2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #29

Guess what? I haven’t got visitors this week!!! It looks as if this round-up is going to go ahead. Because I have a Friday evening to myself. Confetti!!!

And didn’t we have a fantastic week to look back on? You’ve seen the pictures, but have you seen this fabulous edit that our fellow fan Mat Khal (@matkhal1963 on Twitter) made?

I call this “white shirt problems”… Mat made this edit based on a comment of mine. It’s hilarious, and it makes me laugh out loud. Thank you Mat!!!

Michele has been trying to get me to talk more about those recent selfies/images that were posted this week. They won’t qualify for *ooof*s, but I might launch into a short discussion in a separate post tomorrow or so. Also, I got two birthday presents on Thursday, namely two new audio books narrated by RA. I had pre-ordered both the Jeffrey Archer drivel novel and the Philippa Gregory book. The Snowman is also already waiting on my phone to be listened to. I see a lot of crafting – or walking – in my future…

However, let’s now catch up with what has been going on on Tumblr. 

  1. Not only Armitage looks always fabulous… an edit by thewarriorandtheking
  2. And staying with Thorin, here is this cool manip by redsirionsoldrastuff
  3. Jassy2101 has taken the opportunity to update the RA!headphones meme – honestly, even those clunky headphones do not disfigure the man…
  4. oh, con-tro-ver-sial… How would RA look like as an elf? And moreover – would ther king of the dwarves tolerate any such fan art?
  5. Hm. Deepestfirefun unearthed an article that mentions Richard Armitage in connection with sleep. ??? I had never seen this article before. Is it new?
  6. I love the vintage-y look of this manip by redsirionsoldrastuff
  7. Sorry, Halloween is already over, but I can’t ignore this great manip by riepu10. Standring – an unlikely vampire, but very convincing
  8. Oh, and because ripu10 dedicated the Standring vampire to triple-r-porn, I realised that the latter is planning an advent calendar this year again. For those who don’t know – triple-r-porn does pretty much what it says on the tin *coughs*: NSFW stories about three favourite actors all beginning with the letter R. The names that is, not the porn! In any case, Armitage will be delighted to hear that this year’s chaRActer is John Porter. Hooray!
  9. I love this. It’s old, but hey, just concentrating on the essential details in this crop by thewarriorandtheking
  10. And more vampire fun courtesy of riepu10. Here’s Daniel
  11. Speaking of Halloween – this does not contain Thorin, but the post by lego-martin was just too cute to ignore
  12. Sorry, I just loved this set of pictures. Nothing new. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth looking at. Thanks to deepestfirefun
  13. Not quite sure what this refers to (a song? a film? a show?) but I like it. Manip by fyimissthetoothpicks
  14. Yep. We’ve all been there, alexiosplaysdespacito. And some of us *are* still there
  15. Mezzmerizedbyrichard has recently been mesmerised by a dress reversal (sic)…
  16. This set of the the same picture almost looks like a playing card. By armiteggio
  17. Triple-r-porn posts some witty anon confessions…
  18. TBT John Mulligan by resirionsoldrastuff
  19. Sorry, and more where no. 17 came from. Just that particular scene in Cold Feet was always a particular favourite of mine. And is one of the reasons why I always believed in John Mulligan. Redsirionsoldrastuff again
  20. If you need a few starting points for falling-asleep-daydreams, fizzyxcustard has a whole list of them
  21. This is so modern!SirGuy… I don’t remember ever seeing footage of RA presenting the BAFTA in his Guy looks… Posted by mzperx0506universe
  22. Wet Thorin. Need I say more? By thewarriorandtheking
  23. Sir Guy – fabulous edit by redsirionsoldrastuff. Love that it is so colourful!
  24. Interesting, possibly spoiler-y screencaps from the BS  trailer by deepestfirefun. Bad boy?
  25. And finally ending on a truly magnificent set compiled by deepestfirefun. Handsome? Yes. Dreamy? Boy, yes. 

Lastly – many thanks to all of you for the lovely birthday wishes I received – both in writing via the #richiebirthdaycardclub, as well as packages, tweets and PMs. I had such a wonderful day – quiet, but with all my loved ones around me. The best birthday present has come from myself, though. I have decided to give myself a smoke-free life. 48 hours now. I know, that is not much at all at this point. But it’s a start, and I am deliberately mentioning it here because I want the pressure of having to show the will-power to finally give up this bad habit. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I really want to give up smoking. However, I will definitely NOT give up smoking-hot Sir Guy…

From Andrea’s #richiebirthdaycardclub card for me… Gorgeous collage!

Enjoy your weekends, everyone!

