RA Pocket Shrine 116/? – Twitter Love [Raffle]

40 days, six weeks later I am finally celebrating my return to Twitter today. A cursory look at my notifications earlier on showed me that I received quite a few nice tweets during my absence. I am very sorry that my failure to react, appears rude and unappreciative, and I will try and reply belatedly. – My Lent resolutions were all kept, but let me admit to you that staying away from Social Media was much more difficult than giving up chocolate! And to make up for my absence on the short message network, I made a little Twitter shrine. This will be exclusively raffled on Twitter – instructions in the tweet on my profile there, as well as below the following RAPS presentation!

So. Here’s a bit of a genesis story to today’s RAPS. I was quite busy in the last three weeks, as well as pissed off with hardware problems as you are all too aware by now. Rather than work on my lame PC, I did all kinds of other things. Baking flapjacks, tidying up, making shrines. Tidying up is always great for the shrine making business. It means I come across stuff which suddenly looks ideal for a RAPS design. In this case I happened upon a fluffy yellow chick and an empty Lindt chocolate tin that provided the impetus for a Twitter shrine. With Easter and spring around the corner, a container gifted to me by Suzy was the perfect choice.

Call it recycling mania or plain old stinginess? but a lot of the decor came from wrappers and other assorted trash. The “love” sticker on the tin was actually on the plastic in which a bunch of flowers was wrapped. I carefully prised it off and reused it. And the shiny pink backdrop of the shrine’s inside was the wrapper of a delicious little Lindt chocolate heart that came in a tin of choccies sent to me by Hariclea for the #RichieValentineSwap. In the heart-shaped tin, the chocolates were secured by a thicker piece of shiny, purple card that provided the perfect slogan – and the inspiration for the shrine. See for yourself:


Ok, that’s a screen cap from The Golden Hour with the delicious Dr Track being tickled pink. But I needed a picture of RA to smile at the lovely tweep bottom left. Aren’t we all fluffy little chicks on Twitter when it comes to the master’s tweets??

Talking of “master” – there’s something that RA does very well on Twitter and that has his followers in raptures…


Yes, there are more selfies, but well, I had to make a selection somehow. Bearded, stubbled, at work, being silly, being bespectacledly cool, killing with his blue-eyed gorgeousness.


My favourite selfie is the one bottom right. And that’s why I am embedding another gratuitous shrine picture without a candle obscuring him.


So there. That’s for you, Twitter! I hope it reflects some of the fun we have with Mr A on that platform.

As mentioned in the intro, this RAPS will be raffled on Twitter exclusively. While that may mean I have to forego the much-coveted and -appreciated comments here on the blog *fishes for comments*, the raffle is of course open to anyone who has a Twitter account. Here’s what you need to do: Simply RT my raffle tweet on Twitter. I am disabling the automatic Twitter post of *this* blog post so you don’t get mixed up. For your convenience, here is the raffle tweet you need to RT if you would like to win this RAPS. Either click on the RT symbol in  embedded tweet below, or follow this link to the tweet to RT from Twitter itself.


Raffle is open until Tuesday, March 29 2016, 6pm GMT. I’ll announce the winner via @tweet on Twitter.

Edit: As a late addition, here’s Kathy’s spontaneous “Ode to Twitter Selfies” (rescued from the comments) that sums it all up!

Ode to Twitter Selfies.
I’m not bitter,
I’m not on Twitter.
Can’t remember why.
But missing a chance,
To win this cute RAPS.
Makes me want to cry.
It’s really neat,
For those who tweet,
To have a chance to win.
Hearts like jewels,
And eyes like pools,
Inside a lovely tin,
That’s crammed to the lid with him.

Good luck to you, tweeps, and have a hoppy Easter!


60 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 116/? – Twitter Love [Raffle]

      • Ehrlich gesagt hat es mich auch von allen anderen am ehesten angesprungen. Vielleicht, weil ich ihn vorher so nicht “gesehen” habe. Hat sowas lasziv versonnenes…..


        • Lasziv-versonnen? Netter Oxymoron 😀. Aber ja, mir gefiel der intensive Blick, der auch von dem Bemühen spricht, sich mit einem Selbstporträt zu präsentieren. Irgendwie hat das auch was unschuldiges. Und dann mag ich außerdem die Farben in dem Foto.


