2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #20

Tonight’s the night, if I’m not wrong… Richard will be at the much-awaited Hannibal panel at SDCC. Opportunity for me to think back to his first appearance at SDCC in 2012 – and to give you this: [Note post-publishing 2: Giving up embedding and linking instead]

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Richard Armitage at SDCC 2012, shot by Albert L. Ortega, Getty Images

[ETA after countless attempts at embedding the Getty images in this post: F*ck yeah, click the little link left under the image – it takes you to a larger version of the picture on Getty’s site. Maaaaaaaaaaaan *hyperventilate*, do you also feel the irrepressible urge to touch those veins on his neck… UNF]

We hadn’t seen Richard for a good while at that point, ensconced in filming in NZ as he was. When he turned up at SDCC in full beardy glory, casual shirt and very nicely snug jeans, my heart broke a little ;-). In a good way, I hasten to say. I was smitten. Yes, even a beard-hater like me had to concede that he looked extremely masculine, a bit chunky, but handsome and altogether irresistible when he appeared at the Hobbit panel and on interviews. Apart from his snug buns, I also appreciated how delighted and enthusiastic he seemed to be, taking the whole circus in. Maybe it was because I was still new to the Richarding game, it was the first time that I followed an event more or less in real time, and I was only half a year into my fangirling experience, so maybe I wasn’t really very familiar with what he was like at public events. But to me he seemed less of an “old hand” back then, someone for whom the experience was really new, and who appeared like a wide-eyed, small boy, slightly overwhelmed by the fuss that was being made of “that little film” he was coincidentally working on, yet thrilled and proud to be allowed to share in its glory. His look was not sleek yet, wearing a black shirt that was a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit too tight for his impressive muscularity, and jeans that had a few titillating holes and stains. Not that I noticed – I think the view of his bum ensconced in tight black jeans will be forever remain burnt onto my retina *fans herself*. I wish Getty provided a picture of *that*, but…

Richard Armitage at SDCC 2012, shot by Albert L. Ortega, Getty Images

Richard Armitage at SDCC 2012, shot by Albert L. Ortega, Getty Images

Anyhow, so much for the past. *sigh* Let’s not dwell on it but imagine what tonight will bring. Casual or fashionable RA? The whole look and feel of Hannibal is very much focussed on sleek designer clothes. But maybe they’ll tone it down for a nerd-fest such as a con? I suppose that flower crowns will make an appearance, and I expect a barrage of photos in the media and gifs and photosets on tumblr. But that will be next week’s round-up. This week, it is much more of a mixed bag, not really that spectacular and not dominated by a particular sighting, event or show. The calm before the con? Have a look and take it easy…

Hannibal round up 20

  1. This fabulous new tumblr completely passed me by. It debuted earlier this year, but I want to introduce AskTeamCastle to you – click and you’ll see
  2. Jollytr shows us the evolution of a pout. Kinda cute…
  3. petruchiolucasthorin has put together all the backsides of the Hobbit trading cards in one post. I had never seen all of them – interesting
  4. And here is the front side, also by petruchiolucasthorin
  5. Not sure whether there is any method in it, but frank-dolarhyde has assigned zodiac signs to the various chaRActer. I share mine with Lucas (drat – I want Guy as a Scorpio!)
  6. Shakespearelove’s caption made me chuckle – what a truly amusing thought… ahehehe… haha.. HAWHAW…hohoho. Teehee..
  7. Thanks, elenorofrohan, I had been wondering on what occasion that picture of the dwarves was taken. Makes sense
  8. In case you can’t wait for her WP updates – myrichardtreehouse is already on day 7 of her comprehensive study of Armitage forearms
  9. OMG Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams* What’s happened to you in gif 2???????????? You are unrecognizable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am sort of giggling here at serik27’s gif set. Flattering is something else…)
  10. Riepu10 has made some gifs of RA as Epiphanes. In-te-res-ting… Looks good in a skirt…
  11. If anyone is in need of GuyxMarian icons, totallyradioactive15 has made loads
  12. Thanks to fringeofmadness for captioning this part of the recent Russian interview with RA – I had not been able to make out what he said re. the tattoo. (Oh, and I am deeply, deeply relieved *hehe*)
  13. What do you think? Does the real RA fall a little bit in love long with his characters? Found at thorin-baconshield
  14. If it isn’t too hot where you are, this might push you to boiling point. NSFW!!!! Still waters are very deep, eh, Harry? Drabble by triple-r-porn
  15. Antatius gives Guy a flower crown – pretty
  16. And representative for the many images that currently celebrate the anniversary of SD and TC, here are heyerette’s images and memories of the night she visited RA at the SD
  17. And here is a very rare tumblr video, taken by arikishirley, at the end of an SD appearance
  18. In case your sexual orientation is Gary Fuller, here is the blog for you: armitages-gary-fuller

Ready for SDCC, get set – go!

