OpeRAtion “Spring Clean”

Tomorrow is the another big day. While we are waiting for the Twitter Q&A, let me show you what I found in the press today.

Operation Spring CleanShocking developments there. I am speechless.

44 thoughts on “OpeRAtion “Spring Clean”

  1. Oh happy days! What a time to be alive. I was longing so much for the ultimate climax of political correctness. The final victory of the hippocrites. Now I can rest assured that I will no longer be distracted nor tempted nor seduced nor anyway else be distracted from pureness, virtue, sincerity and … and …. boredom?? *umm, well – on 2nd thought I might as well slip into a coma.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Also, wenn ich das richtig verstehe, kann ich off-line (also heimlich, still und leise) weiter schmachten und habe nichts zu befürchten. Außerdem sollte ich meinen Schrein von meinen minderjährigen Kindern fernhalten. Stimmts?
    Dir auch einen schönen 1. April 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Solange du analog schmachtest, bist du im grünen Bereich, wenn ich die neuen Richtlinien richtig interpretiere. Ich fürchte, hier wird eine ganze Zulieferer- und Kommentarindustrie zusammenbrechen, wenn die Policy umgesetzt wird… Die Welt wird ein bisschen grauer werden… 😦 Vielleicht sieht alles am 2. April schon wieder anders aus.


          • Gehts auch ein bißchen weniger deftig? Mit Saumagen habe ich keine Erfahrung (falsche Ecke hier), und aktuell geht nicht viel, bin auf Nulldiät. Aber so ein lecker Quark-Knäcke ab morgen wäre schon drin 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

              • Gut, die Strickjacke ist nicht das Thema. Bin soweit farblich gut bestückt. Hat es was auf sich mit dem grau? Und was glaubst du, wie gut so ein Quark-Knäcke nach einer Woche schmeckt. Von wegen Genussmuffel 🙂


                  • Ha, das liegt nur an meiner guten Haltung 🙂 Und bei meiner Größe kann man einiges im Bauchbereich wegschummeln. Aber auch ich habe da Platz für einige Überflüssigkeiten. Aber im Zuge meine schon etwas länger anhaltenden Antriebslosigkeit, ist so eine Fastenwoche mal eine guter Einstieg. Danach ist auch das Essverhalten wieder ein wenig mehr im Lot. Ein netter Effekt ist wirklich, das man es ohne Essen aushält und den Kopf frei bekommt. Ansonsten muß ich sagen, ist es kreuzlangweilig ohne Nahrung. Ich halte gerade nur aus bloßer Sturheit durch. 🙂


  3. Fortunately for me, my particular shrine is PG rated, but I have heard that the NYC Taxi Commission has filed a complaint with the NYC Department of Consumer affairs over the NYC RAPS claiming that the image of Richard Armitage in front of a NYC taxi, with a billboard ad on its roof has made it impossible for any viewer to actually focus on the ad. The NYC Office of Cultural Affairs has also weighed in, as the ad is for a broadway show. Further, the reference to “Peaches” in the ” Big Apple” has ticked off both the the NYC Tourist Board, which thinks the state of Georgia is getting too much press in NYC as well as the New York State Apple Growers Association, which fears that NY peaches, which are available for three weeks each summer, may over take popularity of NY State Apples. Lucky for me, my shrine resides in Mexico, where they are just relieved that the hrine does not contain an image of a jalapeno, or heaven forbid the even hotter serrano. https://armitageagonistes.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/ny-raps-10-of-18.jpg?w=670

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    • Ditty and Dangerous!!! ROFL. I’ll need to have a talk with Guylty Pleasure, CEO, about the so-called “unavoidable” re-branding to ASPS Ltd. Let me be clear: Guylty Pleasure’s decision to rebrand is highly reactionary and I consider the employees of RAPS, Inc., to be ill-used. I foresee a worker’s strike and probable unionization if these GP’s policies are not revised.


      • You have no idea how right you are, J. I have it on good authority that the RAPS Inc workforce has high affinity to unions. Industrial action was threatened last night, and it seems as if their active resistance my have had an impact on the leadership team. I expect news on that front some time this morning.


