Richard’s Christmas Message 2018 Has Dropped

Without further ado, here is Richard’s Christmas Message:

I doubt these words are going to be scrapped any time soon – there is nothing controversial in there – but just for those of you who are not on Twitter, here is the message in bigger images:

Can I just say – in the spirit of positivity and in light of the season that’s in it: Despite my anger the other day at some of the behaviour displayed by my favourite actor: he still remains my favourite actor – and one of my favourite human beings, full stop. I do not know the man. I have never met him. And I sometimes think he expresses himself unclearly. But I have no doubt he has a good heart and good intentions. I appreciate this appeal for kindness – taking into account that a gift is not about money or monetary value, but about the kindness, thought and love it represents. I am excited for Richard’s plans with his production company – and I think it is neat that he is planning to be more fan-friendly (?) in the future.

More things to say at a later date. But just one thing: I’m glad he has sent his annual message. It is nice to hear from him.



160 thoughts on “Richard’s Christmas Message 2018 Has Dropped

  1. Ah, that makes things easier for me. I’ll just quote you tonight then and not post this myself.
    I’m in total agreement with you. This is good. Not too much and no ‘Aufreger’ hidden inside.
    I’m quite curious about this producer gig. I hope he has good people in his corner. I think you need tenacity and maybe a little bit of bulldog in you from time to time in that business. Maybe he got to pick Julie Delpy’s and Daniel Brühl’s brains a bit during My Zoë. Fingers crossed it all works out for him.🤞🏻

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    • Hey, you don’t have to hold back. You can post about these news, too! It’s not as if I hold exclusive rights ;-). Go ahead and write – and give us your interpretation! I am planning to say a few more words at a later stage, too 🙂 Because yes, I enjoyed this message. Ok, there was one thing I slightly scoffed at, but heck, I am going to let that rest now. Because I *want to love what he says*.
      The producing news are great – he has been talking about this since (wait for it) 2007!!!! I am kind of hoping he may have a different project on the horizon than Bridget Cleary, though. Kind of cutting down the branch I am sitting on – Cleary is an Irish topic, and of course I would looooove for Richard to work in Ireland again – but the subject matter is just *meh*. Anyway, I really hope that is what his excitement from the other day was referring to. I’d love to see how his expertise transfers from acting to working behind the camera (too).

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  2. I think the message was quite honest and raw and heartfelt leaving out his favorite buzz words Unity and Empathy. I think the production company is definitely the right thing at this time and hopefully whatever project(s) he’s got down the road will be accessible to everyone.. It must have been hard to write that second paragraph about his mum but bless him for opening up to his fans….

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    • Ha, I hadn’t even noticed it in my enthusiasm, Michele, but you are right. Maybe that is why I am so happy about the message? (The empathy message had really been done to death. Ok, he’s changed it to ‘kindness’ now, but that’s fine with me.)
      I think it is wonderful that he doesn’t omit to mention his mum’s death in his message. He is kind of sharing some very private thoughts with us there, and I find that touching. If anything, it is an irresistible move, making me respond with lots of good vibes back into his general direction, whether I want to or not. (I do want to, though ;-))

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      • Guylty, I hope you want to. He may just be feeling rather despondent himself since her passing and trying to deal with all of that on top of keeping busy as an artist,. I did wonder 2 things about the production co: the name and if anyone has gone in with him. I remember when Keanu Reeves started his production co he went in with a well known producer’s son who also did all the development stories for the movie projects.
        Also not to poke but what was itching at you about what he said? I thought he was rather blatantly honest about the anger in the air and not just in the UK but in Europe and in America as well. I’m happy though if you are happy about this message, maybe long overdue, no?


        • Oh, I am typical (middle-aged) woman in that regard – play me a sob story, and I’ll open my heart (and my wallet). NO, I am *not* saying that this was a sob story at all. It was straight and painfully from the heart, and I appreciate that – and subsequently *my* heart goes out to him. I do wish him healing and peace – and good friends who will help him in living with the new reality of “life without mum”. I don’t think you can ever get over the loss of a parent. But you definitely learn to live with it.
          As for production company – no idea. But very curious to find out.
          The thing I stumbled over – the parentheses “like me”.

