Ready for the Community Re-watch/RA-watch?

Welcome to in 2019! How are we all? It’s already a few days into the new year but somehow it feels still fresh – yet also routine. How come? It’s an awkward short working week this week, I guess – awkward but welcome, of course. Over here, we took my mum to the airport for a tearful and early good-bye on Tuesday morning. What followed was a mixed day with some bad news (the burning pain in my left leg is probably due to varicose veins), some good (the veins in my right leg are perfect). Work has not yet fully started again – at least I haven’t had much to do yet.

But I don’t want the new year to start with lethargy. It’s hard enough staying motivated in my currently non-existent worklife, and I also suspect that I am on the cusp of dealing with my usual winter depression. I’ve been feeling quite down and tired lately, and although I should be pleased with six weeks off the nicotine at this stage, I am still hankering after cigarettes. I think of them when I get up in the morning, and I experience flash memories of smoking all through the day, especially in those moments when my former routine relied on cigarettes – after meals, just before meals when I get hungry but it isn’t quite time yet, while waiting for something to happen etc. etc. This is exacerbated by the fact that I now really need to stop replacing nicotine with food. Since quitting I have gained 7 kilos. Which in turn is a blow to my motivation. It feels as if I can’t do anything without replacing one addiction with another. To say that is frustrating, is an understatement. I already took drastic measures today. New haircut – new beginning? I wish it were as easy as that.

So, the upshot is that I need some distraction. And that is where the whole Re-watch thing comes in. Way back in October I brought the idea up for the first time, and there seemed to be some interest in following through with it. Now, I know from personal experience that it will take days if not weeks to take a democratic decision and then organise everything. So rather than doing that – and delaying the whole idea even further, I’d rather just start immediately. Hence this is the deal: I suggest re-watching one of Richard’s finest performances ever – as Francis Dolarhyde in Hannibal. Sorry, I know that this is a show that many people have problems with. But I have my reasons why I want to watch it again. (And it’s not just the tattoo 😉.)

Somebody reverse this please (sorry, not my gif, but cannot see where it came from… Credit to the maker!)

Even back in 2015 when Hannibal aired, I was absolutely blown away by Armitage’s performance, despite my reservations about the show as a whole. But Dolarhyde was a fantastic opportunity for RA to show what he can really do – in terms of his beloved physical acting both as the grandiose dragon as well as the tortured and flawed human, in terms of voice acting a cleft-palate man, and in terms of conveying emotions with a constant frown. Boy, he was truly scary in the role – yet managed to make us look beyond our rightful disgust and terror and find much sympathy for that pitiful creature. I’d love to see whether I am still so impressed.

You want to witness the great becoming, don’t you?

So, anyone who is interested in joining the re-watch is welcome to do so. I am going to watch the fangirl cut, only, btw – I really can’t bear all the other Hannibal scenes, so I am concentrating on Richard’s scenes as Dolly only. I won’t have any time to do it this weekend, but will start next week. Afaik the segments won’t be much more than 20 minutes per episode if you add them up, so could easily be done within a couple of days. Right, but just in case you aren’t yet on board, here’s a bit of incentive…

Good things are waiting for you… lots of interesting things to discover.


oops, that tattoo has moved…

Happy new year, everyone!



157 thoughts on “Ready for the Community Re-watch/RA-watch?

  1. I will re watch it again,after I watch the black list tonight. For cravings,ask your pharmacist for bupropeon, it’s an anti depressant,and a smoking deterant. ,works for me..


  2. Tonight, I’m probably going to attempt to get into a hot tub, with achy muscle bath salts and listen to the Christmas Audio book Richard did. The question is – can I get OUT of the tub???

    Hannibal rewatch… ah man… dunno. He was genius, but the role…. made me cry.

