DistRAction Coming to an End

… but not the entRAncement or the general feeling of being deRAnged.

A little update on the badge project:

This is where we are now:

left over badges

We are down to nine (9!!) left-over badges out of a print-run of 100. Not bad, and certainly exceeding my expectations. Thank you to everybody who has been in touch and who is willing to discreetly put herself out there, open to meeting fellow well-wishers at upcoming RA-related events.

badge accountsAnd thank you also for your generous donations. Three days into the project, and the costs were already covered. You have stepped up to the plate generously and kindly, as you always do, fellow well-wishers! Thank you!! What this actually means is that there will be a three-figure overage which I have promised to donate to Young Minds via Richard’s Just Giving pages in the name of all well-wishers. I have done my accounts under the watchful eyes of Thorin, he’s pretty good with stuff like that, and the preliminary results are…


outgoings (badges and postage): 121.64 €

donations:                                                 321.61 €

overage:                                                      190.97 €


I’m gonna bump up that sum to a nice tidy number and donate this, soon. (I’ll let you know.)

In turn, you can let me know if or when we/I ought to get a second print run organised. Maybe we’ll put our badges to the test first. Here’s hoping for a few nice premiere events in the near future…

And if you haven’t yet got a badge – get in touch with me. First come, first served. And you could receive this in the mail soon…

badge packaging


55 thoughts on “DistRAction Coming to an End

      • Oh, is his name Robert, I always get it wrong, I thought it was George….maybe that’s his brother 😀 😀
        (Ficlet-starter? …. naw, you can do much better than that 🙂


  1. Same for me. I didn’t get a chance to ask for the badge due to health issues taking their turn (as ever) so I’d love a badge if there are any up.


  2. This is so darn sweet! I was just heading to appointments being very wet and cold to the bone with lips cheeks and nose frozen and my tummy doesn’t seem to want to play ball today thinking i could use some comfort right about now and just saw this Better than a hug got a bit teary at the lovely thought of the donation. So glad you chose that one. The post looks almost to beautiful to undo and wear. But only almost Love the thought of nearly 100 nice people out there smiling happily receiving this in the mail 🙂 thanks for doing this Guylty and everyone 🙂


  3. Wow! I can’t believe how many buttons have been snapped up. Good job, Guylty. As always. Robert will be impressed, don’t you think? And if he is not, he certainly should be.


    • Robert would be impressed – but with one eyebrow pulled back up into his hairline, I think :-D. If he watches closely, he might spot some of the badges at premieres in the future… I hazard the guess that a reaction from him would be welcomed by the wearers, too *ggg*

      Liked by 2 people

  4. They’re fab, Guylty, I want to add my thanks too… And how lovely that there will be a nice chunky donation as well.

    Still think we need a Hermitage badge though 😉

    I’ll get my coat 😉


  5. Thank you Guylty. Thank you so much. I have just received today the badge “entRAnced” and I am very happy of it. I already know where I will put it (even going to work with it). So happy to be a RA well-wisher and so proud to know people like you.


  6. Thank you for all your work Guylty. Nearly all the badges gone and a sizeable donation as well – makes me so proud once again to be part of “Robert’s” community of well wishers. This is what defines the RArmy to me, not the negative stuff. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. It has arrived!! Thank you so much I love it, I can’t get over that you only have 9 left that is fantastic. I will wear it with pride xxx


  8. Your design skills never fail to amaze… the card and everything! (Had a chuckle at the “little bird” since my dirty mind cannot help but apply a French idiomatic meaning. Looked it up to see if the expression is still used and found that “the little bird is about to come out” means that a man’s fly is down.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • *giggles* That was entirely unintended. The background there is actually my new notebook that I just started the other day with all the accounting. Notebook #5 in fact, after notebooks #1 – 4 have all been filled with *ooof* research and shrine sketches. As for designing stuff – not really my thing, but it’s a particularly attractive past time when you have nasty work on your desk that you want to procrastinate over at all cost.

      Liked by 1 person

    • LOL – no, that is not RAPS Inc’s business logo. I wish I had one. Maybe next time I want to avoid doing real work, I will fusel away an hour or two with senseless logo design. 😀
      Glad your badge is out and about.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Oh wow..just found out about this! I would love to join in! Could you please spare me the details? Btw, I’m from Malaysia..a big fan or Mr RA since saw him in Strike Back..hope you can help me!

    Liked by 1 person

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