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          • Ok but to be honest I think he is shy I think he put that in like an admission of sorts not like a mindfuck.. I know we have discussed shy vs reserved but the fact that he used the word shy I thought was endearing…


            • Maybe that’s exactly why I kind of rolled my eyes – “shy like me”. Inside I was snarking “Oh, COME oooooon, dude!” Yeah, I get it that introverts often do not appear introverted (although I think a lot of these “labels” are just a load of bull), but is he really timid with other people? And since he doesn’t appear timid to me, does that mean he is putting on an act? IDK, I just find such statements – especially when made in connection with a donation appeal – a tiny bit manipulative… “Look, I am one of you. Do as I do.” But well, I am happy to be proven wrong. And will call myself ‘shy’ from now on, too, because I have a horror of talking to people on the phone.


              • Ok I will concede that the Salvation Army red bucket tactic at the end was a bit too much with listing the charities.. you abhor talking on the phone? OMG I thought esp with your junk journal YT fame you would be a natural at it! You have a fantastic speaking voice and you said you’ve done audio recordings before right? I remember this conversation we were all having about that. I know I’m not totally losing it here. I’m not a jaw jacker on the phone either but I like talking that way then incessant texting all the time where I have to figure out what IIRC means or LOTFLMAO or whatever..


                • I don’t mind the charity mention as such. I like that he is putting his celebrity status into the service of fundraising.
                  But yeah, the whole ‘shy’ thing just doesn’t convince me. Maybe it’s a matter of definition. As I said, I also dislike certain aspects of communication. I am usually a very open person, and I love people full stop. But conversations on the phone regularly have me squirming and employ delay tactics. (I’ve got a phone interview tomorrow morning, for instance, and I am already uncomfortable.)


                  • Vielleicht bist du da zu streng mit ihm. Schüchtern und introvertiert ist nicht das Gleiche. Vielleicht ist ihm nicht bewußt, dass es einen Unterschied gibt. Ich kenn ihn nicht persönlich und von der Ferne läßt sich für mich schwer einschätzen, was auf ihn zutrifft. Ich vermute, er ist eher introvertiert, aber wahrscheinlich hat er ein bißchen was von beidem. Mir ist dieses “wie ich” nicht negativ ins Auge gefallen. Und ich fühl mich ihm dadurch auch nicht näher. Wenn er sich selbst so einschätzt, ist das für mich okay, muss er wissen, Schüchternheit ist nämlich eine Eigenschaft, die gesellschaftlich eher negativ gesehen wird.


                    • Eben. Ich finde eben auch nicht, dass er schüchtern wirkt. UNd mir gefällt es nicht, wenn Menschen mit so einer Charaktereigenschaft kokettieren. Das ist ein bisschen so wie wenn eine gertenschlanke Person zu mir sagt “oh, ich bin ja viiiiiel zu dick”. Was soll ich als – tatsächlich – übergewichtige Person denn dann sagen? Da ist es mir lieber, er sagt “introvertiert” – das lässt ja durchaus noch offen, dass der Betreffende im Umgang mit Menschen weder ängstlich noch reserviert ist.
                      Ich fühl mich ihm übrigens wegen der ‘shy’ Sache auch nicht näher – weil ich 100% sicher bin, dass ich sogar schüchterner bin als er. Allerdings habe ich das Gefühl, dass Schüchternheit gerade von Frauen nicht als negativ gesehen wird, sondern als eine Eigenschaft, der man viel Verständnis entgegenbringt und mit der man sich stark identifiziert…


                    • Im Allgemeinen sind Frauen da weniger negativ eingestellt, stimmt. Weckt wahrscheinlich Muttergefühle? Aber auch Frauen sehen das nur bei bestimmten Personen positiv, Kindern vielleicht und beim ansatzweise atttraktivem Typ, der betreten zu Boden schaut und sich nicht traut, seiner Angebetenen den Blumenstrauß zu überreichen. Und wenn sie es nicht als Schwäche und Unmännlichkeit auslegen. Gesellschaftskompatibler ist man auf jeden Fall, wenn man allenfalls nur ein klein wenig schüchtern ist. Aber es kann wie gesagt durchaus sein, dass er sich der Unterschiede nicht bewußt ist. Daher wäre ich da nicht so streng mit ihm. Und meinst du nicht, dass er im Umgang mit Fans z.B. am Bühneneingang o.ä. durchaus schüchtern ist (ich hab ihn da noch nicht live erlebt, kann es also nicht wirklich beurteilen).