Have a good one, peeps!

Guylty ❤

86 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #20

  1. Re. 13) Ich glaube, da ist was dran. Er will es ja immer 1000%-tig machen. Dass es anscheinend
    funktioniert, erklärt vielleicht auch die Begeisterung, mit der ihn seine Mitakteure gerne mal überhäufen 🙂


  2. Satz mit Doppel-X: War wohl nix mit den Pix. 😉

    Ich hatte gar nicht dran gedacht, dass ja schon wieder Samstag ist … Am Samtag kam das Sams …, äh, kam Guylty mit dem getublerten Richard vorbei. 😉

    Danke fürs Zusammenstellen. ❤

    1. *g* Kein Wunder, dass du das vorstellen willst.
    2. LOL!!!
    5. Lieber Himmel – Lucas ein Skorpion?! Ich würde nie einen Skorpion nehmen, nie, nie, NIE! Grauenhafte Leute, diese Viecher. 😀
    6. So wahr … *mitkicher*
    10. Auauauauaua … (Nein, das ist kein Wolfsgeheul.)
    12. Äh …?! Nee, nee, abwaschbare Tattoos reichen *völlig*, Mr. Armitage! – Zum Glück hat er das selber eingesehen. 😀
    13. Ich glaube, das gehört zu den eher unbekannten Risiken des Schauspielerberufs. Dass Menschen sich selbst von etwas überzeugen können, ist bekannt (man denke nur mal an Autosuggestion), und die Zeit, die Schauspieler in ihrer Rolle leben, ist noch dazu reichlich lang. Im Ernst, ich glaube, da funkt es dann öfter mal wirklich zwischen Schauspielern – und geht dann nach Abschluss der Arbeit ziemlich rasch den Bach runter, weil es nie wirklich "echt" war. – Tja, ob das auch RA (schon mal) passiert (ist), werden wir wohl nie erfahren. Vielleicht auch besser so. 😉

    Schönes Wochenende!


    • Wir haben uns überschnitten – ich habe soeben die Bilder erfolgreich eingebettet. Techno-Guylty kann sowas ja nicht einfach ruhen lassen. Musst noch mal nachgucken, Hedgy…
      5. Was hast du bitte gegen Skorpione (außer, dass du sie offenbar gerne aufmischen magst, weil es ein wahres Naturschauspiel ist, sie beim Explodieren zu beobachten 😀 ) – aber ich gebe dir insofern Recht, als dass ich Lucas eigentlich nicht sehr skorpion-ig finde. Da stelle ich mir etwas Explosiveres vor…
      12. Das mit dem Tattoo kann er ja wohl nicht ernst gemeint haben… Wahrscheinlich wieder mal einer von diesen Armitagschen “ich sag das einfach mal so”-Sätzen… Obwohl, wer weiß, wir haben das Kunstwerk ja noch nicht von nahem gesehen…
      13. Sicher, das Vermögen, sich in eine Rolle so weit reinversetzen zu können, dass es auch in der Wirklichkeit Auswirkungen hat, ist ja irgendwie Handwerkszeug bei RA. Ich stelle mir das sehr schwierig vor, diese ständige Schizophrenie.


  3. The FIRST time I really laid eyes on Richard was SDCC 2012. I LOVE Burly men and he was just perfect. My ovaries exploded! (much like they did yesterday, but we won’t talk about that, except to say my ovaries recuperated in a few hours whereas they have yet to recuperate from Richard at SDCC 2012!)

    And I’ll have to bookmark your entry as it is not even 7:30 in the morning here and my mother is wearing the floorboard out because if we do NOT go out and trim hedges and clean the yard right this second, the yard will take over and righ this minute, today,we will die and go to hell.


    • LOL – good luck with your gardening project, Zee. Good news is – this post isn’t going away 😉 You can read any time. Maybe it is something to reward yourself with once you have done slaving away…
      As for burly men – whoa, yes, agreed. And while Mr O’Horny (O’Hurn?) was a nice sight yesterday, he doesn’t quite sustain the emotional fix as RA. I guess it’s a case of substance over surface.
      I *really* am very curious about “Richard Armitage – SDCC 2015 Version”. Fuller looked very casual yesterday in a t-shirt, and I expect RA to be equally casually dressed. Jeans, ratty tee – yes, please.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I’m not going to last long this morning out there. Took my blood sugar. Let’s just say… not good. Not good at all. ‘WHY am I taking meds?’ bad, that sort of not good.