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  3. I’m happy you cut your hair, sometimes that is a very liberating thing to do. The weight gain is temporary and the bigger prize is 6 weeks w/out smoking, I’m curious though why Hannibal? Why not Lucas who you worked so hard to convince me that he was likeable.. for some Dolly is too intense whereas Lucas I know many here have a wealth of things to discuss… I asked with much love to you…


    • I really hope I can shift that weight, soon, Michele, because it is really giving me an even worse depression.
      Hannibal because Dolarhyde was an amazing role and was a few years down the road from Lucas, at a time when RA had honed his skills even further. He is just so good in this role. And additionally I just simply want to be prepared for RDC which is coming up in 4 weeks.


      • Yeah but RDC was um yeah know and you will be prepared. Honestly I will watch it again and chat with you but I think trying to engage others that are uncomfortable with it and as brilliant as Richard was and I took it as a love story not a gory story still for some why pick something that intense. Guy is your guy and if you need inspiration pick a season of RH and designate a time frame then launch into a blog post about the episode. You’re not gonna do BS3 (with good reason it’s shit in my opinion) review so use the time for something that most of us have already seen RE-WATCH. I say this with love and not criticism.
        I get the weight gain more than you know. A lot of my insecurity is how I look so I know but I don’t think you have a food addiction I think you are subbing the food for the nicotine but that will fade and you will be healthier for it! Plus walking to Archer … or rather Richard I your ear…


        • I know you mean well, but at this point I don’t think it makes sense to back pedal. I’ve set it now, so I can’t take it back.
          I looked at the back catalogue and wondered where to start. But Guy really is not particularly inspiring. Lucas takes too long, as does Thorin. NS is a shitty story. Strike Back might have been an option.
          We can go back to Guy after this, but I now want to do Dolarhyde because I want to be prepared. I totally understand if people do not feel comfortable watching a serial killer in show that glamourises cannibalism, but that’s their issue not mine – just like it is my issue not to think highly of a capitalist a**hole in a plagiarised story. We can watch something harmless after this 😉 And as I said – since the combined screentime of Richard in Hannibal is about 2 hours, we’ll only be delayed by about one week, anyway 😉


      • Il est difficile de perdre du poids l’hiver. La météorologie n’est pas encourageante pour s’oxygéner à l’extérieur et donc dépenser les calories avec des activités + ou – sportives. Le choix des fruits et légumes est moindre qu’en été et je ne parle pas des repas des fêtes de fin d’année. Il faut privilégier les produits de saison bruts non transformés et réduire les glucides ( ne consommer que des céréales qui sont semi – complètes ou complètes ou des glucides à indice glycémique faible: lentilles , haricots…)
        Et bien sûr réduire les lipides à ceux utiles pour l’ organisme, varier les huiles végétales et les graines pour les omégas (surtout pas de graisses végétales hydrogénées).
        La meilleure boisson est l’ EAU PURE. SVP ni Coca Cola light ou classique (cf article sur E150bcd, blog de Servetus choix repas solstice hiver).
        Je prends rendez-vous avec vous, pour des randonnées au Connémara ou Fujiyama.


        • Oh Squirrel – I would LOVE to have a regular walking partner. Someone to go for a fast walk with every evening! I would love that kind of exercise – even in urban Dublin.
          As for all the food – quitting cigarettes has resulted in me giving up my diet. I just didn’t have the strength to both give up cigarettes AND the food I like (and that is easiest to prepare and eat…). If I had someone who prepared all these non-carb foods for me, and supplied me with fruit teas all day long, I’d happily give up diet coke and potato crisps…


          • Pour perdre votre appétit, je ne peux que vous conseiller de revisionner certaines scènes de la série Hannibal. ALERTE SPOILER! Ne serait-ce que la dernière scène du film qui représente la psychiatre Dr Bedelia Du Maurier à table devant l’impressionnant rôtis … il y a là matière à se détourner définitivement de la viande rouge.


      • I used to drink Coke Zero all the time. When I stopped, I lost weight. Sugar isn’t the only problem, I think it is more the chemicals; in fact I don’t drink any diet pop/soda/whatever you call it anymore. If I want a fizzy drink I get full on sugared coke (or root beer, in my case.) It is totally boring but water – lots and lots of water. It has actually gotten to the point where I prefer water to most everything else.

