Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/5

At this point, the round-ups should be labelled “monthly” instead of weekly… It’s basically the last week of February and I haven’t done a round-up yet this month at all. Shame, shame. I’ve got plenty of excuses, as always. If you haven’t noticed until now, I am really good at excuses. This week no exception. But seriously, I had the job from hell! Thursday before last I accepted a job from my client of long standing for whom I regularly translate company internals, promo materials and press coverage. This time it was employee interviews that had been filmed on video. Contrary to prior agreement, I had to transcribe the (German language) interviews and then translate them word-by-word into English. For any professional translators among you: Yes, I know that translators usually work “into” their mother-tongue, i.e. it is unusual that I am translating *from* German into English. However, it turned out that that was a blessing, because I am not sure how well a non-native speaker of German would’ve fared with those interviews. The accents, OMG, the accents… Anyway, the transIations were the least of my problem – I am a fast worker when it comes to that. But I had well and truly miscalculated how long it would take to transcribe audio text. Essentially, a 20 minute original took me *at least* two hours to transcribe, if not more. And with 20 interviews to transcribe, I had over 300 minutes to do. Add to that a particular format the client had requested, which required time-stamping and marking bits in bold… I’ll just say this: I worked non-stop for 6 days, doing 16-hour-shifts five days in a row. In the end, I missed my deadline by two full days. My client was very nice about it. In fact there were no recriminations at all; she was extremely happy to get the translations when she got them. But don’t forget – I am German. We have this built-in work ethic… Those “primary virtues”. For me, punctuality and keeping my promise are part of my brand. So, missing my deadline despite having promised to be ready, is something of a personal failure for me. I was really disappointed.

And disgruntled. Not least because I honestly and truly did not have a single moment of time to go to my happy place and continue my 2019 resolution of “A blog post a day keeps depression at bay”. Yet there is still so much to write about. A look at my blog topic list: “the other guests, the photo shoot + conundrum, the autograph session, the con experience, meeting other fans, self-censorship, volunteering/stewarding, conclusions about RA, fans + age, body language, the actual pro photos of me + RA”… Ok no, don’t worry. I won’t. I’ll probably get this done very quickly in a couple of posts. Meanwhile, you can read it all on Kate’s blog, btw. She has launched into the first part of her RDC5 reviews!

So, in a reverse of my usual MO, a round-up post is actually quicker and easier today than the aforementioned RDS (Red Dragon Saga). I hadn’t been on tumblr for at least three weeks – and strangely, it kind of looks different to me. Have they had a redesign? Is the background colour darker? I am puzzled. But well, here, with a new header thanks to a derp from my own lens, here is the tumblr round-up 2019/5:


  1. Nfcomics on possible ways of killing Guy
  2. I had to look up what “twink” meant, but I am just leaving this here. Posted by lindirs-gaze
  3. No idea whether this is a new fan art, but I loved this edit by aninomori. Proctor is simply always worthy of showing…
  4. Fizzyxcustard was asked for their 6 favourite pictures of Thorin… that’s a nice game we could all play
  5. Has triple-r-porn rebranded itself? Anyway, here is a SFW fluffy drabble re. John Standring. For the days when you just need a bit of fluff
  6. bodysnatch3r talks about “that thing that Richard Armitage does with his eyes”. What do you think they are referring to?
  7. Riepu10 is still creating her “What in common” quizzes. Even if you don’t get it – just good for the yummy gifs!
  8. I love seeing the glimpses into other fans’ life – and collections ;-). Here is thewarriorandtheking
  9. Rcrispina is waiting for your prompts…
  10. Ra-of-light has been busy with a collection of collared RAs…
  11. This is such a good point made by hylaslurea. Just imagine!
  12. I missed all the Valentine’s fun. Sorry – but just for completeness’ sake, here are some of riepu10’s edits
  13. Oh, and especially for Kate, here is ra-of-light’s a star in stripes… (I’m getting suspicious!!! Are *you* ra-of-light, Kate????)
  14. I think this is an interesting quote from Richard, posted by gatissed. Discuss!
  15. Posting this picture set by c0rnflake-girl for the whole story… LOL
  16. Again, no idea what they have in common, but I like ogling them. Thanks for the set, riepu10
  17. I loved this photo idea, and I am glad that gatissed shared it. RA sort of with a flower crown at RDC5. Cool
  18. Ra-of-light has really been on a roll. Maybe she was watching BS? Cuddles…
  19. Another really nice pic from RDC5, posted by sparkle-inthedark
  20. Background RA is actually a thousand times more interesting than any foreground action! Once again, by riepu10
  21. A couple more pics of RA at RDC5 by sparkle-inthedark
  22. Thegentlegamster has some fantastic profile shots from RDC5
  23. Deepestfirefun with a meme on jealousy
  24. Oh, wow, I am scared now… A quote by RA on bullshit, shyness and being tall. Posted by tallian. (Again, would make a great topic to discuss!)
  25. Wow, here’s a truly original artwork. Richard, Proctoresque. By howlingwolfqueen. Love this!
  26. And finishing up on some hair acting! Oscar-worthy! Thewarriorandtheking