                    • Yes Nordlicht! Genau. I think he would be rather shy at the SD or even out of his comfort zone which I think is normal. I quite like that he said he was shy-really how many men would cop to that? In print nonetheless!!!


                    • yeah I admit I do think it is actually more than cute. I think and you are going to sling the book at me for saying this but old fashion and down to earth to say that./ Granted he may get reserved and shy mixed up or think they are one and the same but I love that he is not cocky like Claude the fraud/cad who was all show and no tell… didn’t he say at parties he blends in the crowd! I think acting he can disappear into a character but if he is like Harry Kennedy he was a bit shy around Geraldine and I found it charming… weak in the knees.. I’ve dated arrogant and narcissistic so his shyness or even social awkwardness is welcome by me any day…


                    • When it comes to it, I prefer shy to arrogant, too, Michele. But I can tell you this: Living with a painfully shy man isn’t actually that pleasant, either. The attraction wears off, eventually.


                    • yeah I agree although I think once he got to know people and felt comfortable around them he would loosen up. I lived with a narcissist and dated a few arrogant men so no thank you..I don’t think he is either one of these although he hangs (ed) around some arrogant narcissistic people (hmmm??)


                    • As I have said I think he’s introverted but not shy (there’s a difference). However, presumably there are personality options available somewhere between arrogant narcissistm and shy social ineptitude.

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                    • Gute Frage re. Bühnenausgang. Ich hab ihn da ja schon mehrfach gesehen und es ist ganz eindeutig, dass er auf jeden Fall keine Rampensau vom Format eines David Tennant zum Beispiel ist, der da riesigen Spaß hat. RA ist sehr zurückgenommen, äußerst höflich, wirkt ein wenig überwältigt und so, als ob er es nur schnell hinter sich bringen will. Hat durchaus etwas Roboter-haftes an sich. Ich gebe zu, mir fehlt da allerdings total das Verständnis. Zum Einen, weil das einfach Teil des Jobs ist und man nicht international bekannter Film- und TV-Schauspieler werden darf, wenn man nicht erkannt werden will. Zum Anderen weil ich irgendwie finde, dass der doch Schauspieler ist!!! Kann der denn jetzt an der SD nicht auch eine Rolle zu spielen – und zwar die des jovialen Fan-Beglückers?
                      Klingt kritischer als ich es meine. Ich mag seine bescheidene Art ja, und ich finde auch gut, dass er eben keine Rampensau ist, sondern sich zurück nimmt. Aber dass er nun nur so im stillen Kämmerchen sitzt und keinem Menschen direkt in die Augen gucken mag, nehme ich ihm auch nicht ab.


                    • Stimmt schon, Augen auf bei der Berufswahl. Öffentlichkeit gehört als Nicht-nur-Theater-Schauspieler dazu. Aber es gibt bei jedem Job Sachen, die einem vielleicht nicht liegen oder die man nicht mag, machen muss man es trotzdem.
                      Re: einfach schauspielern: vielleicht ist er nach 3 Stunden Bühne mental so ausgelauft, dass er nichts mehr spielen kann? Oder wer weiß, vielleicht spielt er da schon seit Jahren die Rolle seines Lebens und keiner merkt es 😉.


                    • Vermutlich ist Nummer 3 am nächsten dran. Das ganze Leben ist ein Spiel… Ist schon nicht einfach, wenn man mehr Prominenz erlangt als vielleicht gedacht oder erwartet. Aber ich schätze mal, es könnte noch schlimmer sein. Und er kriegt es ja eigentlich auch ganz gut hin.


                    • LOL “jovialer Fanbeglücker” – oh ja Richard bitte, da könntest du dich als Method-Actor so richtig ausleben. Mir fällt da so einiges ein in Sachen beglücken 😈😂😉.