        • Well, great excuse to level back at you mum 😀 Do your best – and then retire on medical grounds. I promise you that some of today’s links will at least get your blood pressure up again, even if not the blood sugar 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • When I pass out, that’s when it will worry her. She has a bad back, bad knees, high blood sugar as well (Mine was 331 this morning) and she’ll go until she passes out. It’s just how she is. Fall before last, she decided she couldn’t wait 3 days for her son to come and clean the gutters and the roof and just went up! We thought we’d have to call the effing fire department to bring her down!


              • Oh I am. Sadly, I live here for free… if my adventuring would ever bear fruit, but it hasn’t and I’m now out of money. Kinda at a crossroads and I don’t like ANY of the choices.

                2 more piles of leaves and we are DONE! My lungs hurt…


  4. i did the con photos to a point yesterday and nearly swallowed my tongue 😉 Before i delve into the links (shying away from THAT video) can i just compare these? I think the 2012 CC will still be among my very favourites 🙂 he’s got a homey, comforting though utterly many and handsome look about him that is just warm and knee-knocking. He looked even a bit older than he did yesterday, weird, maybe to do with the size as well and the more natural hair-colour? He reminds me of Proctor in this (and of course of Thorin) in the best way possible. He upped the ante on pretty last night i felt, and though very close the look is only similar, but because it is more styled has a completely different effect, which only hit me as i looked back on this one 🙂 But beard with slightly longer hair seems to be my preferred look 🙂 But while this 2012 version feels like i could snuggle up to the one yesterday spelled star. In great ways and i was drooling all over my keyboard, but it also reminded me with a bit of a sting of how remote it is (throw me for a few seconds right back into Dec and him very far far away..)
    Going to go see the links now 🙂


    • Tbh, all weekend I was only able to look at bits here and there – it was bordering on overkill for me. I was really glad for the release of the trailer, because otherwise the con pictures and tweets would have driven me mental 😀 Partly because I still haven’t come to terms with the fact that I could’ve been there myself (if it hadn’t been for that tangential little reason called “finances”…)
      But yes, it’s interesting to compare 2012 and 2015 in terms of looks and manner. I suppose the sleeky confidence of today reflects that he has come to get used to this part of his job. Mind you, the whole style thing is still a matter of amusement to me. @Kellyduck on Twitter commented very succinctly yesterday along the lines of “I can’t understand why grown men need a stylist to pick out jeans and a striped tee for them”. LOL. Spot on!

      Liked by 1 person

        • Ich bin natürllich extrem bereit, das sofort wieder auf “Eitelkeit” zu schieben, aber ich will ja nicht noch eine Konfrontation vom Zaun brechen… Ich schätze mal, wenn man so vielbeschäftigt wie ein Filmstar ist, dann hat man einfach keine Zeit, sich mit Mode zu beschäftigen. Vermutlich ist es sogar so, dass die Stylisten als personal shopper fungieren und das Zeug tatächlich ranschleppen. Zwei Fliegen mit einer Ilaria, sozusagen.


          • NEIN, nur Übelmeinende verbuchen das unter Eitelkeit. Ich tendiere auch zu der “bequemen” Lösung. Eine Baustelle, die man sich sparen kann. Blöd nur, wenn besagte Dame offensichtlich so ein unstillbares Faible für blue shoes hat 🙂 Die fand ich in Combinazione mit dem hellgrauen Jäckchen etwas deplatziert. Gerne in rot, aber royalblau?


            • Die Schuhe waren unpassend, genau. Zudem er das gleiche Paar doch auch noch in dunkelblau hat? (China 2013) Wo ist denn bitte da der Spar-RA abgeblieben? Einmal tragen und dann ab in die Tonne? Oder haben Farben auch ne Halbwertzeit. Naja, was weiß ich schon, Mode ist nicht mein Metier tsktsktsk…


              • Ach komm schon! Wir können doch sicher in Rahmen unserer bescheidenen Möglichkeiten ein wenig vom (Schuh)Leder ziehen 😉
                Interessante Frage, übrigens: was macht er mit den Sachen? Verkloppt er die bei eBay? Trägt er die auf den Flohmarkt? Stell dir vor, du strubbelst über so einen Markt und bleibst bei so einem angenehm abgerissenen Typen mit cooler Sonnenbrille hängen, der einen Satz bunter Schuhe vertickt. Auch ein schönes Ficlettchen….

