Hardware and Accessories

Not sure whether you noticed it, but I had a couple of days of enforced silence here on my blog. I’ve been having issues with my MacBook (some permissions trouble and mysterious battery drain), and it got to the point where I just had to take it to the repair guy to have it seen to. That gave me a day and a half to pass without blogging. The new, grey RA fabric was waiting to be used, and so I sewed up a few bits and pieces, experimenting with trims and smaller sized zip pouches. I got Mezzie’s zipper pouch done, too, and now have a stash of gifts ready to despatch.

Prior to solving my hardware problem, I also encountered an internet problem. After five years of enthusiastic, uncompromising photo uploads into my blog, I finally reached my upload limit on my blog. 3GB’s worth of photos. Unless I wanted to delete photos – and deprive old blog posts of their illustrations – I had to bite the bullet and buy myself a WordPress upgrade. So I decided to splash out and bought myself a premium plan. This whole Armitage thing better be on for another year, now. I don’t want to have forked out money for nothing!! As part of the new plan, I got the option of changing to a custom URL. That is why you will find that my page’s address is now guylty.net, as you can see up there in the address line of your browser. Don’t worry, nothing has changed – you can continue typing in guylty.wordpress.com – you will be automatically transferred to guylty.net. But while I was at it with all the internet stuff, I gave the blog a quick make-over and customised the colour scheme – now that I can. (As part of premium plans, templates can be customised. The free plan doesn’t allow that.) So here is to another 5 years of blogging – with a total of 13GB storage space at my disposal… I think I need a good few red carpets and premieres to fill that…

My iPhone had a hardware issue, too. Or rather – I decided to replace my iPhone cover. Now, this is me being totally anal because I actually replaced the old cover with an identical new one. It was just that the old cover had a small crack. But I really love that case with the Armitage coat of arms, designed by circusgifs, therefore I simply reordered it.

Now, here comes a question. Any other iPhone 6 users out there? It’s not that I am trying to off-load my old and broken crap, or that I believe that what is not good enough for me, is still good enough for others. But the fact is that the cover *is* still useable, so the loose corner could simply be snapped off, the rough edges sanded with a nail file, and the whole cover re-used. I gave the whole thing a thorough wipe down with some cleaning wipes, and the plastic looks still ok. No discolouration, the printed design has not rubbed off at all, the plastic is still shiny. So before I chuck it in the bin, does any Armitage fan want to cover their iPhone 6 in a rather unobtrusive, yet classy looking case? It’s totally suited to discreet fangirling, I can vouch for that, as I have carried this for two years, and not once has anyone asked me whose coat of arms it is. Yet I have had the pleasure of carrying a reminder of my favourite actor around with me at all times. Win-win.

Once again, this is just a recycling attempt. I totally understand if no one wants to have used piece of plastic. But just in case… There are some signs of wear at the corners of the case, but lying side by side, can you tell which of these two phone cases is the old one?So in case anyone wants this, drop me a line and I’ll pop it in the post for you. 

PS: Tomorrow I will hopefully return to some more meaty blogging – I have finally watched BoF and want to write down my review.

21 thoughts on “Hardware and Accessories

    • Hust – echt jetzt? Das Pink ist schon ein bisschen grell, aber ich wollte das so. Auch wenn man an einen “Adult-Toy-Shop” denkt – gewissermaßen ist das Blog ja auch ein solcher…


      • Aber vorher war der Schriftzug doch auch schon schweinchenrosa. Jetzt in Kombination mit lila und grau isses hübscher.


        • Hehe, bis vor zwei Tagen war der Schriftzug aqua-blau, mit Richards Name in knallgelb. Der rosa Header ist wieder der von vor einem halben Jahr. Der neue grau/violette Hintergrund macht’s…


        • Ja, eben. Der Header hat sich nicht geändert. Nur die Kombi mit dem neuen Hintergrund macht’s. (Ich weiß schon gar nicht mehr, was ich damals mit dem schweinchenrosa Header für einen Hintergrund kombiniert hatte…)


  1. I am glad your upgrade made you commit to future blogging. Count me in. I will commit to more odes. It is the least I can do.


  2. If I hadn’t already ordered my brand-spanking-new phone cover I might have taken you up on the coat-of-arms cover! My new case has been shipped!


  3. looove the new background! and great to have your own domain 🙂
    and those phone cases are great!!! just annoyed that as an Android user it was so much harder to find one!


    • Glad you like the new styling. I like to have a little make-over every once in a while.
      And yes, in that sense iPhone is great – all the stuff is always available for that phone.


  4. Macht sich sehr gut, dein neuer Hintergrund in Kombination mit dem Schriftzug und ich sage das, obwohl ich jedweden Pinkton im Allgemeinen von Herzen ablehne (sehr zum Ärger des Nachwuchses…räusper).


    • Ich bin auch immer wieder aufs Neue erstaunt, dass ich mich im reifen Alter diesem Farbton so hingezogen fühle… Bin eigentlich nicht so ein rosa-glitzer-süß-girlie… Aber wenn ich hier schon meinen “guilty pleasures” fröne, dann macht das Pink den Kohl auch nicht mehr fett…
      Apropos Kohl – ich höre gerade in den Nachrichten, dass Herr Kohl gestorben ist…


  5. Pingback: Hardware and Accessories – SEO

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