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        • I’ve struggled with my addiction to diet coke/pepsi for years. There are long periods when I give up drinking them, and I am more or less fine. Mind you, I usually replace them with fruit teas that I sweeten with artificial sweetener, so it’s not fully without chemicals, either. But yeah, at the moment my life seems as if all pleasures have been sucked out of it. No more cigarettes. I don’t drink alcohol. I have to stop eating snacks and chocolate. There is nothing there to consume that actually tastes nice to me. Which is why I am hanging on to Coke zero for the moment. I just hate water so much…


  4. I am totally on board for a re-watch. Even with the disturbing subject matter I was mesmerized by his performance. Are we to watch all 6 episodes that feature FD and then discuss after next week?
    That moving tattoo though lol. It will be like a treasure hunt 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great to have you on board, too, Donna.
      Yep, my plan is to watch only the parts that RA is in. I am not even going to bother with the rest of the episodes he is in. I will only look at his scenes. I am not interested in the overall story (especially because I really found that hard to stomach…). As for time frame – I think I’ll probably write about it in two posts, not individual posts per episodes. Aiming for Tuesday to write the first post.


  5. 🙂 Pour un retour aux sources, ce choix de Francis Dolarhyde alias Red dragon est excellent. Selon moi, c’est l’un de ses rôles les plus marquants avec celui de John Proctor, dans la pièce de théâtre: “The Crucible”, (Lucas North, John Thorton ou John Standring). J’ai beaucoup apprécié les versions avec les acteurs Tom Noonan ou Ralph Fiennes. Mais dans sa version d’Hannibal, Bryan Fuller a laissé libre cours à Richard Armitage, d’y apporter une touche de création très personnelle. La performance réside entre-autre dans sa représentation de la métamorphose de cet homme en dragon-reptile, grâce à la danse japonaise: Butō. ( Il y a la démonstration de ses talents de danseur et d’acteur à la fois. Ce rôle lui colle à la peau au sens propre et figuré. Il transcende les précédentes représentations.


  6. Apologies for being so brief and not having commented for so long, lovely G. You know why things are so crazy for me. Good news is that I saw my knee surgeon yesterday and found out that I was completely correct about what was wrong, and that it was indeed the fault of the Uber driver who caused that car accident. Bad news is that I’ve been suffering so terribly for over a year because she was driving too fast and playing with her radio, and that my recovery time is going to be 3 or so months longer than I had reckoned on.

    Anyway, hang in there, dear woman. I heartily applaud your choice for community watch and can’t wait to get going! I can get Dolly on Amazon Prime Video, I think, and have never seen it before so I will be your newbie test case. I’m with you all the way!!

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      • I miss you, too! I’m so sorry that I haven’t been around. Sadly, this is likely to continue until early March. I had a “RL with RA” sketched out about New Year’s resolutions but fear it’s not timely enough anymore so will probably put it in my pocket till next year.

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    • No worries about not commenting, Lolo – it was Christmas, and everybody is busy at Christmas. And then you had another excuse, what with your knee surgery etc. So sorry to hear that you are still suffering because of that accident.
      You haven’t seen Hannibal yet? How good are you with horror content? Just as a warning… The show is extremely stylishly made, but there is blood and there is horror. I never watched the show and only started it when RA appeared in episode 8 of season 3. Also, I freely fast-forwarded every time things became too uncomfortable for me. (That did not really apply to RA as Dolarhyde – there are only a couple of scenes in the last couple of episodes where I had to look away.) Anyway, I think you are in for a great experience, though. RA as Dolarhyde is one of his best moments as an actor imo. Sure, the material is not to everyone’s liking – and I completely understand if some people do not want to watch the show – but he really did something special with it.

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      • I have mixed feelings about horror. My honors thesis at university was about the depiction of female sexuality in fantasy and horror films (“In the Company of Wolves” being one), and intellectually, I think that horror as a genre is a truly fascinating one to study. In reality, I have to be careful. I have such a vivid imagination that I can be scared for years if I view something too icky. I read far more horror than I watch. But I think my aversion is more to the gratuitous, sexually aggressive violence, as in what would be thought of as classic slasher films. That I can’t do. But suspense the kind of which is in “Hannibal” probably won’t bother me too much. And as you say, that’s what the fast-forward button is for!