                    • Na da hat er richtig viel vor im neuen Jahr. Er schreibt ja auch was von “Hard work” für 2019. Dann frisch ans Werk, Richard! Hard(t) wird es in jedem Fall 😜.


  3. I’ll be short and to the point – I think this is one of my favorite messages from him. He’s had a year I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, and he’s right about so many things, especially of the anger in the air.

    And now, I must change out of my pajamas and get into pajamas.

    Because today is pajama day. I won’t be wearing my ‘Wild Girl’ pajamas….

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    • It’s a good one, for sure. Especially in light of the year he had. From my own experience I know that the experience of losing a much much-loved parent comes with a lot of changes. The weakness you feel from the loss, makes you stronger in the long-run. You recalibrate. And you become more sensitive to a lot of things. I hope it is the same for him – but in a positive way. I wouldn’t want to see him ranting like last weekend again and again. I don’t think it is healthy to be like that. Especially when there is no mum any more who will set him right and tell him to calm the divil down.

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    • He’ll probably try to find a balance between the two. He’s said before that if he got to do it over, he would prefer to be behind the camera, but I think he likes it too much to give it up completely.

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        • I don’t think he’d want to give up acting completely. He must have loved it enough to pursue that road with such determination *despite* the tension between not loving the limelight overmuch and knowing that it’s the price you pay for getting to inhabit all those different characters. Maybe if the producing goes well, he’ll take on passion projects because he’ll feel less pressure to define himself through his acting roles and a certain kind of exposure. /endwildspeculations

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        • I would bet most of us are worried about him finding another way (even besides audiobooks!!) to not be in front of the camera…. but I believe most actors who produce or direct often act in their own productions, so that will hopefully be the case with him too. I’m really happy to know what has had him in such a good mood for several weeks! (Or maybe this is just ONE thing, and the other part really is the project with the great script that he mentioned, or even my personal thought that he looked like he was in love… time will tell 😉


          • That’s a good point, S – while we are happy for him to branch into producing, we’re all worried that we will see even less of him than we do now, just in case his new endeavour keeps him behind the camera so much. I am not sure, actually, whether he is the type of guy who would deal well with both directing and acting in his own show? Might be different with producing though.
            And *boom* – heheheh, that’s a bit of a bombshell re. improved looks due to improved love life ;-). But you know what – I think you could be on to something. And even though I am jealous as heck, I’d actually be very happy for him if he had a new significant other in his life.

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  4. It’s a lovely message and heartfelt. Looking forward to whatever he has planned and maybe if there’s some other UK fan stuff. …I may go! Just wasn’t such a massive fan of Hannibal that I had to go

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    • Sounds interesting, his hints re. cons… So, do we know already which other related cons are happening next year? Do we have to buy tickets for Magic Con Bonn 2019? 😀 Damn it – I won’t be able to go. (I’ll be somewhere between Moscow and Vladivostok while that is happening.)


      • MagicCon Bonn? Sowas gibts? Das wäre ja super! Bitte Richard, auch kleine Städtchen in der Provinz solltest du mal mit deiner Anwesenheit beglücken 😂.


          • End of June 2019.
            Listen – I am just speculating. There is absolutely no indication that he is talking about MagicCon. (I am just throwing the name here into the ring because his fellow dwarves *love* the Bonn cons and tend to be there every year. Yup, those Germans must be a fun (and well-organised) lot…)

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          • Gott, ich bin in Sachen Cons echt total ahnungslos. Hätt ich mal früher gewusst, dass es sowas gibt. Da hab ich wahrscheinlich richtig viel verpasst. Und das mehr oder weniger gleich um die Ecke 🙄.


