know how wrongly and cruelly the (male) world at large can judge fangirling. But if Guylty has the courage to ask us to help her with her goals, I would like to ask you all, please, to help me make better progress with my word count. I can’t go full throttle until March (Guylty knows why), but after that, the occasional “making progress, are we?” would be most welcome. After all, neither Richard nor I are getting any younger.

    I’ve written extensively IRL, although not a project like this. It’s set in London and is contemporary. It’s more of a romantic drama, although hopefully there are bits that other people besides me will find funny. It’s structured like a British series, not an American one, although I’m trying to be flexible, dependent on potential interest. I’m currently aiming for two seasons of six, 60-minute episodes each. No soldiers, no spies, no guns, and at this point, the only notable deaths are a cat and an aunt. Oof, enough said with the excruciatingly embarrassing confession for now!

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  11. Back to the topic of what Richard “should” be doing with his acting time. I’m a confirmed Potterhead (I’m a Hufflepuff, or more precisely, a Huffleclaw) and was devastated when I saw the first Fantastic Beasts film and realized that Johnny Depp (whom I otherwise adore as an actor) had been cast as Grindlewald. I think I’ve mentioned this before, that RA would have been perfect for that role! I don’t know exactly when the casting process for it was, probably quite a while ago as it began filming in August 2015, according to IMDb. I don’t know if he was even up for the part, or if he was too busy with other projects at the time or potential future projects to even consider it. I have seen that interview in which he says he would love to be in future entries in the series, so it will be a MAJOR failure on his agents’ part if he doesn’t get in. After all, he’s about the only actor left in the U.K. who hasn’t been in an HP or FB film!!

    I’ve been watching the HP marathon on USA channel this weekend (lord knows how many times I’ve seen these films) and do wonder if perhaps he wasn’t considered for Grindlewald (assuming he wasn’t) because of his similarities to Alan Rickman. The distinctive voices and silky mannerisms, the sexy, sinister brooding… Maybe the casting peeps thought it wouldn’t be good to have someone too familiar in the main villain role. Idiots.

    I can’t find the exact thread above but do agree with the folks who have said that RA stayed in New York for too long. TBH, if he wanted to make it big in America, he should have moved to Los Angeles, unless he was in NY for the theatre (granted we do have theatre here). He has been up for some major roles here, such as Batman and Pennywise. Yay that he didn’t get Pennywise cause, ew; but major boo that he didn’t get Batman! He would have knocked that out of the park. I am hopeful that something will come of the Wolverine podcasts, that maybe he will be cast in a couple of films as Logan. Granted, time is running out on that sort of role for him, but he could squeeze in possibly three, depending on the shooting schedules.

    I also have hope for “The Lodge.” My inclination is that it isn’t going to be a straight-out horror movie, but more of a psychological thriller, and if it is as good as “A Quiet Place,” which received rave reviews and will probably add at least one Oscar nod to its mantle, then RA has a good chance of becoming more relevant again. I also have hopes for “My Zoe,” given what an indie darling Julie Delpy is. If he could get cast in a few more prominent, high-cred indies, his film career will be better off. But as we have agreed on, a high-profile British TV series really is the way to go. I just want it all for him (and us).

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    • I definitely think he missed the boat on the HP-related gigs, maybe because he was not in the country as much of it was happening. It’s a great pity, especially with his established fantasy credentials. But who knows, maybe there will be new films in the genre and he can get in there.
      The decision to move to NY always baffled me. Certainly very practical in terms of moving between Britain and the US, but not the centre of the US film industry. And (off-)Broadway took a long time to come calling for him… (However, there were apparently private reasons for him to choose to move there…)
      Not sure whether I really trust that The Lodge is going to be more psycho thriller than horror. Those directors seem pretty much into horror… Not my cuppa tae. I’ll probably give that a miss. My Zoe, OTOH, sounds interesting, not least because of Delpy. (Not a fan of Gemma Arterton, though.)


      • *butts in*
        My Zoe doesn’t sound like my cup of tea but it really might be a chance for new connections. Not only because of Julie Delphy but also because of Daniel Brühl (the guy has his own production company) and producer Gabrielle Tana (she produced movies like Philomena and The Duchess).

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        • Scootch over please Herba I’m putting my two cents in, I hope My Zoe really does well not like blockbuster but well enough to garner BAFTA and Oscar attention. Hopefully it will get into Cannes this year and he’ll really get out and support her movie. I guess The Lodge I thought he was in it more but apparently he drop kicks the kids off and that’s it..