Wow, I have done it!!! I compiled a round-up! I thought I couldn’t do it anymore.

Have a nice weekend, all!

Guylty ❤

104 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/5

  1. I’m with Rachel about looking at the links but looks like you put in a lot of time on Tumblr as well so thank you for that! Hope you get some R and R now with whot? Maybe Tudor’s book Richard yes Richard narrated 😘😻👍
    since he is no doubt gearing up to film The Stranger on March 5

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ah, well, tumblr is quick and easy if you know where to look. And it was somewhat mind-numbingly pleasurable 😉
      Haven’t downloaded the Tudor book yet. (I haven’t finished The Guilty Ones either. I just haven’t had time to sit at my desk and craft – which is where I usually listen to audio books these days.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well as one not on Tumblr I am always thrilled to peruse your list and I think I can safely represent your commenters that you taking the time and diligence to read and write and post these ditties is wunderbar and we are immensely grateful!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️😍👍


  2. Re #14 and the sexy quote. I think it’s something he’s aware of but doesn’t really get it -which obviously makes him sexier because he’s not ridiculously vain either. It’s bound do to be a combination of various things-being geeky and lanky as a teen, worrying about the size of his nose, general lack of self belief. But he’s bound to have looked at photos and thought they’re decent . He’s not oblivious just no entirely self aware and I think it’s just not high priority to him -he wants to be a good actor not a sex symbol. IMO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel I think you’re opinion is spot on so I second that IMO😘❤️❤️
      I think the fact that he doesn’t like looking in the mirror or think he’s all that which he is by the way makes him MORE sexier and more genuine and more real!!!!


    • Hahaha, I just always find it funny how everybody thinks he is not ridiculously vain. Honestly, what makes you think so? I think he is so ridiculously vain, it really cancels out many of the things he says. Having said that, I don’t think that vanity is limited to looks only. I’d say it is his vanity that also demands he is not just seen as a good-looking bloke but also a good actor.

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      • I think the way he happily wanders around in butt ugly baseball caps and manky t-shirts without a second thought gives an impression of not being massively vain regarding his looks. But that’s just my impression. Obviously there are plenty of things that could be construed as personal vanity.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ah, interesting. I suppose we are all going at it from our own perspective. And since I don’t give a fuck about clothes, external beauty/attractiveness for me is never measured by the clothes but exclusively by body shape and face. Whether he wears a ratty T or a super expensive Alexander McQueen number – I personally don’t think he measures his “good looks” by that but by the number of lines on his face. Or the ounces of fat on his body.


          • Well we are conscious of some trigger words like fat and ugly which I think it hope he would never refer to anyone in a conversation as or short people. So I have body imaging issues does that make me vain? I think it makes me highly insecure but I’m honest and humble I hope 🤞 so he has a thing about filtering out wrinkles maybe b/c professionally he wants to appear youthful (I know poor word choice) to land roles still in the upper 30 to 40 year olds.