            • Echt jetzt? Das hast du bisher noch gar nicht gekannt? Schade, wenn das etwas ist, dass dir liegt. Aber noch ist nicht alles verloren – dieses Jahr gibt es ja wieder eine Magic Con in Bonn. Mittlerweile leider eben nicht mehr speziell nur auf Hobbit ausgerichtet, sondern allgemein Fantasy. Aber hier gibt’s mehr Info:


              • Also ich wußte schon, dass es Cons gibt. Waren für mich Veranstaltungen, auf denen sich Nerds wie aus TBBT rumtreiben. Ob´s mir liegt, weiß ich nicht, ich bin ja kein Intensivfan. Aber interessieren würde es mich. Tatsächlich mag ich Herr der Ringe und Hobbit. Thorin im Film fand ich schon immer wahnsinnig attraktiv, der Typ dahinter hat mich damals aber so gar nicht interessiert. Daher ist es wirklich schade, dass der Fokus nun nicht mehr auf Tolkien liegt, Fantasy im Allgemeinen ist jetzt nicht ganz so mein Ding. Aber wenn der Typ hinter Thorin in Bonn auftauchen würde, würd ich wohl mal eine Ausnahme machen 😉. Träumen wird man ja noch dürfen.


                • Der Typ hinter Thorin :-)) … Wer weiß, vielleicht erscheint er ja da.
                  Ich habs da auch nie hingeschafft, aber ich kenne mehrere Leute, die da waren und es auch super fanden. Damals aber eben noch Hobbit-Con und nicht allgemein Fantasy.


        • Oh absolutely. He completely ignored such events until now, apart from having to appear twice at SDCC and once at WonderCon in the US. (And imo he is almost too late in jumping on the bandwagon – I’ve never been to a con, but from what I saw, the best cons would’ve been the “smaller” European ones, concentrating on the Hobbit or Tolkien, where he would’ve attended with his mates from the film…) BUt great to hear that he wants to get closer to the coal face.

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  5. Ich schließe mich an, das hat er wirklich gut gemacht. Ist sicher nicht einfach für ihn, auf das Jahr zurückzublicken. Bin gespannt auf die Pläne bzgl. seiner Produktionsfirma, hoffe aber, ihn nächstes Jahr auch öfter zu sehen.

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    • Could’ve been worse, Servetus, could’ve been worse. I don’t find him as preachy and Victorian as in previous years. And I can see how for *him* this year was particularly important, what with operation “delete storm” just last weekend… He had to get the juggernaut back on track.

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      • I mean, in my world anyway you don’t get to slap people in the face and then three days later embrace them and say “please donate to my charities.”


        • That’s a very good point. But as we all know – there’s a difference between RL and online life. It’s easier to behave that way online… and tbh, as someone who is continuously preaching to obey rules of courtesy online, maybe this is an experience that the master himself may learn from…

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          • I’m sure the usual suspects are praising him up and down, but my main reaction was “fuck kindly off.” What worries me is that I wasn’t even angry. More like resigned.


            • LOL – “fuck kindly off”. Well, I won’t deny that that is a valid reaction. “Resigned” is a good description. I find the message predictable in its content. But you know, it’s Christmas, it’s what he always does, and well, it’s in the spirit of the season. I was wondering whether he’d send a message at all – and his previous erratic messaging behaviour has now conditioned me to be grateful when there is something that doesn’t immediately make me jump up and down with anger.


              • Guylty, I think he said a lot in this message: he’s grieving over his mum, he’s starting a production company, he’s gonna do conventions which means more access to fans, his acknowledgment that there is an atmosphere of anger globally, his admission how Cmas Hirelings probably hit close to home perhaps that he is lonely and needs to come out of his shell more and that paying it forward is what it’s all about.. the preachiness of last year seems to me at least to be replaced with sincerity and humility esp about his loss of his mum. That’s my take any way… he’s not going to say hey guys I’m doing this and this and come see me. It’s more to me like I want to reach out more to you all than I have before..


                • Oh yes, he packed a lot in there. (Although only the production company was news – everything else we already knew, so in that sense I expected him to mention these things.) And don’t get me wrong – as I said, I was pleased he wrote a message, and I was even more pleased that it wasn’t another sermon from his high pulpit.
                  And you know what – the good thing is: we can all take from the message what we want to take. If you want to take from it that he is reaching out more, well, that is a lovely message, isn’t it? I see it slightly differently, but on the whole, as I said, I thought it was a nice message.

