RA Starts Filming in Manchester

Hello everyone. Damn, I thought I would have time to finish my Saturday account of RDC today while waiting for my medical procedure. In the end, the procedure was done so fast, with relatively little waiting time – so still not Saturday account. Mainly because I am too wordy. So, just to say that all is well and I am back at home, feet up, recuperating nicely with the help of a couple of Nurofen a day 🤕. Also: Many thanks for the many good wishes you sent me when I caved in and decided to tweet. I was bored and – frankly – I needed a bit of cheering up. Your kind get well wishes did the trick. Many thanks 😘

Anyway, here is why I am posting. Richard is in Manchester, and the filming for The Stranger has started.

For closer perusal:

Eh, well, that’s as big as I can get it. But anyway, I think #TeamStubble can rejoice. And oh, we are not all dressed in black, but we are getting some lighter colours here. Nice one, costume dept. I look forward to more.

And yes, I do look forward…


99 thoughts on “RA Starts Filming in Manchester

    • It’s always great to know when a new shoot has started. I love it when we get these little snippets from the set. It all serves to make the suspense even greater, and it’s almost like a big puzzle. One of the most exciting times to be a fan…

      Liked by 2 people

      • GuyIty, was still lurking when he did The Lodge last year and My Zoe was here and there so yes I am very excited along with everyone else here for him and this project!! I hope itchy fingers tweets some casting news soon!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • After all his teasing, it really is high time that they give us some insight into the ensemble… I am particularly curious to find out who he has been paired with – who is playing his wife. Will he get an actress of substance as his opposite number? Who could it be??? Who would look great beside him? How is she described in the book, Michele?

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          • Guylty, Ah nah nah I don’t want to discuss the book b/c I don’t want accusations flying toward me about spoiling stuff as happened in BS3 … not here this is always a safe haven for me . But I will tell you I picture Corinne like Emilia Fox or someone of that physicality, shorter than Adam but thin and attractive. Coben is very general in his descriptions of Adam in particular and somewhat more emotion centered on Corinne. I am itching to the bone to find out who they cast. I cannot imagine it would be Amanda Abbington. Hannah Artherton has been in both Safe and The Five so perhaps she is another character in the book (Rachel knows who I am talking about). oh no I need to shut up now… info is power ugh……………


  1. He’s Adam to a T so should make everyone happy! Glad you’re procedure went well! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I take it Nuforen are happy pain go away pills!! 👏💪😘❤️


      • L’ ibuprofène est principalement un anti- inflammatoire, son effet anti- douleur en découle!
        En ce qui concerne sa synthèse chimique, c’est l’un des seuls principes actifs issus de la chimie verte. Un cas d’école!
        La synthèse nécessite de l’acide éthanoique CH3COOH, du dihydrogène H2 et de l’oxyde de carbone CO (toxique pulmonaire: décès lors d’incendies). Au final il n’y a pas de déchet industriel. Le produit final n’est vraiment pas cher au niveau financier et environnemental. Vive l’écologie!
        Ci-joint l’explication du procédé BHC .
        Ce châpitre est dédié à Michele Marsh qu aime mes délires scientifiques.

        Liked by 1 person

          • You should always take them when they give them to you. So says my medically all-knowing brother. He hates it when his patients skimp on the ibu out of a false feeling of strength. It‘s not just for the pain, it helps with the healing.


            • Oh, does it? Ok, that’s good to know, Kate. I usually dislike taking painkillers when there is no pain to kill. But I understand the Nurofen is also an anti-inflammatory, so it will definitely work on the inside for better healing… Will definitely get myself another packet of Nurofen then.


                • Well, I am always afraid that one could possibly get used to painkillers – hence I’d rather not use them so that I haven’t developed any intolerance by the time I might need them…


            • Je suis entièrement d’accord avec vous Kate.
              Je ne voulais en aucun cas le banaliser. Il faut suivre les consignes du médecin. Il ne faut pas diaboliser non plus. Mais, l’ibuprofène est un médicament, pas un bonbon. Il y a des contre indications, des interactions médicamenteuses, des effets secondaires, des surdosages menant à des intoxications graves…des décès.
              ( Voici quelques exemples de risques. Tout anti inflammatoire contribue à diminuer l’immunité, donc augmenter les risques d’infections. Chez les enfants n’ayant pas eu la varicelle, il est contre indiqué en automédication…)

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Wishing you a speedy recovery..Finished Red Dragon last night..Having seen it before as just a series, this time I watched it for his acting..My take ,Wow..I thought the Crucible was Excellent acting,. This was something else.My Humble opinion.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I completely agree with you, dede!! Francis Dolarhyde was a definite tour de force of acting. One of RA’s best performances, beside Proctor and Thorin. That quiet menace, the schizophrenia, and the calm madness… he really is pretty good at that 😉

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    • Isn’t it funny how it always is exciting to know that he is working on a project? Is it the anticipation of the finished work? Is it the hope for some sightings in the location? Is it the selfies that he usually posts? But yeah, the man is really looking irresistible at the moment…

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Looking good! 😍😍 I’m going to find it hard to curb my impatience for the release of this limited series, here’s hoping for lots of bts and promo pics.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Same here, Mezz – let’s hope that either the production company or RA himself will have fun sharing a few insights. I’m very curious about the show, too, but I don’t want to spoil the story by reading about it prior to release…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t want spoilers either. Although they don’t usually bother me, in this case, having had a taste of the way Coben writes his plot lines with Safe, I agree that too much information before we get to watch it would definitely kill the suspense. I’m thinking of interviews, another decent photoshoot or two a la Robert Ascroft/Leslie Hassler as well as tweets/insta posts as above showing RA but without giving anything away. Not being picky or anything ha!
        Trust your post-procedure recovery is going well. My two cents’ worth – my sister-in-law is a nurse and she has always said, take the painkillers, they help with recovery as well as pain. I must admit though, I was very leery of taking Endone (morphine) post surgery a few years ago. It was for me that the codeine/paracetamol combo was enough to keep me comfortable.


        • Yep, morphine is something I’d definitely be very unwilling to take beyond what was strictly needed to numb the pain. Just because that stuff is so potent – unless you are addicted to it. And i would worry that I might need it later, yet had developed some sort of addiction and it wouldn’t work anymore…
          And any kind of photo shoot and sightings always welcome. (except paparrazzi pics.)


  4. that was awesome seeing those pics just before bed last night, it’s lovely just knowing he in this country filming. He looks super gorgeous too! i’ve got an idea what scene they’re filming -which i won’t go into-but i’m very intrigued as the lady could be one of two people

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    • It really makes a difference, doesn’t it, knowing that he is in the UK at the mo… Silly, as it doesn’t otherwise have any repercussions for our lives. But it all becomes slightly more tangible and relatable. It’s easier to imagine what he is up to here – down to the type of sandwich he might eat for lunch 😂

      Liked by 3 people

      • Not silly at all! When he was in NZ filming The Hobbit it made me happy just knowing he was in the same hemisphere, 3-4 hours away, but still…..almost the same time zone 😁

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  5. Re stubble-kinda best of both worlds-some facial hair for the beard lovers and not too much for the smooth lovers. And stubble for the stubble lovers! Lol

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ooo, very exciting. I love it too, knowing he’s in the country!

    Get better soon, Guylty – I’ve been very slow in picking up on your medical procedure and hope it wasn’t anything too serious. 😳

    Liked by 1 person

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