Instead of Delayed RAund-up…

… You get the promise that the round-up shall be posted later, either today or tomorrow morning. Travelling back to my little island today. But for now I give you this:


Is it a Pop!Richard? Is it a Hobbibal? No, it’s a Thorin Dolarhyde…

Check the beard, ladies!!! Totally, originally identical! 

19 thoughts on “Instead of Delayed RAund-up…

  1. Well, I guess it’s only fair; if he’s getting an award for being Thorin, then his beard should be Thorin’s. It’s a good look for both of them. And the flower crown, well, it’s just unfair to unleash all that cuteness upon us. She whimpers while trying to avert her gaze.


  2. Moment, wer von den beiden ist denn jetzt Pop!Thorin und welcher ist Richard? *ratlos guck*

    Du solltest dich schämen, so unverschämt niedliches Zeug zu bringen, jawollja! 😀

    Gute Heimreise. 🙂



    (I was just threatened within an inch of my life, no more adventures and 1000 unpaid for PPVs if I do that to him. Hmmmmmmmm wonder if Thorout would be up that????)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. nice juxtaposition — you might try this sometime with real Armitage with fake flowers; real flowers with Armitage substitute. It would be like all thought-provoking and stuff, a statement about reality. (j/k). Cute!


  5. Pingback: 2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #18 | Guylty Pleasure

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