Christmas Comes 356 Days Early

At this point it feels as if I have to rename my blog to “Guylty’s Fandom Showcase”, because I have yet again been taken by surprise. The love doesn’t stop coming. It is already a great day because it started with me picking up my lovely RA fandom friend Playazindaback/AwkwardCelebrityEncounters A___ at the airport. A___ is spending a couple of days with me. The RAlove will be flowing generously, I think.

But to make it even better, I received a letter while treating subjecting her to the customary cup of tea upon arrival. When I saw the sender on the envelope I already had a sneaking suspicion that I might be in for a RA surprise. But nothing prepared me for this:

The lovely Herba of the (German language) blog Unkraut vergeht nicht completely surprised me with this wonderful gift. Her lovely picture of her red carpet encounter with Mr A was beautiful enough to brighten up the dullest of Irish January mornings. But the fact that she wrapped and enclosed one of the gold coins from the Berlin Premiere of DOS rendered me speechless.

photo 2

Herba, you wonderful thing – thank you so, so much for this. You have no idea how much I appreciate that gift. Because I had kicked myself that my friend D___ and I left the premiere immediately after the celebs had passed by on the red carpet. I would have loved to try and snag one of those coins, but we were cold and fickle, I guess. When Linda showed me her coin the day after the premiere, I felt very envious indeed!! And now you have given me the much coveted treasure… *speechless*. You are another star that is tinkling brightly in the canopy of the RA universe – another generous lovely soul, a credit to the fandom! [For more pictures of Herba’s red carpet experience, check her blog post here]

This new year has truly started well. The RA shrine is growing daily, it seems. It is, by the way, now “fully operational” as Agzy termed it, installed above my desk in my study.


Jeepers, is that a bit obsessive? Naaaaah – I blame all my lovely crazy fandom friends – M___ who sent me the Thorin stamps all the way from New Zealand, Jenna/Sketchlavie who made the Sir Guy case and had the autographs signed for the tumblr RArmy, and A___/richards-smile who sent me the Sir Guy card for Valentine’s last year. Oh, and Mr Guylty, of course.

My heart is warm, girls, and even though Mr A will never know *exactly* what he inspires, I am sure the universe will send a big portion of love his way to enhance his karma. Judging by his fandom’s display of love, the man should be wrapped in a cloud of happy vibes at this point…


23 thoughts on “Christmas Comes 356 Days Early

  1. The coin is fantastic! When I saw them I thought, I want one!

    All the love from your RA friends warms my heart. And the thought that some of it is flowing back to the man who inspired it warms it even more. 🙂

    Decorations in your study – not obsessive at all. There’s still some empty space on the wall and the desk. 😛


    • Yeah, I am still on my mission here to reinforce the positivity. Happy Henrietta has taken over the running of my blog. But then again – credit where credit is due, and all these lovely presents have been made and gifted by other fans who are due some praise. It is a “SpReAd the love” campaign of a different sort.
      Empty spots on my wall – hint hint, my dear friends :-D?


  2. Fabulous! Oh, you lucky thing! Strike that: can tell all is result of much personal generosity and kindness. Can’t decide if I’m MOST envious of: super-cool coin (saw pile of ‘loot’ on computer, but no idea they had not used equivalent of children’s chocolate-covered coins; too used to Hollywood….enough said), fantastic friend, Mr G. (did HE put that up without, without any reminding, before FALL? — if so, try to get back w/me: need for serious medical/genetic research there! I still know people!), or the inspirational play, er, work area. BTW, decor actually a tad subtle: significant wall space still visible & notice you have left ceiling & floor (as yet?) untouched. Do you prefer minimalism or is this a result of function (presume you sit @ desk, “face” computer, etc.)? Lots of room to grow decoratively — think positive!


