FYI: A Xmas Surprise for Richard

Hi everyone,

one of my shrine fairies has asked me to bring attention to a gift idea for Richard. Here it comes:


A few members of the page ‘Richard’s Rascals – The Armitage Effect’ have come up with an idea for a secret Christmas present for Richard Armitage, and we’d like to invite all to be part of it.

Image MeleBrown and LindenG Click for source

Richard has said in interviews that he’d rather his well-wishers give to charity rather than buy him gifts. So, for those fans who would like to participate, we’d love them to join us from Friday November 28th (9pm UK time) and send a flurry of donations to Richard’s chosen charities through Just Giving.
We would then love for people to post a message on Twitter (for those who have an account).

As well as supporting some wonderful organisations, it will also be a way to spread goodwill around the internet, and show our respect and admiration of Richard en masse in a way that we think will be very meaningful.

As fans we love to celebrate him, and what better way than by giving him what he wants – to help those less fortunate.

Here is an outline of our suggestion:

1. From 9pm UK time on Friday 28th (not before), head to and select one (or more!) of Richard’s chosen charities.

2. Make a donation and leave a message that includes #RAXmas, your location and your Twitter handle (if you have one). You can choose to donate anonymously and still leave a message. Please choose to hide the amount of your donation, as we want to avoid any sense of competition or anxiety over donation amounts.

3. We would then love for people to post a message on Twitter (for those who have an account). Write a message with #RAXmas, #JustGiving and your location, plus any message and/or image you wish. You may choose to include the charity’s #. Feel free to use our Christmas tree image.

Eg: For #RAXmas I’ve just donated to #charityname via #JustGiving. London.

4. Feel free to favourite and retweet others’ messages if you can, to have the best chance of him seeing them.

5. Everyone is of course absolutely welcome to make multiple donations and send additional messages. The more activity #RAXmas gets, the more potential interest we generate.

** Note for non-UK residents. If for some reason you are unable to donate through Just Giving, we encourage you to try the individual charities’ websites. If this still does not work, we ask that you consider selecting a charity in your home country that supports the same cause as one of Richard’s, and still write a Twitter message using #RAXmas to let us know who you’ve given to. We are confident that this gesture will still be very much appreciated by him.

Thank you all for reading, and we really hope you’ll be able to take part in #RAXmas. For any further information please contact me or Linden Tree directly.

The RA Rascals.

Remember, 9pm UK time, Fri 28th, and keep it a Twitter secret til then.

Nice idea, guys. Certainly a truly useful gift that will benefit those who really need it! Incidentally I had been planning to donate to Richard’s JustGiving pages on Friday, too. The second print-run of the well-wisher badges has generated another healthy sum for donation. Final sums on Friday.

29 thoughts on “FYI: A Xmas Surprise for Richard

  1. Great idea. I have already made two donations in the last three months to two of his charities through his JustGiving page, but if I may take the liberty, I would like to tweet #RAXMAS and put the date of my donation and include this money as part of his present. Would this be ok?


  2. I love the idea of giving instead of gifting & I know from my own personal experiences that there is a wealth of generosity amongst fellow well-wishers. But here’s what bugs me about this….

    “4. Feel free to favourite and retweet others’ messages if you can, to have the best chance of him seeing them.”

    Added to the “teaser” tweets to RA I’ve seen, it seems like it’s more about getting his attention and soliciting a response. The money will help people regardless of the motives for giving, but if it’s done in hopes of a “well done” from RA then there will be a lot of disappointment if he doesn’t respond in some way. And it doesn’t seem fair to try to manipulate a response from him with a barrage of tweets to RA or to people he knows and asking them to tell him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, I never took it that way at all! Interesting to see another point of view. To me they’re basically trying to tease him (as he has done – a good example is the Thorin ending in BOFA) and let him know something is happening (ie a Christmas present) from all their fans. I wouldn’t have thought they’d have set out to get a response from him – there’s easier ways to do that than set up a charity drive.

      Also the idea of re-tweeting messages with the charity that they’ve donated to will raise awareness for the charities too. I think a lot of people wouldn’t have donated if it hadn’t been for #RAXmas so to me it’s a win-win situation – charities get the money, fans are happy to tweet him about something he’s involved in other than acting.


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