Next Stop

Today‘s WP prompt was „Which countries do you want to travel to next?“ It ties in neatly with Richard‘s latest post on Twitter where he says he is looking forward to going to Iceland for the Iceland Noir Festival. I‘d love to go to Iceland myself, too, although I don‘t think November is the best time of year. Iceland is almost in the Arctic Circle, so daylight in mid-November is down to about 6-7 hours. Have any of you ever been to Iceland?

Mind you, Ireland also only has about 8-9 hours of daylight in November, although most definitely nowhere near the Arctic Circle. Brrr, not a nice thought right now, on Midsummer‘s Day… From now on, the days will get shorter again, and that makes me so sad. I love the time between May and June when the evenings are so long. Today sunset is at 9.57pm. To celebrate the day, Mr Guylty and I are planning a sundowner trip like we used to do in Namibia. That is, going up a hill, watching the sun go down with a cool drink in our hands. We are planning to drive out to Howth, the peninsula that creates the Northern side of Dublin Bay.

Dublin is sheltered on the Western side by the surrounding Dublin Mountains. So in order to catch the last sunrays, we need to get higher up. Howth summit has a lovely view across the bay and the mountains. Bonus: Howth village has a great chipper, so we‘ll say good-bye to the sun with a bag of chips, I think…

Anyway, that‘s beside the point. There‘s more RA stuff. On IG, Richard posted a new selfie.

Must have been pretty late, judging by the lack of people in the background. That‘s the Millennium Footbridge that connects the Tate Gallery with St Paul‘s Cathedral. It‘s *never* empty, so RA must have partied late *despite* his 5am pick up call 😉.

All very dapper, Richard! (Although he looks a tiny bit uncomfortable in the pic…?) He attended a gala evening in aid of the NFTS – that is the National Film and Television School. The event took place in Old Billingsgate, a disused, covered market. Check out the amazing location:

Thames facing (south) view of the market

Well, nice to have some up-to-date pics. There is definitely some shrubbery action going on there. Which makes me wonder what the current project is that he is hinting at with his „5am pick-up“? I assume that the shoot for Fool Me Once is already over for him. (Hopefully not a spoiler, but judging by the book, his role there is supporting rather than leading. 🤐)

For all of you in the Northern Hemisphere – have a lovely Midsummer‘s Day and night! 🍻

16 thoughts on “Next Stop

  1. Getting off my slightly depressed arse to comment immediately, else I won’t. He does look rather “mandatory yearbook picture” in that head-to-toe pic. Not exactly RAngel material, Mr. A. #sorry(notsorry)
    I do like the suit though. And am also wondering when he will reveal the new “there’s a reason for this bearditage” hint he dropped a while back at the book event he posted from.

    Now, Island is totally on my bucket list, but I don’t think I’m cut out for that in the wintertime. Brrr! 🥶

    And the older I get, the more wearisome I find the travel itself. Of course it’s different for someone with his financial resources. No Holzklasse for him and drivers to and fro, I suspect.


    • The full-length picture is veering very close to a „derp“, if you ask me. But the look itself is really classy. I like the dark-on-dark vibe.
      Oh, I had forgotten he had hinted at his beard recently. Hopefully we hear something soon.
      And yes, as much as I like seeing new places, it is the getting there that puts me off. I am quite happy spending the summer at home, if I am really honest…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m very glad my summer travel involves no planes and complicated security checks and border crossing formalities. I even found myself gazing halfway lustily at an RV today. 😱 Though I’m not sure I’d actually wanna be stuck in one for any length of time…


    • Yeah, you’re right Kate, that suit is great, but that purple glow on everything from skin to clothes ruined a potential RAngel completely.
      Guylty, maybe the Blue Lagoon make Island worth a visit also in November. And you would take better pictures of everything and everyone 😉 for us 🙂


  2. Iceland Noir is held in November precisely because it is the darkest month of the year. Supports the focus of the event (“dark”-themed lit). I’m glad Rich is able to indulge his passion for world travel and still call it work. Lucky man indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I could have made a lay over in Iceland for a couple when I when to the UK in December 1998, but I was 6/7 months pregnant and my husband didn’t like that idea and had me pay more for a non-stop flight. Some day I would like to go back to the UK and maybe get to Ireland (County Cork where part of my family comes from) this time. The big trip I would like to do starts in the Alsace/ Lorraine region of France where my German family comes from (now that it’s part of France) travel through Germany into Poland to the area where my Polish family comes from. My husbands Polish family is close to the same area in Poland.


    • Layovers can be fun – when you have lots of time to break the journey. But I understand that travelling when pregnant may not be the time to do so.
      Sounds like you have quite the itinerary for a Europe trip 😉 With the exception of Ireland, at least the countries are all neighbouring, so you could make a nice smooth trip. And as the icing on the cake, stop in Ireland on your way home. As the Western-most outpost of Europe, it is ideally located for that. (Only 6 hours flight time between Ireland and the US East coast!)


  4. These prompts are a great idea for random conversations. Richard does suits dark outfits but his stance in the full length pic is odd, the angle shortens his legs. I visited Reykjavik one summer and loved it. Iceland has such strange landscapes, awesome waterfalls and the people we met were so friendly. One ambition is to see the Northern Lights so I did for a mad moment consider going to the Noir Festival (to also glimpse another awesome phenomenon!). I love it that Iceland’ minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir is also going to appear!


  5. I went to Iceland once. For 10 minutes, walked around the airport terminal. In the 1980s there used to be a cheap flight from NYC to Luxembourg with a stop in Reykjavik. I guess they made us get off the plane hoping a few people would buy something in the stores of the terminal? Knowing me, I probably bought a candy bar, so…it worked.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 😂 delivered in inimitable Besotted style.
      BTW – I think they make you get off the plane because they were refuelling. During refuelling, no passengers are allowed to be on board. (Happened to me on the return journey from NZ. We stopped in Sydney and everybody had to get off – and even go through some sort of transit emigration… Not sure whether that means I can say that “I have been to Australia”…)


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