        Obviously I’m behind on everything. When are we supposed to start watching? I’ve got a tight deadline for the 10th that I’m having trouble making, so will I be okay starting to view after that?


        • First of all: There is no obligation to watch something that you are uncomfortable watching. But just to say that I am a wimp when it comes to horror – and I was able to get through Hannibal unscathed. (I am recommending you read my review of *Red Dragon* the book – in many ways it also reflects what watching the series is like. The fangirl cut takes away all the creepy Hannibal stuff also.)
          As for watching – I am watching the first three episodes today, planning to write about them this evening. You can watch anytime you want, LoLo, and comment whenever you want. We don’t have to do this in real time!

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          • I’ve read “Red Dragon” and “Silence of the Lambs,” both of which I enjoyed. (And I liked the movies “Manhunter” and “Silence of the Lambs.”) I figure if I can handle the movie SotL, then I can handle “Hannibal,” come to think of it. There are definitely some scary moments in that one! Thanks for the timing update and happy viewing to you today.


            • Oh – in that case you will know what is happening. The whole overaestheticisation of the cinematography also makes it easier to abstract what you are seeing.
              Have just watched the first episode of the fangirl cut. Still blown away by his performance. Just a-ma-zing. (And I am bloody glad that I decided on this show for a rewatch. There is no discussion – this *is* a fantastic performance by him.)


  7. Ahah! an excuse to dig out my Hannibal Lite video again, I think I’ve only watched it once or twice since I made it. As amazing as RA was in the role (plus the eye candy of course) it’s not my first choice of his work to watch, and I gave up making gifs and edits from it because the footage is so dark. I’ll have a go at making a reverse gif of the one above. I’ve reversed gifs of Guy, Lucas and from the Esquire video but not that one – I’ve been slow on the uptake with that scene lol!!
    PS I hadn’t seen the wandering tattoo on his leg before now – too fixated on his upper body!!


    • Yes!!!! You did a great fan service with that cut, Mezz.
      Well, I have to admit that Dolarhyde isn’t necessarily my go-to performance for a re-watch, either. But it is a fabulous performance, and a relatively short one at that.
      Thanks for reversing that gif!! I have to look at it when it is dark outside, though – as you said, the footage is so dark, I can hardly see anything when looking at the screen in daylight.
      I understand the preoccupation with the torso, but really, the wandering tattoo very nicely highlights those thighs of thunder 😉

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  8. It’s so weird – I was just thinking about this role the other day and that it would be a great way to pick back up…count me in! (I have to admit – outside of Castlevania, I’ve been kind of “meh” lately, so I’d been thinking about going to the archives 😀 )


    • Well, there we go – two idiots, one stupid idea *hehehe*. Maybe this will be an opportunity for you to engage again? That would be lovely.
      And yes – the meh-feeling has got me, too. It’s really bad, and even more so because the number of fellow “oldies” has decreased and it is getting ever harder to find anyone who *understands*…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Us newbies understand more than you think so buck up there sweetie! It’s a new year and he has a production co now!! Out with the old in with the NEW!! 😉😘👁😻Lot for you to look forward to no?


        • Well, that’s nice of you to say, Michele. But the problem is – sometimes the ‘oldies’ just need to bitch and vent and rant. And that simply is not compatible with the enthusiasm and need for positive reaction that newbies have. I don’t want to put a dampener onto your enjoyment of RA by moaning and whining about him, but if I am really honest, that is exactly what I want to do. I don’t want to enthuse and compliment him all the time anymore. Been there, done that. I want to call him out when he is shit, without having to keep in mind that there are new fans who still love every little fart he emits… This calls for a access restricted blog for oldie fans, I think – where we can bitch in privacy without hurting our newer fellow fans’ strong feelings for him.

