2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #22

It’s time to get back into the groove. The round-ups have suffered greatly this year. Too many holidays! And there will be more weekend trips coming up, with some four dear fandom friends visiting me over the next couple of months, starting with Linda60 next week. Really, I have had my share of holidays this year. But Ireland is just too beautiful, no wonder I get so many visitors… quod erat demonstrandum

Sorry, now for the round-up. Get yourself a cup of your favourite tipple; this is gonna take a while.

  1. Pinglyponglypeep reminisces about The Crucible. Do you agree?
  2. Grimweaver has a theory why Esther voluntarily takes on the steering wheel in BS
  3. I take it a “phone dump” is a show and tell of all the pictures you have on your phone. This is armitageadoration’s collection. What’s on yours?
  4. Collection queen riepu10 brings us a sunglasses appreciation post
  5. Here’s one of a series of textsfromoceans8 – aw, poor Claude…
  6. I loved this “redraw” by blooeyedspazz who uses a RL photo as inspiration for a piece of Hobbit fan art
  7. Fandomgalcentral reposts a rather unfortunate shot of a seated Kenneth in LLL *grins widely*
  8. Remember John #6? A reminder by frida–y
  9. Where’s the petition, g00doldboy, I’ll sign it straight away *whistles ‘I need a hero’ by Bonnie Tyler*
  10. I usually do not post links to YT, and this is an old video to boot, but it is just too good, especially considering that Deborah Harkness’ Discovery of Witches is currently in post-production. Link supplied by deepestfirefun
  11. A lot of time has passed between 1999 and 2012… as discovered by aelinnielelain
  12. Gorgeous Thorin fan art by life-is-righteous
  13. And a colourful manip by enulacampana
  14. Clumsy-grumpy was bored… not bad for a doodle…
  15. Did I already post this Hobbit AU by pherenikeh last time? If so, sorry, but I still think it’s fun
  16. I didn’t actually read this Lucas fan fic, but just to add some fan fiction to the list, here is this offering by deepestfirefun
  17. Pea coat love forevahhhh! Thanks, mezzmerizedbyrichard!!!

Oh, this was actually a bit shorter than I thought. Well, I hope you enjoyed nevertheless – at least you have more time for your weekend 😉. Myself, I’ll be trying to be creative. Because I have done it again. Despite having approximately 3000 mint tins in my stash, I couldn’t resist buying more when I was in Munich. What do you think – which one of these should I work on?

Yeah, I *had* to buy that porcelain rose necklace… you know why…

And now, happy weekend, all!

Guylty ❤️


40 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #22

  1. Ehrlich, 3000? Da bastelst du ja bis zum St.Nimmerleins-Tag 😂
    Die sind -natürlich- alle total hübsch. Ich mag die Awesome-Version. Und der Muskel-Honk ist auch ganz fein 😊


      • Ach, 300 ist doch gar nicht soviel. Das reicht ja nichtmal für einen RAPS pro Tag übers Jahr ;-).
        Bin auch für den Muskel-Honk. Aber nur, weil der dazu einlädt, so richtig schön durch den Kakao gezogen zu werden 😈.


        • Kicher, genau – ein RAPS pro Tag. Was soll ich sagen – ich würde das nur zu gerne machen. Wenn man nur Zeit hätte. Es sei denn, ich mache das Schreinbasteln zu meinem Beruf.
          Muskel-Honk *totlach* – stimmt, könnte man verwitzeln.


  2. Okay the Make your Own Lucky, would make the PERFECT Thorin tin!!!! And the Manly one would make a perfect Porter… or exersicing Dollarhyde… just a suggestion.

    And lovely roundup! Thank you!


  3. The Peppermint Fish one is so sweet! Your pics are just breathtaking— are those of Connemara? Thank you for the round up my eyes went immediately to the sunglasses one. Do you think those are the Berliner designer ones? The texting one is also funny. I would love to have read the group text of the women on set.


