Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/7

Proof I was there

Hello hello hello – I am slightly distracted because I have a visitor. Do you remember my “ETC” – the esteemed travel companion from NZ? Well, it is now four years that we travelled six weeks in NZ. And despite spending our time together in a car and countless twin rooms/double rooms/sheds we are still on speaking terms *hahaha*.

This time 4 years ago we were nearing the end of our journey. But not without a definite *must* on my itinerary. We spent International Women’s Day 2015 in Gisborne 😂. Photo evidence on the right. Hope you had a great Women’s Day yesterday. And hey, Richard – how come you forgot to tweet us a message on *our* day???? Hmph, I am offended! 😉

  1. I wonder when ra-of-light will run out of topics to collect pictures for 😂. This week’s topic is: windows
  2. Riepu10 wishes us a happy international women’s day yesterday
  3. O-M-G – I think I am going to include this gif here just like that. It is just the funniest thing. You should keep this running in the background of every document that you have open on your computer. I’d guarantee that you’d be in a continuous good mood. Anyway, the gif is by ausschweifendemotte
  4. This is what I call fan art. Click through this post by wisesnail to see a fantastic picture of Dolarhyde. (I actually met her at RDC5 and received the fantastic Will Graham image in poster size from her… She sells her art on redbubble afaik
  5. Thewarriorandtheking and landscape art… I think he/she has a point
  6. Not sure whether this is a screenshot or an actual photograph but LOL – thanks to deepestfirefun
  7. Oh cod, so young, such blue eyes, such a weird beard 😂. Claude Monet, found by mezzmerizedbyrichard
  8. This screenshot by marrasquutamo is as good as a photo. B/W = always classy. *Despite* the beard
  9. Trrriple-rrr used to be the queen of porn. Well, this is not porn, this is really sweet, and written as well as all of trrriple-rrr’s stories are. A beautiful story about John Standring. Recommended reading!
  10. I haven’t read this (because grief is not a topic I enjoy reading about) but the ever-active ra-of-light has now also branched into fan fiction. This is an RPF, so approach with caution if you don’t like RPF
  11. LOL – the strikethrough comment is what makes this gif set really good. It’s Dolarhyde fighting with Graham… as seen by betweenwinters-yinka
  12. Rapunzelaisaka has a point… or maybe we need to redefine the word ‘ugly’
  13. Here are a couple of previously unseen fan pictures from the closing ceremony at RDC5. By hannibalism

Lucky number 13?

I’ll leave it at that.

Guylty ❤

PS: re. #3

72 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/7

  1. I did not know yesterday was IWD. Today I have WiFi. Liked the Standring story. Very jealous of heroine. If I borrowed his jumper it would probably fit. Maybe at bit tight across the chest, but perfect otherwise.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. #1 is delightful always has great stuff
    #3 cannot get on Tumblr need to log in so no go there
    #4 the artwork is just breathtaking. The gift these artists have so admirable
    #5’warrior king indeed. Must remind you both of NZ
    #7 he looks about 20 or 21 there sigh

    #9 Standring story is so sweet
    13 lucky number indeed!
    Thanks again !!
    Where is he when you need him?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. finally got a chance to sit down and look through all the links!
    i was surprised he didn’t post anything on IWD because he’s quite the feminist normally,. I love the Richard Herring thing on twitter where he raises money for charity by poking fun at people (usually men) who whine about there not being an international mens day (there is) lol
    really like the links, great to see a whole load of stuff i’ve not seen yet-and obviously being a newish fan myself (6 month anniversary!whoop!) there’s tons i’ve not come across yet
    OMG that Standring fiction is just gorgeous! thud
    Monet -that goatee is just terrible but those pics are adorable

    Liked by 3 people

  4. #7 So nice to see some Claude appreciation. Those blue eyes seemed straight off of Monet’s palette. Not even a weird beard and wig could distract from their gorgeousness. Have you ever done a Monet shrine? Asking for a friend 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you for the link love. I’m rather fond of Claude. He’s beautiful, even with the manky wig and beard, and his smiles light up the screen. I don’t know if it was the lighting or what, but Richard’s eyes were particularly luminous and blue in this role.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Monet is a cheerful fella, and that’s what makes him attractive – and the show worth-while watching. Yeah, the wig and beard – but boy, those blue eyes… 😍


  6. I finished watching the last episode of Hannibal recently and during that scene of D subduing Graham, immediately thought it was supposed to be a sex scene, that Dolly was taking possession of Hannibal’s lover as revenge, as men do because they are…you know…men. Glad I was right, lol.

    Fabulous round-up as usual, thank you!!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I like the premise of the Standring story but I cannot abide second person POV. It drives me nuts. Too bad, because I liked it otherwise, but it pulls me completely out of the story. Is this a Tumblr thing? I’ve read tons of fanfiction in my life and had never ever come across it on ffnet or other ff sites before. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Seriously? You have never read 2nd person singular fan fiction? Yes, there is a lot of it on tumblr, and I have to admit that it took me a long time to tolerate it *haha*. I don’t really mind, but it’s definitely not my favourite fan fic perspective.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I tried but it drives me absolutely nuts. I read entire ff novels in my old fandom. I never encountered that. It’s really grating. 😬


        • I completely understand what you mean. Not my favourite perspective… But I do like the *idea* of reader-insert fan fiction. It’s actually post-post modern.


          • I’ve zero problems with reader-insert. Make it first person and I’m there. Tell the reader’s story from their perspective. Totally cool. No problem. This (omniscient?) narrator hovering over you telling YOU what you’re feeling (which you already know because you’re YOU) is weirding me out. It reads like game instructions for an evening of D&D. 😖🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

            (That said, whatever floats your boat. I’m just not gonna read it, so I’ll shut up now.)


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