  1. really cute one and i love the recycling, that’s what it is all about, all kinds of daily objects and knick knacks that remind us of him 😉 the 2 photos on the right are my favourites too, not sure the one in the audible recording is a selfie but i like it nevertheless. I like the tiny chick 🙂


    • For me, that is always the greatest fun. It’s also something that means that creativity and fandom reach into my daily life. I look at things and suddenly the thought occurs that this bit of scrap paper might work for a shrine. that’s how ideas happen…
      I suppose you are right – the Audible recording is not a selfie as such – it doesn’t look as if he took it with his own finger on the shutter release. But he posted it himself 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Was für eine schöne Verwendung der Dose 🙂 Und was wäre passender zu twitter als die Selfies? Gut gewählt!
    Schöne Restostertage noch! Feiert ihr heute auch den irischen ??Tag?


    • Ja, die Dose hatte ich schon lange für einen happy shrine vorgesehen. Nun endlich hat’s auch farblich genau gepasst. Danke nochmal dafür 😘
      Die Feierlichkeiten sind heute für den 100. Jahrestags des Osteraufstands. Das Easter Rising war der Anfang der irischen Nationenbildung – und wurde hier heute riesig begangen. Vormittags war direkt vor unserem Haus schon der riesige Aufmarsch. (Die Matrosen in ihren Uniformen finde ich immer unwiderstehlich, trotz aller Abneigung dem Militär gegenüber.) Wir haben uns allerdings die Parade gemütlich am Fernseher angeguckt und sind aufs Dach gestiegen, um den Vorbeiflug der irischen Air Force zu beobachten. Ich glaube, sie hatten tatsächlich alle 17 Flugmaschinen im Einsatz 😉. Die Parade war mir ansonsten mit Panzeraufmarsch entschieden zu militaristisch. Als Deutsche kennt man sowas eben nicht – mir bleibt da immer nur ein Gefühl des Unbehagens. Wahrscheinlich denke ich da auch an die Nazi-Aufmärsche oder so, jedenfalls finde ich es immer problematisch, wenn sich der Staat vom Militär repräsentieren lässt… Selber feiern wir als gute Sozialisten natürlich so einen nationalistischen Feiertag nicht 😬

      Liked by 1 person

        • Die Kids und ich haben vorhin schon ganz respektlos vor Lachen unter der Couch gelegen, als die Parade lief. Das war vermutlich das gesamte Personal der Streitkräfte da versammelt. Wenn einer Irland hätte übernehmen wollen, wäre 13 Uhr der richtige Zeitpunkt gewesen, als alle mit ihren Zeremoniensäbeln in der Parade stolzierten. Schön war auch der Moment, als ein Schlauchboot im Rahmen der Parade vor den Tribünen vorbeirollte.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ach ja, die Stärke der Nation! 😂 Ich gehörte ja nie zu den Ultrapazifisten, aber die Begeisterung für Miliärparaden ist unserer Generation wohl erfolgreich abtrainiert worden. Und so nett Uniformen auch sein mögen (die spielen ja ganz klar mit der “Männlichkeit”), hat es manchmal was durchaus operettenhaftes. Und das ist dann eher lachhaft. Aber gut zu hören, dass die Schlauchboote einsatzbereit sind 😀


            • 😂 Ich mein, ich kann ja verstehen, dass die nicht ihre Fregatte die O’Connell Street hochziehen können, aber dann hätte ich das Plastik-Militärgerät lieber ganz rausgelassen… Die Küstenwache kam dann auch noch mit einem Schlauchboot vorbei…


        • Ja, das Wetter hat fantastisch mitgespielt. Absolut passend zum Veranstaltungsende hat es dann angefangen, heftig zu regnen. Ich habe mir abends die Highlights dann noch einmal angeguckt und dazu eine Doku gesehen, bei der es um die Kinder ging, die die Opfer des Osteraufstandes waren und denen bis heute keiner gedacht hat. Da liefen bei mir echten Sturzbäche von Tränen…


  3. Love this. Beautiful pictures surrounded by a lovely raps. Feel a short ode coming.
    Ode to Twitter Selfies.

    I’m not bitter,
    I’m not on Twitter.
    Can’t remember why.
    But missing a chance,
    To win this cute RAPS.
    Makes me want to cry.
    It’s really neat,
    For those who tweet,
    To have a chance to win.
    Hearts like jewels,
    And eyes like pools,
    Inside a lovely tin,
    That’s crammed to the lid with him.

