Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/32

The daily goodness from the SD at LLL continues – a great time to be a fan, especially when there are people you know experiencing the excitement of the SD. We have had a few discussions over on Twitter about how the SD differs at LLL from the one at TC. While TC seemed to attract a much bigger crowd of admirers at the SD, LLL seems kind of manageable for RA. That is to say, there are fewer people there, at least for the moment. It may just be an “optical illusion” that LLL SD looks faster than the London SDs – simply by virtue of having to serve fewer fans in NYC. By the look of things, RA is signing and posing for selfies, just like he did in London. And to his credit – apparently other actors leave the theatre by another exit and never make any appearances at all. It’s nice that RA takes the time to say hello to his fans. – And gives them opportunity to capture such gems as the following:


And *ooops*, it looks as if I have started a new photography trend, “obligatory neck porn”. I take them – thank you Tommie, for snapping these. Much appreciated. xx

As for Tumblr, here is a short list from the last week:


  1. For Guy’s 10-year anniversary, riepu10 has made another playing card. Nice
  2. LOL – Marian’s face on this “What a Guy wants” by nfcomics… apt!
  3. Ghisborne has put together a little vocabulary lesson. I am sure that *any* English lesson gets better by using Guy as the educational material…
  4. Here’s a fan review of LLL I have not seen mentioned anywhere yet. By makura-no-soushi
  5. A scene from episode 1 of BS in which Daniel looks very much like a Thomas Shaw type. Giffed by ghisborne
  6. LOL – a nice reminder from Guy via nfcomics
  7. Fan forensics: I hadn’t even noticed that Richard wore pink socks at the BS event in LA… Jassy2101 did
  8. Richard-crispin-armitage entitles this “Shameless Flirt – Berlin Station edition”. It’s a mixture of RA and DM, and it nicely feeds some fantasies…
  9. You can never have too much Daniel Miller in close up on your screen. Thanks kendaspntwd
  10. I’m sure you desperately needed this close-up from LLL. By larygo
  11. The picture of Thornton is well-known – but I loved the comment by dogearedbibliophile
  12. More Bagginshield by rutobuka2
  13. Not sure if this set is already ages old, but I really liked the combination of graphics and Thorin pics in it. By undomiel
  14. I’m sure you have seen some of these Thorin cosplayers before, hizsi and tankhera are well known at this point. This is a pic from the weekend’s NYCC, and this is just the most joyful, funny thing. Posted by sashaforthewin
  15. In case you missed the latest Armitagean dick joke. From the BS SAG AFTRA panel, giffed by ghisborne
  16. Also at SAG AFTRA, richie-crispie gives us these full-length in large size
  17. Let’s not forget Mr Thornton. Here’s a piece of fan art by nerdeeart

Sigh, there are so many things I have been meaning to write about the last week. I took lots of notes when watching the SAG-AFTRA conversation with RA, Forbes and Orser, because there were some interesting snippets in there that I would love to discuss. I also started compiling a list of my favourite films set in or about Berlin, that I wanted to review and recommend here. It has to wait. Meanwhile, I rejoice in the latest snaps and snippets by Mr A, however shortly they may appear online 😉

Have a nice weekend,

Guylty ❤️

22 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/32

  1. I have still not caught up on all RA related interviews, pics, tweets, everything. At this point I don’t think I ever will. Loved the roundup, as always, and it gave me a glimpse of what I missed. There is so much going on right now, hard to keep up with it all, let alone catch up if you miss a week or two, or three. However, being temporarily RA deprived was worth it, under the circumstances.


    • I am finding it hard, too, and with so much stuff coming across my way on Twitter and via blogs, I really have to force myself to look at Tumblr. It’s almost overkill right now… But yeah, I have a duty 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I am glad you take your duty to inform us of all things Armitage seriously. It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Thank you for your sacrifice. 🙂 And your awesome work ethic.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Besten Dank für die Zusammenstellung, die ich ganz, ganz früh heute zum Kaffee genossen habe. Es war für mich wirklich ein Vergnügen, eine abwechslungsreiche Link-Liste durch zu klicken. 🙂

    Eindeutiger Favorit: #6! 😀


  3. Ob verspätet oder nicht – auch von mir herzlichen Dank für die schöne Sammlung. Zur Zeit gibt es so viel zu entdecken, ich kommen nicht nach. Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche und hoffe, dass du einige deiner Vorhaben umsetzen kannst.


    • Bitte gerne 😀
      Ich habe heute Abend nochmal BS 1 + 2 gemeinsam mit meiner Berliner RL RA Freundin geguckt. War echt interessant, das mit einer Ortskundigen anzusehen. Einige meiner Eindrücke wurden bestätigt, andere Kritikpunkte dagegen fand sie jetzt nicht so schwerwiegend wie ich. Ich gebe zu, dass mich das Urteil von jemandem, der in Berlin lebt, durchaus ein bisschen beeinflusst – und ich meine Meinung in Teilen wohl etwas revidieren muss. Vielleicht ergibt das ja doch noch Stoff für einen Beitrag 😉


  4. Thanks Guylty! I missed lots of these, including the dick joke set which is just fabulous. I love the glee on his face 😂 I love the shameless flirt pics too 😉 And how lovely to go straight back to when I fell in love, #11… sigh.


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