Mystery Blogger Award – Late and half-OT

For a little bit of OT fun while we are currently experiencing a regular flood of RA related news and discussions thank you BSI’ve decided to follow Herba’s invitation and take part in the Mystery Blogger Award. Thank you for nominating me, Herba ❤️!

The Mystery Blogger Award is really an opportunity for bloggers to share a little bit about themselves – and to invite others to do so, too. It’s a nice project for a blog such as mine that is less about my every-day life, but very specifically about the work of a particular actor, written for his fans. I presume *some* of my personality shines through on my blog but hey, *any* opportunity to talk about myself *grins*. So here we go:

About The Mystery Blogger Award:

This is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates, it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.

Okoto Enigma is the creator of the award. To motivate the Blogger please do visit her blog.

The Rules of the Award:

– Put the award logo/image on your blog.
– List the rules.
– Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
– Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
– Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
– You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
– Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
– Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
– Share a link to your best post(s).

Three bits about myself

The Award rules stipulate that I must tell my readers three things about myself. Ok, to make this blog post qualify as relevant to the RAcentricity of the blog, I’ll disclose three things about my life as a fangirl.

  1. Richard Armitage makes me snooze. Literally. But in a good way. I occasionally go to bed at night thinking that Kopfkino might be a nice way of passing the time. However, I *always* fall asleep before anything exciting happens in the cinema in my head. Dang!
  2. Looking back now, I think my first serious boyfriend looked vaaaaaaguely like RA. Tall, very lean, dark hair, beautiful hands. And back then, I supposedly was into blonde guys… Let’s hope that the chap in question is not reading Richard Armitage fan blogs and objects to me plastering his face on social media… but this is him and me:
  3. I never, ever travel without Pop!Thorin. He is on any overnight trip I go on.


Herba’s questions

  1. Do you have any kind of phobia? Short answer is: no.
  2. Do you work in your dream job? No, not quite. My dream job would be working as a photographer – and earning money with it. As it is, I am still photographing all the time, occasionally getting paid, but mostly and regularly I earn my money as a journalist.
  3. When you were a child, did you have a favourite book, a favourite film (TV show) and a favourite singer (band)? And what/who are your current favourites? Ok, going really far back, my earliest favourite book was Das kleine Gespenst by Otfried Preußler (The Little Ghost), my favourite TV show was Wickie und die starken Männer (an animated series about a little Viking boy) and my favourite band was Abba. Switch to today. Favourite book ah feck it, that’s so unfair – I have so many books I love…but ok, if pushed: Siegfried Lenz Deutschstunde  in German, and in English the Campus Trilogy by David Lodge. Favourite TV show: Father Ted. Favourite band: The Style Council.
  4. If you could be someone else for 24 hours, who would you be and why? I would love to be a famous photographer. But not actually my favourite photographer (Don McCullin) because he was a war photographer and I do not want to photograph war. I’d rather like to be an allrounder who can get anything and anyone in front of the lens, and in the context of my blog that probably also explains why *ahem*. So how about Annie Leibovitz?
  5. McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King. Because they have onion rings.

My own questions for my nominees

  1. If you weren’t living where you are living now, where would you like to live?
  2. What’s the last thing you bought that made you really happy?
  3. If you could dress RA/your favourite artist, what would you put him in?
  4. What would you like to receive as a Christmas gift?
  5. Which artistic talent would you like to possess? Why?

My nominees (apologies for duplicate nominations, and no pressure!)

  1. Linnetmoss
  2. Berlinda at Expat Eye on Germany
  3. SueBC at I’m feeling this
  4. Obscura at Ancient Armitage
  5. Jen at PreoccupiedwithArmitage
  6. Nellindreams
  7. Zeesmuse
  8. Judi at Confessions of a Watcher
  9. Luscinnia
  10. Heather at Fully Grown up Fangirl
  11. Mulubinba at A RA Viewer’s Perspective
  12. Zan at Zaniam



No pressure on any nominee to take part in this – and vice versa, those whom I have shamefully neglected to mention, feel free to take up the challenge and award yourself the Mystery Blogger Award. And if all fails, please just click on the links of the bloggers mentioned above, have a look at their sites, leave them a comment, and spread the love.


Right, there you are – off you go and type something new for us 😉. Maybe this will help:

19 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award – Late and half-OT

  1. Challenge accepted! (Just not this minute)

    Burger King might have onion rings, but they are nasty. Then again, I come from Atlanta, home of the Varsity, which has the best onion rings in the world!


  2. Tall, dark haired, pointy hair, pointy nose, thin lips. Hmmm. First Serious Boyfriend does have some semblance to RA in that postage stamp-size photo. Have you Googled FSB’s name to see what he looks like now? Fat, half bald…. NO, NO, DON’T DO IT. Let the fantasy live on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just googled him. Well, I think time has been kind. I only saw a headshot but he looks as slim as back then. Full head of hair, but grey, though. Contrasting black eyebrows (a bit like Sesame Street’s Bert 😂). No regrets 😁. I’m better off with my own “Mr Standring”.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah, Deutschstunde. I’m a Burger King fan too, from way back, although my opinion has been changing lately. I agree with Zee that the BK onion rings are awful, and with you that since onion rings aren’t a thing commonly found in Europe, one has to make do.

    Unsolicited German book tip: Jenny Erpenbeck, Gehen, ging, gegangen. This is the best German book I’ve read since Navid Kermani’s Dein Name.


    • I have to check both those books out. Especially since I am currently in a reading spree. After Robert Harris’ ‘Munich’, I recently finished ‘The Green Road’ by Anne Enright and am now on Roddy Doyle’s ‘Smile’. But I haven’t read a German novel for a long, long time. (The last one was a young adult novel: ‘Tschick’ by Wolfgang Herrndorf)


      • I’ve been lucky — people still sometimes send me one that they’ve particularly liked, but I have a big backlog of things I bought before 2010 that I’m still working through. A lot of classics, but that never hurt anyone.

        Liked by 1 person

    • ah but we do have onion rings! my local chippy (an upscale one for the matter which does it from fresh fish and a choice of coatings and grilled versions) actually has perfectly my dream one! They use the same batter as for fish obvsly but they have a version with pickled onions instead of normal ones, absolutely delish!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. ABBA war es auch bei mir 🙂 war einfach die zeit damals und die beste Gruppe ❤ Ottfried Preussler haben wir auch alles gelesen….. Hotzenplotz, kliene Hexe und und und
    Fotografieren kannst Du wirklich gut. So schade, dass man damit kein Geld verdienen kann 😦


    • Ja, da sieht man dann seine Generation – wir haben da ähnliche Biografien.
      Und ja, eigentlich könnte man schon mit Fotografie Geld verdienen – man muss sich nur dahinterklemmen. Und da ich immer den Weg des geringsten Widerstandes gehe, ist eben das Schreiben einfacher als das Fotografieren… selbst schuld…


  5. Pingback: The Mystery Blogger Award – Thanks! | I'm Feeling This

  6. Leibovitz, eh 😉 nice one, i’d like to be her as well for a few days, even if for just the interaction with the multitude of people she’s met who have marked our age..


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