Dear Readers,

thank you so much for following my blog. I feel a bit like an impostor here – I post so rarely. Apart from the frenzy of Fanstravaganza 2013, not much has been going on. But since I have gained a few new followers since then, I feel compelled to give you a quick heads-up.

Guylty Pleasure was initially created on tumblr, in April 2012, as an outlet for my exploding and unquenchable lust for interest in R___ A___. As I got used to the new (for me) platform, I threw myself into reblogging and posting of RA-related images. Being unable to stop myself from commenting on the delightful gifs and images I was reblogging, my comments eventually took the form of frequent drool posts which were peppered with little analyses of the imagery, drawing on my own insights as a professional photographer. I called them *ooof*s, because that’s the sound that most images of RA elicit from me.  Gradually, the little asides grew into longer posts, and eventually took the shape of mini-essays in which I analyse a photograph of R___ A___. I do this because I love looking at R___ A___ photography.

That is also how the esteemed Servetus, host of the fabulous Me + Richard Armitage blog, found me, after I had been an avid reader of her blog for several months. She approached me about a collaboration, and thus I came to be a regular guest-blogger on her blog. My home on WordPress – the blog you are reading right now – was only created to enable myself access to the system. Hence, I blog regularly (usually  on a Tuesday) over on me+richard. I love my home over there, and have resisted to move my posting over onto my own blog here. On me+richard I was welcomed into a ready-made audience. No, a ready-made community. The response over there has thrilled me beyond all expectations, and I continue to write there. (Opportunity to say ‘Hello’ to all my friends from me+richard – thank you for reading me! You are the best possible audience any writer could wish for, and I do value each and every comment from you! You make my Tuesday!!!)

If you enjoy reading my entirely subjective analyses of RA photos, I would be delighted, if you followed me over there, too, and experience the warm community of fans, the fun of fangirling, the heat of discussion and the delight of communal drooling over the man whose talent and good-naturedness we are all united in admiring. Far from being a simple excuse for drooling, the *ooof*s have become a source of education for me, as I prepare and research my responses to the imagery that exists of our favourite actor. And the discussion of my observations are a source of inspiration for my own work. The *ooof*s have even become an art project in their own right which I am currently working on for submission later this year.

So, Guylty Pleasure on WordPress will continue to exist, but if you like to read my weekly *ooof*, please check me on me+richard. Also, I love interacting with my readers, so feel free to comment or get in touch with me via e-mail at guylty (at) photographer (dot) net. Let me know what you think or send me a suggestion for an *ooof* that I will happily dedicate to you!

Guylty takes a spoonful of *ooof* with her tea, thank you.


Guylty xxx

PS: For a quick overview over my previous *ooof*s, just put *ooof* into the search box on me+richard, or click on this link.

12 thoughts on “Dear Readers,

      • Do I dare say maybe better, as we don’t know what you are going to come up with. Guy Day is well Guy. Guy is the first for me so that says a lot. Tuesday is a great day to relax and oogle (did I just say that I mean look at if you believe that) at the pictures you find to have a great discussion about them. Plus learn about photography. All good since we are learning something.


        • Guy is my absolute first love, too, Katie. And the whole idea of Guy Day was one of the things that delighted me about the fandom, when I first encountered it. A day for a character, what a hoot! – I am glad that Tuesday has become associated with relaxing, learning and ogling… eh… I mean photography for you…


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