The Twelve Days of Christmas – Day 9 [Raffle]

Hump day – of the week, not the raffle. We are now three quarters through the Twelve Days of Christmas. The “big day” is getting nearer. Yesterday, we went out and bought a Christmas tree. In my house, following German tradition, the Christmas tree is only installed on the morning of Christmas Eve. This year, I am thinking of a red and silver theme. Should’ve really made more of those little ornaments that I gave away yesterday. We have a winner for them – and the two stamps for a photo request to RA. It is jholland. Congrats!!!! I think I still have your address 😉 – the ornaments and stamps will go into the post today. Draw protocol: click seal on the right.



The year is coming to a close – let’s look forward to another year, shall we? Today I bring you…

1 RA Desk Calendar


Not really that discreet, as it only contains images of RA. But cute in size (about 9x10cm) and very handy, as it comes in a closeable jewel case that acts as a stand. A bit like a CD case. Maybe something for a desk at work? You’ll recognise the pictures – shamelessly plugging my own photography here –  the best of Guylty’s lens. To make the raffle worth while, Hariclea is throwing in another bag of Thornton’s chocolate. Yum!!! All you’ve got to do to get your hands on this, is leave a comment below. The raffle is open until 7am, 22 December 2016.


My daily posts have become a bit of a soap box… So this is today’s wisdom: I was ruminating about being a fan, fandom, and specifically fangirling for RA recently. Following the career of an actor. Maintaining a blog about him. Creating fan art. Travelling to see the actor at work or on events.  In particular, I was wondering whether there is a point, seeing that it is a one-way interaction, at least in terms of the subject of my fangirling. I’ve been faltering a bit on that account, if truth be told. And then I came across a little nugget that seemed oddly appropriate – for my ruminations, my recent trip, and for this time of year, even.

15622604_10208251997597353_3965680876928196498_nIn other my favourite words: expectation management. There is a point to it all. Not for an acknowledgment or a reward. But just for the fun of doing it, without justifying it to anyone. There. The sentimental truth of the matter. Must be the time of year that makes me soppy…


Leaving you with the customary recap and small print: Raffle for 1 RA desk calendar + bag of Thornton’s chocolate, open to all until 7am GMT Dec 22, 2016. The raffle items will be sent anywhere in the world, no P&P costs either. The winner’s address will be passed on to Hariclea to facilitate despatch of the chocolate. To enter the raffle, just a leave a comment below. Winner to be announced in Day 10 post of 12DX, tomorrow.


Love and best of luck to you all!

86 thoughts on “The Twelve Days of Christmas – Day 9 [Raffle]

  1. Awwww, I love your photography 👍 Mmmmmm, red and silver would be beautiful, one year I decorated our tree in cranberry and gold … it was gorgeous.


      • Äh, das hat nix mit diskret zu tun. Ich hab schon seit Jahren immer nur einen Planer oder einen Wochenkalender, wo ich Termine und sonstige Sachen notieren kann. Nicht dekorativ, nur praktisch und zweckdienlich.

        Sollte mein Name gezogen werden, bekommt der Kalender einen Platz in meiner Bude, und wenn einer der wenigen Leute, die ich hier reinlasse, fragt, wer das Kerlchen da drauf denn ist, habe ich auch keine Hemmungen “Ein Schauspieler, den ich gern sehe” zu antworten. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • So isses. Ich finde das ganz richtig. Meine Herangehensweise ist ähnlich. RA ist in Form von diversen Thorin-Magneten und dem Thorin Hallmark-Anhänger, sowie den Plushies bei mir ja auch sehr präsent. Ich sag dann immer, das ist mein Movie Boyfriend. Dann wird kurz gelacht, und gut is’.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Movie-Boyfriend, das gefällt mir. 🙂

            *g* Ich hatte eben einen sehr interessanten Gedankengang. Irgendwie wollte ich so ungefähr dies antworten: “Ich hab kein Problem damit, dazu zu stehen, dass ich Augen habe und einen schönen Anblick zu schätzen weiß. Männer kleben Nacktfotos in ihren Spind, warum soll ich da Hemmungen haben, simple Fotos hier stehen zu haben?!”

            Tja, und dann fiel mir ein, dass ich auf der Arbeit ein kleines Spindfach habe, und jetzt werde ich das blöde Kopfkino nicht los … Wie wohl meine Kolleginnen reagierten, würde ich dort Daniel beim Abtrocknen oder Dolly in Unterwäsche dort rein kleben? *gg*
            (Realistisch: Sie würden es vermutlich gar nicht sehen, weil wegen Platzmangel jede von uns ihr Fach sofort wieder zuklappt, damit niemand dagegen dotzt.)

            Liked by 1 person

    • You know, I always refused to get into a “daily posts” kind of routine. But every time I do it – for an auction or a project etc. – I enjoy it immensely and it really is not the chore that I am always afraid of. A lesson?!


  2. now that’s a Christmas message I can get behind! thanks for sharing, it was very inspirational ❤

    as for the desk calendar, very classic looking (so it can be placed out in the open w/out too much complaint from the mister…) and very practical, since I never know what day it is. also, that black & white photo: eyelash-gasm!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My friend recently complied a calendar for her daughter of Rupert Grint (of Harry Potter fame) photographs she had collected from the internet, I was a little surprised that Vistaprint printed it, I suppose as long as she didn’t remove any watermarks etc she got away with it.


