RA Pocket Shrine 24/? – First Aid

Dear Sister-in-RA,

today may be a day when you need a bit of cheer. You have a long day ahead of you, or you are going in for a procedure, or you simply haven’t felt well for a while. No worries, because First Aid is on its way for you.


Guess what? Mr Thornton is visiting, with fruit and a book to while away your time, and John Porter is bringing you flowers.


You are in good hands, because Dr Track is there to look after you and reassure you.

IMG_7294(Just look into his eyes. That’s what I focussed on, too, literally.)

And when it’s all over, he’ll whisper other things to you. (They are removable magnets.)


The thoughts and best wishes of your friends are with you, wherever you are, whatever happens. Tomorrow is another day. The RAPS is there to remind you, to cheer you, to make you smile. Sneak a secret glance when noone is looking, or just feel it in your pocket. It’s a talisman.


With love from your fellow well-wisher,


This shrine is already on its way to its destination – a surprise for the recipient, she doesn’t know it’s coming. It’s a mixed bag of chaRActers, but then again, they embody different traits – the deep care and love of Mr Thornton, the heroic protectiveness of John Porter, and the medical efficiency of Dr Track. Oh, not to mention the lovely mien of their cReAtor.

So let’s send some love and vibes of strength to anyone we know who might need it today.

And if you want to do me a favour, then give me your opinion on two things:

a) a reminder of yesterday’s call for nominations for a recipient of the Lucas North Shrine, and

b) on a shrining problem I have. Look at these darling little mint tins courtesy of Mimi. Their lid designs are so vibrant and funny. It seems like a shame to spray over them like I usually do. Should I keep them intact for future mini-RAPSes? Maybe it is a good idea to have non-RA related lids? Less suspicious? What do you think?


63 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 24/? – First Aid

  1. Love the RA First Aid shrine 🙂 It’s a winner !!!
    As for the adorable little tins – go with your gut instinct. They sure do look like they’d be fun prompts if they were left unpainted 😉


    • That is such a good point, Al!!! I had not realised that. Of course – they will point me to a theme that could be constructed around the chaRActer that is enshrined in it. Thanks!! ❤


  2. Oh, I love the multichaRActer shrine! That will be a highly sought-after product line, methinks. Had the same idea about tins… concealed shrines + the theme is set for you. For fans who wish to stay undercover… Yeah, I can see a demand for these too.


  3. Hahahaha! Delicious post! 🙂

    My suggestion for the little tins, they are amazing. Should it be possible (I’m terrible with hand-crafts I won’t be able to make such a tiny and detailed present) to make a second cover? When you open the tin box you find inside it another cardboard or paper cover, which can, as alana says, “explain” the relation between the original cover and the second one.

    I’m sorry, I know what I mean but sometimes I just can’t explain myself appropriately. 🙂


      • You’re welcome! 🙂
        The non-plus-ultra of technology would be a speaking pocket shrine (sorry if you have already talked about this in any previous post).
        Which reminds me that my whatsapp alert is his “where’s my stylist?”; one day I was away from my cell phone and had several whatsapps. My husband told me: “your phone is mumbling, I guess you have messages”
        Who knows what would be the average-partner reaction of a pocket shrine saying “look back, look back at me” 🙂


        • You know what? I’ve been thinking about speaking tins… That would take the biscuit! I have some ideas, but not sure whether the technology is viable…
          My incoming message alert is RA’s imitation Irish accent from the AC interview. “Ah beejaysus, beejaysus”. Unfortunately I get too many e-mails per day, so I have had to gag him *ggg*


  4. If I didn’t need first aid before I do now… What an inspired idea, Guylty 😀

    I agree, it would be a real shame to paint over those brilliant tins and I am already looking forward to the inspiration they give you! The mind boggles! 😉


    • The question with the “First Aid” logo on the lid is – will it possibly cause unwanted attention by unsuspecting handbag raiders who are looking for a tin of plasters and paracetamols – only to come upon RA?? Maybe that is a risk worth taking.
      The sin-o-mints and the Morning After mints are already distracting me from my work. More opportunity for topless visual goodness?!


  5. Love the First Aid shrine, and such a great way of putting RA characters to good use- he’s like a universal cure-all in a tin! I admire your creativity, Guylty- as soon as you use up one idea, another one pops into your head to take it’s place.
    I feel the same way about those mint tins- way too fun and unique to cover up.


  6. The only problem with the morning after mints is that she seems to be horrified at what’s in her bed! Wafer thin has to be Lucas, anti-gravity suggests Porter ;-). And as for enchantment… That screams Thornton station kiss to me 😉


    • LOL Morning After mints… Oh God, how can that be worked in? Maybe with one of the detestable chaRActers? Percy Courtenay? (Mind you, I’d still take him the Night Before the Morning After *ahem*)
      Wafer-thin – LOL. Anti-Gravity is a tough one. Oh the possibilities. Great ideas, Helen!


      • I would kick Percy out, either – I’d handle him better and keep him sweet 😉 Massage his ego (and a few other things – *cough*)


        • I have to admit I am not altogether against Percy myself. Ok, threatening and nearly striking his wife is unforgivable. But initially he was quite sweet…


  7. I would be loathe to spray over those little pieces of art!!! You know, those would be PERFECT for those who are rather… shy… about their RA love and leaving those as is would be perfect for erm… hiding the fact.

    RA Shrine in cognito!


  8. Love the art on the tins.You are right, they are too funny, charming, pretty to cover up. And now they are inspirational as well camouflage for RA love. Multi-purpose little tins of happiness. Your first aid creation is wonderful. By best wishes and encouragement go to the recipient from all of us.


    • Camouflage *hehe*. Too right!!!
      I hope the recipient will come back to this post once she has received the first aid RAPS. She has no idea now… Thanks, Kathy!