    • Hehe – lots of questions to answer:
      Apparently they made 150.000 of those coins for the decor at the Berlin premiere of DOS. Strangely, they were quite stingy when it came to handing them out as souvenirs, I have been told! Mind you, journalists apparently came away with handfuls of coins in plastic bags, according to my source!
      Agree with calling dear Herba “fantastic” – I know how possessive *I* am of coveted souvenirs…
      Mr G was not involved in the redecorating of my work space. That was all my own handiwork, including the hammering of nails into the wall. (While Mr G apparently fuels my fangirling activities with the production of quasi-religious paraphernalia, he insists on equality in the DIY department and refuses to swing the hammer for me…)
      “Subtle decor” – LOL. You are right. I am thinking of having a few tiles printed with iconic RA images and then laid on the floor. Waiting/hoping for a few more cards to arrive to plaster the empty spaces on the wall. Also have plans for printing Guy’s leather-laced crotch on a cushion cover so that I can sit on his lap while working… Now, that would be positively distracting!!!


      • Oooh…sorry, you ruined my good intentions with that last part, and there are now runs on craft/ fabric stores across the planet (didn’t I warn you about your generosity these cool ideas? Due to health problem, am forced to sit/lie down most of time (never would have believed [before] that I would come to equate this with being in prison…] Pillow now top of TO DO lus — list! How to explain the necessity to complete THIS project before others re: finance, housing, medication, etc. to non-maniacs? A: Clearly impossible…Smile, agree w/what others say ’til they leave, then do what I want. As usual. Brava on the DIY work; Mr. G. tolerant to degree expressed as ‘crazy’, ‘he did WHAT?!?!’ and (no verbal response, only repeated, negative head-shaking for many minutes, eventually summarized with, “Well, well.” [most positive response, from my uncle who has been married to his high school sweetheart for almost 70 years]: my male relatives, SUCH romantics…. 😉


  3. Do you know why? Good things happen to very good people. you are someone that you just can’t help have warm feelings toward. You have a lovely energy, lovely aura and it’s such a pleasure to call you a friend 🙂
    I’m planning on posting a few pics on how RA seems to be overtaking my flat too, although I very much doubt that my collection comes close to yours 🙂
    I MAY have framed my Thorin stamp and added Lego Thorin to my collection today and I’m already fishing for something new, although the options are a little slim this time around.
    Anyway YAY! to the coin, that truly is a collector’s piece, but it’s also a lovely gesture of friendship so hold on to it tight!


    • Ohhh, I’d love to see more of your RA collection, Agzy, and how it is taking over your flat. I just love those little bits and pieces that are spread everywhere in my house. Some subtle, some not so. But they all serve one purpose: They make me smile, sometimes with irony at my own smitten self (my “Mrs Richard Armitage”-mug), sometimes with genuine pleasure at owning such a beautiful thing (your Thornton brooch), sometimes with warmth at having such nice fandom friends (all the postcards I have received), sometimes with the simple enjoyment of seeing a handsome male face…
      And thanks for what you said! Mutual!!!!! xx


  4. What an inspirational work/play, dream space you have. I am jealous. I only have four posters, two cards (made by adult children) a calendar and a t shirt which says ” Armitage Army cannot keep calm” with suitable graphics..Oh, and my daughter made me a delicious Bag End out of gingerbread before Christmas.Love the idea sitting on Guy’s leather-laced lap.It’s quite a stimulating idea.. .


    • That sounds like a lovely collection of things, Kathy. Did you take pictures of the Gingerbread Bag End? That sounds absolutely fantastic and very creative. Plus, it is so nice that a loved one has picked up on your RAlove and is acknowledging it with a suitably themed present. It is lovely when our nearest and dearest do not deride us for our (sometimes irrational) behaviour but fuel it with their own contribution.
      Re. Guy’s leather lap – it was only meant as a joke, but now that you and Verbosa have been picking up on it I am considering looking into it *teehee*…


  5. Pingback: Armitage Weekly Round-Up Week 1 | I Want to be a Pin Up

  6. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 45/? – Proctoritage | GUYLTY PLEASURE

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