          Liked by 1 person

          • No no I don’t think so! He’s not perfect and I really dislike his Twitter activity and IG and I think you are being honest when you bitch and rant and that is what it is all about! It’s a community blog so everyone should have access
            Restricted sounds autocratic to me
            Newbies aren’t naive I certainly want to know the good and bad in any affection for anyone who the hell wants to be perfect yeah know? You have a loving base here and it’s a quiet period for him now but there have been lulls in the past what did you guys do then?
            I love your commentary on his assets and his faults b/c I think I’m not alone
            So please don’t restrict or create a restricted blog 🤦‍♀️😒😢😩

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            • Sorry Michele, that sounded terribly condescending on my part. And I don’t mean it that way at all. But there are definitely different needs for newer fans and older fans. Sometimes the enthusiasm of the newer fans is really refreshing and invigorating. Sometimes the established knowledge and critical distance of the older fans is useful. But sometimes it’s simply annoying for the oldies to hear the newer fans applaud his beauty/performance/intelligence/way of expressing himself/goodheartedness/humility/younameit – while it is a massive rainstorm on the newbies’ parade when the oldies moan and complain. I don’t think the newbies are naive at all – but they have different needs. You guys are still in the discovery phase – you still find photos, interviews, clips, shows, roles that you haven’t seen until now. And you still are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. You still have time for him whereas I don’t. Because I’ve seen all the pics, clips, interviews, roles, and I’ve noticed the flaws. I don’t mind the flaws at all – I am flawed myself – but since I have already exhausted myself on enthusing on his everything, I am now in the phase where I gleefully note every little indication that he is flawed and human. But while it makes me mad when all I read from fans is endless congratulations and admiration and mindless agreement and ingratiation, I totally accept and respect that that is those fans’ way of fangirling and I have no right to criticise that. So a strict separation for me seems like the best way forward.
              No worries, though – I am not going to make private. So far I have satisfied my need to bitch and rant bts in e-mails, and hopefully it will remain that way. Otherwise I’ll start a new blog, invitation only, top secret spy stuff.

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              • Well if you do I know I want in on that as do a lot of us here loving spy stuff or just chatting w you!! I mean I’m a year in now w Richard and it’s not all cooing and ahhing I stay for the intelligent conversation and loving support and beauty of you and the commenters here
                To me Richard is the catalyst for that but it goes beyond him no?


                • Oh, it totally goes beyond him, yes. But as I said, I don’t want to piss on your parade – if you guys are still at the point where you think he is the wonder of wonders, then that is perfectly fine. I just don’t want to be the spoilsport. (I inadvertantly did that the other day – and believe me, I was mortified when I noticed that I had not been in my own backyard when I was stirring the shit…)


                  • Well I think most of us if not all of us don’t have rose colored glasses on and know he is human and makes mistakes and says stupid shit sometimes or a lot like on Twitter so don’t worry about spoiling it for us. But what upset me is the well oldies club separate from newer fans but those newer fans stay for YOU so that is what set me off. I’ve heard it before elsewhere that older fans were so and so and yeah know who cares now we should just enjoy chatting and sharing info and videos and gifs and LoLoland Productions freely. Am I making any sense? I’m watching football (Kelly’s Colts are playing now) with a Bavarian Lager so my brain may be a bit scrambled now 🤣😉❤️❤️❤️💥

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                    • You *are* making sense, and ultimately you are right. Segregation is always wrong. So, no secret blog. And I’ll keep my complaining and slandering to my own blog or bts 😉


              • I guess what upsets me is that your train of thought is to go private about stuff. You aren’t alone in your thoughts about him and life isn’t sugar coated there is good and bad in everything and everyone. Believe me it is a shit show now in the US


  9. I’m in, too. I’ve had the DVD for like forever and have chickened out of watching it so far. This is the incentive I’ve been waiting for.

    My sympathies about the extra weight – I’m in the same position without your good excuse. Hopefully the fact of a new year will kickstart us into dealing with it in a not-too-painful way.