              • Perhaps then vanity is subjective
                I dislike how I look but I’m not obsessed about it. I’ll never look like Christie Brinkley or even Giselle Bunchen and that’s ok. Would you filter out your face as The Armitage does? I’m guessing no you wouldn’t . 😘❤️

                Liked by 1 person

                  • Right! Exactly! That is one of my hang ups w IG is that filtering and constant selfie posing and pretentious element although not all Celebs do that so I’m not classifying everyone here. Just making an observation IMO 😘😉


                    • I have never understood why smartphone photography seems to be synonymous with selfies these days. I get why teenagers do it. They are learning to be themselves. But adults? Hm, I have a problem with that.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • I think the smartphone is handy and convenient. I see my brother and sis in law whip theirs out at a moments notice to snap pics of the twins! Me, takes me minutes to get the camera going and try to aim it by then the moment is over😫😬I know you will cringe when I say this as a professional photographer but I sorely miss the days of the disposable camera where you could push down and advance to the next number. Head to the grocer or convenience store and get the pics developed and get double prints!! 😘👏🤣🤗


                    • Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love smartphone photography. But if you look at my IG you will find that there are hardly any selfies in it. I take proper pictures with my smartphone. Scrap that, I *make* pictures with it. Deliberately short, properly edited.
                      There is absolutely nothing wrong with using the smartphone as your primary camera, Michele. It is better than the disposable. And you can still print out your pics if you want to. Especially with my new junk journal hobby, I am increasingly creating my own albums again. You should have a look at the app store and check whether you can get the “Free Prints” app in the US, too. You get 45 free prints every month, all you do is pay the postage (which is not expensive). I think it’s fab and I have ordered a number of prints already…


      • I thought you thought he was not ridiculously vain? That he was too humble if anything. Especially pertaining to that mirror conversation. Maybe playing Dolly he tapped into his own insecurities growing up and feeling on the outside looking in?! He doesn’t come across to me as vain at all in his interviews or tweeting if anything he’s very praiseworthy of others over himself


        • No, I *do* think he is vain. I always have. The way he exclusively posts selfies of himself – and filters them to take out all of the lines – *to me* looks like vanity. Not looking into the mirror is just a different way of being vain, in my book. I mean, I am vain as hell – and I avoid looking in the mirror because my vanity is crushed *every bloody time* I see myself.

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          • Yeah I agree with you on the IG selfie filtering bullshit he does but I think perhaps he thinks he looks bad w the wrinkles and lines around his eyes and tries to minimize his age. I have a real aversion to gray hair and go to great lengths to get rid of them so if that is vain then so am I guess? Vain to me meant more narcissistic tendencies not
            caring about others like George Costanza from Seinfeld like it’s all about his needs

            Liked by 1 person

            • Well, I’ll give him that his level of vanity is probably normal in the business he works in. It’s just that *I*, personally, would like to see a little bit of strength of character – as in, accepting that 47 is not 27, and that it is normal and alright to have a face that shows the trace of a life lived…
              I don’t think that narcissism is the same as vanity. Vanity is the desire to look good – and that doesn’t really extend to treating other people badly.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Ok then by your definition of vanity I agree with you and for him in such a competitive business where looks play such an integral part in getting an acting gig he is very conscious even with the nose tweak and dental work.
                I tend to equate vanity w selfishness and bordering narcissism but I like your definition better even for my own self esteem issues


  3. Of course you can still do it! Great roundup! 😊

    Wow, that was a tough assignment. But surely if the task was contrary to previous agreement, you shouldn’t have felt any guilt about it taking longer than originally forecast?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You must feel all transcribed out this week.
    #24 I think he said this when he was playing John Proctor – I think the character rubbed off on him and it shows up in the interviews he gave at that time in 2014. IMO, he came across a bit bolshy, belligerent than his usual self.


    • Yep, I’ll definitely not transcribe gladly again for a while. *dead*
      Ah, Proctor-times? You are right. He came out with a few much more assertive things that before. However, I also seem to remember that he said similar things during Hobbit times… Well, actually, that’s more or less the same time.


      • Did he come across as “assertive” alpha male type a la Proctor or Thorin at RDC5?
        I do think he takes on some of the attributes of the characters he plays. That said, I have never seen him play Procter but I got the impression from interviews and subsequent comments that playing the character messed with his emotions a bit, stirred things up inside, hit a raw nerve??


        • No, he didn’t really come across as assertive. In fact, I have never really perceived him as assertive anywhere in any interview. He’s always very calm, very attentive, very careful and respectful. That’s how he came across in London, too.
          Yep, I think he totally takes on the personality of his characters – and noticeably so when he plays a character for such a length of time. 18 months for Thorin, and 3 months for Proctor – I’m sure that kind of bleeds over into RL.