Guylty ❤

77 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #29

  1. Good haul today! I submit INXS as a possible soundtrack for no. 13.

    Yay on a smoke-free existence. If you need a rude German yelling at you to stick to your guns, let me know! I do drill sergeant exceedingly well!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. First Richard gave you a gift selfie w his Halloween pic in that uber priced goth McQueen funeRAl wear garb so please post away. Last #25 days it all
    just a wonderful set of pics of him
    Drool worthy swoon worthy dream worthy!!! Seems to be a Mulligan infuses theme this set. I will reinforce the ban on smoking non preaching here but best decision health wise you will make 👏👏👏👏there’s more but I just woke up 😉😘


  3. Thank you for the lovely roundup! I just spent four dreadful hours sorting through my Mom’s financial and personal papers. There were some fond memories and some deeply painful surprises, so photos of our beautiful man are much appreciated!

    I third the congrats on your birthday gift to yourself! I’m already proud of you, and please remember, even if you have a setback or two, you are on the right path. You can do it! Three cheers for our wonderful Guylty!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, that is tough work, LL. I hope you can forget the painful surprises quickly and concentrate on the happy memories.
      Re. smoking – little setbacks will definitely happen. I did actually attempt to smoke a ciggie yesterday. But felt sick from just one drag, so quickly stubbed it out… But hey, I am already proud that I have managed to get the consumption down from 12 a day to about half a cigarette a day…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. LL that’s a great point! There will be setbacks but you are very strong and pour your energy into Posts😛crafting and walking listening to The Snowman and The Other Queen as he continues to narrate his 50,000 Audio this month 🤣😉we are all here to support you
    Some ficlets would be nice to throw in the lot for good measure hint hint 🤗


    • LOL “50,000th audio this month”.
      I’ve been thinking that I need to move my computer up into the rooms where I *never* smoke. That way the non-smoking habit will override the smoking habit…


      • The true point in your reply to LL is that one drag made you feel sick so there ya go. It’s like anything else in life one day at a time. Freeze that sick feeling in your brain the next time a craving hits. From 12 to half is already winning the battle girl!! Ausgezeichnet!!


        • 🙂 Thank you for your encouragement, Michele. I really appreciate – and need – it. 25 years of smoking is not that easy to break, but I am now mentally ready to really *want to* give up.


          • Grrr, WP just crashed and took my comment with it. I’m sure you can make it if you want to. People who feel they should quit or do it for others have a hard time. Motivation is key.

            Mr. H. smoked when we met and quit cold turkey. I didn’t even know he smoked (I’d never seen him) and apparently I made a derogatory remark about it on our first date (subtle as I am, I’m sure it was a beauty), so he decided not to tempt fate and just surrender right there. I only found out about it later when he was really cranky for the next two weeks and a friend of his enlightened me.

            Liked by 1 person

  5. You can beat the habit! My father stopped smoking overnight when my brother was born. I can’t even imagine how hard it was but he stuck with it – that was back in 1955! Sending you a big hug.


    • I’ve done the same – twice – before, every time I had my children. And then I once gave up smoking for Lent about 6 years ago. And stupidly, after those 6 weeks, I went back to smoking. How stupid can you get?

      Liked by 1 person

      • You can do it, Guylty! I was even more stupid… I once gave up for 2 years and then went back. But never again, and I really don’t miss it now. You’re right to think of moving your computer to somewhere you never smoke!

        Grear roundup! Thanks! Though I wonder if there’s something wrong with me – Mulligan? Nope… 😖

        I love vampire Standring and Lucas! 😂

        Liked by 1 person

                • I’m watching The Post and checking email simultaneously! I will take Paul socks on having sex over Mulligan. Paul was shifty but he at least committed somewhat to that relationship. Mulligan used her from day one humiliated her and then mindfucked her at the end. Yummy hair and clean shaven yup I’ll give you those two pluses😏🤗


                  • As I said, Mulligan is yummy, not nice.

                    I disagree on Paul though. He’s much more morally corrupt to me. Abusing a position of responsibility and trust with at risk youths like that? Despicable!


                    • Well yeah Paul was a scum bag too but I think he was developed a bit better than Mulligan but I wasn’t a big fan of BTS anyway. I haven’t seen Cold Feet yet so I don’t know Lee’s character
                      Alec Track was just plain aloof dedicated to his job. I felt sorry for the woman doctor I know how she felt liking someone that doesn’t like you back 🙄🤨👎


        • Oh, I have done the “stop smoking for two years and then go back” thing, too. Every time I had a baby. I am so annoyed with my lack of will power.
          As for Mulligan – yeah, ok, he’s a weasel. But a sexy one at that. He could’ve sold me anything.