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  6. I thought his message was nice and less preachy than usual. I am not an expert on cons by any means, but you have a much better chance of having a “close encounter” with him at the smaller ones. By that I mean getting an autograph or selfie. Through Mimi, I have attended multiple SDCCs and Wondercons and they are mob scenes. In my experience, he doesn’t attend if he doesn’t have anything to promote. (Why would he)? But now, if he has a production company he has to get out there and promote himself more heavily,shy or not. I hope he picks projects we will be interested in. I am with you, Guylty on the Bridget thing. Please, no.

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          • Yes, in Ireland you can apply for citizenship if you have at least one grandparent that was born on Irish soil. (The last part is important – as we found out when we were trying to get Irish nationality for our first-born. He was born in Germany – and it wasn’t that easy to get an Irish passport because his father (although Irish) was NOT born in Ireland. Citizenship is not enough – birthplace is decisive.
            And well, anything is possible – and Leeds has always had large numbers of Irish immigrants…

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    • Yes, I also thought he had come down from the high pulpit for this year’s message.
      I agree, btw – the smaller cons, as RDC in London for instance, will probably be a nice introduction to a smaller, slightly more fan-focused con experience for him. He doesn’t really strike me as someone who likes to dwell on past projects – which is why I was surprised to hear he is attending RDC – so I expect him to come out with some kind of home-produced thing, soon. And like you say – hopefully something interesting and creatively sophisticated.


  7. Thanks for ‘the large text’ copy, I was having trouble reading it on my phone and not being on Twitter the screen was often covered by their log in thingy.
    I was expecting the message, I expect he wants to be able to concentrate on his family.
    I hope the production company is in the UK.

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    • 🙂 I wanted to save it for my own pleasure/leisure, too, so I thought a post was the best way forward.
      Yep, I had been waiting for the message to pop up some time this week, too. It’s always around this time, isn’t it? Like Clockwork 😉 It would be great if he established his production company in the UK, but I wonder whether he has more/better contacts in the US now?


      • My impression (based simply on my gut impressions toward the end of LLL) is that he was somewhat repelled from the US after Trump got elected- or that may have been coincidental…. I guess depending on whatever happens with Brexit and what kind of problems it creates, he may do more here again at some point. But it makes a certain amount of sense for him to have the UK as his base of operation at this point.


  8. I thought it was a positive heartfelt message. This has surely been a difficult year for him and so with that in mind I have tried to be more tolerant of his sometimes erratic SM presence. I’m pleased for him that a long wished for production company is finally coming to fruition. It will be interesting to see what kind of stories he wants to tell. (Just please Richard don’t make them all dark and grim with tortured souls) With a new project on the horizon and the possibility of more access to fan cons he is really switching gears and it could be an exciting prospect to see what the future holds for him career-wise. I hope he continues to remain in front of the camera as well as return to the stage. I can’t imagine him completely withdrawing from acting altogether. Fingers crossed he has good people supporting him in this new venture and his first project is a success. But I have to admit what I really wish for is for him to be cast in a quality film/tv series with great writing and character development. Or a play…a play would be heavenly.

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    • It’s very kind of you to be more tolerant of him due to the hardship he has experienced this year. (I always get a little bit snarky about that, I have to admit. Most of us have experienced loss on that scale, too. Are we getting as much credit for that as he is? He’s a sensitive actor, so I’ll grant him that he’ll experience emotions maybe on a greater scale, but I do sometimes wonder whether he is eating the same medicine that he dishes out to us… “treat others the way you would like to be treated” and all that…) But well, I don’t really want to put a dampener on this message. I was pleased with it, and I was actually glad he wrote something at all. Maybe it’s PR – Peaches Productions coming to your screen, soon – but somehow it really cheered me up today. And yes, definitely hoping for him to keep acting, too. I can’t imagine that he would give that up – at least not immediately. Acting is what he has studied and has brought to a very high level of expression, and it’s going to take a while until his production game is as good as that. But yes, please a series with RA as lead character, NOT DYING, possibly uplifting and comedic!


