Happy Clip and Happy Mail

HI! I’m Guylty Pleasure and I am writing here to say thank you.

Seriously, that face above – easy to miss on the source video because it’s right at the beginning and half greyed-out – is pretty accurately the look on *my* face when I received a whole batch of happy mail yesterday. But I’ll get to that in a mo, first I want to get back to that happy clip.

OMG – if that isn’t a happy clip then I don’t know what is… After throwing us a tidbit just the other day, this is the morsel that Richard referred to: a free Audible download of a short Christmas story called The Christmas Hirelings. Happy happy – because like I said elsewhere, I *did* think it was about time that Audible rewarded Richard’s steadfast and loyal fans with a freebie. I have duly downloaded the piece – but not listened to it. Yet. But Richard sells the story well in this clip. It sounds sweet, and much better than the grumpy, misanthropic A Christmas Carol. I have never liked that story and could never fathom why that moralistic Victorian dampener was imposed on Christmas every year *ugh*.  Happy happy happy.

Search for The Christmas Hirelings online and you’ll get plenty of gorgeous, original illustrations from the Victorian novel (1894)

And yes, he looks really happy in this interview, too. Speaking lively and with many smiles. It could be the subject matter – a happy story of innocence and goodness and happiness. Mind you, The Snowman is another sweet Christmas story read by Richard, yet the video interview didn’t have the happy vibes that this one has. Anyway, you’d have to be a miserable old sod to frown while talking about this story, but I also hope it’s a little bit of genuine, inner-RA happiness, reflecting some regained peace and hope?!

And lastly, reading spectacles! Ha!







Listen, Richard, now that you have come out with your presbyopic glasses (much less discreetly called “old-age sightedness” in German – Alterssichtigkeit – yup, the Germans tell it as it is…), how about you also lay off those pubescent Instagram filters and present yourself as the gorgeous mature man that you are? Especially since you don’t seem to mind the bits of silver on your temples and your chin? Those eye crinkles do not make you any less of an attractive man.

In any case, those crinkles are totally and literally overshadowed by those gorgeous lashes… *hearteyeemoji*

And just a quick word about the voice. *Guylty melts into a puddle just from listening to the interview* This quote:

The excitement increased to fever-heat when Mr. Danby found a sixpence in his portion, and exhibited an amount of pleasure which indicated an avaricious disposition, and quite shocked Moppet. “I suppose you’ll give me your sixpence,” she said, stretching out a tiny palm in his direction. “You can’t want it yourself.“

Particularly “exhibited an amount of pleasure which indicated an avaricious disposition” is actually quite a tongue-twister to read, but oh, Mr A voices this as smoothly as a knife cutting through soft butter. Try saying “avaricious disposition” quickly five times in a row… yup, avarishush dishposishush… It just proves once again – he truly is a *great* narrator. And not only that, also a tremendous performer – the way he voices Moppet in that excerpt, is just the cutest thing ever… In short – I do look forward to listening to this story, and I am already quite grateful to Audible. Not just for the freebie – but also for a lovely interview. (I am only still puzzled why that video appearance needed a stylist? Surely Mr A looked pretty au naturel… Honestly, styling community, lay off that stunning man. He doesn’t need improving!)

Anyway, after my recent grumbling, grousing and general nagging over anything vaguely related to RA, does this happy post convince you I am still with you all, smitten by Mr Armitage? Well, I am.

Not least because this fandom will not let me go. It’s just too nice. Continuing with the happy theme, I really feel that I need to mention the amazing happy mail that I received yesterday. First of all – for those who are unfamiliar with the term happy mail: Usually describes receiving unsolicited mail containing anything that relates to the recipient’s individual hobbies. I initially encountered the term ‘happy mail’ in the junk journal community where crafters often share their ‘happy mail’ in videos – packages and parcels full of papers, stickers, lace, fabric, and any kind of bits and pieces that the recipient might like to have. So yesterday, I had “deliriously happy mail”! I received three parcels which I had not expected at all!!!

