It’s Official: Flat Richie is on his Way!

Well, well, well. A tiny bit delayed, but I can now officially confirm that the fun has started! As of 12:24pm on Saturday 24 November, Flat Richie is on his way from his starting point in Dublin to…

I sent it registered/tracked, so I am going to watch the parcel’s progress to its first destination.

I was very pleased that a) all my items fitted into an old Amazon Prime cardboard box that I had saved for this purpose. I hope you can keep using it. Should you like to add items that are big and therefore need a bigger box, feel free to use a new cardboard box! As mentioned before, I have left the items unwrapped. That saves us extra weight, and it means that the recipients can actually see what the items are that they are choosing from.

I hadn’t aimed for any specific weight, but I was delighted the parcel stayed below the 2 kilo mark. So, in fact, for comparison’s sake – I paid 22 Euro (including tracking) for the parcel. I really hope that no one has to cough up much more than that!

There’s the parcel in its entirety, addresses blanked out for surprise’s sake. Hopefully the parcel will arrive at its destination within the next week. I stupidly forgot to write anything into the log book *doh* – but I enclosed a card specifically for recipient number 1. I really hope that she will remember to use the log book!!! And now, let the fun begin!

I pray to dear Guy of the travelling shrine, keep this parcel safe and make it travel fast.

137 thoughts on “It’s Official: Flat Richie is on his Way!

  1. Wooohoo!!! Fair winds and following seas, Sir Guy!
    Under 2 kg is great for us Germans. If you ship overseas, send it as an international letter. It should be cheaper than a package.


  2. Toll, dass es endlich losgeht ☺!!! Lieben Dank dafür, dass du uns allen soviel Freude machst!
    Mit dem unauffälligen Paketband sollte ja erstmal nichts schief gehen 😉.

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  3. And now the fun begins. I am looking everywhere for suitable items to send. but feel like Goldilocks. Some gifts are too big, some are too heavy and some are too tacky. But I enjoy looking for the hidden treasures that someone in the chain might like. I have a feeling my “gifts” will require a strong sense of humor to appreciate them. Luckily RA fangirls have plenty of that.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Eep! I’ve been off Twitter for two days and am just now seeing RA’s Los Angeles tweet. Is he here? Am I breathing the same smoke-filled air that he once breathed?! Gah! *thud*

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    • oh wow, I hadn’t noticed that tweet of his. (I don’t have any notifications set for him… bad fan…) He must be in LA then. Very interesting… I take it he is there for work. New stuff? Auditions? Or promo for BS? Keep your eyes peeled – you never know, you might bump into him 😉


      • The sad thing is I probably know what parts of town would be best for…hanging around, shall we say. Good thing I’ve got a ton of work to do so that I’m not too tempted. I try to limit how much of a fool I make of myself to my online habits. But I will try to be less oblivious to my surroundings when I’m naturally in areas where celebrities might be lurking!

        I suspect that he is here for future work opportunities but maybe a bit of promo, too. There’s always the possibility of looping on The Lodge or My Zoe as well. Here’s hoping we get some good news soon about future prospects!


      • I actually didn’t take that to mean he was physically there. I could be wrong, of course, but before that he was tweeting picks of billboards in the NY subway. Are we to believe that Mr. A. himself is roaming various American metropolises with his trusty camera phone to snap these photos? I thought he got those elsewhere and was just stirring the promo pot, but maybe I am cynical.


        • Hm, no, I actually do think that he took those pics himself. His base is in NY, and we know that he takes the subway to get around, so I am not surprised to see him snap and tweet a BS picture. He did it the other two seasons, too. LA is slightly unusual – but well, centre of the US film business, so not really unthinkable as a destination for an actor… So all things considered – I believe he is there and has taken the picture himself. (And I also think that he still has that little bit of awestruck/self-satisfied thing going on: “Look Mum, there’s me on a poster!!!”)

          Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh, and Twitter has also kindly informed me that not only is Mads Miikelson going to be at the Hannibal con, it is also going to be the last Hankibal con ever. I personally never had a problem with RA attending said event, but hopefully those who had looked askance at his decision will be less troubled. It seems like an even grander idea now that those facts are tossed in, at least for me.

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    • Is anyone going to the convention? I talked myself into buying a ticket, even though it’s not something I would ever want to do otherwise, so it would be lovely to meet up with RA companions


        • LL yes yes you are right The Armitage is soooo omniscient and could learn a few grammar and punctuation skills but I love his exclamation points from one exclamation point lover to another!!💗💗💗😘🤣


          • I think it all makes more sense now: Last Con for that show ever. Mikkelsen is gonna be there, so all the big players in one place. It sold out after he was announced, so it‘s a pretty big deal now, I guess.


        • *snort* Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and the actual length of a tweet!!