      • I just am not especially persuaded by the argument that his tweet/delete behavior is about grief, for the simple reason that he did this weekend exactly what he has done multiple times since getting Twitter — started something he couldn’t handle and then fled once he had riled everyone up. He has done this about topics as trivial a jokes about his spelling and as serious as the Orlando Pulse shooting. So, I agree that he is probably feeling a lot of grief right now, and I am extremely sympathetic to him on that score, but I don’t believe that his behavior last weekend was caused by grief. It fits convincingly into a longer-term pattern. If I felt I were witnessing behavior that was grief-inflected, I would be more sympathetic. I don’t know why I would be more sympathetic about consistent poor behavior or why he would get a pass on it now when he hasn’t in the past.

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        • Oh, I couldn’t agree more with you on that. That behaviour was well-established way before his mother became ill. It’s an expression of something else entirely – self-doubt? hubris? ignorance? I am constantly flummoxed by that behaviour because I just can’t see how he (or anyone) could explain it (and justify it) to themselves. Or others, for that matter. It’s irritating at the least. And the reason why I have unfollowed him on Twitter. I’d like to keep my pretty picture of my crush intact. (Interestingly: he doesn’t delete posts on IG… But then again, he doesn’t rant there, either.)

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          • I was disappointed about this latest delete spree since he really hasn’t had a big one in a while (has he??) I was also surprised since he’s been in a pretty good mood lately, from all appearances. Maybe Serv is onto something with the little brother MO 😀 (I’m also the younger of 2 and admittedly still somewhat conflict-averse lol.)

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            • Agree. It wasn’t exactly out of character, but he simply hadn’t done much political spouting recently – and the politics tweets are the ones that cause most offence. Ah well, it’s all water under the bridge now. My lesson from the delete storm is, to step back a bit from fangirling on Twitter. Last weekend it really just had the opposite effect to what I want from fangirling. I just don’t enjoy skirmishes like that at all, and I don’t enjoy my favourite actor (unwittingly) being the cause.

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              • Twitter is just really toxic. This fandom has always, during my awareness of it, been ridiculously codependent — “if you don’t feel the way I do, I will create some drama in order to force you to do so or else permanently alienated you.” And it only takes one or two codependents to sour an entire party. (Maybe other fandoms are like this too, I don’t know.) But Twitter magnifies that somehow (and not just in fandom. I have watched two or three fellow fans whose primary platform was Twitter politically radicalize to the point that I don’t recognize the people I once knew and liked any more). It’s especially bad for me given my ACOA background — I am extremely hostile to anyone telling me what I should feel or think. OTOH that’s currently my main mechanism of alerting people to the existence of my blog, so I don’t feel able to just sign off. And there are a handful of people I’ve met that way who have become good friends. But there are entire days, and increasingly groups of days, when I know my mood won’t take being immersed in that poisonous soup.


                • I don’t think it makes it better really, but I’ve seen evidence of some knock-down drag-outs with other fandoms too (Outlander & SVU come to mind pretty quickly….) I’m not sure what it is about Twitter that creates that freedom to be rude in a lot of people. Maybe because it’s so politicized now, it’s made it worse. To me it’s more fun (& safer) to spend more time debriefing in DM. Lots of stuff there that gets exhausting if you can’t find a way to either laugh about it or put it in its place.


        • You make a valid point that this has been a pattern with him and this weekend proved another example. I don’t believe the behavior is grief related either. I think it’s a sign of insecurity tbh. I didn’t intend my comment of tolerance to mean I was giving him a pass as such, only that it was the sympathy for his grief that tempered my reaction more than would usually be the case.

          Liked by 2 people

      • Yes you’re right he is a sensitive actor and with such feelings I am puzzled that he comes up short at times in recognizing that other have feelings too. It makes it difficult to maintain a level of credibility when one doesn’t always practice what they preach. Still, I appreciate the positive message that he conveyed with what I felt was genuine sincerity. Let’s hope he makes good on his intentions for the new year. 😊
        Peaches Productions lol, if only 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Just read it. Yes, this is a message I like. Phew. 🙂
    Decided to not dive into the recent controversial tweet/delete-gate that I had missed and I’m glad I can just enjoy this follow up message without any residual bitterness.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I have my doubts about attending conventions because I really am a shy person, however it might be nice to have the option, therefore I hope we have timely notifications of any conventions and not like the Red Dragon one.
    In my opinion this would be the best use of Twitter.