                Liked by 1 person

                • Lachschlapp. Wunderbar, die Vorstellung! Das entspricht dann wieder meinem Bild des ökonomisch veranlagten RA… In reality: ich nehme mal an, dass dieselben Leute, die den Kram ranschaffen, auch wieder bei der Übergabe der nächsten Ladung zurücknehmen. Oder dass es einen entsprechenden persönlichen Sklaven dafür gibt…


            • royal blau ist wunderschon 🙂 zu Schwarz/Grau eine meiner Liebslingskombinationen 🙂 rot ist nicht gut fur weisse Typen, lassen sie leicht rotlich anlaufen, wie Krabben 😉 Wette auch seine Naturhaarfarbe hat einen Tupfer Ginger drin 🙂 Ich fand die cool,. aber zuruckgeben wird man das nicht konnen, sieht aber auch so aus als ob er Latschen sammelt 😉 Von Jacken hat er vielleicht zu viel und siese hier ist nun auch wieder nicht soooo toll, pasabel, aber die Lederteile die er hat sind besser 🙂 Bloss ware er da umgekommen in der Hitze 😉 Das t shirt am nachsten Tag war dann wieder mal eher was von ihr als von ihm, ich mag diese Sachen mit Knopfe bis zum Hals nicht sehr, sieht mir immer opamassig aus :-p


      • Hab’s noch nicht gelesen 🙂 Samstag hatte ich eine ruhigen Abend und habe mir alle post von S lustvoll reingezogen wahrend ich zur gleichen Zeit eine Carmen aus Orange mit JK mit halben Auge guckte – ziemlich langweilig. Ich habe mich uber den Wirbel gefreut, ich habe mich nach tausendundeine Fotos von R gefreut und gesehnt 😉 Seltsam, aber frische Fotos sind schon nett und da man zig Perspektiven bekommt kann mann halt ein 3D Bild vom Subjekt dadruch bewundern, und ihn halt auch wieder reden horen 🙂 Ich war auch uberrascht zu erfahren das die Dame sein Outfit zusammengewurfelt hat, hatte diesmal echt gedacht es war seins und fand es normal dass er sich auch noch neue colle Trainers gekauft hat. S hat aber sicher korrekt entdeckt dass er 2012 in Japan angeblich auch sowas trug, mir kam die Jacke bekannt vor, eine Variante davon oder die hat er sicher schon mal getragen. Mich macht es ehrlich gesagt etwas traurig dass er sich von der Dame, wie kompetent sie auch sei so abhangig macht. Die anderen 2 sind sicher in den eigenen Klamotten aufgetuacht und er mochte Fuller;s stunt sicher, er musste ja die Jacke auch gleich anprobieren, offensichtlich Lust zu etwas mehr Abenteursinn aber kein Sekbstbewusstsein sich gehen zu lassen… Wir hatten das schon mal, wir finden er sieht immer gut aus und ich finde auch er hat genung colle Sachen in der eigenen Garderobe um sowas selber zusammenwurfeln zu konnen, alles was er damals zur SD trug hatte er ruhig auch da tragen konnen und es stunde ihm genauso gut. Mich macht das manchmal ‘verruckt’ oder eher gesagt frustriert es mich dass er so viele Probleme mit seinem eigenen Ausehen hat und sich so viele Gedanken druber macht, das stimmt nicht und das andere ist nicht richtig und er kriegt es nicht selber hin usw. Cott weiss was er die Frau bezahlt.. nicht dass sie es nicht verdient aber seufz nech…. Aber ich fruchte die anfanglichen argen Kritiken an seinem Kleidungssinn haben alles was an Abenteuersinn und Selbstbewusstsein in der Beziehung a offensichtlich muhsam wieder aufgebaut wurde ziemlich erledigt und er geht heute lieber zu profesionellen weil er sich nur so sicher fuhlt und seinen, allzu perfektionistischen Anspruchen gerecht wird. Nochmal seufz. Ich denke das wird sich leider noch nicht mehr andern, ist halt so. Ich seh diesmal und in letzter Zeit wenig Unterschied zwischen dem was er selber durch Flughafen tragt und was sie ihm gibt zum anziehen, was aber wahrscheinlich eher fur sie spricht dass sie besser versteht worin er sich wohl fuhlt und sie sucht dann sowas raus, und koordiniert es halt fabrlich manchmal etwas besser.


      • speaking of which, Sat i was i looking for one of the H interviews on this live site and the live stream came on with these 2 and i went: who the hell are they? And then they opened their mouths and i recognised them instantly!!!!