    • LOL. It appears that the issue is wide-reaching and truly international. And even involves some analogue Richarding, too. I had no idea that there were links to the NYC authorities. I should’ve known that RA has his contacts everywhere… I hope that RAPS Inc. doesn’t have to recall the shrines.
      Your information puts a new light on the initial difficulties you had in importing the NYC shrine to Mexico. After all, there were suspected initial attempts by the Mexican customs authorities to prevent the shrine from entering the country. It was probably held in quarantine while the authorities determined that no jalapenos were harmed in the making of the shrine…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You were able to take this with a lot more humor than I was 🙂

    Just when I was thinking, wow, it’s been ten whole days without much sanctimony and I’m starting to miss it, Richard Armitage complies.

    Guess we should be happy it’s April Fools’ Day.


    • Ha. Humour is my way of ignoring the irritation that comes with certain acts. Tbh with you, I am equally irritated by the potential policing issue in it, as well as my own initial split-second reaction to it – which was to think “awww, bless, how nice of him”.
      What was the other instance of sanctimony ten days ago? I think I am rather insensitive to some of the underlying issues on Twitter…


  5. Pingback: Limerick: April Fools, Indeed! | preoccupiedwitharmitage

    • Right :-). And no, definitely not worth going to war over. Plus, I have had communications from RAPS HQ that they may have indeed reacted too rashly…


  6. Thank God (oops, could be a naughty word) RAPS will no longer be polluting the world with shocking forms of Richard Armitage smut. Mums and little ones (I believe he was referring to dwarves here) everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief that they will not be exposed to the vile material contained in these so-called shrines. Designed with innocent exteriors to hide the horror inside, these small pieces of portable porn are a scourge that cannot be tolerated. Breaking news: Robert Hermitage has said he would consider being a substitute for Mr. Armitage in future RAPS projects. “I am offended by practically everything, unlike Mr. Armitage,” he said through his agent. “However, no one cares,” he added. “My feelings will not impact future RAPS production in any way.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • ROFL. Finally someone who calls a spade a spade. Vile horror inside. Indeed. It’s particularly perfidious, as you said, because they look so harmless on the outside. Any unsuspecting mum or little one could inadvertantly open a shrine and be polluted. However, the ball is in the user’s court on that one. RAPS Inc. refuses to take responsibility for any shrine action as soon as they have left the company premises.
      As for Robert Hermitage: the cheek! He really seems to like controversy. At least he seems realistic enough to know that he is a nobody.


  7. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 55/? – Profiled | Guylty Pleasure

  8. I love my RAPS and its helped me a lot recently as I broke my ankle and was/am in need of some TLC.from Dr Track. Without my RAPS I would be sad and defeated….. Long live RAPS Inc….#Just saying



    • Aw, Wendy, so sorry to hear about your broken ankle. And glad that Dr Track kept your spirits up. Really, that is the best that I can wish for as the concoctor of these little boxes… I think RAPS Inc. will go for a while. Well, as long as there is any demand for its offers 😉


  9. this is all a cleverly wicked plot to increase the black market value of its products! such marketing ploys will not fool such as i! i protest!! in addition to carefully guarding the scarcity of products now price increase tactics to increase desirability! humph! confess, you are under the covers with the OOA and have devised this clever strategy… hmm… on 2nd thought what do you do under those covers???
    I am living proof that such public warnings have a very contrary effect.. all i can think of is naughty things :-p

    Liked by 1 person

    • In the light of today’s retraction, I can only say that you probably got it right. RAPS Inc pulled this marketing stunt in order to artificially increase the value of their shrines. It seems they were trying to make the collectors objects, or rarities. Well, the public can’t be fooled. Thank goodness for conscientious consumers like yourself!

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  10. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 57/? – ConnemaRA | Guylty Pleasure

  11. Pingback: OT: RAPS Inc. in the (Waste-Paper Basket of the World) Press | Guylty Pleasure

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