
The big quiet has already started. Although not when I look out of my window. The square in front of my house is completely parked up. Last Christmas shopping, I imagine. The fourth candle on the advent wreath has been lit, and the holidays are there. I am waiting. For my mother’s arrival late this evening, and for a Christmas message. Is Mr A already on the piste?

I’ve just done a last minute pressie for my mum – a personalised candle for her big window. I’m quite chuffed with the results, really, and it was so easily done.

Looks a bit rough around the edges – mainly due to the candle, which I also made myself from the left-overs that I have been collecting – but on a smooth, shop-bought candle it would look less rough. And it’s made with things you have in the house – a white candle, tissue paper, a spoon, a printer.

First you create a design (mine is a ginkgo leaf representing my dad, and the initials of my mum, me and my 2 kids) – or choose a picture that you want on your candle. You need to stick some white tissue paper onto a regular sheet of paper (because otherwise the flimsy tissue paper will not go through your printer) and then print your design on the tissue. Then you take off the normal paper and rip or cut out the printed design, as close to the image as you can get. Place the image right way up on the candle and hold it in place. Heat a tea spoon over a candle (hollow side down) and then use the back of the hot spoon to rub carefully over the image. The wax underneath the picture will melt and the image attaches to the candle. The whole thing takes about 5 minutes to make. And the result is a handmade, pretty unique gift. If Mr Guylty wasn’t watching me with hawk eyes, I’d make one with RA’s mien on it, now. Just for fun.

Sorry for this cross-over to my crafty hobby, but well, who knows, maybe you need a quick stocking filler that will look impressive, but really was just as fast as reading this whole blog post.

OT announcement over. I’ll go back to lurking on Twitter, waiting for the Christmas message 😄


25 thoughts on “Waiting

  1. That’s super cool. Thanks for sharing this crafting tip.

    (Now someone keep Kate from adding this to the ever-growing list of craft projects that never come to fruition, please.)


    • Try it with a nicely patterned napkin. Like decoupage. Try it now, and you have a quick pressie for the aunt who always insists on giving presents even though you had agreed not to exchange any 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Merci 🙂
        Les articles scientifiques de références, inclus dans ce texte et signalés par une coloration rouge, sont eux aussi dignes d’un très grand intérêt. Jetez y un coup d’oeil.
        Je souhaite également un joyeux Noël à toute votre famille!
        (Le père Noël est passé dans la nuit du samedi 21 au dimanche 22 décembre, à Paris, pour notre famille…. Nous sommes de retour au travail. Ma fille est partie tôt, ce matin, pour une semaine à la neige, dans les Alpes… https://www.prazsurarly.com/


    • Bonus points to Yve – she spotted Thorin. He has been hiding behind the bare-bummed angels all this time through December…
      And yay – give the craft a try. Supereasy, superquick. Just don’t push too much with the hot spoon, otherwise the candle melts too much 🙂


  2. Something else I will have to try, looks easy enough even for me!
    All the best for Christmas and the New Year to you Guylty and all here! 🎄


    • Many thanks, Mezz. Hope you had a nice Christmas. I always wonder what it is like to celebrate down under – especially this year, as it is apparently particularly hot in Australia? I hope you had nice days with the family. And a barbie on the terrace?


  3. Merry Christmas Guylty.
    I guess I shall have to concentrate my discussions on the other RA platforms to ‘A Christmas Carol ‘ lol
    My hopes for another type of message are dwindling.


    • Well, I was too impatient. He squeezed his message in right before the festivities. Just actually as I had finished unwrapping my presents – with German Christmas happening on the 24th.


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