    • Fantastic – I am glad if this is an incentive for people to engage with this (admittedly difficult) role.
      Damn all that extra weight. It is just so unfair that it is so easy to gain weight.


  10. Good for you for 6 weeks off the cigs! I had dreams about smoking for years after I quit, but it goes away eventually. We need to get back over to the Richard’s BBBWW blog for some healthy eating inspiration! I’ve gained weight due to stress eating, so I can sympathize.

    As for Francis, I’ve never watched it. Are you sure that wouldn’t just finish off my crush, seeing him as a serial killer?? I might try though. Which episode numbers is it? But I’m not sure I can watch by Tuesday! A little longer for the (re)watch? Unlike you, I will have trouble skipping over parts of an episode.


    • I don’t think Dolarhyde is going to kill your crush at all, Sue. The opposite, actually. Dolarhyde is so well acted, has been performed with so much care, by the end of it you are almost sorry about the end he meets! There are a couple of grisly scenes, but there is also a beautiful, very tender lovestory there. And the latter is actually a great canvas! Hence I am recommending this – even to people who have shied away from it until now.
      And yes, we need to reactivate RABBBWW. I had sworn that I would stop eating shit as if January 1st, but well…

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    • Don’t be afraid, these series are some absolute must-see. Not just for Richard Armitage creative performance, as I said earlier elsewhere. Yesterday evening, while I was twice rewatching 308 “The Great Red Dragon”, I could only think it’s a completely effective film for everyone, not just horror fans.This film has all the familiar stylistic trappings of the classic film noir, thriller horror. But somehow it manages to lead us to appreciate the worst by presenting an attractive mix of beauty, sophistication, neat design… It’s a pity (horror subject), because the movie is well done, the locations are well used, the black and white winter ‘s Canada courntry well found, the special effects are globally good (except the blood cf Servetus blog) and the plot is filled with great surprises.

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  11. Long time since I’ve commented here but I’m still there…I would like to join you for a Red Dragon rewatch. I own the DVDs, scanned them once and I always thought that this role was made for him. Really heart-breaking scenes and a fantastic performance.
    Btw, congratulations for giving up smoking. Don’t worry about the weight gain. If you can quit smoking you’ll surely get control again about your appetite. Stay strong! Christmas is over so the temptations (hopefully) disappear…


    • Thank you for the encouragement, Camassia – I still need it, unfortunately. I have no intention of lighting up again, but the daily occurring cravings really make me cry. Not giving in is really hard.
      Anyway, cool to have you on board with the rewatch. I look forward to the discussions.


  12. I’m the Major General of the Fraidy Kate Brigade as you know, so I’m out. I can wax eloquent on his
    eating the xxx for five seconds and that’s it. 😂

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  13. Happy New Year! I’d loved to join in a Dolarhyde rewatch, partly because of RDC but also any excuse to watch RA’s performance. He is mesmerising ( and now I needed to spot the moving tattoo). I watch Hannibal once a year but only his scenes. I can’t bear how po- faced it is and the mannered way that the characters speak – better not say this aloud in Feb. RA seem to metamorphosise into the role when he was doing the Hobbit promo in China, just before shooting Hannibal. He was so still and menacing in some of the interviews and wore a similar grey polo shirt to Dolarhyde. Getting enthusiastic already! But it is hard finding enthusiasm for RA in other ways when there is so little current visual stimulation. Hopefully Hannibal and the Con will rejuvenate you Guylty. On a health note, maybes walking and an iPod are an answer? It’s the only exercise I get and the only way I can get to listen to all his many, many audiobooks, which make me fall asleep at night. Looking forward to the rewatch and discussing.

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    • I never thought about that, but I think you are right, armidreamer – RA and his “method” method, kind of living with the character even off set.
      Are you heading to RDC, too? Yep, Dolarhyde is prep for that, and as a known, outstanding performance, it is also something that will reignite the enthusiasm.
      As for walking and audio books – yes, I have tried that. But I simply find it very hard to motivate myself to go for a 1.5 hour walk every day. Not to mention the time commitment.

      Liked by 1 person

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