  9. Love this multi character shrine.My opinion on the new boxes,should be painted over.RA should be RA.My humble opinion..


  10. Oh darling, that’s so pretty it made cry in awe.

    About the mini-boxes; maybe they’d be good for someone who doesn’t like to openly express herself as an RArmy member or has a husband, who’s a bit jealous about wifeys hobby (that’d be me, even thou my hubby is really understanding he can sometimes act a bit ..well, maybe it’d be more like self-consciousness than jealousness but you get the picture).


  11. About the little so funny little boxes. In fact I have told my husband that I have really really decided to stop eating mint sweats (as I don’t smoke I was eating a lot of them) SO if suddenly he looks at me picking one of this little box twelve times a day he will find this suspect. LOL.
    Seriously my only idea would be to let the top like this (too nice) and to “RA-tage” the other side and inside, you know the one which is in your hand when you take it so nobody could see. A little bit difficult to explain but now you know my italo-frenchie-english language !!!
    And the First Aid is so amazing. For the moment it is (after mine) one of my preferite. If only my doctor could look at me with these eyes I think I would not go to see him with so many worries.


    • Hi Katia! If my doctor looked at me like that I would invent reasons to go see him as much as possible.Perhaps a mosquito bite or a stubbed toe would require an office visit.And maybe Guylty can find a clientele for camouflaged shrines among married RA well-wishers. Husbands can be a little sensitive where RA love is concerned. We might be doing them a favor by disguising the RAPS slightly. And your italo-frenchie-english is great, by the way.


  12. I think you could get creative altering the tops just a little and keep the existing clever vibrancy. For instance “After Therapy Mints” could be changed to “Armitage” Therapy Shrine. Or not. That is a great collection of little tins though.


    • Possibly – although a small magnet that only covers one word may not look so good. I will experiment with it, though, thanks for the suggestion!


  13. I find those covers so in-your-face engaging (in a good way — graphic designer speaking) that your “RA”s and “First Aid” might actually be more discrete. But your covers are also more intriguing — perhaps prompting questions — whereas the comics graphics covers would allow their owners to pretend the boxes contain mints.

    You’ve given me another idea for my precious Thornton shrine — on-the-go first aid. Any shrine can be for first aid. It doesn’t need a doctor inside!

    I’m taking Thornton with me the next time I have blood drawn. While the phlebotomist is poking me, I’ll pretend Thornton is asking, “You’re ill?” “No sweetie, just suffering temporary low spirits. As soon as I’m done here, let’s walk across the mill yard together so you can tell me how you want to be my overbearing master.”


    • I completely agree, Besotted – the original covers are really fun, and mine, understated as they may be, will prompt questions.
      Annd yes, all shrines are First-Aid-compatible – that’s a given. LOL – I like your scenario there. That is exactly how I envisaged the use of the shrines.


  14. Wow, this one is really special! The sentiment behind it and the gorgeous pics! And Dr. Track is one of my absolute favorite RA characters (must be the tight white tee and orange jumpsuit??). Well done!


    • The jumpsuit – meh. The white T – yeh 😀 It’s the combo of very attractive, youthful man and highly trained doctor. “The demi-God in white”, as we call them in German. A proper Dr Track RAPS is to follow, soon. This one was just a practice round.


    • OMG, I do not want to be responsible for any casualties. Do you need First Aid 😉
      And thanks back to you. Guy and Porter are currently playing with Thorin beside my laptop. (hahaha, can you imagine the scene? Reminds me of Lady Writer’s posts, actually…)


  15. As I explained to Guylty in an email, my Lucas RAPS had become a little talisman for me to physically hang on to when I needed to focus on being positive about the surgery ahead of me last week. My mother suggested a beautiful beach as a happy place, but I have found thoughts of RA to be more effective (along with hubby’s much needed hugs!) 😉
    So, this very lucky (and overwhelmed!) recipient of your lovely First Aid RAPS, wants to say a heartfelt thanks to you, Guylty, for your generosity, thoughtfulness and creativity. You are a treasure, and Armitageworld is the richer for having you here. *hugs*
    For me this is what the RA fandom is about, what I focus on – not only my admiration, love and respect for a beautiful, talented actor but through him the friendships I have made within this community of well wishers both in RL and online.


    • Well said, Mezzie, i.e. your last paragraph! That’s what I love most about being a Richardette. Maybe this kind of thing goes on in other fandoms too, and I just don’t know it, but I like the people who Richard attracts. Makes him a tiny bit more attractive, too – if that is even possible *ggg*.
      Hope you are recuperating nicely, Mezz. You certainly deserve all the love and best wishes! I am happy if the First Aid RAPS came in handy. I am just annoyed that it took so long to arrive down under. ❤


  16. Not sure when it arrived, but I didn’t check our box until today, so depending on when you posted it, it probably only took about a week which isn’t too bad. 🙂
    My recovery is going well thanks, the surgeon was happy yesterday when I had a checkup, but I still have 2-3 more weeks of taking things easy.
    As to whether or not the community that has arisen out of RA appreciation is unique to his fandom, I’ve yet to come across anything that sheds light on that question. 🙂


    • I think I posted the day before your OP. Good to hear you are recuperating well and that the doctors are happy! Now you have Dr Track on hand to supervise you 😉


  17. I know I´m late and all what could be said is already so well expressed, I can only agree…
    First Aid Shrine, what a lovely idea… and the more discrete one with their original covers are great, too…
    But I wonder what the security at the ariport would do, when they check my hand luggage discovering the shrines. Has anybody experienced it?
    Good recovery to Mezz 🙂


  18. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 38/? – Thorin, One Last Time? | GUYLTY PLEASURE

  19. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 124/? – Intensive Care Unit | Guylty Pleasure

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