    • The Peppermint Fish tin was a gift from my host. Incidentally I already used the tin for a project last year. You can check it out here: https://guylty.net/2017/10/02/raps-144-%C2%BD-aka-prag/
      The pictures are mostly from the West coast of Ireland; only a couple are actually Connemara. But it just goes to show that all of Ireland is pretty 😉
      The sunglasses – I think Mykita Berlin featured in at least 4 or 5 pictures. But then there were also others.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ireland is sooo beautiful! From your comments last year on the angling game Twister would be quite fun and um interesting esp w Guy if you haven’t done it already then apologies for my ignorance. 😉I adore him in sunglasses I mean he just smolders in them 😎😍😛


        • An angling game with Guy – now, there’s an idea for a special… At one stage, I started compiling pictures of chaRActers that were wet, so it may yet happen.
          Yeah, he wears the sunglasses very well.


          • Ahh well he has gotten WET via Guy, John Porter, Gary Fuller, and of course Lucas and Heinz Kruger!! You are very very creative so will no doubt be easy peasy. #sunglassesatnight 😎😍
            By the way it is 92F right now in DC double ugh…


            • oh god, 92F… (I lived in DC – ok, well, in VA – for a year many years ago. The climate, although supposedly ‘swampy’, never really bothered me.)
              That wet fish game is on my list now!


        • *grins* Freut mich, wenn es dir gefällt. Gottseidank hat so ein Blog ja kein Verfallsdatum. Solltest du mal Langeweile haben, kannst du ja mal zurücklesen ;-). Da gibt es sicher noch das ein oder andere Sahnestückchen 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

    • Very good point. That was actually the one antique tin that I bought for 1 Euro on a market. It’s shiny metal lid attracted me. Unfortunately no Bernards in RA’s oeuvre… damn.


      • Not knowing the brand name, I Googled the product: German tobacco, snuff, since 18th c. Hmm. Thornton for “historic/period?” Ricky Deeming for rolling his own cigarettes? Daniel for being half German?


        • Oh, interesting. Ok, so someone who smokes a pipe. That might even suit Thorin. Or possibly mostly unloved Percy Courtenay. I don’t think I have yet put him into a shrine…


  4. I am partial to the fish tin. It’s the biggest, so it will hold the most RA goodies, theoretically. I picture Thorin inside, peeking out of a barrel of fish on the way to Laketown. Along with other Thorin pics having nothing to do with fish, but everything to do with kingly hotness. Nothing fishy about that.


    • That’s a convincing argument, re. size of the tin. (After all, we all know that size *does* matter.) And LOL – I had never thought about Thorin and the fish barrel scene. Great suggestion. Nothing fishy indeed…


  5. I love your weekly round-up Guylty, it’s strange, re phone dump, I was only wondering yesterday if there was a way of allowing fellow RA admirers to share libraries of RA images . But then, if others’ collections are anything like mine, there would be thousands for us all to scroll through – and there wouldn’t be enough time in the day! Hope the shrining is going well!


    • Thousands of pictures, indeed. Mind you, it’s only a handful on my phone. The favourites. The rest are kept on my laptop. And essentially we are all saving the same pictures, I suppose… The best port of call for pictures are the fan sites RAnet and RAC, I think.
      Shrining went splendid – managed to get one shrine done yesterday. To be photographed and presented tomorrow!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I have a collection of photos that runs as a slide show “wallpaper” on my screen (well, actually, full disclosure, on 3 screens), and though I only save the really, really best photos…I’ve got thousands, too.


    • Ha, that’s great! Three screens = triple the fun! (And if I didn’t have a husband and kids looking over my shoulder occasionally, I would have RA on continuous loop as my screensaver, too.)


  7. Playing catch-up as usual. Just wanted to say thank you for digging up all these treats. That phone dump is really something and those who produce the fan art are so talented.

    Ireland has a spectacular beauty that’s all its own. I’m reminded so much of some of the scenery from Pilgrimage.

    Thank you again for taking all this trouble for us. 🎖


    • Hehe, I might as well share the treats that I come across when I trawl through Tumblr. It would be a shame if the posts were only visible to Tumblr users.
      Ireland is just stunning. I am doing four Ireland mini breaks this year, and even though I have been to most of the places before, I still love going there again and again.


  8. Your pictures of the sky and sea around Ireland are gorgeous. I’m trying to catch up on some of the posts I missed while on my various holidays. I’ve bookmarked the Roundup for later!


  9. Oh wow. I love that Discovery of Witches video. Haven’t read the book, although it sounds interesting (if a little bit like Twilight in that piece). If we can’t have RA in the show, I do like Matthew Goode a lot, who is playing that character.


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