          Yes, mother, we promise to be better in the future. (Well, I may promise, but I probably won’t manage to keep that promise if I know myself at all.)


          • Heehee, oh, Sister Kate. You know I am teasing (well, except for the atrocious spelling, grammar and punctuation). I love our beautiful man with every fibre of my pathetic being but I hardly believe that he is above criticism. I do think that he had inside knowledge about who else would be attending the 🐉🐲🐉con and that it was going to be the last one. And maybe we should have given him a tiny bit of latitude about it. But speaking as someone who refuses to watch “Into the Storm” because oh-dear-lord-it-looks-so-awful, I hardly think that his taste in projects is infallible.

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            • LL I’m gonna chime in b/c it’s not that bad a movie! I’ve seen it twice now and he’s a hero in it and wet and sweet daddykins. It actually has a plausible message and some what a rip off of Twister but he’s an All American pardon the pun there in it 👍😉👏😛


            • You should give “Into the Storm” a go. It’s not the greatest movie ever made, but there’s nothing in it that’s terrible and it can keep up with Twister (if my very vague memory of that is to be trusted).


            • Well said, LL! I totally second everything. I definitely have a weakness for RA and I think he (generally) is the bee’s knees. But boyo definitely occasionally blunders. So definitely not infallible. But that is *exactly* why I like him. Otherwise he’d be perfect – and perfectly expectable. I prefer the imperfect surprise.

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              • He’s a love bug through and through and I’m glad if he stumbles in his thoughts and grammar except the #turntheothercheek remark (ugh double ugh) because that makes him real and honest and quite humble so much more relatable than some others….


                • Well, his stance on cyberbullying is really not to his credit… or, as we say in German: he is reaching into the toilet with that. (“ein Griff ins Klo”) But well, I liked him before he started that crap, and I am determined to keep liking him. Bloody-minded German that I am.

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                  • Oh yeah I mean he just retweeted a gif w The Snowman book which is just adorable that I could visually see him chuckling or chuffed as it were over the gif. Genau on the German phrase
                    Will put that into my memory bank for further usage 😉😘👍


                    • Hahaha I know I watch the Twitter like a hawk looking for intel
                      Why are you still up? It’s after midnight in Dublin girl
                      Thank you for the round up alas I have no phone photos of Darling boy but I thank you thank you for #7 omfg sooo good his description sooo dirty talk!! 😛👍😘🎯👁💋


                    • I know, it’s late, but I’ve been trying to upload this photo book to have it printed at Blurb for a Black Friday discount, and for the last 72 hours it wouldn’t work. And now suddenly it does. So I am watching the upload like a hawk because the discount is essentially a 2-for-1 offer – which is really, really good…


                    • Blurb is my preferred online printer – they print pro-quality photo books, and I usually print all my photo books with them. Am currently creating a few Christmas presents, and wanted to avail of the discount… My book is now 73% uploaded… there is hope that I may be able to get it ordered in the next 30 minutes 😉
                      And yeah, I *wish* I could earn money with photography but alas, no, it’s all just my hobby…


                    • You share a hobby with my husband 🙂
                      Every wedding anniversary we go on a little trip and then we print a photobook on blurb with the pics he shot during the trip 🙂


                    • Yep, I’m trying to do the same. I put all my holiday photos into dedicated photo books – otherwise the pictures will just languish on my computer and never be seen again. It’s an expensive hobby, though :-(. One photo book usually costs me between 30 and 40 Euro… (I better not go on holiday too often…)


  6. Okay, Michele, there’s a new episode of “RL with RA” posted for you. I put it in the most recent weekly roundup, as it is applicable to a couple of things we were talking about there. Hope you all enjoy!

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    • LoLo I did enjoy it. My flight buddy texted me just now upset b/c I thought she was an extrovert and I’m a People Pleaser (like your “tall man hubby”) so any time someone is upset with me it hurts.. ughhhhh


  7. Pretty rough but thank you for asking. I put in 18 hours at the office then did too many errands (post office, grocery store, pharmacy) and am really feeling it now. The dizziness and fever are back but definitely aren’t as bad as they were on Monday so I’m going to call that a win, collect the little old lady cats and go to bed till tomorrow!


      • Thank you! Not to be too flip about it, but almost 40 years of daily chronic pain have given me a certain ability to push on regardless of how I’m feeling. That said, my fibromyalgia has reached the point where it is getting harder and harder to recover as quickly as I used to. But none of us are getting any younger, are we? Now I just need to scramble to get caught up on all the blogging news and comments!


        • That’s admirable – and somehow also sad. I am really sad to hear that you are actually “used to” pain because it implies that there is nothing that can be done… I am such a wimp when it comes to pain, so you have my admiration xx


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