          Liked by 2 people

  5. Alas, I am not. Shoot, I usually can’t even see much of the tumblr content because I don‘t wanna download yet another app. Every time I click a link, I have to accept twelve privacy agreements, tag every picture with a bicycle in in for twenty minutes and then tumblr tells me “Sorry, didn‘t work, try again later“. I‘m lucky if I can view half the stuff you post here, let alone generate any myself. Somebody did send me that stripes thing though during stripes week iirc.
    Great round-up. Now go forth and do nothing.
    Re. the “my full height is scary“, it‘s kind of what we discussed about him stooping slightly in a lot of pictures. The instinct to make yourself smaller is always latently there as a tall person.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Re. tumblr – ah, that’s annoying. You always use the internet via your phone, right? Because otherwise I would’ve suggested you just sign up for a tumblr account and look it on your PC. But hey, not to worry – it’s not exactly must-read or must-see. It’s just entertainment 😉
      I completely take your point re. the stooping down. Although I think there is a difference between simply stopping down to take part in the conversations that are happening “down below”, and actually making yourself small and less threatening. I’m almost slightly peeved that he seems to think people perceive height as a threat. I am of average height myself, but taller people for me never feel like a threat at all. (I envy them; I wish I was tall.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I obviously can‘t relate to the threatening part, because I weigh 117 pounds soaking wet, so it would be ridiculous for me to feel that about myself. I do, however, not only stoop or adjust in some way to be in the conversation with others. My best friend in high school was rather short (5‘3), so I subconsciously accounted for that in many ways.
        As a really tall guy who also has some substantial body mass to him I understand that he thinks about how he comes across. I mean, RA pulled up to his full height and speaking loudly (let alone yelling) is quite a force of nature. Some people might feel threatened by that, depending on their life experience.


        • Again, a bit like in the discussion about vanity, I find it so interesting how different I perceive it all. No doubt because I am not tall and don’t know what it is like. But yeah, instead of feeling sorry for RA, or commending him for possibly going out of his way to be nice and appear less threatening to shorter people, I feel – quite literally – condescended to. As if short people inherently are weaker than tall people, or as if short people are unable to defend themselves if need be. But I think you hit it with your last sentence. Depends on their life experience. My life experience has never taught me that I have to fear tall people.


          • I don‘t feel sorry for him, but I think that‘s just his perception of himself (possibly one informed by comments made to him—I know that is where a lot of my “tall conscious“ behavior stems from) and not meant to be condescending at all. He doesn’t say “I’m doing this because I am *actually* threatening and you couldn’t handle it“ I read it more as an “I am aware that *some* people may be uncomfortable with my general size and I account for it“.
            And if it came down to it, I believe a 6‘2 200 lbs man would have the upper hand over me in a physical altercation unless I‘m trained in some way to counter that.


                    • Oh, neither would I, Michele. But I don’t really pity him for his life, either. Lots of privileges. And also his own choice. Us – well, we have neither privileges nor choice, so…

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Oh no Guylty I don’t pity him at all. I’m happy that he has these opportunities and still seems very down to earth and grateful for what he has and where he came from! 😘👍😉


                    • You know, he does seem to be grateful, and that humility is one of his most attractive attributes. I just sometimes think that he is much further removed from us (as in: “real” people who live ordinary lives outside of the limelight) than he lets on or that he admits to. Which makes taking advice or suggestions from him difficult. I don’t mean by that that he is arrogant or think he is better than everyone else. But I don’t think he really knows (anymore) how the majority of people live and operate. It must be lovely in his “Wolkenkuckucksheim” – lovely German word that literally means “cloud cuckoo home”…

                      Liked by 2 people

                    • Yes I would agree with you I call it bubble wrap that he cocoons himself around um people that are clueless about the real world except Mina who I think is very down to earth she has a child so maybe she’s just living in the real world more than MF. I will say his tweets re union and Brexit and replying to that Andrea woman stupid comment about children getting more socially and politically involved in UK were music to my ears!!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • That tweet was definitely a good one. I have absolutely no objection to that. (Not that he cares for my validation or anyone else 😂). In fact, I *always* love and welcome his political tweets – have never really had an issue as such with them. If anything, he’s not radical enough for me 😁.
                      Bubble wrap is a great description. Because the whole thing goes both ways: being distant from (=not knowing) what is going on, but also being *protected* from what is going on…
                      I never really looked into Mina Tander that much. But yeah, you could be right – she might be looking to the outside a bit more because she has family. (That’s if she is closely involved with bringing up her child, though.)