I am still floored by all these unexpected parcels and gifts. Christmas has definitely come early for me. Big thank yous to all of you, Donna, Hariclea, Kate and Eugeal – not just for the gifts enclosed, but actually for the gift of your time, your thoughts and your implied friendship. I am very, very happy to receive it all. And I hope I can eventually return all your kindnesses in some shape or form. Thank you xx.



302 thoughts on “Happy Clip and Happy Mail

  1. I’m sooo happy the clip made you as happy as it did me! And happy mail is Great. BTW, 👁 🕵🏻‍♀️ Walkers shortbread… Guess what I’m eating?


  2. 1. so happy you are happy and you got Happy Mail which is always wonderful esp when it is unexpected and from dear friends
    2. I love his reading glasses, I just melted when he put those on sigh sigh…
    3.I think he should definitely take your advice and lay off his pubescent (spot on word) filters, his side silver and tinged beard are swoonworthy and symbolize that he is mature
    4. Yes he didn’t need a stylist here, he could have worn the charcoal jumper from Their Lost Daughters or even a black or grey tee and jeans and looked marvelous
    5 He was upbeat and happy himself, maybe this story touched his heart and really drew him in
    6. Burying the lead here I am relieved and joyously happy as we all are here that you are smitten with Richard still (again although prefer clean shaven look)
    Will download the freebie now for plane trip next week!


    • hehehe, happiness is contagious. Not sure who started it all – was it Richard with his happy “HI!! at the beginning of the clip? Were it the blog posts I read yesterday that were all extremely positive about the clip? Or was it just that I had been made happy by the happy mail – and *then* discovered the video? 😉
      Hehe, Herba and I are already back to criticising Richard’s fashion choices. Not too impressed by those glasses… is that actually a blue-ish tint? *arrrrrgh* I remember those geek boys in the 1980s (when ‘geek’ was still an insult), having glasses that automatically changed tint indoors and outdoors *shudders*
      The darker turtleneck was definitely more up my street. I liked that style very much.
      And yep – audio books are a great distraction on flights. I’m sure it’ll make the trip much more of a pleasure!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think the FACT that he wears reading glasses is the biggest turn on for me. That might be an Armani jumper although it is very feminine esp the color. I love getting mail so I would have been on cloud nine receiving those parcels very sweet of them…
        The video is upbeat and light hearted. I’ve viewed it about 6 times now !!


        • Armani?????? OMG, seriously? If so, then Richard, darling – you have seriously overpaid for your outfit. You can get that kind of jumper for a fraction of the price in your local Marks & Spencer. Ladies dept, though 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        • Me too re the glasses so lay off us visually challenged people, Guylty! You have no idea how many pairs of glasses I have for different distances, despite having varifocals so yes, mine go dark outside 😂

          Love the video, looking forward to the story and wow, what a delightful trio of parcels 😃❤️


  3. I couldn’t find the words yesterday for how much I loved that interview. I snuggled up in my blanket and just watched it over and over again! it felt like the ‘old’ Richard to me. the hair reminded me of the Glamour taxi cab photoshoot, and I just loved that his face looked so natural in it (out, damned filter!). my favorite aspect of the vid is his playfulness and all the little body language quirks that I became accustomed to seeing in him. that ‘Hi!’ though at the beginning, lol! so cheesy but I ❤ it

    Liked by 3 people

    • Kelly!!!! I hardly know you!!!!
      But yes, that is the Richard of old – cheery, cheeky, enthusiastic. And oh-so-cuddly for it.
      And that hi at the beginning is the best bit. It really makes me giddy with giggles – and I have listened to his ‘hi’ about 20 times in a row. hi hi hi hi… He looks as if he is going to burst into laughter after it – and I love that.
      So yeah, a very good day, yesterday.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Was showing my Armitage friend at work The Snowman video and this one and she was really suprised at the difference. He does seem well-which I know is really what all us well wishers really hope for! I love the smile, the eyebrows, the hair and the jumper. I can do without the audiobook tbh (grumpy me). I think he needs a really big cuddle still but hey don’t we all?


