RA Pocket Shrines 101-107/? – Giving Thanks

Between holiday preparations, exciting premieres and business trips, I have neglected a few overdue thanks and notices. How appropriate that it is Thanksgiving when I can not only launch into “the next hundred” with a series of RAPS minis that were designed as little thank yous, but also post the result of the latest badge fundraiser… So first of all Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers – I hope you have a lovely family day today. Don’t overdo it on the sweet potatoes and the turkey! I have much to be thankful for, too, and even though Thanksgiving is not a holiday that holds meaning for me, I am glad the day reminds me of its origins – of how the indigenous population of a continent helped the refugees from another. That seems a very appropriate reminder these days!

Before I launch into the RAPSes, I would also like to pass on thanks to the supporters of the latest badge fundraiser. In advance of the UATSC premiere I sent a number of badges to fans all over the world, who reciprocated by donating to Richard’s fundraising drive for Action for Children. I transferred the proud sum of € 150 to celebrate the premiere of UATSC on November 6, 2015. Thank you to all supporters and donors to this worthy cause.

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In total, Richard has raised a massive € 5,744.46 from his fans! You can see the Justgiving page (including our donation) here.

On to the shrines. They were designed as a little thank you to the supporters of the #cRAftingForCharity auctions who donated crafty items that raised a massive donation. “You are a star”! All but one have been received by them, and I am showing them off here with thanks for the recipients’ generosity.

IMG_4997 smMuch like the RAPSoids created for the supporters of the previous charity auction, these minis also had an underlying, connecting theme which becomes apparent when you look at them in sequence:

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These are Julia’s lines from Romeo and Juliet, Act 3/ Scene 2 with a bit of adjustment by Guylty, which starts with the line “When he shall die, take him…” Seemed appropriate enough when applied to Mr A, particularly the last line, in view of my experience at the UATSC Q&A *coughs*.

So, thank you to all! I hope the little shrine will remind you what a great lot you all are. You are stars in your own right!



26 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrines 101-107/? – Giving Thanks

  1. Oh these pretties!!!! how wonderful they are!!! Each and every single one of them so beautiful and hope you don’t mind me saying, very sweet and tender in a way 🙂 love the hearts, flowers and particularily the feathers and lace… makes me all mushy inside in a good way 🙂

    And great money raised for the children, which reminds me of Xmas duties and to put them on my list 🙂 They are wonderful and so deserved for all the generosity! 🙂
    and Romeo how nice… i kept thinking back of Chop more than i thought i would… is it because he is the most human of characters i wonder? I love Proctor but Chop is even more flawed but also even more tender hearted 🙂
    And you made me wish to see R&J..
    ‘O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet. Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Montague’… sigh…. and funny enough the images that come to mind are always Leonardo and Claire Danes . especially given that i have never seen R&J on stage yet..
    Must be Xmas coming all this mushiness inside! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Was für eine schöne Idee! Du hast wieder einmal wunderbare kleine Schmuckstücke gefertigt ❤
    Ich bin mal wieder voll auf Guy polarisiert, die 102 ist zum knutschen 🙂


  3. What a beautiful collection. You are amazing, and all the generous supporters as well. Happy Thanksgiving from California. I am thankful for you and all my fellow RA well-wishers. You rock.


  4. Oh my, what an amazing, beautiful project you’ve created! Congratulations and many thanks to you and the recipients for your generosity. I love the idea of the shrines being linked by the lines of dialogue.
    #104 is the one that hit me right in the feels too when I saw it – I love sleeping Lucas. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was great fun making this, choosing a nice poem with the right amount of evocative lines, and then match them to various chaRActers.
      Lucas – covered with angel wings… 😍


  5. Once again I am amazed and touched by your creativity. You certainly put your heart into each one of them. How can I *not* choose sleeping Lucas. It makes me want to gently kiss the tip of his nose without waking him up! Guess I’m feeling mushy too!!


    • There is something so incredibly touching about gently, peacefully sleeping Lucas… Well, or any chaRActer, I suppose. Damn, I’ve blown that scene on a shrine now 😉


  6. Great inspiration from Romeo and Juliet. But you always come up with good themes and pictures to go with them.
    Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in Ireland the same time as in the States? I didn’t think it was celebrated anywhere in Europe.


    • Sky’s the limit when it comes to inspiration 🙂 I could transplant RA into any scenario. Any love poem will do 😉
      As for Thanksgiving – no, Ireland doesn’t really celebrate it at all. Neither do I really – but I remember it from my time as an English teacher (when it was a neat topic to discuss in class) and since so many of my fandom friends and readers are American, I thought it would be nice to reach out to them 🙂


  7. Pingback: RAPS in Retrospect – Part 1 [John Proctor] | Guylty Pleasure

  8. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrines 240 to 260/? – Passing The Love On | Guylty Pleasure

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