          • At this point of my RA-fangirl career I don’t want to see my high hopes crushed once again. So I’ll keep it low key and hope for the best without really believing in it *makesAsadFaceAndsighs*

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            • I know but I’m at the honeymoon phase which is supposed to last a few years if I’m a loyal (I am a very loyal person) and true blue fangirl. Maybe that’s why I defend BS so much b/c that’s where it started for me. My cling to the side of the cliff right now is that Richard does a play next year in the summer/fall in London at any theatre and we all can go..

              Liked by 1 person

  12. Very well said! I really hope My Zoe ends up being his breakthru again role
    Oscar nod as well as gor Julie. The Lodge is I think more supernatural thriller and will probably get decent release maybe even a lot of buzz like A Quiet Place or Split did for James McElroy. I do think that even Tennabt who has had a string of great stuff is now in a turkey Camping which I hope isn’t renewed. It’s horrible all of it even him🙇‍♀️👎😩


  13. Too difficult now to find a spot above to reply to LL re her script so just sneaking in here at the bottom……any chance of adding a dance to your plot LL? Richard “snake hips” Armitage knows the tango 😛 😉

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    • Heehee, there’s DEFINITELY a dancing scene, Mezz! Or maybe more than one. 😉

      I hadn’t known that Monsieur Snake Hips can tango, but it would be easy to rewrite one scene to accommodate that fabulous talent. The question then becomes, would you prefer to see him tango with Our Heroine while both are dressed in fancy evening wear at the gala dinner, or while in casual jeans and ratty t-shirts when it’s just the two of them? Or mayyyybeeee there is yet another dancing scene later in the series, but a tango might be a bit too…um…structured for that one. *cough cough* Although, hmm, I need to think about this. It might be fun to have them tango at the gala, and then reprise that dance in a more…intimate…setting before, um, moving on to, uh, something else. *thud* (Hey, no fair making the writer *thud* herself!)

      The only other thing to add is that while I’ve revealed that RA’s character is named Nick, for now we will just refer to Our Heroine as OH. I have spoilerly reasons for withholding her name for the mo. Thank you for all the interest, my kind friends! You’re doing this weird little writer a ton of good! 🤗


        • Glad you like the latest ideas, Kate! I’ve been pondering and think that tuxedo!tango may indeed be the way to go, especially as the reprise of it can work so well in the later scene. I mean, possibly the only thing more fun than a tuxedo!tango is a black briefs!tango.

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          • The tango is so dramatic and emotionally charged, I really think it deserves a dramatic setting. A gala plus tuxedo seems wonderful for that. Especially since it would force containment of the physical attraction in a public venue which equals epic smoldering. What did RA say about that: “You look at the person, think of them in the most desirable way you can and then suppress the desire to do anything about it.” That’s how that scene plays in my mind.

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      • Oh, I like what I am hearing… I would *so* love to see RA dance. But hm, I have to say that a tuxedo tango sounds a bit contrived to me. I’m just wondering whether anyone in RL would use a ball as an opportunity to flirt so publicly. So I am arguing for a casual tango – in jeans and T, in the kitchen. The contrast might make it especially effective – not to mention the fact that the dance can be taken into other rooms pretty quickly, too…

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        • Your scenario is the exact reason I prefer the formal setting. I’m a total sucker for the UST trope and that’s why I want them nowhere near a bedroom for that first tango, so they can’t act on the desire.


          • I get your point re. the UST – definitely an effective plot device. I just personally dislike the idea of two people dancing a perfect tango – so unlikely. Unless they both happen to be total ballroom dancing buffs. But who is that, nowadays?


            • I can definitely see both points of view here, as far as whether Nick and OH would be tangoing in public. But who said anything about it being perfect? 😉


              • Hm, but how would that then feed the RArmy’s “RA as perfect dancer” trope?
                Anyway, don’t listen to us. It’s probably not helpful if we are weighing in too much. This script has to be *your* baby, not ours, and sometimes the perceived wishes of the audience may not be really the best way forward.


    • I’m glad I’m not the only one who has issues finding the relevant comments on the fly. The app really isn’t very conducive to a well-ordered response structure. I guess they underestimate the amount of comments we generate on a single post.
      Thanks for posting that interview, Mezz. I wanted to do exactly that, but I only just managed to get to the bottom of the comment section to find the place and there it is. I can unequivocally say that this is the interview that sealed my fate as an RA fangirl. I love everything about it, from the tango to the general loveliness he exudes throughout.

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    • Thank you for the interview link, Mezz! I hadn’t seen that one before, but it is now bookmarked and tucked away in my special RA folder. I can understand why everyone fell completely under Richard’s spell with that one! I’ll have to read it a few dozen more times for inspiration, hehehe.


    • PS Having trouble choosing between casual tango and tuxedo tango. I rather like the idea of a casual but intimate setting, while “Nick” hums accompaniment in that beautiful baritone of his. 😍


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