          Liked by 2 people

  6. Lots of good stuff today! Thanks for gathering it. I love the white T-shirt edit of wardrobe choices! Good luck with the non-smoking. You can do it! I finally quit around 25 years ago before the first kid. I dreamt about smoking for a while, since I couldn’t do it while awake, but I got through it. Stick with it.


  7. happy belated Birthday. May you have many more filled with love,health and happiness. Been smoke free for 6 years. you can do it.I smoked much more in a day then you did.


  8. Standring as a vampir reminds me of an older Harry Potter. Maybe because I rewatch the dvds on halloween with my children. It is a quiet evening and I enjoy your round up, thanks
    I wish you luck with your non smoking. I smoked a short time as I was about twenty years old. Since that time I don’t fancy that at all. I can imagine that it is hard to stop after such a long time of smoking. ” My the force with you” oder wie war das?


  9. Great round-up, lots to oggle and swoon over…..
    Happy belated Birthday Guylty, I’m glad you enjoyed your day and good luck with quitting, that will be the best pressie you could give yourself for sure. x


  10. It was your birthday???!!! Belated birthday wishes and hugs coming your way 🤗
    Congratulations on giving up smoking, that you felt sick from only one drag shows that your body is already rejecting it I reckon. Hang in there and good luck x
    Great roundup as usual, and thank you for the link love once again – I was very happy with the way that gif turned out 😉


    • Thanks, Mezz.
      I wish there was a pill or something I could take that would make me feel really horrible every time I attempted to smoke – and every time I attempted to replace a fag with some sweets. Because that’s the other related struggle.


      • Be kind to yourself. It’s not just about willpower, or lack thereof. The tobacco companies deliberately make their cigarettes physically addictive, so you not only have to kick the mental, associative cravings, but the physical as well. No wonder it’s a tough ask! I’d hate to have to tackle it, I’ve never had any interest in smoking thank goodness, but giving up chocolate (ie sugar)? I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to that!


        • I couldn’t agree with you more, Mezz, especially about being kind to oneself. I’ve read several studies about how cigarettes are more difficult to kick than heroin, precisely because the manufacturers do deliberately make them so addictive. I never though my mother would be able to quit after 40+ years (she started in her mid-teens and my brother and I both suffered complications from it), but the prescription drug Chantix is what did it for her. She says that she didn’t have any cravings at all, which I wonder about, but she’s stayed smoke free. My dad used Nicorette gum to help him. I hope that you can find whatever works best for you, dear lady, and that you are very kind to the person who has undertaken this mighty task.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Kann ich gebrauchen.
      Und dir übrigens hier nur mal wenigstens schnell ein ganz schnelles Dankeschön für das tolle Geburtstagspaket. Ich will mich eigentlich viel ausführlicher bei dir zurückmelden und nciht nur mit einem dahingeworfenen Danke in den Kommentaren, aber immerhin schon mal hier ganz schnell, dass ich mich wahnsinnig über die total unerwartete Überraschung gefreut habe. Du bist ein Schatz!!!


  11. Thanks for the round-up Guylty Lol re Jeffrey Archer crossed-out comment! RA does lead us down some strange alleyways – it will be a real struggle with my conscience to download Heads You Win but I suspect I’ll do it. Makes me wonder where I would draw the line. Happy belated birthday too and good luck with your will power – I’ve got it down now to one a week and that seems to be working.


    • I had the same scruples as you, but well, I had an audible credit and so I “bought” it. It’s in my library now, but I was much keener on the Philippa Gregory book, so I am listening to that first.
      But yeah, I hear you – where to draw the line??? I have even caved in and bought that kid’s book. However, I do know that I will most probably NOT watch that psycho/horror film he made at the beginning of the year. Really not my genre.
      As for the smoking – yep, not entirely done with smoking yet. If I could get it down to one a week, I’d be delighted. That morning fag is still the first thought when I wake up in the morning…


  12. Great roundup, Guylty, thank you. Glad you had a good time on your birthday, you certainly deserved it for all your kindness to us. 🥇

    I hadn’t seen those pics of the “modern-day Sir Guy.” He seemed to have had a shave with a twenty-first century razor for the occasion.😅Quite eerie though, as if you might come across him in a Starbucks or somewhere. 😍 I shall live in hope. 😂

    Another one cheering you on for a ciggie-free future. I watched both my parents give them up so I know it’s not easy at all. 💐


  13. Leider sehr verspätet, aber dennoch von Herzen gratuliere ich dir zu deinem Geburtstag. Möge das kommende Lebensjahr erfreulich und hoffentlich sogar rauchfrei sein. Ich drücke dir die Daumen.


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