  5. I loved to see that clip and his nice smile. And the free audiobook was a nice surprise for us 🙂
    I agree with you: nice, unexpected mail makes you happy 🙂 I’m glad that you liked my little Giz-on-a-stick, they look nice on that wreath 😀


  6. I think he is feeling cuddled by his cashmere – looking seater (jumper). That makes him happy, who doesn’t want a cuddle? Of course any one if us could do the job better than cashmere, but alas, I don’t see us getting the opportunity. Thanks for sharing happy mail, spreading cheer to everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This post makes me happy!!! Seeing Richard like this definitely makes me happy!!! 🤤🤤🤤 (I think this is a drool emoji!) (although as much I love seeing him in reading glasses, surely there are more stylish ones than those he wears. They’re very 80’s lol )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, I think the 80s are coming back, Mezz. I am wearing glasses that have that round-y 80s shape, too. (Mine don’t have a blue tint, though.) But whatever the shape – I kind of like seeing him in glasses. Just because they also make him look human 😉


      • I didn’t think the 80’s would ever come back! Shoulder pads, big hair, perms, fluoro colours, leg warmers……….. He mightn’t want to admit to getting older, but the “arms not long enough for reading” hits a lot of us in our 40’s, and I’m happy to see he’s one of us 😉 (my apologies for the inadvertent criticism of your preference for 80’s style specs!)


        • LOL – no worries re. the specs. I was literally waiting for years and years that the style would come back *grins*. Just because I really liked them – first time around and now 🙂 Same does NOT apply to shoulder pads, neon colours and perms. Particularly the latter would really disturb me, if fashion victim Richard went along with that *eeek*


            • Of course you had perms 😂😂😂😂😂 oh goodness, and I can just imagine what they looked like 😂😂😂😂 And that is not directed at you specifically, Michele. It’s just that I distinctly remember a student exchange with a school in Pennsylvania in 1986 – and boy, those American girls had mega perms and used tons of hairspray every day. The term “Betonfrisur” (concrete hairstyle) was coined for them…


          • Also wenn ich mir Richard mit Dauerwelle, Schulterpolstern und neongrünen Klamotten vorstelle, muss ich herzlich lachen. Das Bild, das ich da vorm geistigen Auge habe 🤣🤣🤣, einfach nur geil.


            • Ja, oder? Stell dir mal vor!!! Das wäre doch eigentlich mal was für eine leichte Komödie. Könnte glatt ein Hit werden – mit entsprechendem Mut zur Hässlichkeit. (Nur dass Herr A wahrscheinlich zu eitel dazu ist…)


              • Was heißt hier häßlich? Männer, die so aussahen, galten immerhin mal als Sexsymbole. Außerdem sollte man als ernsthafter Schauspieler doch die Herausforderungen suchen und die Komfortzone auch mal verlassen 😉.
                Ich würd mich jedenfalls tatsächlich riesig über eine Komödie freuen.


                • Huch… da fällt mir aber auch keiner ein… Ich war wohl doch noch zu jung dafür. (Sowas kann ich nur selten sagen…)
                  Eine Komödie ist schon lange auf meiner Wunschliste.


                  • Mir fallen auch grad keine Sexsymbole aus den 80ern ein. Da hat mich sowas einfach noch nicht interessiert. Aber es muss welche gegeben haben… irgendjemand war ja auch Vorbild für die Mode.


  8. Ach ja, das Video ist so wundervoll *seufz*,*träum*. Es sieht wirklich so aus, als ob er mit Spaß bei der Sache ist und es ihm vor allen Dingen richtig gut geht. Ich mag besonders die Aufnahmen im Profil, bei denen das Licht von schräg vorn kommt. Und wie die eine Augenbraue beim Lesen immer wieder leicht nach oben geht 😍.
    Nur die Brille ist nicht so mein Fall. Da gibt´s Modelle, die ihm besser stehen. Aber schon blöd, wenn man lange Arme hat und die dann trotzdem irgendwann nicht mehr lang genug sind 😜. Man kann übrigens auch Brillen kaufen, bei denen die Gläser so eine blaue Grundtönung haben ohne phototrop zu sein.
    Falls du Kates Cookies noch nicht probiert hast: Vorsicht, Suchtgefahr 🤤!
    Du magst Erdnussflips? Gibts die in Irland nicht zu kaufen? Die weltbeste Sorte ist das aber nicht, das weißt du schon 😉.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ich persönlich kann Erdnussflips nicht ausstehen, deshalb kenne ich mich da nicht aus. Ich kann nur Cookies. 😉
      Umfrage an alle: Was ist denn die beste Marke?


