Birthday Auction Update #1 – Sunday Morning

We are half way through the Birthday Auctions, so time for an update on how the bidding is progressing. At this point, we have already nearly tripled my original goal! This is what I mean by that:

Screen Shot 2016-08-20 at 14.49.11When I had to set the starting prices for the items on eBay, I had a (modest?) goal in mind. A “price list” on Save the Children (see right) informs us that a shelter kit that provides safety and warmth to a family, costs 250USD$. That was my original marker when I calculated the total of all starting prices of the various fan items, including the privately auctioned custom RAPS. That initial goal was reached even before all items received a first bid because some items very quickly received several bids, driving the prices.

We already crossed the 500 USD$ mark early yesterday evening, which means we could effectively sponsor TWO shelters.

Overnight, more bidding activity happened, and now, on Sunday morning, we have crossed the next marker: As it stands, the combined bid prices add up to 821 USD$ (725 Euro), which pushes our reach to THREE shelter kits. All items have received at least one bid, which means that everyone of the auction items will be sold!

Bravo and a massive thank you to all of you who have made bids and supported this auction so far! 

In detail, these are the current bids (in USD$):

Autograph 4 framed 21. Framed/mounted Richard Armitage autograph

184.02 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 17:54 BST


2. Unframautograph 3ed/unmounted Richard Armitage autograph

101.35 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 23:45 BST


3. Unframed/unmounted Richard Armitage autograautograph 2ph

80.97 $
Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 21:13 BST


4. Framed/mounted Richard Armitage Autograph 1 framed 2autograph

134.83 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 22:36 BST


Poster crop5. One commemorative poster pull-out The Hobbit AUJ


5.66 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 22:23 BST



6. One Hobbit Movie Guide – AUJHobbit Guide cover


37.37 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 21:58 BST



7. One Empire magazine, issue with ThEmpire Thorin holograph coverorin Oakenshield hologram cover

70.78 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 21:31 BST



8.  The Crucible theatre programmCrucible programmee

45.30 $
Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 21:22 BST



9. RAPS “King Oleron” IMG_6167 sm(Alice Through The Looking Glass)

70.92 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 23:24 BST


IMG_6623 (1) sm10. RAPS “Love Love Love”

45.30 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016 23:36 BST



11. Custom RAPS

45.30 $

Auction ends: 22 Aug, 2016, 23.59 BST


The framed autographs are proving particular favourites – proving how dear tomorrow’s birthday boy is to our hearts. Owning a fan item that he has once touched? 😉 I can not fault you for that – I am already happy that these items are attracting your generous bids!

You can continue to bid for these items via clicking on the links above. If you are interested in the custom RAPS, you can send me your bid via e-mail to (more info on the link above, scroll to bottom of page).

At this stage already a heart-felt THANK YOU to all who have reblogged, blogged, RT, tweeted, posted on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest etc. I will spend today starting on that list of names that has to go into the raffle for a RAPS.

26 thoughts on “Birthday Auction Update #1 – Sunday Morning

  1. Going great guns, Guylty!

    The photos are mouthwatering, and even more desirable because they’re Guylty exclusives you won’t find anywhere else.


    • Aw, that’s sweet of you to say xx. I wasn’t altogether sure whether I was pushing my own work a little bit too much by having my own pics of him signed. In the end I decided on them, not because I think they are the best (they are not – there are better pics out there) but because I own the rights to them and I can publicly show them anywhere I want.


  2. Pingback: Richard Armitage memorabilia auction about to fund four Syrian refugee families. Can you help? | Me + Richard Armitage

  3. Ich schaffe es zur Zeit leider nur immer mal wieder drüber zu lesen. Unglaublich was Du da wieder auf die Beine gestellt hast. Ich drücke ganz fest die Daumen und Hut ab! Du bist ein echter “Spendensammler” ❤


    • Vielen Dank, Suzy – ich kann nur den Hut selber ziehen vor Leuten wie dir, die direkt vor Ort anpacken und mithelfen. Ich bin dankbar, dass wir hier so viele Freunde im Fandom haben, die an Fundraisern teilnehmen, und so einen Beitrag leisten.


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