    Liked by 7 people

  4. I hadn’t intended a Lenten Twitter fast but spontaneously decided to do one three weeks ago. It wasn’t a complete fast (I still checked my account and Armitage’s tweets) but I stayed out of the general soup. Which was an excellent choice.


    • It certainly gives you lots of spare time, if you stay away from Twitter. I have to say, though, that I missed the interaction with some of my fellow tweeps, who are otherwise not active in the blogworld. The difficult bit will be to balance social media activity with RL commitments and not get sucked back into complete immersion in Twitter…


      • I guess I feel like I still talked to everyone who wanted to speak directly to me, so I didn’t feel that loss at all. But I got rid of many other negative externalities. My issue is more my concern that I don’t know what’s happening if I am not there.


        • Well, I suppose I have the advantage of relying on you and others to forward the latest news on your and other blogs. In that sense I didn’t mind staying away at all. I got all the news – just with a delay. IDK, but there are a good few people who only really communicate with me on Twitter, so I did miss them, as well as the quick interaction – almost like a chat – that is possible there but doesn’t happen as spontaneously on a blog.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Have to admit that I am not a selfie fan at all! Not even sure whether he looks at ease in thrm at all. One of these days I must write the big long analysis of his selfie oeuvre, though.


        • Interesting choice! I suppose we all see things differently. I can hardly recognise him in that picture. But that’s because I have a different POV than you. I just don’t like selfies, full stop. But I acknowledge that they are a self-portrait (more like “self-snapshot”) and therefore reflect more how the subject sees him/herself than the portrait shot by someone else does.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Im not a huge fan of selfies, either, mainly because mine always look horrible. I just happen to like that one. Usually, there is a certain tension in his face in selfies and candid photos. In that one, I didn’t see it.


            • Like you, I also don’t like myself in selfies. Well, I don’t like myself in photos, full stop. Plus, I always find selfies an expression of vanity. I’ll grant RA that it is not that in his case, but a fan service. He is reacting to a demand, and that is fine.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Yes, that was the one. There was something about the angle in that one, that distorts his face (I find), similar to the Irish selfie and the latest selfie, giving more prominence to his cheekbones.


  5. I gave up the whole Lent Catholic thing before I got married. I like to say I did my time and am out with no probation officer to make me follow the rules anymore. heh My hubs’ background is from a different religion. He didn’t know anything about Lent, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, etc., and thinks it was ridiculous that I was always forced to give up music for lent when I was a kid. (Bitter much? Yes I do tend to remember things.) He thought it was funny that I would try to get my mom and the nuns to agree to me giving up Jesus instead of my music. It never worked and I always got scolded. But that is just the bad girl in me coming out. Glad you are back in action girl! 😀


    • Hehe, the ironic thing is, that I am not a believer at all. I have been baptised, but I have never really been a practicing Christian. I do Lent every year, because it is just such a handy reminder – and I personally do think that it is good to test one’s discipline and resolve every once in a while, and practice doing with less. There may be a spiritual dimension to it – and that goes beyond all faiths.
      Giving up music? Honestly, that would be so hard. I’d never be able to do that.
      Glad to be back!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 116/? – Twitter Love [Raffle] — Guylty Pleasure | MimiCruzC

  7. the selfie pocket shrine is cutely adorable, also I was wondering when are his movies suppose to come out. I remember reading something about him doing between 4-6 movies around 2014-2015. the only one I know that was seen in a couple of theaters was urban and the shed crew and it was only shown in Europe. I think Mr. RICHARD ARMITAGE is a great actor and I find it a shame that the director or who ever is in charge of the films has not release them to theaters or if they don’t want them to be shown on the movie screen, why don’t they put them on dvd. I have seen photos of these movies and a couple of the trailers/promos and the movies look like they would be great.


    • Yes, I am wondering about all the work he has done for film in recent months. Maybe we simply need to be more patient? The only one that definitely seems to be coming, is the Irish production, which has been mentioned quite a bit.
      I wonder how it all feels to RA – is it majorly disappointing for him, too, that his work is not being published, or does he not take ownership of the whole film but only his work as the creator of one character within the wider body of work, and therefore is satisfied as long as he has kept his side of the bargain? Sigh. We’ll never know…


  8. Pingback: Return of the “Fans Wax Lyrical” Series | Guylty Pleasure

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