    • Ja, diese Dreiviertelprofilaufnahmen sind schon wirklich Schokoladenseite, oder? Ich konnte mich da beim Anschauen auch nicht zurückhalten, ganz viele Screencaps zu machen. Eins schöner als das andere… vor allem wenn man mal wieder full-on Wimpernporno zu sehen kriegt.
      LOL – Arme nicht mehr lang genug… Ach, und solche Brillen gibts auch einfach nur als fashion statement in blau? *hüstel* nun ja, nicht so ganz mein Fall, aber der modebewusste Herr von Welt hat sich wahrscheinlich auch in *dem* Fall von einem Trendsetter beraten lassen…
      Und nee, ich hab die Cookies bisher noch nicht probiert (aber schon eine Tüte Erdnussflips weggemampft).
      Ehm, nee, bei den Erdnussflipssorten bin ich ehrlich gesagt total wahllos. Was ist denn da die beste Sorte? (Ich mag normalerweise am allerliebsten die ganzen no name-Sorten von Aldi, Lidl und Co.)


      • The cookie and snacks shelves of Lidl are dangerous, especially at Christmas time. They have too many delicious things, not the best if you want to lose weight. I also love the cookies and snacks they have in the Flying Tiger shops 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        • That’s very true, Eugeal – Christmas time is the best for German sweets. I haven’t actually made it to Lidl for the Christmas sweets yet, but my sister in law bought me the chocolate covered ginger bread a couple of days ago… yum!
          Flying Tiger – Danish butter cookies are the best! All year ’round 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • I bought Lebkuchen at Lidl and I love them so much. When I lived in Rome, Lidl didn’t exist in Italy yet and they were very difficult to find. My husband’s parents instead are from Bozen and there it was very easy to find German sweets, but… he always hated them! So when I buy them at Lidl, they are ALL MINE! 😀 I feel like Gollum: my preciousssss 😀


              • Die Wochen vor Weihnachten sind definitiv die härteste Prüfung für die Selbstbeherrschung. All die leckeren selbstgebackenen Plätzchen, Lebkuchen (für mich bevorzugt vom Bäcker), Spekulatius und weihnachtlichen Schokoladenvariationen… Tödlich für die Kleidergröße. Gut, dass nicht das ganze Jahr Weihnachten ist 😉.


                  • Die Adventsvöllerei endet ja zum Glück spätestens in zwei Wochen. Und die Entzugsüberbrückungsgelüste werden hoffentlich stetig weniger, je länger du rauchfrei bist. Im Moment steht die Waage bei mir so ungünstig, dass ich einfach nicht in die Verlegenheit komme, mich da drauf zu stellen. Hauptsache, die Hose geht noch irgendwie zu 😉.


            • My Mum used to have to go to posh shops in the 80s to pick up lebkucken so it’s wonderful it’s so easily available from Lidl these days! I’ve a thing for their Advocaat chocolate barrels 😁

              Liked by 1 person

          • Flying Tiger? I will have to google them… I love Danish cookies but German chocolate esp Kinder schokolade are the absolute best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • Flying Tiger are dangerous places: you enter to buy a pen or some cookies and you get out with no money and two bags filled of little useless pretty things 😀
              My husband hates them because he knows that I get out of control there 😀

              Liked by 2 people

                • Exactly! 😀
                  Too bad we don’t have Target in Italy. Or maybe it’s for the best… Flying Tiger and Primark are already enough to take all my money (alongside with Amazon). 😀
                  Isn’t it cool? We live in different countries but we can go to the same shops to throw our money out of the window! 😀
                  If only we had more Starbucks (the first one in Italy opened last year in Milan)…

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • I use Starbucks as a treat or if I need a pick me up (which is often these days) but Amazon and E Bay and Target do me in all the time esp this time of year!!!! We have Dollar Stores in the US (all merchandise is $1) and my friend and I were there last weekend getting stocking stuffers and Flat Richie ideas and it was a mob house!!!