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  11. Pingback: #FlatRichie Has Reached Stop 3. And Guylty Is Flummoxed | Guylty Pleasure

  12. I’m happy his Christmas message isn’t controversial this year – I do think he tries hard to have his heart in the right place regardless of perceived gaffes in expression. Including his mother was expected and touching, especially as I felt it quite relatable. My father passed away in July and he is missed. I can truly say he was the best person I have ever known. I don’t recall one unkind word or action from him in my entire life. Regarding RA’s inclusion of ‘shy like me’ – I can relate to that as well. I can be quite assertive at work (because I represent ‘the company’ I guess, and not myself), but in social interactions I am quite shy and find it very difficult to initiate friendships. I will go out my way to avoid parties and things and shamefully tell all sorts of white lies to get out of going. Also, I hope his production company provides more acting opportunities for him and not consumes him with only the producing part of it. I would hate to not be able to see him mature of the years and be like a Christoper Plummer type – quality actor well into his 80’s!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Being socially inept myself, I feel you @sparkhouse1! I’ve always felt able to relate to RA in that respect. I am fine with one or two friends, or a small group of people I know, but I find it very difficult to make conversation with strangers and I hate parties. Thank goodness hubby is now quite happy to spend New Year’s Eve quietly at home, just the two of us!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Exactly the same here. I also find, as I am aging, that small talk is morphing from awkward to just plain tedious. Before I felt I was missing something, or something was wrong with me. Now I am finding that I would rather spend my time doing/thinking about what I want, and not so much of what others want or expect. And New Year’s in with just a few was always much more enjoyable!


        • Agree. Small talk with strangers for me is awkward, tedious and just plain exhausting. Michele’s use below of the word escape is exactly what I usually feel like doing, even if it’s people I know. The other thing with parties I can’t stand is the noise – it’s supposed to be a social activity but you can’t hear yourself think over the loud music and conversation. I’m a Party Grinch!

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  13. I think this was one of his better Christmas messages, and IMO, probably one of his more personal (and genuine) interactions with us fans, I mean “friends”! I hope he truly is able to live up to his vows in honouring his mum.
    I was pleased to hear he is starting a production company. I got the impression he has made a decision to reach out, be more visible and make better use of his fan base. I half wondered whether he has considered possible crowd funding of future productions? I would be happy to donate to a production where he was playing a romantic lead role, and preferably requiring him to wear a cravat!
    Food for thought among the fandom for 2019?!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Ach du gute Güte, da hab ich aber ordentlich was verpasst. Als ich die angeregte Diskussion gestern Nacht entdeckte, war ich nicht mehr in der Lage allen Details zu folgen. Hier geht es sehr lebendig zu in den letzten Wochen und das finde ich absolut erfreulich.
    RA’s Nachricht gefällt mir im Grunde gut, ich bin aber weit weniger davon angetan, als ich das ohne die ganze Aufregung in den Tagen davor gewesen wäre. Sein Ton ist freundlich und nicht ganz so belehrend und ich kann dem, was er sich vorgenommen hat etwas abgewinnen. Wie immer versuche ich mir keine allzu großen Hoffnungen zu machen, denn das gebrannte Kind scheut das Feuer.


  15. I think he’s struck a good balance with this message, and it was touching that he shared how he is feeling about losing his mum.
    The news about his production company is welcome, because he has long expressed an interest in doing it, but I hope he continues to be in front of the camera for many years to come.
    Regarding “producing”, I was curious about him doing this as opposed to directing. He will be able to choose projects he specifically wants to engage with and has a passion for, and thus invest in financially speaking and time wise, but I didn’t think producing was a creative undertaking as such, and wonder if he means to direct as well. I looked up the difference between the two:
    During filming, the director gives direction to the cast and crew to capture his or her vision on film. After filming, the director is involved in the film’s editing. While a director manages the film’s creative vision, the producer manages the film’s finances, production, marketing and distribution.
    I really hope he can successfully combine acting and producing (and directing?) the way Pierce Brosnan has with his Irish Dream Time company, albeit on a smaller scale.

    Liked by 3 people

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