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                    • I don’t know about how close she is bringing up her child I’m not sure how old her daughter is but I started looking at her IG last summer looking for intel in The Armitage’s whereabouts and she seems very humble and down to earth and from her comments very hands on with her daughter is a project her daughter had to do for school on recycling and the environment
                      I think she gets Richard very much and she seems grateful and thankful for what she has. Just my observation but she has ❤️The Armitage on his IG a few times recently so sweet !!


                    • I thought her dad was from there and her mum is German? She’s from Cologne but I think home base is Berlin now. She said she had 3 gigs going on over the summer when she got a question on her IG post about her and the Armitage. She refers to him as Rich too. I loved Daniel and Esther. I’m still in mourning over Daniel and what could have been and should have been w them. 😬😫😒


                    • The German in me needed to investigate: her dad was ah Afghan journalist who passed away when she was a teen. Her mum is a German teacher. Her younger sis Simin is a jazz singer/composer 2 years younger than Mina. I think when Esther was discussing w Daniel about her father dying Mina May have been tapping into real life there. I didn’t know that then but makes sense now. I really like her. Her husband is a German director.

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  6. I had to transcribe a short interview when I was at school and it took so long. I can’t even image how hard your assignment was…

    And thank you so much for all mentions. I can tell the answers to those what in common questions if someone wants to know.


  7. Can I just point to the fact that #15 c0rnflake-girl has a Romy Schneider as Sissy avatar which is awesome all by itself quite apart from her contribution to the RA fandom?


  8. Guylty:

    1. Yes yes and yes I am a lousy cook too!
    2 what does twink mean?
    3. #6 eyes always have it in my book
    4 #10 and 13 give that Tumblr person first prize for sweetness, coo ability and
    brilliancy in getting out of a funk mood
    5 #5 love love love Standring story so sweet
    6!#23 spot on!
    7 #24 love love love Proctor excellent pic
    8 #18 memories like the corner of my mind misty colored memories of the way we were! Sigh pics

    9 #14 I think he says it all there
    10 #26 Thorin has envy hair gorgeous locks !! 😘🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a grueling week you had. I do admire your tenacity. I would have been reduced to tears and chucked it in the bin at 16 hr day two (Not really but I’d be tempted). Thanks for another great roundup. I love that Richard pic you chose, especially the background profile shadow with its prominent cowlick. Re #6 when he furrows his brow and does a side glance it gets me every time. Even more so when coupled with that slight tilt of the head. Looking forward to more RDS and take a long as you need. It’s actually been great letting the story unfold a little bit at a time. Better to savor the experience and not fade away too soon.


    • Aw, thanks D – I may have dramatised it a bit… Although, no, it *was* a horrible week. But at least I found out that I am still capable of putting in the work if I have to…
      The Armitage mannerisms are understated but very effective… I totally get the thuds when he looks up from under his brow.
      I really have to get going on the whole RDC story – the longer I leave, the less likely that I will ever write about it. New week, new time to do so.


  10. Ha ha, so I wasn’t the only one not concentrating on what was going on in the foreground in that Sundance non-interview. And did I spot the tongue of concentration in #22?

    Thanks for this, Guylty. 🥇Lots to enjoy here. And my sympathies for your exhausting week. I know work really takes it out of you in a very particular way.


    • I totally have this thing in group interviews to completely lose track of what is being said because it is so much more exciting to watch Richard Armitage breathe. There was that time he was at SDCC for Hannibal and the conversation was mostly for Fuller and Dancy, but boy, watching the rise and fall of my friend the white T, was so distracting, I did not hear a word of what Fuller and Dancy were saying…


  11. Oh man, poor you! And I mean that from the bottom of my heart! I have transcribed tapes in the olden days from conferences for my dad and that was hell. And I didn’t even have to translate them! Even now, 30 or maybe a little less years after doing that, I can still understand your pain. At least now that you have had this experience you can remember for a next time to allow for more time.


    • I used to transcribe dictated submissions to my professor’s on English literature in the classroom but back then we at least had a “tape recorder” that played those small dictation tapes and that you could operate with your foot while typing more or less without stopping. (And even then I was worth every letter of that ‘thank you’ mention in the epilogue of that book *lol*) But yeah, if I ever do this again, I will know to allow more time…

      Liked by 1 person

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