                    • When I want to really punish myself, I watch Dollar Store hauls on YT – and get green with envy. We have Euro shops here in Ireland, but the product range is so small, and the quality of the products is so crap, it’s almost not worth buying anything there…


                  • Seriously? You only got Starbucks last year?
                    Actually – you don’t need Starbucks in Italy, Eugeal! Every little café bar brews better coffee in Italy, than Starbucks could.


                    • If you want espresso yes, but Starbucks ones are different kinds of coffee drinks. Funnily the best place where I drink cappuccino in my town is McDonald’s. They make him very good and cheaper than the other places.
                      I found out in Munich that Starbucks coffee is very useful in winter: you walk around with that very very hot paper cup and your hands are warm even if it’s freezing outside 😀


                    • LOL – yes, the coffee cups are definitely good for that. (Although they are really bad for the environment – apparently they are not recyclable. 😦 )
                      And ah – I was indeed thinking of the espressos I had in little bars in Bologna. I just loved the whole coffee culture there, and I dislike a US company taking over something so quintessentially Italian 😦


                    • I’d love to see a Starbucks in Verona. It wouldn’t replace Italian coffee, but it would be another choice (and good for the tourists of course).
                      But we have a place that makes bubble tea (it’s probably the weirdest drink I ever tried, but I like it) 😀


                    • Oh no no no… I am a purist when it comes to all this. Bubble tea can stay in Shanghai (which is where I had it first – bizarre stuff)…
                      But well, you are right – I guess it is about choice. (I’m just angry with Starbucks because the company is very active in Ireland – but is notorious for tax evasion.)

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • I’m always open to try new drinks and food 😀
                      Another weird drink I tried (and I think that I’m the only Italian who likes it) is a fizzy espresso: it’s made with coffee, but carbonated like soda drinks. Weird and kinda awful, but sometimes I like to drink it.
                      I used to like the pizza cone too: a pizza shaped like an ice cream cone 😀
                      Too bad the place that made it closed a few years ago


                    • Oh, are they tax evaders, too??? Hm, I suspect I would find it much harder to stay true to my principles when it comes to a craft superstore that sells all those things that I desperately want *hehehe*


                    • They are a nasty lot pro NRA ultra conservative Christian fundamentalists
                      Probably tax evaders although in US doesn’t seem to matter they are based in the South primarily
                      I tell my sis all of this aka principles and she says tosh tosh I gotta have my crafting fix!!


                    • Yes Guylty me too but I did realize after I hit post comment that there are commenters US here based that might take offense at what I wrote and deem it shall we say judge MENTAL so I should refrain from political tosh tosh here. I don’t want to offend anybody it’s all love 💗 yeah know?


                • If I lived in the US, you’d probably have to permanently restrain me to keep me away from Target, as well as Michaels, Joann’s and HobbyLobby. Those craft mega stores would
                  be the death of me. Or rather my bank account. And my relationship.

                  Liked by 1 person

      • Da dachte ich aufgrund des Paketinhalts, dass ich es hier mit Erdnussflipsgourmets zu tun habe und nun diese Enttäuschung 😉. Ich denke, da muss dringend eine Flipsverkostung her. Weltbeste war allerdings vielleicht etwas übertrieben, schließlich kenne ich ja nur die Sorten, die man in Deutschland kaufen kann. Da kauf ich dann aber tatsächlich nur noch eine Sorte. Werde ich gleich mal besorgen und dann sehen wir weiter…
        Um die Qualität des Produktes zu erhalten, sollte man Erdnussflips sowieso möglichst schnell essen, wenn die Tüte erstmal auf ist. Also alles richtig gemacht Guylty 😉.