    • I always thought that you get away with it when it is done for personal, private use, only, i.e. not with the intention to sell. However, I have noticed that I always have to agree to a copyright notice when I have photos printed at my local Boots drugstore.


  4. OH sheesh! I can’t believe my wonderful luck!!!! Guess what? Yesterday was my birthday! How about that?
    I agree with your sentiments- we do reap unexpected rewards in our fangirling endeavors. It actually boggles the mind sometimes to think that several years ago I DIDN’T have so many diverse connections and friendships all over the world. It’s very well worth it for that alone. But then you count in the many ways that fangirlling sparks creativity and the sharing of that creativity and it makes even more sense.
    Can’t wait to get my hands on those ornaments. And chocolates. LOL =)

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Very wise words. Love is truest when given freely and without condition. I think that applies to admiration too. As a fan I’ve gained much more joy than I ever expected because of the lovely people I’ve met through the mutual admiration of RA.
    My 2016 calendar is about to expire and I’m breaking out in a cold sweat 😅

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m gonna be disgustingly shameless and put my name in it too, without the chocolates! :-p I just love the calendar idea. Great to think about this format too, it could work even on my desk at work (provided no 🍇 in sight! :p)
    And yes i wouldn’t want to miss the exitment and the good vibes of it all, the people, the joy, the feeling of being young and full of energy and all that 🙂 I sometimes doubt the ‘sensible’ element of it all in my more pessimistic moments but then some planned event comes along and just the anticipation of it makes me happy 🙂 I really do subscribe to the quote you found. As a Scorpion .. cough cough yes, loving and admiring makes us happy :-)) And i do feel the fuzzies in return, through the lovely friendships and even though his is not direct and one on one so to speak i sort of feel the attention and the arm thoughts towards us as a group. I feel fondly thought of if that makes sense 🙂


    • That is not shameless at all, Hari. You are entitled to take part in this, just like everyone else. And I actually think you should keep the chocolates for yourself, too. You deserve a treat for your lovely contribution!!!
      Oh, are Scorpios particularly susceptible to fan girling over others? Ooooooops, guilty/Guylty as charged.


      • i think we are more susceptible to passion 😉 But i see that as a good thing, i feel much happier when i feel passionate about things, people and so on 🙂 I guess education tells us to be moderate but that’s not necessarily what makes us happy so sod that! Love is good 🙂


        • Oh, I see. Yes total passion junkies. If I get into something (someone?), I am totally 100% committed, and there is absolutely no dithering about it. I don’t like pathos – but I really love passion.

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Das hätte ich auch gerne! Deine Fotos sind einfach grandios, so nette kleine Highlights jeden Monat eines 🙂 und den wirklich guten Spruch habe ich mir grade als WhatApp Profilbild geladen ❤
    Sehr creative heute Madame!!


  8. First, I don’t think I have said to all the German friends how heartbroken I am that people enjoying family and Christmas preparations were attacked in such a brutal manner. My prayers are with all of you. Although my German ancestors were my great, great grandparents, so early/mid 1800’s, I have the connection in my heart, and have always longed to visit.
    Guylty, I think your nugget fits perfectly with entering a new year, as well as Richard’s Christmas message of living without fear, a life of love for fellow man. I would love to have this calendar.
    🙏 🎄 💞

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ooh, lovely calendar.

    I thoroughly agree. If we only do things out of expectation of getting something back we live a sad life. Smile at a stranger, it might just make their day.


  10. I finished the ménage, wrapped the gifts for the children and now I have looked out of curiosity what the todays price is. Indeed, it is a desirable calendar and I could start dreaming with each look at it. So I couldn’ t resist to comment again


  11. Your photos are always beautiful. A calendar with them would be lovely.
    I love the message too. Cross the oceans or whatever. I think going to NYC for LLL was wonderful but meeting the ladies who I only knew via FB posts has added a whole new dimension to our friendship. Mr. A is responsible for a lot of friendships.


  12. I agree with you on the feeling of lack of want of fangirling, that is how I felt several days after traveling a long distance to see LLL. As if the mystery was gone after seeing Richard in person. Well, thankfully the feeling only lasted about a week. I loved the play with it conflicts, and think often on the character dynamics. He was deliciously gorgeous. And I am fine now. Guilty thank you for your blog, I enjoy your thoughts very much.


    • Thank you Jane, it’s a pleasure to share them. And a consolation to know others have these weird “post partum” feelings, too. I can’t quite say why I get them. Possibly the whole expectation thing, or maybe it is like reaching the summit after a long, strenuous climb, and being to exhausted to enjoy the view? The good thing, as you say, is that it usually rightens itself after a while… I’m getting used to it by now.


  13. Went by a store in the mall that sells all different calendars at this time of the year the other day. Was wishing that they they would have one of our guy. This is a perfect gift!!


  14. Pingback: Frohe Weihnachten für Euch alle! | silverbluelining

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