        Case in point 🙂 und Beweiss dass da bestimmt kein Stylist Hand angelegt hat und trotzdem geht es, besonders fur so Sachen wie CC 😉
        See if you can guess who they are LOL


  5. I am absolutely convinced, beyond the shadow of a doubt that Guy is a Scorpio! 🙂
    On the tattoo.. hehehehe, getting something the size of that done would take months and months Rich 😉 And I don’t like this one anyway, or rather the way it is positioned on his body. But if he wants to get a tattoo, be my guest, I like’em 🙂
    Very interesting question about how R feels abut his characters, or rather when he is the characters. I think he’s got a way of diving really very deep inside them and while living with them may experience some of the emotions they go through. Just based on how detailed his research is into why they do things, why they feel things; I guess with deep understanding comes also a degree of emotional empathy. But I think he can also compartmentalise really well and one the work is done steps away from them pretty unscathed and detached. Also because he moved pretty quickly to a new one. I think we hang on for example to his characters for much longer than he does, for example, I still feel Thorin very close to my heart but I think R has left him well behind. But I’ve seen this with theatre actors, the end of a run is often very emotional but then they bounce back very quickly, I guess you learn to do that with their experience of work and have get used to it, among other reasons also because in most cases you will never work again with the same people, so I guess you need to keep some of it light touch otherwise it can become too painful to keep leaving people behind. So for me while it may be deep, it is also transitory the way he emotes around the roles.
    Gary! Funny, I so remember seeing the movie in the middle of TC and I remember what thought of it , but funny enough Gary has grown on me a lot since, him and his Teflon-shirt 😉
    TC and SD and all that… ❤


    • *ggg* Yeah, Guy with his volatile temper, yet deeply sentimenta romanticism could *easily* be a Scorpio… *ahem* guess, how Guylty knows that…
      Tattoos – I am not opposed to them as such, in fact, I have dreams of getting a teenytiny one or two for myself. I really like the current fashion for tattoos that look more like paintings (such as the Red Dragon one) rather than the classic, simplistic colour-me-ins. But for an actor? Nah, I am glad he is so realistic and pragmatic about it…
      The whole thing about “becoming” a character to the point of carrying out a characters emotional life in RL – yes, it’s all got to do with empathy, and by the look of things Mr A is very empathetic indeed. I wonder, though, whether they are given psychological tools to deal with it when they train in drama school. We know they are taught to get INTO character – are they also taught how to leave a character behind?? It must be a strange strange existence, living as someone else for the duration of a project. To me, it fully explains why some actors appear to be either a) “eccentrics” (my euphemism for arrogant shits) or b) shallow… But really, what does the constant exposure to an environment that is not “real” do to one’s soul? I would love to know that.


      • Führt das zu einer Art “Seelendeformation”? Auf jeden Fall muss man mächtig geerdet sein, um sich nach solchen Erfahrungen wieder in die Spur zu bringen (denke ich mir).


      • i love colourful tattoos 🙂 These days they are proper drawings but for an actor having to cover these things up can get complicated 🙂 Mind you on getting one since i was nearly determined a friend recently mentioned that you can’t have cat scans anymore with a tattoo in the respective area because of the metal content in the ink, i have to explore that Because if that were true that would put a very sad end to my plans to get one 😦 As a women i can’t get them then in any place that such a scan might become necessary at some point, that is too big a risk to take 😦
        As to constant slipping in and out of roles not sure, most people i know or know of more have families and kids and that grounds you like nothing else 😉 Especially since money will always be an issue and you just get more realistic when you have to deal with these things. The other way in the absence of the above is keep working, as that i guess is a routine in itself and keeps you grounded in other ways, research, getting to set , being in a remote location etc, it’s a very boring situation most of the time 😉 And i guess keeping it real outside, living in a sort of normal place, doing yer shopping etc, having family and friends.At least it is what my singer friends are saying, for most loneliness and being away from people seems to be more of an issue. As far as i know there is nothing about getting out of roles than experience. You know what i think what is not ‘real’ is stuff like parties, entourage, things like CC even, that stuff, the promotions, the marketing. Life on set is a very normal affair if people just do the usual stuff, it’s like every other working day, get up – sometimes at stupid hours ;-), go , work, sit around and get really bored, eat, long hours, fall into bed 😉


  6. Re.: Stylist-Diskussion

    Irgendwer hatte mal irgendwo in Kommentaren zu diesem Thema ausgesagt, dass es praktisch erwartet wird, dass ein Star eine/n Stylist/in hat. (Wo und wer das war, weiß ich natürlich nicht mehr.)

    Jedenfalls: Vielleicht lautet die Erklärung also weder Armitage, der Modemuffel, noch Armitage, the busy star, sondern schlicht Hollywood?


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