        • hehe, ups… nun ja, wenn man Erdnussflips-Expat ist, dann nimmt man ja sowieso alles, was man kriegen kann. U.a. deshalb bin ich da auch nicht wählerisch – damit mir meine Besucher einfach aus dem Supermarkt ihres Vertrauens eine Tüte mitbringen. Nun bin ich aber schwer gespannt, was du nach der Verköstigung dann sagst.
          Übrigens absolut richtig, was das zügige Konsumieren einer Erdnussflipstüte angeht. Ich verhalte mich da vorschriftsgemäß. Meine Tüten sind nie lange auf…


  9. Es ist einfach schön, mal wieder einen Grund zur Freude zu haben und etwas, das von Herrn RA kommt, so richtig gut finden zu können. Da ist die Sache mit der umstrittenen Brille sogar ein Bonus, der die Diskussion belebt. Das ganze Video ist schlicht entzückend, er liest wunderbar, sein Gesicht ist lebendig (mit all den kleinen Sachen, die er so damit anstellt) und die STIMME… hach! Könnte er nicht mitkriegen, dass so ein natürliches Auftreten derart gut ankommt und das altersverleugnende Gedöns sein lassen?
    P.S.: Die von dir eingefangenen Bilder sind sehr gelungen – diese Wimpern!!


    • Du sagst es, Elanor. Ich fände es auch wirklich schön, wenn er von seinen Fans mitkriegen würde, dass wir besonders dann auf ihn stehen, wenn er sich nicht mit Filtern weichzeichnen lässt. Genau deshalb auch mal dieser – für meine Verhältnisse – geradezu überbordend positive Beitrag. Ist man bei mir ja gar nicht mehr gewöhnt, nachdem ich in letzter Zeit immer nur gestänkert habe…
      Und ja, die Wimpern… *schwärm* die haben es mir auch angetan.
      Mein Gott, ist der Mann gutaussehend *schwärm*

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Someone has been good this year XD And you deserve all of that, and more.<3
    As for Richard, what can we say? ❤ Our sighs say it all. Maybe we should ask astronauts up at the station do they here us XD


  11. Mal völlig abseits des Themas: Was war eigentlich dein Blogeintrag mit den meisten Kommentaren Guylty und wieviele Kommentare hatte der?


  12. Sigh, I’m always so late to the party nowadays. I miss all the good discussions. I’d meant to comment on this right away and of course got sidetracked. Soooo….my incredibly important contribution? The glasses he wears may not be just reading glasses but also (or even mostly) to cut down on screen glare. The fact that they are tinted blue is what makes me suspect this. I have a friend at work who has a gigantic filter that she has over her screen, and myself, part of the reason I wear colored contact lenses is because my eyes are so freakin’ light-sensitive that it pains me even when I’m indoors. I HAVE to wear sunglasses outside or risk a stonkin’ great headache. People with light blue eyes can be prone to this type of light-sensitivity (as can people with fibromyalgia; I have both the eyes and the affliction), and we all know about RA’s abfab eyes. The fact that he is always wearing sunglasses and has a goodly assortment of squinty wrinkles from when he is out in the sun without them further leads me to this mostly useless conclusion.

    But…yeah…he has definitely reached the age of needing reading glasses. My younger sister got her first pair a few weeks ago and although I wanted to tease her mercilessly (as she has done me about things too numerous to count), I was restrained. Don’t know why….little brat doesn’t deserve it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • oh that’s interesting! my eyes are blue grey but i had prescription sunglasees as a kid for light sensitivity and do suffer to a degree including the wrinkles! can’t live without my sunglasses which is why i spend more and get polarised ones too. I also suffer migraines more and more and light sensitivity is alwasy a big issue with those


      • For me it’s the contrary. I have brown eyes and I never wear sunglasses because I need all the light I can get. During winter my husband is always complaining because I turn on all the lights in the house and then I forget them on and at summer he can’t get out without sunglasses while I wear them only in very rare occasions (i.e. if I have to drive) and mostly ones that aren’t too dark.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, don’t worry, LoLo – as you can see, I do not always comment right away, either. Life happens, and you had quite a few things happening recently…
      Anyway, thanks for the explanation re. tinted glasses. That’s quite interesting. You are right, of course – light-skinned and blue-eyed people can be quite light-sensitive. (I have noticed something similar in myself in the last few years. I am not blue-eyed, but definitely light-skinned, and in the summer I really need sunglasses now…).
      Anyway, nothing bad about needing reading glasses, of course. Part and parcel of growing a little older 😉


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